Exposure noun, expose verb
When learners listen to or read language without being consciously aware of it.
A fact or situation which influences the result of something, e.g. the factors which decide whether someone learns a language successfully or not.
First language: see mother tongue, L1.
Focus on form
To pay attention to language by identifying and practising it.
Aims that a student or teacher may have.
Help given by a teacher with learning, or with doing a task.
Ignore (errors)
To choose not to pay attention to something such as an error made by a student. A teacher may do this if they want to help the student with fluency, not accuracy.
Independent study
Studying without a teacher present. This can be done at home, in a library etc.
Inductive learning
An approach to learning in which students are not first taught the rules of grammar. They work out the rules for themselves by using the language. See deductive learning.
When the learner’s mother tongue influences their performance in the target language. A learner may make a mistake because they use the same grammatical pattern in the target language as they use in their mother tongue. The L1 grammatical pattern is not appropriate in L2.
Learners’ own version of the second language which they speak as they learn. Interlanguage is constantly changing and developing as learners learn more of the second language.