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Махсус сиртқи бўлим
“Xорижий тиллар - 1” кафедраси “Хорижий тил (Инглиз тили)” фанидан
5 йиллик махсус сиртқи таълим бўлими 1- курс талабалари учун
сессия оралиғи назорат ишлари
Student: Alimova Dilafruz
5 йиллик махсус сиртқи бўлим талабалари учун “Хорижий тил (Инглиз тили)” фанидан сессия оралиғи назорат иши топшириқлари
Фан: Инглиз тили
Назорат иши топшириқларининг асосий мақсади: 5 йиллик махсус сиртқи бўлим талабаларининг ўқиш жараёнида коммуникатив компетенцияларини ривожлантириш. Тил ўқитиш ва ўрганиш билан боғлиқ бўлган мақсадларга эришиш; талабаларнинг эгаллаган малака ва кўникмаларини назорат қилиш ва ривожлантириш билан боғлиқ бўлган вазифалар. Талабаларга инглиз тилидан асосан мулоқат воситаси сифатида фойдаланиш, яъни, нутқ фаолиятининг тинглаб тушуниш, гапириш, ўқиш ва ёзиш каби асосий турларига хос бўлган кўникмаларни шакллантиришдан иборат.
Criterion for mid-term exam
The 2 given tasks will be assessed within 5 points and the each task score will be calculated to sum up the average mark.
Yuqorida berilgan 2 ta vazifalarning har biri 5 baho bilan baholanadi hamda baholar yig’indisi jamlanib 2 ga bo’linadi va o’rtacha bahosi hisoblab chiqariladi.
Каждое из 2 вышеуказанных заданий оценивается в 5 баллов, а итоговая сумма баллов делится на 2 и вычисляется средний балл.
Scale of rating:
0—2.4=2 points (failed)
2.6 - 3.5=3 points (passed)
3.6—4.5=4 points (passed)
4.6—5=5 points (passed)
TASK 1: Video task.
Record a video about “Students' social responsibilities in the life and development of the country in a quarantine period ”. This task is worth 5 points. The student should himself or herself individually present on the screen and tape his or her own voice.
(Video topshiriq 1. “Talabalarning mamlakat hayoti va rivojlanishidagi ijtimoiy vazifalari” mavzusida video rolik tayyorlang. Videoda talabaning o’zi gapirishi va ko’rinishi kerak.)
(Запишите видео о “Социальные обязанности студентов в жизни и развитии страны”. Это задание оценивается в 5 баллов. Студент должен сам презентовать на экране и записать свой собственный голос.)
This task is worth 5 points.
Write an essay using your life experience. “What are the most effective ways of learning English during the pandemic of COVID-19 coronavirus” (at least 80 words).
Most New Yorkers diagnosed with COVID-19 are not life-support workers, do not use the subway, and are not in prisons or homeless shelters where the disease can easily spread.
Most of New Yorkers who were recently hospitalized are people who stayed at home and did not use public transportation. Some traveled on foot or in their cars about their business.
This is confirmed by a survey of new patients with coronavirus. The survey covered a three-day period and was conducted at more than 100 hospitals across the state.
Preliminary information was released on May 6 by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. That, he said, confirms the need for New Yorkers to redouble their efforts to protect themselves and their loved ones. This means you need to wear face masks, wash your hands often, and keep your distance from other people.
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