Nazorat shakli: Diktant. Internet in daily life

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9-sinf uchun 1-Nazorat ishi
Mavzu: Communications

Nazorat shakli: Diktant.

Internet in daily life.
More and more people nowadays are interested to be known about all events, in taking some information quickly. With the help of Internet you can make it easily. Now millions of people around the world are logging into libraries, call up satellite weather photos, download computer programs and music, take part in discussion groups. Even the Presidents have their own Internet accounts. In fact, anyone with modern connected to the phone line can enjoy Internet. Nowadays millions of people in the world have access to internet. In the modern Europe this number is more than 200 million Internet users. Internet users are unimpressed by television promise of 500 channel future. The Internet already delivers 100.000 channels for all interests. In future all techniques will be connected to the Internet. Now we can connect to the Internet. Now we can connect with Internet mobile phone, photo camera, computers and even alarm clock. Now we can be connected with the entire world everywhere – in the bus, underground and even on the North Pole. Internet is very useful in our daily life.

2-Nazorat ishi
Mavzu: The world of work

Nazorat shakli: Test.

1. Complete the sentences:

I don’t like swimming because …. .

a). I like team games c). I’m not very tall e). I’m a pupil

b). I’m afraid of water d). I’m not agree

2. My brother and I can’t go to the football match, so …..

a). to do karate too. c). we love football. e). for her school

b). we are going to watch it on TV. d). they love tennis

3. Sport …. …. Because it makes us healthy.

a). is dangerous b). afraid of water c). makes me strong d). is good for you

4. At the end of the day I am very tired but … …

a). I keep working there c). I can’t tired

b). I teach five classes d). I like rest e). I like my job

5. I’m good at …..

a). telling jokes b). sport c). be aggressive d). speaking in Spain

6. Choose the verbs:

Everybody …. have computers at home in the future

a). shall b). will c). would d). should e). must

7. In the morning the letters are …. by postman.

a). collects b). collecting c). collected d). clean e). taking

8. I didn’t have my breakfast because I …. late.

a). come b). stay c). will ring d). shall go e). got up

9. The tourists …. …. a museum now.

a). are visiting b). visit c). visited d). will visit e). have visited

10. When I came, my brother and sisters … for me.

a). are waiting b). will wait c). would wait d). were waiting E. have waited

3-Nazorat ishi
Mavzu: Education

Nazorat shakli: Ijodiy bayon.
Education in Great Britain.
In England compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children go to a nursery school are called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

In Primary School and First School children learn to read and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. After that, students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree.
4-Nazorat ishi.
Mavzu: School and Community.

Nazorat shakli: Test.
1. Choose the best answer what types of schools are there in England and Wales. There are …. Schools there.

a). five types of c). three types

b). four types of d). six types of e). seven types of

2. What age do children go to school in England and Wales.

a). at the age of 7 c). at the age of 5

b). at the age of 6 d). at the age of 4 e). at the age of 3.

3. What are private school called in England and Wales.

a). public schools c). nursery schools e). junior schools

b). comprehensive schools d). infant schools

4. How do your parents get to work? They get to work …

a). at half past b). from time to time c). by bus

d). they respect people e). together

5. Why do your parents work. They work ….

a). to meet with their friends c). they wouldn’t like to sit at home

b). to wear a uniform d). in order to earn money

e). to bay something

6. Choose the synonyms The state nursery schools are not for all.

a). comprehensive c). grammar schools

b). kindergarten d). private e). high

7. National flags and emblems.

a). garland b). head c). king d). policy e). taken

8. Choose the antonym Better late than never.

a). good b). worse c). bad d). nice e). O.K

9. E. Newton was born in a little village

a). lived b). came in to the world c). came in d). found e). died

10. …. St of January is …. holiday of all people in …..

a). the/on/the c). the/a/a

b). a/the/the d). the/the/a e). -/the/a

5-Nazorat ishi.
Mavzu: Government and Political structure

Nazorat shakli: Diktant
The Queen and the Parliament
In Britain the Queen is the head of the State, but in fact she doesn’t rule the country, as she has no power. The Queen is a symbol of the country history and its traditions. She is very rich. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visit schools, hospitals and other special places. So do all members of the royal family: the Queen’s husband, her son Prince Charles and the Queen’s daughter Princess Anna, and Princess Margaret.

The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament ant to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: The House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords doesn’t have much power but it is very important as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the Policy of the country, taxes and many other things.

The members of the house of Lords are not elected. These members are permanent. They are often aristocrats, people of the church, lawyers and former politicians. The members of the house of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every Five years.
6-Nazorat ishi.
Mavzu: Advertising and marketing

Nazorat shakli: Test
1. Read and choose the best answer.

It’s got 5 stripes: blue, red, white red and green. There is a crescent and 12 stars in the top left hand corner. The crescent means newly independent country and the stars represent the different provinces of the country. What flag is it?

  1. New Zealand b) Australia c) Uzbekistan d) USA

2. Choose the best answer to the question.

What is the official name of the UK?

England b) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

c) Britain d) Great Britain

3. Find the element that you can’t see on American Flag.

  1. leaf b) stars c) white stripes d) red stripes

4. Find the country in which emblem you find flowering valley.

  1. USA B) UK c) Australia d) Uzbekistan

5. Find the right answer to the question.

When was the sovereign Republic of Uzbekistan founded?

a) December 8, 1992 b) August 31, 1992 c) September 1, 1992

d) March 2, 1993

6. Find the right answer to the question.

What does ‘Constitution’ mean?

  1. the system of laws and principles for governing a country or an organisation

  2. believing in or practising the principle of equality.

  3. the group of people who govern

  4. a person who has been chosen to act for someone else or for a group of people

7. Complete the sentence.

The US president ... for four years.

  1. elect b) elects c) elected d) is elected

8. Complete the sentence.

The British Houses of Parliament ... right beside the River Thames.

  1. situated b) is situated c) are situated d) situates

9. Complete the sentence.

Uzbekistan ... into twelve regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

  1. is divided b) are divided c) dividing d) divide

10. Choose the right answer to the question.

How many parts does the UK Parliament consist of?

  1. 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

7-Nazorat ishi

Mavzu: Industry and service

Nazorat shakli: Yozma ish
8-Nazorat ishi.

Mavzu: Globalization

Nazorat shakli: Test
1. Choose the right answer to the question.

How many political parties are there in Uzbekistan?

  1. 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

2. Choose the right variant of indirect speech.

‘Why did you choose politics as a career?’

  1. She asked me why I had chosen politics as a career.

  2. She asked me why I choose politics as a career.

  3. She asked me why I chosen politics as a career.

  4. She asked me why I am choosing politics as a career.

3. Choose the right variant of indirect speech.

Jane: «What has happened to us?»

Jane asked what had happened to her.

Jane ordered what had happened to them.

Jane asked what was happened to us.

d) Jane asked what had happened to them.

4. Choose the right variant of indirect speech.

Mother said: " We must punish you."

  1. Mother ordered to punish him.

  2. Mother said that they will punish him.

  3. Mother said that they had to punish him.

  4. Mother said that they have to punish him.

5. Choose the right variant of indirect speech.

Pete said: " I can’t understand why Tom is so late."

a) Pete said that he couldn’t understood why Tom was so late.

b) Pete said that he can’t understood why Tom was so late.

c) Pete said that he understand why Tom was so late.

d) Pete said that he couldn’t understand why Tom was so late.

6. ‘Why does MPs shout so much during debates?’

  1. She asked why MPs shouts so much during debates.

  2. She asked why MPs are shouting so much during debates.

  3. She asked why MPs have shouted so much during debates.

  4. She asked why MPs shouted so much during debates.

7. Choose the right answer to complete the sentence.

The number of The People’s Democratic Party members ... the number of The Progress for Motherland Party members.

  1. great than b) greater than c) is greater than d) are greater than.

8. Put the appropriate form of the verb.

He ... up this evidence in a newspaper and ... it back into the room where

Jane …

a) was gathering /carried/ sewing; b) gather/ carry/ sew

c) gathered/ carried/ was sewing d) has gathered/ carried/ sewed

9. Put the appropriate form of the verb.

When he ... I ... that he ... a little ball of plastic between his fingers.

  1. talks/ notice/ roll b) talked/ notice/ rolled

c) had talked/ noticed/ was rolling d) was talking/ noticed/ was rolling

10. Put the appropriate form of the verb.

While the water ... Mr. Parker ... sweeping the floor.

a) heated / began b) is heating/ began c) has heated/ began d) was heating/ began

9-sinf uchun

15-dars. 1- Mustaqil ish
Mavzu: Communications.

Mustaqil ish shakli: Diolog tuzish.

  1. diologda mavzuga oid savollarni to‘g‘ri tuza olishi

  2. gaplarda fe’llarni to‘g‘ri qo‘llashi

  3. yozish va o‘qish jarayonida grammatik xatolarga e’tibor berishi

  4. yozma nutqni bayon etishda tinish belgilari qo‘yilishi holatini aniq bilishi

  5. savolga javob berishda predloglarni to‘g‘ri qo‘llay olishi

39-dars. 2 - Mustaqil ish
Mavzu: Education.

Mustaqil ish shakli: Matn tuzish.

  1. fikrni grammatik va imlo qoidalariga rioya qilgan holda yozma bayon qilish

  2. gapning ohangiga qarab tinish belgilarini qo‘ya olishi

  3. matnni mazmunan tarjima qila olishi

  4. gapning to‘g‘ri yozilganligini tekshirish

67-dars. 3- Mustaqil ish
Mavzu: Political Parties.

Mustaqil ish shakli: Gazetadagi matnni o ‘qib tarjima qilish(matnni o ‘qituvchi tanlab beradi)

  1. matn mazmunini anglab olishi

  2. gaplarni to‘liq va to‘g‘ri tarjima qilishi

  3. matndagi gaplarni so‘z turkumi jihatidan tahlil qila olishi

  4. gapdagi so ‘zlarni to‘g‘ri talaffuz qila olishi

91-dars. 4- Mustaqil ish
Mavzu: Industry and services

Mustaqil ish shakli: Rasm asosida gapirish

  1. rasm asosida gaplar tuza olishi

  2. fikrni grammatik va imlo qoidalariga rioya qilgan holda bayon eta olishi

  3. rasmni tasvirlashda rang tasvirga e’tibor berishi

  4. savollarga javob bera olishi

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