Nomi: What Differences between Parents 'and Teachers' Views about their Relationships in Québec (Canada)
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Maqolaning google tarjimasi Nomi: What Differences between Parents 'and Teachers' Views about their Relationships in Québec (Canada) Ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning qarashlari o'rtasida qanday farqlar bor Kvebekdagi munosabatlar (Kanada) Over the past 50 years, a consensus emerged from the scientific literature regarding the positive effects of school, family and community partnerships on school achievement. However, researchers noted that the implementation of these partnerships still gives rise to tensions on the ground. This research tackled with how parents and teachers get involved in the school-family-community cooperation process to support pupils at the elementary school (age 6 to 12). The goal of this paper is to compare on the one hand, the parents' views in their narratives on parents and teachers practices, and on the other hand, the teachers' views in their narratives on parents and teachers practices as well, to gain insight on the tensions characterizing these partnerships and on the possible solutions set forth by these actors. To this end, the empirical analyses are based on a approach with qualitative interviews among 14 teachers and 45 parents of pupils at six elementary schools in the Greater Quebec City area. To this end, interviews were conducted with 14 teachers and 45 parents of pupils at six elementary schools in the Greater Quebec City area. The results suggest that practices such as school-family communication or homework are privileged among parents and teachers. The analyses also suggest that parents and teachers diverge over the tools teachers use to support parents involvement. O'tgan 50 yil ichida ilmiy adabiyotlarda konsensus paydo bo'ldi maktab, oila va jamiyat hamkorligining ijobiy ta'siri haqida maktab yutug'i. Biroq, tadqiqotchilar bularning amalga oshirilishini ta'kidladilar hamkorliklar hamon yerdagi keskinlikni keltirib chiqarmoqda. Ushbu tadqiqot bilan shug'ullangan ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar maktab-oila-jamoa hamkorligida qanday ishtirok etadilar boshlang'ich maktab o'quvchilarini qo'llab-quvvatlash jarayoni (6 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha). Buning maqsadi qog'oz, bir tomondan, ota-onalarning hikoyalaridagi fikrlarini solishtirishdir ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning amaliyoti, boshqa tomondan, o'qituvchilarning fikrlari ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar amaliyoti haqida hikoyalar, shuningdek, keskinliklar haqida tushunchaga ega bo'lish ushbu hamkorliklarni tavsiflash va ular tomonidan belgilab qo'yilgan mumkin bo'lgan echimlar aktyorlar. Shu maqsadda empirik tahlillar sifat bilan yondashishga asoslanadi 6 ta boshlang'ich maktabda 14 nafar o'qituvchi va 45 nafar o'quvchilarning ota-onalari o'rtasida suhbat Katta Kvebek shahri hududi. Shu maqsadda 14 kishi bilan suhbat o'tkazildi Katta Kvebekdagi oltita boshlang'ich maktabda o'qituvchilar va 45 o'quvchilarning ota-onalari Shahar hududi. Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, maktab va oila aloqasi kabi amaliyotlar yoki uy vazifasi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar orasida imtiyozli hisoblanadi. Tahlillar ham taklif qiladi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar o'qituvchilar ota-onalarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun foydalanadigan vositalar haqida farq qiladi ishtirok etish. INTRODUCTION Reflections on the development and implementation of school, family and community (SFC) partnerships are not new. The knowledge, practices, competencies and actions of the actors involved in these partnerships have been investigated, analyzed and reflected on in the scientific literature and in political and public debates five decades now. The recommendations of researchers (Deslandes, 2020; Epstein, 2011; Wilder, 2014) and educational policies have emphasized the need to foster partnership approaches among these actors, namely, school administrators, school staff, teachers, parents and various social actors (OECD, 2010) KIRISH
(SFC) hamkorliklari yangi emas. Bilimlari, amaliyotlari, malakalari va harakatlari ushbu hamkorlikka jalb qilingan ishtirokchilar tekshirildi, tahlil qilindi va aks ettirildi 50 yildan beri ilmiy adabiyotlarda, siyosiy va ommaviy munozaralarda. The tadqiqotchilarning tavsiyalari (Deslandes, 2020; Epstein, 2011; Wilder, 2014) va ta'lim siyosati ushbu sub'ektlar, ya'ni maktab ma'muriyati, maktab xodimlari, o'qituvchilar, ota-onalar va turli o'rtasida hamkorlik yondashuvlarini rivojlantirish zarurligini ta'kidladi. ijtimoiy aktyorlar (OECD, 2010). not foster parental involvement and, in fact, spurs parents to adopt a posture of resistance and distance themselves from the school. According to these authors, parents feel that their involvement at school, particularly in school councils, is only figurative, as their opinions are not really taken into account. On the other hand, Larivée (2011) reported that parents appear to appreciate all forms of school involvement. In fact, many studies dealing with SFC partnerships have investigated and analyzed parental involvement (PI); however, few studies have examined teacher involvement (TI). This paper aims to address this gap in the literature by analyzing and comparing together forms of PI and TI Biroq, SFC hamkorliklari ilgari surilgan va ularning ijobiy ta'siri isbotlangan bo'lsa-da, ular bo'yicha bahslar hali ham davom etmoqda. Larivee (2012) ta'kidlaganidek, shunchaki targ'ib qilish maktab va oila hamkorligi ularning yaxshilanishiga olib kelishi shart emas. Xuddi shunday vein, Deslandes & Barma (2015) ta'kidlashicha, savol "ota-onalikmi?" ishtirok etish haqiqatan ham orzu qilingan» (31-bet, trans.), garchi tadqiqot natijalari buni ko'rsatgan bo'lsa ham ijobiy ta'sirlar. Kanouté va Calvet (2008) ta'kidlashicha, "bir tomonlamalik maktab-oila hamkorligining asosiy shartlarini belgilashda maktablar” (172-bet, trans.) qiladi. ota-onalarning ishtirokini qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi va aslida ota-onalarni shunday pozitsiyani qabul qilishga undaydi qarshilik va maktabdan uzoqlashish. Ushbu mualliflarning fikriga ko'ra, ota-onalar ularning maktabda, ayniqsa maktab kengashlarida ishtirok etishi faqat majoziy ekanligini his qilish, chunki ularning fikrlari haqiqatda inobatga olinmaydi. Boshqa tomondan, Larivee (2011) ota-onalar maktabda ishtirok etishning barcha shakllarini qadrlashlari haqida xabar berishdi. Aslida, ko'p SFC hamkorliklari bilan bog'liq tadqiqotlar ota-onalarni o'rganib chiqdi va tahlil qildi ishtirok etish (PI); ammo, o'qituvchilarning ishtiroki (TI) o'rganilgan bir nechta tadqiqotlar mavjud. Bu maqola tahlil qilish va birgalikda solishtirish orqali adabiyotdagi ushbu bo'shliqni bartaraf etishga qaratilgan PI va TI shakllari Epstein’s Model: the Theoretical Basis for SFC Partnerships Epstein’s model was used in this study to operationalize the practices of the actors relating to SFC partnerships. The principles of this model include 1) shared institutional responsibility, 2) an emphasis on coordination, cooperation and complementarity between the school and family, and 3) fostering communication and collaboration between these two institutions. In this model, the school and family share responsibility for a pupil’s socialization and education. Thus, Epstein’s model emphasizes coordination, cooperation and complementarity between the school and family, and the importance of fostering communication and collaboration between these two institutions. Epstein's collaborative model defines the roles, actions, and interactions of parents and educators. Epstein defines parental involvement through the following dimensions: parenting, learning at home, volunteering, communicating with the school, decision making and collaborating with the community. The roles, actions and relationships operating within these dimensions are described as principal components of PI. Epshteyn modeli: SFC hamkorligining nazariy asoslari Ushbu tadqiqotda aktyorlarning amaliyotini amaliyotga tatbiq etish uchun Epshteyn modelidan foydalanilgan SFC hamkorliklari bilan bog'liq. Ushbu modelning tamoyillari 1) umumiy institutsional mas'uliyat, 2) muvofiqlashtirish, hamkorlik va bir-birini to'ldirishga urg'u berish maktab va oila o'rtasida va 3) muloqot va hamkorlikni rivojlantirish bu ikki muassasa o'rtasida. Ushbu modelda maktab va oila mas'uliyatni taqsimlaydi o'quvchining ijtimoiylashuvi va ta'limi uchun. Shunday qilib, Epstein modeli muvofiqlashtirish, hamkorlik va bir-birini to'ldirishga urg'u beradi maktab va oila o'rtasidagi munosabatlar va muloqotni rivojlantirishning ahamiyati va bu ikki muassasa o'rtasidagi hamkorlik. Epshteynning hamkorlik modeli aniqlaydi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning roli, harakatlari va o'zaro ta'siri. Epshteyn ota-onani belgilaydi quyidagi o'lchovlar orqali ishtirok etish: ota-onalik, uyda o'rganish, ko'ngillilik, maktab bilan muloqot qilish, qaror qabul qilish va hamkorlik qilish jamiyat. Ushbu o'lchovlar doirasida ishlaydigan rollar, harakatlar va munosabatlar PI ning asosiy komponentlari sifatida tavsiflanadi. While the roles of teachers and parents can differ, both share responsibility for student success in school. Many authors (Deslandes 2020; Hoover-Dempsey et al., 2010) have highlighted the leadership role played by teachers when it comes to implementing activities fostering SFC partnerships. The Quebec Education Act specifies that it is the school’s responsibility to inform parents regarding their child’s academic progress and conduct, and encourage parents’ participation in their child’s schooling. Thus, based on these observations and the principles stemming from Epstein’s model, it can be asserted that teachers have the competencies and authority needed to motivate, encourage and stimulate PI. In this study, TI is defined as proactively engaging with parents through various activities and behaviours aimed at promoting PI at school and at home. O'qituvchilar va ota-onalarning roli har xil bo'lishi mumkin bo'lsa-da, ikkalasi ham talaba uchun mas'uliyatni taqsimlaydi maktabda muvaffaqiyat. Ko'pgina mualliflar (Deslandes 2020; Hoover-Dempsey va boshqalar, 2010) amalga oshirishda o‘qituvchilarning yetakchilik rolini ta’kidladi SFC hamkorligini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan tadbirlar. Kvebek ta'lim to'g'risidagi qonun bu ekanligini belgilaydi maktabning ota-onalarni bolaning o'qishdagi yutuqlari to'g'risida xabardor qilish mas'uliyati va o'tkazish va ota-onalarning farzandlarining maktab o'qishida ishtirokini rag'batlantirish. Shunday qilib, asoslangan bu kuzatishlar va Epshteyn modelidan kelib chiqadigan tamoyillar, buni tasdiqlash mumkin o'qituvchilar rag'batlantirish, rag'batlantirish va uchun zarur bo'lgan vakolat va vakolatlarga ega ekanligi PIni rag'batlantirish. Ushbu tadqiqotda TI ota-onalar bilan faol ishtirok etish sifatida belgilanadi maktabda va uyda PIni targ'ib qilishga qaratilgan turli tadbirlar va xatti-harakatlar. Parental and Teacher Involvement School, family and community partnerships are built through interactions between parents and teachers. These partnerships are only possible when both of these actors get involved. The forms of PI are multiple and diverse and play out in two different environments: at home and at school (Deslandes, 2020; Karbach et al., 2013). Parents can provide support for learning at home. According to many researchers, this dimension is identified by parents as an important means of supporting their children’s school achievement, and by teachers as a means of involving parents (Deslandes & Bertrand, 2005; Larivée, 2012). However, there is an ongoing debate regarding the effectiveness or optimal type or quantity of homework, and there is disagreement between the two partners on this subject (Hill & Tyson, 2009; Wilder, 2014). Thus, Deslandes et al. (2008) suggest that teachers need to personalize and individualize their teaching and communicate to parents what their children have learned. This appears to be even more relevant in the Quebec context, where teachers have had to review and diversify their teaching practices following an education reform (Deslandes & Rivard, 2011). These researchers hypothesize that many parents do not understand the new teaching and assessment practices. Moreover, the student population in Quebec is heterogeneous (Deslandes, 2020) with cultural differences among parents leading to tensions in school-family relations, as teachers are tasked with helping parents become more effectively involved in their children’s schooling. As noted by Prévot (2008), parents would like to be involved in their children’s schooling but do not always know how best to support them in this regard. Hence the importance of the teacher’s role in guiding and encouraging PI at home and at school. Ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning ishtiroki Maktab, oila va jamiyat hamkorligi o'zaro munosabatlar orqali quriladi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar. Bu sheriklik faqat ushbu ikkala aktyor birlashganda mumkin bo'ladi jalb qilingan. PI shakllari ko'p va xilma-xil bo'lib, ikki xil o'ynaydi muhit: uyda va maktabda (Deslandes, 2020; Karbach va boshq., 2013). Ota-onalar uyda o'qishni qo'llab-quvvatlashlari mumkin. Ko'pgina tadqiqotchilarning fikriga ko'ra, bu o'lchov ota-onalar tomonidan o'z farzandlarini qo'llab-quvvatlashning muhim vositasi sifatida aniqlanadi maktab yutuqlari va o'qituvchilar tomonidan ota-onalarni jalb qilish vositasi sifatida (Deslandes & Bertran, 2005; Larivee, 2012). Biroq, bu borada munozaralar davom etmoqda uy vazifasining samaradorligi yoki optimal turi yoki miqdori va kelishmovchilik mavjud ushbu mavzu bo'yicha ikki sherik o'rtasida (Hill & Tyson, 2009; Wilder, 2014). Shunday qilib, Deslandes va boshqalar. (2008) o'qituvchilarni shaxsiylashtirish va individuallashtirish kerakligini taklif qiladi ota-onalarga farzandlari o'rgangan narsalarni o'rgatish va ularga etkazish. Bu shunday ko'rinadi o'qituvchilar ko'rib chiqish va kerak bo'lgan Kvebek kontekstida yanada dolzarb bo'lishi Ta'lim islohotidan so'ng o'qitish amaliyotini diversifikatsiya qilish (Deslandes va Rivard, 2011). Bu tadqiqotchilar ko'p ota-onalar yangi tushunmaydi, deb faraz o'qitish va baholash amaliyoti. Bundan tashqari, Kvebekdagi talabalar soni heterojen (Deslandes, 2020) ota-onalar o'rtasidagi madaniy farqlarga olib keladi maktab-oila munosabatlaridagi keskinliklar, chunki o'qituvchilar ota-onalarga yordam berish vazifasini yuklaydi farzandlarining maktab ta’limida yanada samarali ishtirok etadilar. Prevot (2008) ta'kidlaganidek, Ota-onalar farzandlarining maktab o'qishiga jalb qilishni xohlashadi, lekin har doim ham buni bilishmaydi bu borada ularni qanday eng yaxshi qo'llab-quvvatlash kerak. Bunda o‘qituvchining roli muhim ahamiyatga ega uyda va maktabda PIga rahbarlik qilish va rag'batlantirish. PI at school can take the form of volunteering or participating in the school council (SC). These forms of PI have been found to have positive, albeit statistically weak, effects on student achievement (Hill & Tyson, 2009). However, these forms of PI at school are not possible for all parents due to incompatible schedules, work constraints, family structure, etc. (Larivée, 2012). Other factors can also influence these forms of involvement at school. For example, Larivée (2011) noted that there appears to be a lack of knowledge or uncertainty regarding parental involvement in community-based activities, and teachers may even show a lack of concern for these types of activities. Maktabdagi PI ko'ngillilik yoki maktab kengashida ishtirok etish shaklida bo'lishi mumkin (SC). PI ning ushbu shakllari statistik jihatdan zaif bo'lsa-da, ijobiy ekanligi aniqlandi. talabalarning muvaffaqiyatiga ta'siri (Hill & Tyson, 2009). Biroq, PI bu shakllari da Mos kelmaydigan jadvallar, ish cheklovlari tufayli barcha ota-onalar uchun maktab imkoniyati yo'q; oila tuzilishi va boshqalar (Larivee, 2012). Ushbu shakllarga boshqa omillar ham ta'sir qilishi mumkin maktabda ishtirok etish. Misol uchun, Larivée (2011) kamchilik borligini ta'kidladi ota-onalarning jamiyatda ishtirok etishiga oid bilim yoki noaniqlik tadbirlar, va o'qituvchilar hatto bunday faoliyat turlari uchun tashvish etishmasligini ko'rsatishi mumkin. Indeed, the critical role played by teachers’ practices and attitudes in terms of fostering PI has been highlighted by several researchers (Hoover-Dempsey et al., 2010; Epstein & Van Voorhis, 2001). Thus, a teacher’s openness to PI constitutes an important condition for the construction of parent-teacher relationships. However, teachers do not always readily accept the presence of parents at school and even less so in the classroom. Some authors (ex. De Saedeleer, Brassard & Brunet, 2004) found that teachers and school administrators tend to assign traditional roles to parents, consisting mainly in helping children with learning at home, while only partially recognizing the need for their involvement at school. Teachers consider the supportive role of parents important (Addi-Raccah & Grinshtain 2017), but also think parents « should express their support towards school and teachers and in this way support the mandate of the school » pg 333 (Bæck 2010) Darhaqiqat, tarbiyalashda o'qituvchilarning amaliyoti va munosabatlari hal qiluvchi rol o'ynaydi PI bir nechta tadqiqotchilar tomonidan ta'kidlangan (Gover-Dempsey va boshq., 2010; Epstein & Van Voorhis, 2001). Shunday qilib, o'qituvchining PIga ochiqligi muhim shartni tashkil qiladi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar o'rtasidagi munosabatlarni qurish uchun. Biroq, o'qituvchilar har doim ham shunday emas ota-onalarning maktabda va hatto kamroq sinfda mavjudligini osongina qabul qiling. Biroz mualliflar (masalan, De Saedeleer, Brassard & Brunet, 2004) o'qituvchilar va maktab ma'murlar ota-onalarga asosan yordam berishdan iborat an'anaviy rollarni belgilashga moyildirlar uyda o'qiyotgan bolalar, ularning zarurligini qisman tan olish bilan birga maktabda ishtirok etish. O'qituvchilar ota-onalarning qo'llab-quvvatlash rolini muhim deb bilishadi (Addi-Raccah & Grinshtain 2017), lekin ota-onalar ham o'z qo'llab-quvvatlashlarini bildirishlari kerak deb o'ylashadi. maktab va o'qituvchilarga nisbatan va shu yo'l bilan maktab mandatini qo'llab-quvvatlang » 333-bet (Bæck 2010) Thus, teachers are reluctant and somewhat reserved about the idea of involving parents in their children's learning (Dor & RuckerNaidu, 2012). Others see parents as a source of problems, as they report strained and negative relations with parents, lack of trust and recognition of their work on the part of parents (Addi-Raccah & Grinshtain 2017). These attitudes can have an effect on PI and especially those of educated parents who tend to intervene at school when they deem it necessary, to keep an eye on the teacher and to express opinions on pedagogic issues and teaching methods (Bæck 2010). This fearful attitude and lack of openness on the part of teachers causes parents to feel they are perceived as intruders (Larivée, 2012; Kanouté & Calvet, 2008). This feeling may also be influenced by the desire of teachers to perpetuate the traditional idea that parents and schools are separate and have different roles and responsibilities (Addi-Raccah & Grinshtain 2017; Dor & Rucker-Naidu, Shunday qilib, o'qituvchilar istaksiz va biroz ota-onalarni o'z farzandlarini o'rganishga jalb qilish g'oyasi haqida qayg'uradilar (Dor va RuckerNaidu, 2012). Boshqalar ota-onalarni muammolar manbai sifatida ko'rishadi, chunki ular taranglik va tashvish haqida xabar berishadi ota-onalar bilan salbiy munosabatlar, ishonch yo'qligi va ularning ishini tan olish ota-onalar (Addi-Raccah & Grinshtain 2017). Bu munosabatlar PI va ta'sir qilishi mumkin ayniqsa, o'qimishli ota-onalar, ular buni o'ylaganda maktabga aralashishga moyildirlar zarur, o'qituvchini kuzatib borish va pedagogik masalalar bo'yicha fikr bildirish va o'qitish usullari (Bæck 2010). Bu qo'rqinchli munosabat va ochiqlik yo'qligi o'qituvchilarning bir qismi ota-onalarga ularni tajovuzkor sifatida qabul qilishlariga olib keladi (Larivee, 2012; Kanouté va Calvet, 2008). Bu tuyg'uga o'qituvchilarning xohishi ham ta'sir qilishi mumkin ota-onalar va maktablar alohida va har xil bo'lgan an'anaviy g'oyani davom ettirish rollar va mas'uliyat (Addi-Raccah & Grinshtain 2017; Dor & Rucker-Nai As many authors have pointed out, (Epstein, 2011; Deslandes, 2020; Lewis, Kim and Bey, 2011), the way teachers encourage parental involvement affects parents’ decision regarding whether or not to get involved in their child’s schooling. Thus, parents who are encouraged to read or do homework with their children tend to be more involved at home and at school (Deslandes & Bertrand, 2005). However, parents from all backgrounds report not often being invited to get involved in this way (Deslandes et al., 2008), except when a child is having trouble at school. Ko'pgina mualliflar ta'kidlaganidek, (Epstein, 2011; Deslandes, 2020; Lyuis, Kim va Bey, 2011), o'qituvchilarning ota-onalarning ishtirokini rag'batlantirish usuli ota-onalarning qaroriga ta'sir qiladi o'z farzandining maktab o'qishiga jalb qilish yoki qilmaslik haqida. Shunday qilib, ota-onalar kim o'qish yoki uy vazifasini bajarishga rag'batlantirilsa, ular o'z farzandlari bilan ko'proq shug'ullanishadi uyda va maktabda (Deslandes & Bertrand, 2005). Biroq, hammadan ota-onalar fonlar tez-tez bu tarzda ishtirok etishga taklif qilinmasligi haqida xabar berishadi (Deslandes va boshq., 2008), bola maktabda muammoga duch kelgan hollar bundan mustasno. This brings us to the question of family-school communication. The frequency and quality of exchanges between parents and teachers play a critical role in the construction of collaborative parent-teacher relationships (Karsenti, Larose & Garnier, 2002; Lewis, Kim & Bey, 2011). High-quality communication allows for a relationship of trust to be established between these actors and lessens the incompatibilities between the expectations of the school and family environments. Similarly, parent–child discussions can contribute significantly to school achievement (Boonk, Gijselaers, Ritzen, & BrandGruwel, 2018). In fact, these parenting practices are beneficial both for children, who develop better self-esteem and greater social competence and achieve better results at school, and for parents, who report, among other benefits, higher feelings of efficacy and positive affects in the parent-child relationship (Lamboy & Guillemont, 2014) Bu bizni oila-maktab muloqoti masalasiga olib keladi. Chastotasi va Qurilishda ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar o'rtasidagi almashinuv sifati muhim rol o'ynaydi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning hamkorlikdagi munosabatlari (Karsenti, Larose & Garnier, 2002; Lyuis, Kim va Bey, 2011). Yuqori sifatli aloqa ishonchli munosabatlarga imkon beradi bu aktyorlar o'rtasida o'rnatiladi va o'rtasidagi nomuvofiqlikni kamaytiradi maktab va oila muhitidan umidlari. Xuddi shunday, ota-onalar va bolalar muhokamasi maktab yutuqlariga sezilarli hissa qo'shishi mumkin (Boonk, Gijselaers, Ritzen va BrandGruwel, 2018). Aslida, bu ota-onalik amaliyotlari bolalar uchun ham foydalidir o'z-o'zini hurmat qilish va katta ijtimoiy kompetentsiyani rivojlantirish va yaxshi natijalarga erishish maktab va ota-onalar uchun, ular boshqa imtiyozlar qatorida yuqori samaradorlik hissi haqida xabar beradilar va ota-ona va bola munosabatlarida ijobiy ta'sirlar (Lamboy & Guillemont, 2014) Thus, as regards SFC partnerships, grey zones remain. As suggested by Boulanger, Larose, Grenier, Doucet, Coppet & Couturier (2014), these partnerships should not be analyzed monolithically, but rather as “a space for open debate where the dialectical tensions between the dominant discourse and marginal discourse come into play” (p.132, trans.). Hence the importance of considering and comparing the actions and know-how of, and relationships between, both sets of actors involved. To our knowledge, few studies have put into dialogue the perceptions of parents and teachers about their practices related to SFC collaboration. This study thus aimed to compare the discourse of parents and teachers in order to better understand SFC partnerships. To this end, we set out to answer the following questions: What are the practices developed by teachers and parents that encourage or not cooperation between them? Are there divergences and convergences between parents and teachers in the context of their cooperation? What are the elements of a efficient cooperation according to parents and teachers? Shunday qilib, SFC hamkorliklariga kelsak, kulrang zonalar qolmoqda. Boulanger tomonidan taklif qilinganidek, Larose, Grenier, Doucet, Coppet & Couturier (2014), bu hamkorliklar bo'lmasligi kerak monolit tarzda tahlil qilinadi, aksincha, “dialektika bo'lgan ochiq munozara uchun makon sifatida Dominant nutq va marjinal nutq o'rtasidagi ziddiyat paydo bo'ladi " (132-bet, trans.). Demak, harakatlarni ko'rib chiqish va taqqoslashning ahamiyati va ishtirokchilarning ikkala to'plamining nou-xau va o'rtasidagi munosabatlar. Bizning bilim, kam sonli tadqiqotlar ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning tasavvurlarini dialogga kiritdi SFC hamkorligi bilan bog'liq amaliyotlari haqida. Shunday qilib, ushbu tadqiqot solishtirishga qaratilgan SFC hamkorligini yaxshiroq tushunish uchun ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning nutqi. Bunga oxirida, biz quyidagi savollarga javob berishga kirishdik: tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan amaliyotlar nima o'qituvchilar va ota-onalar ular o'rtasidagi hamkorlikni rag'batlantiradimi yoki yo'qmi? Bormi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar o'rtasidagi hamkorlik kontekstidagi farqlar va yaqinlashuvlar? Ota-onalarga ko'ra samarali hamkorlikning elementlari nima va o'qituvchilar? METHOD The purpose of this study was to understand how parents and teachers get involved in the school-family-community cooperation process to support pupils at the elementary school. To do this, the qualitative approach is used. Data collection for the study included interviews about the parents and teachers. Data analysis was informed by a content analysis (Miles, Huberman & Saldana, 2013). The characteristics of the participants, instruments, procedure and data analysis are presented in the following sections. METOD Ushbu tadqiqotning maqsadi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning qanday ishtirok etishini tushunish edi boshlang'ich sinf o'quvchilarini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun maktab-oila-jamoa hamkorligi jarayoni maktab. Buning uchun sifatli yondashuv qo'llaniladi. Tadqiqot uchun ma'lumotlarni yig'ish ota-onalar va o‘qituvchilar haqida suhbatlar o‘tkazildi. Ma'lumotlar tahlili a tomonidan ma'lum qilindi kontent tahlili (Miles, Huberman & Saldana, 2013). ning xususiyatlari ishtirokchilar, asboblar, protsedura va ma'lumotlarni tahlil qilish quyida keltirilgan bo'limlar. Instruments: Semi-Structured Interviews The data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with the parent and teacher participants, with both sets of interviews having the same goal, namely, to collect these actors’ representations regarding their involvement in parent-teacher partnerships, to gain insight into the meaning they gave to these partnerships. Our goal was thus to investigate the forms of parental and teacher involvement. Moreover, we aimed to bring out the actors’ perceptions of the ideal school-family relationship. Asboblar: Yarim tuzilgan intervyular Ma'lumotlar ota-onalar bilan o'tkazilgan yarim tuzilgan suhbatlar orqali to'plangan va o'qituvchilar ishtirokchilari, ikkala suhbat to'plami bir xil maqsadga ega, ya'ni bu aktyorlarning ota-ona-o'qituvchidagi ishtiroki bo'yicha vakolatlarini to'plang hamkorlik, ular ushbu hamkorlikka bergan ma'noni tushunish uchun. Bizning maqsadimiz Shunday qilib, ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning ishtiroki shakllarini o'rganish kerak edi. Bundan tashqari, biz aktyorlarning ideal maktab-oila munosabatlari haqidagi tasavvurlarini yuzaga chiqarishga qaratilgan. reported by these two sets of actors. More specifically, the interviews investigated five main themes, namely, teacher involvement, parents’ perceptions of teacher involvement, parental involvement, teachers’ perceptions of parent involvement and the ideal schoolfamily relationship. Table 1 below displays examples of themes, subthemes and question types. Table 1 Themes and sub-themes in semi-structured interviews Theme Sub-theme Questions TI Means of communication used What are your means of communication with parents? Forms of volunteering encouraged What form of parental involvement do you favor directly in your class? Means of encouraging parental support What means do you use to encourage the help / support of parents in learning? Means of encouraging involvement in SC How do you encourage parents to participate in the various instances of the school? Community resources used How do you perceive the collaboration with the community? PI Communicating What are your means of communication with the teacher? Volunteering What kind of volunteering do you participate in? Learning at home How do you help your child at home? Decision-making In which instances of the school do you participate? Collaborating with the community What community resources do you use that can contribute indirectly to your child's learning? SF Relationship Ideal SF relationship For you, what will be the ideal relationship between parents and school to support student success? Procedure To carry out this study, we invited 12 primary schools and six of them responded positively to our invitation. The principals of these schools forwarded the invitations to the titular teachers. Teachers who volunteered to participate in the research forwarded the invitations to parents. The interviews were recorded and then written (verbatim). One limitation of this procedure is to rely on the volunteering of teachers and parents. Teachers and parents who agreed to participate in the study were met individually. 1-jadval
Mavzu bo'yicha savollar TI ning vositalari aloqadan foydalaniladi Ota-onalar bilan qanday aloqa vositalaridan foydalanasiz? Ko'ngillilik shakllari rag'batlantirildi Siz ota-ona ishtirokining qaysi shaklini bevosita yoqtirasiz sizning sinfingiz? Rag'batlantirish vositalari ota-ona yordami Yordam/qo'llab-quvvatlashni rag'batlantirish uchun qanday vositalardan foydalanasiz ota-onalar o'qishda? Rag'batlantirish vositalari SCda ishtirok etish Ota-onalarni turli xil tadbirlarda ishtirok etishga qanday rag'batlantirasiz maktab misollari? Foydalanilgan hamjamiyat resurslari Jamiyat bilan hamkorlikni qanday tushunasiz? PI Muloqot O'qituvchi bilan qanday aloqa vositalaridan foydalanasiz? Ko'ngillilik Siz qanday ko'ngillilikda qatnashasiz? Uyda o'rganish Farzandingizga uyda qanday yordam berasiz? Qaror qabul qilish Siz maktabning qaysi holatlarida qatnashasiz? bilan hamkorlik qilish jamiyat Siz hissa qo'shishi mumkin bo'lgan qanday jamoat resurslaridan foydalanasiz bolangizning o'rganishiga bilvosita? SF Aloqa Ideal SF munosabatlari Siz uchun ota-onalar o'rtasidagi ideal munosabatlar qanday bo'ladi va maktab o'quvchilar muvaffaqiyatini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun? Jarayon Ushbu tadqiqotni amalga oshirish uchun biz 12 ta boshlang'ich maktabni taklif qildik va ulardan oltitasi javob berdi bizning taklifimizga ijobiy javob beradi. Ushbu maktablarning direktorlari taklifnomalarni yuborishdi unvonli o'qituvchilar. Tadqiqotda ishtirok etish uchun ixtiyoriy bo'lgan o'qituvchilar yuborildi ota-onalarga taklifnomalar. Suhbatlar yozib olindi va keyin yozildi (so'zma-so'z). Ushbu protseduraning bir cheklovi o'qituvchilar va ota-onalarning ko'ngilliligiga tayanishdir. Tadqiqotda ishtirok etishga rozi bo'lgan o'qituvchilar va ota-onalar bilan yakka tartibda uchrashildi. The key ideas identified in the parents' speech are organized according to five themes: 1) Teacher involvement, 2) Parents’ perceptions of teacher involvement, 3) Parent involvement, 4) Teachers’ perceptions of parent involvement, and 5) Ideal school-family relationship. The first four themes include five codes each describing SF communication, learning activities and supervision at home, volunteering, decisionmaking and collaboration with the school. More specifically, the first two themes illustrate the practices made by the teacher to involve the parents of his or her class (theme 1) and the parent's perceptions of the practices of his child's teacher (theme 2). Similarly, theme 3 displayed parents' practices about their involvement at home and in school; while theme 4 explored teachers' perceptions about parents’ practices in their class. The fifth theme brings together two codes: parents' and teachers' perceptions about their views of the optimal school-family-community collaboration. Table 2 introduces themes, codes and associated code frequencies Ota-onalar nutqida aniqlangan asosiy g'oyalar beshta mavzu bo'yicha tuzilgan: 1) O'qituvchilarning ishtiroki, 2) Ota-onalarning o'qituvchilarning ishtiroki haqidagi tasavvurlari, 3) Ota-onalar ishtiroki, 4) O'qituvchilarning ota-onalarning ishtiroki haqidagi tasavvurlari va 5) Ideal maktab-oila munosabat. Birinchi to'rtta mavzu har biri SFni tavsiflovchi beshta kodni o'z ichiga oladi muloqot, o'quv faoliyati va uyda nazorat qilish, ko'ngillilik, qaror qabul qilish va maktab bilan hamkorlik. Aniqroq aytganda, birinchi ikkita mavzu o'qituvchining o'z sinfining ota-onalarini jalb qilish uchun qilgan amaliyotlarini ko'rsating (1-mavzu) va ota-onalarning o'z farzandining o'qituvchisi amaliyoti haqidagi tasavvurlari (2-mavzu). Xuddi shunday, 3-mavzuda ota-onalarning uyda va uyda ishtirok etishlari haqidagi amaliyotlari ko'rsatilgan maktab; 4-mavzu esa o'qituvchilarning ota-onalarning amaliyotlari haqidagi tasavvurlarini o'rganib chiqdi sinf. Beshinchi mavzu ikkita kodni birlashtiradi: ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning tushunchalari optimal maktab-oila-jamoa hamkorligi haqidagi qarashlari. 2-jadval taqdim etadi mavzular, kodlar va tegishli kod chastotalari. The results show that the teachers mainly asked the parents to monitor homework ( it is agreed with the parents that they must check their child’s homework Teacher 12 ) or school projects (n=7), sign documents (n=6) and read to their children (n=4). Overall, the parents shared the same perceptions regarding the teachers’ expectations of them. Thus, 12 parents reported that the teacher had asked them to monitor homework or school projects, 12 sign documents, and 11 read to their child. Some teachers also reported that they did not assign homework (n=4), and the reports of 13 parents confirmed this. The parents (n=25) and teachers (n=10) both reported that the pupils’ homework agenda was the main tool used to guide the parents in helping with learning activities at home. Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, O'qituvchilar asosan ota-onalardan uy vazifalarini kuzatishni so'rashdi (bu ota-onalar bilan kelishilgan ular o'z farzandining uy vazifasini tekshirishlari kerak O'qituvchi 12 ) yoki maktab loyihalari (n = 7), imzo hujjatlar (n=6) va farzandlariga o‘qib bering (n=4). Umuman olganda, ota-onalar bir xil fikrda o'qituvchilarning ulardan kutishlari haqidagi tasavvurlari. Shunday qilib, 12 ota-ona bu haqda xabar berdi o'qituvchi ulardan uy vazifalari yoki maktab loyihalarini kuzatishni so'radi, 12 ta hujjatga imzo qo'ydi, va 11 nafari farzandiga o‘qib berdi. Ba'zi o'qituvchilar ham topshirmaganliklarini bildirishgan uy vazifasi (n=4) va 13 ota-onaning hisobotlari buni tasdiqladi. Ota-onalar (n=25) va o'qituvchilar (n = 10) ikkalasi ham o'quvchilarning uy vazifalari kun tartibi foydalaniladigan asosiy vosita ekanligini aytdi ota-onalarga uyda o'quv mashg'ulotlariga yordam berishda yordam berish. On the other hand, their views differed regarding the other means used by the teachers to encourage PI. Six teachers reported that tool kits, with accompanying explanations, were provided to parents. However, 18 parents reported that they had not received such tool kits to guide them in helping their child with schoolwork at home, while only four parents reported having received this aid, as this parent reports “the teacher puts several methods which suggest us for example for the spelling of the words, that remains very little but yes there are some” ( parent 39). Similarly, 10 teachers reported that they had provided explanations at the parent-teacher meeting held at the beginning of the school year. However, only five parents reported the same. Moreover, only three teachers reported that they had not requested the parents’ help with homework, whereas 18 parents reported that they had not received a specific request from the teacher to help their child with schoolwork at home. Boshqa tomondan, o'qituvchilar tomonidan qo'llaniladigan boshqa vositalar bo'yicha ularning qarashlari har xil edi PI ni rag'batlantirish. Oltita o'qituvchi tushuntirishlar bilan birga asboblar to'plami ekanligini aytdi ota-onalarga taqdim etiladi. Biroq, 18 ota-ona bunday vositani olmaganliklarini aytishdi to'plamlar bolalarga uyda maktab ishlarida yordam berish uchun ularga yo'l-yo'riq ko'rsatadi, faqat to'rtta Ota-onalar ushbu yordamni olganliklarini aytishdi, chunki bu ota-onaning xabar berishicha, "o'qituvchi bir nechta qo'ydi so'zlarning imlo uchun, masalan, bizga taklif usullari, bu juda qoladi oz, lekin ha bor” (ota-ona 39). Xuddi shunday, 10 nafar o'qituvchi borligini ma'lum qildi maktab boshida o‘tkazilgan ota-onalar yig‘ilishida tushuntirishlar berdi yil. Biroq, faqat beshta ota-ona xuddi shunday xabar berdi. Bundan tashqari, faqat uchta o'qituvchi uy vazifasini bajarishda ota-onalardan yordam so'ramaganliklarini ma'lum qilishdi 18 ota-ona o'qituvchidan yordam so'rab aniq so'rov olmaganliklarini aytishdi ularning farzandi uyda maktab ishlari bilan. The teachers reported that the means of communication (cf. Table 2) they most often used with parents were the pupils’ homework agenda (n=10) and email (n=8). The other means reported were individual parent-teacher meetings to discuss the first report card (n=6), telephone conversations (n=5), other meetings at school (n=5) and a weekly summary report (n=5). Overall, the parents’ perceptions in this regard were fairly similar to those of the teachers. Thus, according to the parents, the means of communication most often used by the teachers were email (n=30) and the pupils’ homework agenda (n=29). The parents and teachers both reported that the frequency of contact greatly depended on whether the child was having trouble at school (n=7 of parents; n=5, of teachers). Some parents (n=14) reported that they had little contact with the teacher. Another difference regarded conversations on the school site O'qituvchilar ko'pincha aloqa vositalari (2-jadvalga qarang). Ota-onalar bilan o'quvchilarning uy vazifalari kun tartibi (n = 10) va elektron pochta (n = 8) ishlatilgan. Boshqa ma'lumotlar birinchi hisobot kartasini muhokama qilish uchun individual ota-onalar yig'ilishlari edi (n=6), telefon suhbatlari (n=5), maktabdagi boshqa uchrashuvlar (n=5) va haftalik xulosa hisoboti (n=5). Umuman olganda, ota-onalarning bu boradagi fikrlari juda o'xshash edi o'qituvchilarga. Shunday qilib, ota-onalarning fikriga ko'ra, aloqa vositalari O'qituvchilar tomonidan ko'pincha elektron pochta (n = 30) va o'quvchilarning uy vazifalari kun tartibi ishlatilgan (n=29). Ota-onalar ham, o'qituvchilar ham aloqaning tez-tez bo'lganligini aytishdi bolaning maktabda muammo borligiga bog'liq (n = 7 ota-ona; n = 5,). o'qituvchilar). Ba'zi ota-onalar (n=14) o'qituvchi bilan kam aloqada bo'lganliklarini aytishdi. Yana bir farq maktab saytidagi suhbatlar bilan bog'liq Teachers’ narratives help picture out the means and actions used by teachers to encourage PI at school through volunteering, participating in the SC and collaborating with the community (cf.Table 2). Seven teachers reported that they encouraged parents to participate through volunteering, as illustrated by this teacher: “they are always welcome in class. I don't mind if they want to come and observe. But it all depends on how they do it” (Teacher6). The main forms of volunteering they suggested were: accompanying the class on outings (n=9); helping in the classroom (n=6); making presentations, helping prepare materials or school shows, and helping in the school library (n=3). On the other hand, four teachers reported that they did not encourage parents to participate through volunteering. As for parental participation in the SC, the invitation in this regard came from the school administrator, according to 11 teachers. With regard to collaboration with the community, according to the results, it appears that teachers focus more on their own efforts to collaborate with the community but no so much on trying to stimulate cooperation between parents and the community. In fact, among interviewed teachers, 10 reported that they strove to find ways to collaborate with community organizations close to their school (community library, youth centre, local health and social services centre, but did not specify whether or not they encouraged parents to participate in this way. O'qituvchilarning hikoyalari o'qituvchilar tomonidan qo'llaniladigan vositalar va harakatlarni tasvirlashga yordam beradi Ko'ngillilik, SCda ishtirok etish va hamkorlik qilish orqali maktabda PIni rag'batlantirish jamiyat bilan (2-jadvalga qarang). Etti o'qituvchi ota-onalarni rag'batlantirganliklarini aytdi ko'ngillilik orqali ishtirok etish, bu o'qituvchi tomonidan tasvirlangan: “ular har doim sinfga xush kelibsiz. Kelib kuzatmoqchi bo‘lishsa, qarshi emasman. Ammo barchasi bunga bog'liq ular buni qanday qilishadi" (O'qituvchi 6). Ular taklif qilgan ko'ngillilikning asosiy shakllari: sinfga sayohatlarda hamrohlik qilish (n=9); sinfda yordam berish (n=6); qilish taqdimotlar, materiallar yoki maktab ko'rsatuvlarini tayyorlashga yordam berish va maktabda yordam berish kutubxona (n=3). Boshqa tomondan, to'rt nafar o'qituvchi rag'batlantirmaganliklarini bildirishdi ota-onalar ko'ngillilik orqali ishtirok etishlari. SCda ota-onalarning ishtirokiga kelsak, 11 nafar o'qituvchining so'zlariga ko'ra, bu borada taklif maktab ma'muriyatidan kelgan. Jamiyat bilan hamkorlikka kelsak, natijalarga ko'ra, u ko'rinadi o'qituvchilar jamiyat bilan hamkorlik qilish uchun o'z harakatlariga ko'proq e'tibor berishadi, lekin yo'q ota-onalar va jamiyat o'rtasidagi hamkorlikni rag'batlantirishga harakat qilish juda ko'p. Aslini olib qaraganda, intervyu qilingan o'qituvchilar orasidan 10 nafari hamkorlik qilish yo'llarini topishga intilganliklarini bildirishdi maktabga yaqin jamoat tashkilotlari bilan (jamoa kutubxonasi, yoshlar markazi, mahalliy sog'liqni saqlash va ijtimoiy xizmatlar markazi, lekin ular yoki yo'qligini aniqlamadi ota-onalarni shu tarzda ishtirok etishga undadi. Relatively few parents (n=17) had the impression that they had been encouraged by the teacher to volunteer in the classroom or at school. Only 13 parents stated that they had been invited to accompany the class on school outings, four parents said they had been encouraged to help in the classroom, and four parents reported that they had been asked to help in the school library. Moreover, 24 parents confirmed the teachers’ comments regarding participation in the SC, that is, that the invitation in this regard came from the school administrator. As for collaborating with the community, 27 parents reported that such collaboration was not encouraged by the teacher. The results indicate that parents were not really informed of the teachers’ efforts in this area.. However, the parents were informed regarding activities such as school outings (community library, museums, etc.). Nisbatan kam sonli ota-onalar (n=17) ular tomonidan rag'batlantirilgandek taassurot qoldirdi o'qituvchi sinfda yoki maktabda ko'ngilli bo'lish uchun. Faqat 13 nafar ota-ona borligini aytdi To'rtta ota-ona maktabga chiqishlarida sinfga hamrohlik qilishga taklif qilingan sinfda yordam berishga undagan va to'rtta ota-ona ulardan so'ralganini xabar qilgan maktab kutubxonasida yordam berish. Bundan tashqari, 24 nafar ota-ona o'qituvchilarning fikrlarini tasdiqladi SCda ishtirok etish to'g'risida, ya'ni bu borada taklif kelib tushgan maktab ma'muri. Jamiyat bilan hamkorlikka kelsak, 27 nafar ota-ona bu haqda xabar berdi bunday hamkorlik o'qituvchi tomonidan rag'batlantirilmagan. Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, ota-onalar o'qituvchilarning bu sohadagi harakatlaridan haqiqatan ham xabardor emas edilar.. Biroq, ota-onalar maktab sayohatlari (jamoa kutubxonasi, muzeylar va boshqalar) kabi tadbirlar haqida ma'lumot olish. Parental Involvement The results reveal that the forms of PI mentioned by parents and teachers focus on learning at home and communication between partners. (cf. Table 2.) Thus, all the parents reported that they monitored homework/school projects (n=45) (For the school follow-up,when they come back from school, they are entitled to a moment of relaxation but immediately after supper, we start doing homework, this until the sixth grade, and this always accompanied by a parent. We look at the list of homework and lessons to be done and we do a daily follow-up. Parent 6 )and 12 also reported signing documents as requested (homework agenda, exams, etc.). However, only four teachers perceived that the parents monitored homework/school projects and signed documents. Moreover, 13 parents said they read to their children on a regular basis, whereas only three teachers perceived that the parents took on this task More than half the parents (n=30) reported that they used their child’s homework agenda to support the learning activities,homework and lessons presented therein. However, only four teachers perceived that the parents used this tool, while four teachers specifically expressed the view that the parents did not. Ota-onalar ishtiroki Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar tomonidan tilga olingan PI shakllariga e'tibor qaratiladi uyda o'rganish va hamkorlar o'rtasidagi muloqot. (2-jadvalga qarang.) Shunday qilib, barcha ota-onalar uy vazifalari/maktab loyihalarini (n=45) nazorat qilganliklarini xabar qilishdi (Maktab uchun kuzatish, maktabdan qaytganlarida, ular bir lahzalik dam olish huquqiga ega lekin kechki ovqatdan so'ng darhol uy vazifasini bajarishni boshlaymiz, bu oltinchi sinfgacha va Bu har doim ota-ona bilan birga keladi. Biz uy vazifalari va bo'ladigan darslar ro'yxatini ko'rib chiqamiz bajarildi va biz har kuni kuzatuv qilamiz. Ota-ona 6 )va 12 ham hujjatlarni imzolash haqida xabar berdi so'ralgan (uy vazifalari, imtihonlar va boshqalar). Biroq, buni faqat to'rt nafar o'qituvchi sezdi ota-onalar uy vazifalari/maktab loyihalarini nazorat qildilar va hujjatlarni imzoladilar. Bundan tashqari, 13 ota-onalar farzandlariga muntazam ravishda kitob o'qishlarini aytishdi, holbuki faqat uchta o'qituvchi Ota-onalar bu vazifani o'z zimmalariga olganliklarini tushundilar. Ota-onalarning yarmidan ko'pi (n=30) xabar berdi ular o'z farzandlarining uy vazifalari kun tartibidan o'quv faoliyati, uy vazifalari va unda taqdim etilgan darslarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun foydalanganliklari. Biroq, faqat to'rtta o'qituvchi buni tushundi Ota-onalar ushbu vositadan foydalanganlar, to'rt nafar o'qituvchi esa bu boradagi fikrni aniq ifodalagan ota-onalar qilmadilar. Slightly over a quarter of the parents (n=13) maintained that they lacked information of a pedagogical nature, but this did not come out in the teachers’ narratives – in fact, none of the teachers mentioned it. However, 14 parents said they had asked for advice from the teacher to address this lack of information, and two teachers confirmed that parents had asked for such advice. Moreover, 20 parents said they felt competent to help their child, and only two parents stated they did not feel competent in this regard (“Despite the fact that I'm a teacher with a master's degree in pedagogy and a competency approach, I teach at the CEGEP there, I don't always feel very competent. There's a world out there, teaching children is really a specialty” Parent 5, ). However, five teachers felt that the parents did not have the competencies needed to support their child (“Probably some of the parents are not because they have had difficulties at school themselves; even illiterate parents are suspected” Teacher 3) and only three teachers perceived that the parents felt competent in this way. Meanwhile, 15 parents said they felt only somewhat competent to help their child. However, six teachers had the impression that the parents felt this way. Lastly, 10 parents reported that they were motivated to support their children. However, only two teachers felt that the parents were so motivated, while four teachers reported feeling that the parents were not. In addition, three teachers felt that the parents did not support their children at home. These results thus bring out differences in the parents’ and teachers’ perceptions regarding parental monitoring, parental feelings of competence, the parents’ motivation to support their children and the lack of pedagogical information. The means of communication the parents reported using to interact with the teacher were: email (n=31), the child’s homework agenda (n=21), scheduled or impromptu meetings (n=23) ( “the teacher is there early in the morning so I can talk to her directly if there's something going on” Parent 32) , the meeting to discuss the first report card (n=8) and telephone conversations (n=11). The means of communication used by the parents as perceived by the teachers were: email (n=13), the child’s homework agenda (n=11), scheduled or impromptu meetings (n=5), the meeting to discuss the first report card (n=3) and telephone conversations (n=4). Ota-onalarning to'rtdan bir qismidan ko'pi (n=13) ular haqida ma'lumotga ega emasligini ta'kidladi pedagogik xususiyatga ega, ammo bu o'qituvchilarning hikoyalarida chiqmadi - aslida, yo'q o'qituvchilari buni ta'kidladilar. Biroq, 14 ota-ona maslahat so'rashganini aytdi o'qituvchi bu ma'lumot etishmasligi hal qilish uchun, va ikki o'qituvchi tasdiqladi, deb ota-onalar shunday maslahat so'ragan edi. Bundan tashqari, 20 nafar ota-ona o'zlarini yordam berishga qodir ekanliklarini aytishdi bola edi va faqat ikkita ota-ona bu borada o'zlarini qobiliyatli his qilmasliklarini ta'kidladilar ("Shunga qaramay Men pedagogika bo‘yicha magistr darajasiga ega va malakali o‘qituvchi ekanligim yondashuv, men u erda CEGEPda dars beraman, o'zimni har doim ham juda malakali his qilmayman. bor Dunyoda bolalarga ta'lim berish haqiqatan ham ixtisoslikdir" Ota-ona 5, ). Biroq, beshta O'qituvchilar ota-onalar farzandlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun zarur bo'lgan qobiliyatlarga ega emasligini his qilishdi ("Ehtimol, ba'zi ota-onalar maktabda qiyinchiliklarga duch kelganlari uchun emas o'zlari; hatto savodsiz ota-onalar ham gumon qilinmoqda” O'qituvchi 3) va faqat uchta o'qituvchi ota-onalar bu tarzda o'zlarini qobiliyatli deb bilishadi. Shu bilan birga, 15 nafar ota-ona farzandiga yordam berish uchun o'zlarini biroz qobiliyatli his qilishlarini aytishdi. Biroq, oltita o'qituvchida ota-onalar shunday taassurot qoldirdi. Nihoyat, 10 ota-onalar o'z farzandlarini qo'llab-quvvatlashga undaganliklarini aytishdi. Biroq, faqat ikkita O'qituvchilar ota-onalarni juda g'ayratli deb bilishgan, to'rtta o'qituvchi esa buni his qilgan ota-onalar yo'q edi. Bundan tashqari, uchta o'qituvchi ota-onalar ularni qo'llab-quvvatlamasligini his qilishdi uyda bolalar. Shunday qilib, bu natijalar ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar o'rtasidagi farqlarni keltirib chiqaradi. ota-ona nazorati haqidagi tasavvurlar, ota-onalarning malaka hissi, ota-onalarning o'z farzandlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash motivatsiyasi va pedagogik ma'lumotlarning etishmasligi. Ota-onalar o'qituvchi bilan muloqot qilish uchun foydalanadigan aloqa vositalari quyidagilar edi: elektron pochta (n=31), bolaning uy vazifasi kun tartibi (n=21), rejalashtirilgan yoki kutilmagan uchrashuvlar (n=23) ( “o‘qituvchi erta tongda u yerda, men u bilan to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri gaplasha olaman agar biror narsa sodir bo'lsa" Ota-ona 32) , birinchi hisobot kartasini muhokama qilish uchun yig'ilish (n=8) va telefon suhbatlari (n=11). tomonidan foydalaniladigan aloqa vositalari O'qituvchilar tomonidan qabul qilingan ota-onalar: elektron pochta (n = 13), bolaning uy vazifasi kun tartibi (n=11), rejalashtirilgan yoki kutilmagan uchrashuvlar (n=5), birinchi hisobotni muhokama qilish uchun yig'ilish karta (n=3) va telefon suhbatlari (n=4). The parents reported that they mainly communicated with the teachers by email and through the child’s homework agenda. However, they reported that scheduled and impromptu meetings were not an often-used means of communication. Again with regard to school-family communication, the parents perceived that talking with their child about school and other school-related subjects was an important form of communication. The parents mentioned that the subjects they discussed with their children were: their child’s day at school (n=29); general topics (cultural knowledge, art, sports, etc.) (n=25); peer relations (n=21); and their child’s current projects or future plans (n=12). Forms of PI such as volunteering, participating in the SC and collaborating with the community were also brought up by the parents. Close to half the parents (n=21)reported that they did not volunteer at school and six teachers also considered that the parents did not volunteer at school. However, 15 parents reported that they participated by accompanying the class on school outings and seven teachers considered that the parents participated in this way. Five parents said they helped in the school library, and two teachers had the perception that the parents took on this task. Moreover, seven parents said they helped during some activities in the classroom and two teachers considered that the parents helped in this way. Ota-onalar asosan o'qituvchilar bilan elektron pochta orqali muloqot qilishganini aytishdi bolaning uy vazifasi kun tartibi orqali. Biroq, ular rejalashtirilgan va deb xabar berishdi tasodifiy uchrashuvlar tez-tez ishlatiladigan aloqa vositasi emas edi. Yana maktab-oila muloqotiga kelsak, ota-onalar bu suhbatni sezishdi maktab va boshqa maktab bilan bog'liq mavzular haqida o'z farzandi bilan muhim shakli edi aloqa. Ota-onalar ular bilan muhokama qilingan mavzularni aytib o'tishdi bolalar: ularning farzandining maktabdagi kuni (n=29); umumiy mavzular (madaniy bilimlar, san'at, sport va boshqalar) (n=25); tengdoshlar bilan munosabatlar (n=21); va ularning farzandining hozirgi loyihalari yoki kelajagi rejalar (n=12). Ko'ngillilik, SCda ishtirok etish va hamkorlik qilish kabi PI shakllari jamiyat ham ota-onalar tomonidan tarbiyalangan. Ota-onalarning yarmiga yaqini (n=21) maktabda ixtiyoriy bo‘lmaganliklarini va olti nafar o‘qituvchining fikricha, ota-onalar maktabda ixtiyoriy emas edi. Biroq, 15 ota-ona ishtirok etganliklarini ma'lum qilishdi maktabga chiqishda sinfga hamrohlik qilib, yetti nafar o'qituvchi, deb hisoblagan ota-onalar shu tarzda ishtirok etishdi. Beshta ota-ona maktab kutubxonasida yordam berganini aytdi va Ikki o'qituvchi ota-onalar bu vazifani o'z zimmalariga olganliklari haqida tasavvurga ega edilar. Bundan tashqari, etti ota-onalar sinfda va ikkita o'qituvchida ba'zi mashg'ulotlar paytida yordam berishlarini aytdi ota-onalar bu yo'lda yordam bergan deb hisobladilar. The parents reported collaborating with the community in the following ways 20 parents used the community library, 16 parents took part in community centre activities, and 13 parents visited museums. Moreover, two teachers said that parents used the community library and three teachers reported that parents took part in community centre activities, while six teachers said they did not have any information regarding the parents’ collaboration with the community. The results also reveal the main characteristics of the ideal relationship between the actors, as perceived by them. It mainly emerged that, for both the parents (n=27), and teachers (n=6), regular and continual communication was key to a collaborative relationship. Moreover, both the parents (n=12) and teachers (n=6) underlined mutual trust as another crucial characteristic of an ideal relationship. However, the parents (n=7) also specifically emphasized mutual respect and felt that ideal collaboration depended on the teacher (n=7). 20 ota-onalar mahalla kutubxonasidan foydalanishdi, 16 ota-ona mahalla markazi faoliyatida ishtirok etdi, va 13 nafar ota-onalar muzeylarga tashrif buyurishdi. Bundan tashqari, ikkita o'qituvchi ota-onalardan foydalanganligini aytishdi mahalla kutubxonasi va uchta o'qituvchi ota-onalarning jamoat ishlarida qatnashganliklari haqida xabar berishdi Markaz faoliyati haqida olti nafar o'qituvchi hech qanday ma'lumotga ega emasligini aytdi ota-onalarning jamiyat bilan hamkorligi. Natijalar o'rtasidagi ideal munosabatlarning asosiy xususiyatlarini ham ochib beradi aktyorlar, ular tomonidan qabul qilinganidek. Bu, asosan, ikkala ota-ona uchun (n=27) va o'qituvchilar (n = 6), muntazam va doimiy muloqot hamkorlikning kaliti edi munosabat. Bundan tashqari, ota-onalar (n = 12) va o'qituvchilar (n = 6) o'zaro ta'kidladilar ishonch ideal munosabatlarning yana bir muhim xususiyati sifatida. Biroq, ota-onalar (n = 7) shuningdek, o'zaro hurmatni alohida ta'kidladi va ideal hamkorlikni his qildi o'qituvchiga bog'liq (n=7). DISCUSSION Convergences and Discrepancies in School-Family Community Collaboration Practices The first objective of this article was to analyze whether the collaborative practices between parents and teachers were convergent. In general, it appears that, in view of parents’ and teachers’ narratives, that SFC collaboration practices are mainly focused on learning at home, school-home communication and, occasionally, volunteering. This is not surprising because these two types of activities are often identified by researchers (Larivée, 2019) as being the most important for parents as well as for school employees. Given the results, it appears home-based learning is a practice favored by parents and teachers. Based on the results of this research, it appears that parents help their children with homework in different ways. Many parents emphasized the children’s autonomy, for example, by encouraging their children to find solutions themselves. Other parents provided close support, helping their children through all the steps of their homework; rather than simply playing a monitoring role, their support involved a detailed review of the lessons and content learned at school. The parents’ understanding of learning at home appeared to be influenced by several factors: their own experience, the difficulties experienced by their children, the level of difficulty of the schoolwork, the amount of homework assigned, whether it was an exam period, etc. Some parents saw helping with homework as an opportunity to spend quality time with their children, a chance to share and exchange ideas on various subjects, including schoolwork. The results show that homework help does not necessarily represent a source of tension between parents and children. Indeed, we believe that it is how parents support learning at home that can make a difference as Boonk et al. (2018) have also suggested. Natijalar ikkita aktyor guruhi o'rtasida ikkitaga nisbatan o'xshash tushunchalarni ko'rsatadi muhim omillar: 13 ota-ona va uchta o'qituvchi buni baham ko'rish muhimligini ta'kidladi 19 ota-ona va besh nafar o'qituvchi maktab va oilani bir xil maqsadlarga qo'ygan bir jamoa bo'lib ishlashlari va munosabatlarini chinakam qilish uchun ko'proq hamkorlik qilishlari kerak hamkorlik. MUHOKAZA Maktab-oila hamkorligi amaliyotidagi yaqinlashuv va kelishmovchiliklar Ushbu maqolaning birinchi maqsadi hamkorlik amaliyotlarini tahlil qilish edi ota-onalar va o'qituvchilar o'rtasida bir-biriga yaqin edi. Umuman olganda, bu ko'rinadi, ko'rinishida ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning hikoyalari, SFC hamkorlik amaliyotlari asosan qaratilgan uyda o'rganish, maktab-uy aloqasi va vaqti-vaqti bilan ko'ngillilik. Bu ajablanarli emas, chunki bu ikki turdagi faoliyat ko'pincha tadqiqotchilar tomonidan aniqlanadi (Larivee, 2019) ota-onalar uchun ham, maktab xodimlari uchun ham eng muhimi. Natijalarni inobatga olgan holda, uyda o'qitish ota-onalar tomonidan ma'qullanadigan amaliyot bo'lib tuyuladi o'qituvchilar. Ushbu tadqiqot natijalariga ko'ra, ota-onalar farzandlariga uy vazifasini bajarishda turli yo'llar bilan yordam berishadi. Ko'pgina ota-onalar bolalarning mustaqilligini ta'kidladilar, masalan, farzandlarini o'zlari yechim topishga undash orqali. Boshqa ota-onalar bolalariga uy vazifasini bajarishda yordam berish, yaqindan yordam berish; shunchaki monitoring rolini o'ynashdan ko'ra, ularning yordami batafsil ko'rib chiqishni o'z ichiga oladi maktabda o'rganilgan darslar va mazmun. Ota-onalarning o'rganish haqidagi tushunchasi Uyga bir nechta omillar ta'sir ko'rsatdi: o'z tajribasi, qiyinchiliklar ularning farzandlari tomonidan boshdan kechirilganligi, maktab ishining qiyinchilik darajasi, miqdori topshirilgan uy vazifasi, imtihon davri bo'ladimi, va hokazo. Ba'zi ota-onalar yordam berishni ko'rdilar uy vazifasi bolalari bilan sifatli vaqt o'tkazish imkoniyati, baham ko'rish imkoniyati sifatida va turli fanlar, jumladan, maktab ishlari bo‘yicha fikr almashish. Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadi uy vazifasi yordam, albatta, ota-onalar va o'rtasidagi keskinlik manbai vakili emas bolalar. Darhaqiqat, ota-onalar uyda o'qishni qo'llab-quvvatlashlari mumkinligiga ishonamiz Boonk va boshqalar kabi farq qiling. (2018) ham taklif qilgan. Communication is another dimension for which the views of teachers and parents seem to align. These actors reported using the same means of communication, namely, email, the child’s homework agenda and face-to-face meetings. However, their opinions differed regarding the frequency of contact. The results of the analysis show that there are two compulsory meetings during the school year: the collective meeting at the beginning of the school year and the individual meeting scheduled to discuss the first report card, held at the end of November in Quebec. Otherwise, the meetings were ad hoc, depending on the child’s needs or difficulties. This was insufficient, from the perspective of the parents, with almost a quarter of parents bringing up the lack of communication or little contact they had with the teacher. Muloqot - bu o'qituvchilar va ota-onalarning qarashlari ko'rinadigan yana bir jihat tekislash. Ushbu aktyorlar bir xil aloqa vositalaridan, ya'ni elektron pochta, bolaning uy vazifasi kun tartibi va yuzma-yuz uchrashuvlar. Biroq, ularning fikrlari aloqa chastotasi bo'yicha farqlanadi. Tahlil natijalari shuni ko'rsatadiki, u erda o'quv yili davomida ikkita majburiy yig'ilish: jamoaviy yig'ilish o'quv yilining boshlanishi va birinchisini muhokama qilish uchun rejalashtirilgan shaxsiy yig'ilish Noyabr oyi oxirida Kvebekda bo'lib o'tgan hisobot kartasi. Aks holda, uchrashuvlar reklama edi hoc, bolaning ehtiyojlari yoki qiyinchiliklariga qarab. Bu yetarli emas edi, dan ota-onalarning nuqtai nazari, ota-onalarning deyarli to'rtdan bir qismi etishmovchilikni keltirib chiqaradi muloqot yoki ular o'qituvchi bilan kam aloqada edi. I think it always comes down to the challenges of a human relationship, so there’s a difference between what you mean, what you want to say, what’s perceived, or decoded, what should be said, what someone really means, but what can’t be said in some circumstances. It’s always an area where human relationships are more difficult, between what I want to hear and the message the teacher wants to give me. There’s always, there can be a clash – what I don’t want to hear. I don’t want to hear that my son has X health problem or behavioural problem or learning difficulty. I could say my relationship with the teacher isn’t good, but actually it’s just my perception, it’s me to some degree. This conflict comes from myself, not just from the teacher… It’s a human relationship… (Parent D24) Menimcha, bu har doim insoniy munosabatlarning qiyinchiliklariga to'g'ri keladi, shuning uchun ham bor nimani nazarda tutayotganingiz, aytmoqchi bo'lgan narsangiz, idrok qilingan narsa yoki o'rtasidagi farq dekodlangan, nima deyish kerak, kimdir aslida nimani anglatadi, lekin nima deyish mumkin emas ba'zi hollarda. Bu har doim insoniy munosabatlar ko'proq bo'lgan sohadir qiyin, men eshitmoqchi bo'lgan narsa va o'qituvchi bermoqchi bo'lgan xabar o'rtasida men. Har doim to'qnashuv bo'lishi mumkin - men eshitishni istamagan narsam. men xohlamayman Mening o'g'lim X sog'lig'i muammosi yoki xatti-harakatlari yoki o'rganish qiyinligi borligini eshitish. O'qituvchi bilan munosabatlarim yaxshi emas, deb ayta olaman, lekin aslida shunday faqat mening idrok, bu qaysidir darajada men. Bu mojaro o'zimdan emas, balki o'zimdan kelib chiqadi faqat o'qituvchidan ... Bu insoniy munosabatlar ... (Ota-ona D24) CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION The discourse of the actors brought out their practices relating to SFC partnerships. Both actors reported that learning at home and teacher-parent communication were the practices of partnership they favoured. They were in agreement regarding the tasks to be accomplished, but differences emerged regarding the means provided by the teachers to support the parents. The parents said the teachers provided them with few tools and insufficient pedagogical information or explanations regarding the learning objectives. The partners used the same means of communication, but the parents felt that communication with the teachers was not frequent enough. As regards PI at school, the parents mainly participated by accompanying the class on school outings. The parents did not often participate in the SC, undoubtedly because, aside from the limited number of places made available for them, they also doubted that their input in this council would make a difference. This study contributes to the literature by exploring not only the perceptions of parents and teachers, but also the practices and means put in place by these partners to foster mutual collaboration. To our knowledge, few studies have examined the practices of both parents and teachers concurrently. The Epstein model here appears to be working, but local parameters like school culture and community culture must alos be taken into account XULOSA VA MA'LUMOT Aktyorlarning nutqi SFC hamkorligi bilan bog'liq amaliyotlarini ko'rsatdi. Ikkala aktyor ham uyda o'qish va o'qituvchi va ota-ona muloqoti ekanligini ta'kidladilar hamkorlik amaliyotlarini ma'qulladilar. Vazifalar borasida hamfikr edilar amalga oshirildi, ammo o'qituvchilar tomonidan taqdim etilgan vositalar bo'yicha farqlar paydo bo'ldi ota-onalarni qo'llab-quvvatlash. Ota-onalarning aytishicha, o'qituvchilar ularga ozgina asbob-uskunalar berishgan va o'quv maqsadlari bo'yicha pedagogik ma'lumotlar yoki tushuntirishlarning etarli emasligi. Hamkorlar bir xil aloqa vositalaridan foydalanganlar, ammo ota-onalar buni his qilishgan o'qituvchilar bilan muloqot etarli emas edi. Maktabdagi PIga kelsak, ota-onalar asosan maktabga chiqishlarida sinfga hamrohlik qilish orqali qatnashdilar. Ota-onalar SCda tez-tez ishtirok etmadi, shubhasiz, chunki cheklangan sondan tashqari ular uchun mavjud bo'lgan joylar haqida, ular ham ushbu kengashdagi o'z hissalarini shubha ostiga olishdi farq qiladi. Ushbu tadqiqot nafaqat ota-onalarning his-tuyg'ularini o'rganish orqali adabiyotga hissa qo'shadi va o'qituvchilar, shuningdek, ushbu sheriklar tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan amaliyot va vositalar o'zaro hamkorlik. Bizning ma'lumotlarimizga ko'ra, amaliyotni bir nechta tadqiqotlar o'rgangan ota-onalar ham, o'qituvchilar ham bir vaqtning o'zida. Bu erda Epstein modeli ishlayotganga o'xshaydi, Lekin maktab madaniyati va jamiyat madaniyati kabi mahalliy parametrlarni ham hisobga olish kerak Hisob This study helped to better understand the perspectives of parents and teachers on the school-family relationship. Based on this study, recommendations can be formulated. Thus, communication is seen as the cornerstone of this relationship by the participants. Teachers may consider sending personal weekly notes through the school diary to parents, sending collective messages to parents through the class site (on learning done in class, information about class life, etc.). Another suggestion for communicating with parents is to make phone calls or virtual appointments when the parents cannot come to school. In connection with learning at home, we suggest providing parents with explanations (how to do active reading with the child) and tools (eg steps for problem solving) in connection with learning strategies throughout the year and not on an ad hoc basis. A weekly collective mail to all parents could be a tool to explore as well as a class website. Widening the scope of parental involvement can be a step towards an effective school-family relationship. Inviting parents to observe in class or providing occasional help could be an opportunity to get to know each other better and to build a bond of trust between the actors. Parents are not always aware of what is going on in the classroom and it will be an opportunity to see the extent of the work being done by the teacher. Likewise, as the participants of this study expressed, the presence of parents at school is also sending message to children: school is important. Nevertheless, this study has some limitations. One limitation is the make-up of the sample, as the majority of parent participants came from affluent backgrounds. It was thus not possible to determine whether differences could be found in the practices of parents from different backgrounds. This could constitute an avenue for future research, that is, analyzing the practices of the teacher in reference to the practices of the parents of the children in their classrooms. Ushbu tadqiqot ota-onalar va o'qituvchilarning nuqtai nazarini yaxshiroq tushunishga yordam berdi maktab-oila munosabatlari. Ushbu tadqiqot asosida tavsiyalarni shakllantirish mumkin. Shunday qilib, muloqot ishtirokchilar tomonidan ushbu munosabatlarning asosi sifatida ko'riladi. O'qituvchilar maktab kundaligi orqali shaxsiy haftalik eslatmalarni yuborish haqida o'ylashlari mumkin ota-onalar, sinf sayti orqali ota-onalarga jamoaviy xabarlar yuborish (bajarilgan o'rganish to'g'risida sinfda, sinf hayoti haqidagi ma'lumotlar va boshqalar). Muloqot uchun yana bir taklif Ota-onalar ota-onalar kela olmasalar, telefon qo'ng'iroqlari yoki virtual uchrashuvlar qilishlari kerak maktab. Uyda o'rganish bilan bog'liq holda, biz ota-onalarga yordam berishni taklif qilamiz tushuntirishlar (bola bilan faol o'qishni qanday qilish kerak) va vositalar (masalan, muammo uchun qadamlar hal qilish) yil davomida o'rganish strategiyalari bilan bog'liq va maxsus emas asos. Barcha ota-onalarga haftalik jamoaviy xatlar dars bilan bir qatorda o'rganish uchun ham vosita bo'lishi mumkin veb-sayt. Ota-onalarning ishtiroki doirasini kengaytirish samarali bo'lgan qadam bo'lishi mumkin maktab-oila munosabatlari. Ota-onalarni sinfda kuzatishga taklif qilish yoki vaqti-vaqti bilan ta'minlash yordam bir-birini yaxshiroq bilish va rishtalarni o'rnatish uchun imkoniyat bo'lishi mumkin aktyorlar o'rtasidagi ishonch. Ota-onalar har doim ham uyda nima bo'layotganini bilishmaydi sinf xonasi va u tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarning ko'lamini ko'rish imkoniyati bo'ladi o'qituvchi. Xuddi shunday, ushbu tadqiqot ishtirokchilarining ta'kidlashicha, ota-onalarning mavjudligi maktab ham bolalarga xabar yuboradi: maktab muhim. Shunga qaramay, ushbu tadqiqot ba'zi cheklovlarga ega. Bitta cheklov - bu bo'yanish namuna, chunki ota-onalar ishtirokchilarining aksariyati badavlat odamlardan edi. Bo'lgandi ning amaliyotida farqlar mavjudligini aniqlash mumkin emas turli kelib chiqishi bo'lgan ota-onalar. Bu kelajakdagi tadqiqotlar uchun yo'l bo'lishi mumkin, ya'ni ota-onalarning amaliyotiga nisbatan o'qituvchining amaliyotini tahlil qilish o'z sinflaridagi bolalar. Download 84.5 Kb. 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