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Lesson Check Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this lesson (and that we give you credit for it)! 1. Which of the following has had a large impact on education now that the internet is so easily accessible: Students no longer need to be able to calculate things as computers can do it The role of rote learning has decreased as students have instant access to the world’s knowledge Schools must move to project based learning to keep students engaged Computer science is an important subject, even with younger students Check Answer Correct! 2. How does technology help cater to individual student needs? (Select all that apply.) Access to technology impacts learning more than teaching Resources can be personalized for students Teachers can write code that makes students behave better Students can take ownership of their learning Check Answer Correct! 3. Choose the statement that best reflects what we know about technology, teaching, and learning. Access to technology impacts learning more than teaching Teachers must become experts with technology in order to support student learning Technology is a tool to support teachers in their efforts to increase student learning Learning cannot succeed without technology Check Answer Correct! 4. Which of the following describes a digital classroom? (Select all that apply.) A place where teachers are facilitators of learning A place where students use technology to collaborate and communicate in authentic ways A place where students have access to online resources that they can use to solve problems A place where every student is working alone on a device (a laptop or tablet) for the entire day Lesson Check 2Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this lesson (and that we give you credit for it)!1. When selecting a digital tool to integrate into your class, where should you start? With your learning objectives 2. Which app allows you to analyze data? Google Sheets 3. If you wanted to create a custom logo for your blog, you could use: Google Drawings 4. Which is not an advantage of the Google tools? Only available offline English “I’ve been looking at your digital footprint, and it looks like you stepped in something.” It’s something I heard that at a üeonce and it’s really stuck with me. My kids get a laugh out of it too, but you know it’s true! It’s a serious topic and it’s amazing how early they start to leave their mark in the digital world. Most of my middle schoolers don’t realize that they may already be out there on the Internet. I like to have them search for their names and they are shocked by the results. Once we flip over to image search they’re blown away that they usually find a photo of themselves that’s been posted online. That makes it real. Ingliz "Men sizning raqamli izingizni ko'rib chiqdim va siz biror narsaga kirganga o'xshaysiz." Bu men bir zumda eshitgan narsam va u menga qattiq ta'sir qildi. Farzandlarim ham bundan kulishadi, lekin bu haqiqat ekanini bilasiz! Bu jiddiy mavzu va ular qanchalik erta raqamli dunyoda o'z izini qoldirishni boshlashlari hayratlanarli. O'rta maktab o'quvchilarimning ko'pchiligi ular allaqachon Internetda bo'lishlari mumkinligini tushunishmaydi. Men ularning ismlarini qidirishlarini yaxshi ko'raman va ular natijalardan hayratda qolishadi. Tasvirlarni qidirishga o'tsak, ular odatda Internetda joylashtirilgan o'zlarining fotosuratlarini topib, hayratda qolishadi. Bu uni haqiqiy qiladi. English Teaching my students about copyright and fair use is a challenge. Everything is so easily accessible on the Internet nowadays. I think sometimes the new process for doing a research project is copy/paste/print. In my class we do a lot with copyright-free images. Google Image Search allows students to limit their search results to different types of licenses, such as free to use, modify or share. The Explore Tool in Google Docs has also become a very important part of my class. Students can search for scholarly articles and even insert citations and footnotes very easily and quickly. Ingliz O'quvchilarimga mualliflik huquqi va adolatli foydalanish haqida o'rgatish juda qiyin. Bugungi kunda Internetda hamma narsa juda oson. Menimcha, ba'zida tadqiqot loyihasini amalga oshirishning yangi jarayoni nusxa ko'chirish/joylashtirish/chop etishdir. Mening sinfimda biz mualliflik huquqisiz tasvirlar bilan ko'p ishlaymiz. Google Image Search oʻquvchilarga oʻz qidiruv natijalarini bepul foydalanish, oʻzgartirish yoki almashish kabi litsenziyalar turlari bilan cheklash imkonini beradi. Google Docs-dagi Explore Tool ham mening sinfimning juda muhim qismiga aylandi. Talabalar ilmiy maqolalarni qidirishlari va hatto iqtiboslar va izohlarni juda oson va tez kiritishlari mumkin. English We spend a lot of time training our students on how to be safe online, and having strong passwords is a great place to start. But it’s also important to make sure you don’t leave any information behind, especially when using a shared computer. We all seem to know someone who’s been hacked. We teach our kids to use incognito windows in Chrome when they’re working on shared computers and how to clear their browser history. This helps keep their private information private. Ingliz Biz ko'p vaqtimizni o'quvchilarimizni Internetda xavfsiz bo'lishni o'rgatish uchun sarflaymiz va kuchli parollarga ega bo'lish boshlash uchun ajoyib joy. Lekin, ayniqsa, umumiy kompyuterdan foydalanganda hech qanday ma'lumot qoldirmasligingizga ishonch hosil qilish ham muhimdir. Biz hammamiz xakerlik hujumiga uchragan odamni bilamiz. Biz farzandlarimizga umumiy kompyuterlarda ishlaganlarida Chrome brauzerida inkognito oynalaridan foydalanishni va brauzer tarixini qanday tozalashni o‘rgatamiz. Bu ularning shaxsiy ma'lumotlarini maxfiy saqlashga yordam beradi. English My students are loving Hangout chats in Gmail. They have started creating group Hangouts for the projects they are working on. They get to share ideas and keep up with what is going on. Of course we started with some activities to model the right way and the wrong way to communicate using chats. I was worried about it at first, but they have really done well and impressed me with their maturity. Of course we do get the occasional funny meme posted, but that’s okay for a little comic relief. Ingliz Mening shogirdlarim Gmaildagi Hangout chatlarini yaxshi ko'rishadi. Ular ustida ishlayotgan loyihalar uchun guruh Hangouts yaratish boshlandi. Ular fikr almashishadi va nima bo'layotganidan xabardor bo'lishadi. Albatta, biz chatlar yordamida muloqot qilishning to'g'ri va noto'g'ri usulini modellashtirish uchun ba'zi tadbirlardan boshladik. Avvaliga men bu haqda tashvishlanardim, lekin ular haqiqatan ham yaxshi ish qilishdi va o'zlarining etukligi bilan meni hayratda qoldirdilar. Albatta, biz vaqti-vaqti bilan kulgili memlarni joylashtiramiz, ammo bu biroz kulgili yengillik uchun yaxshi. 1. Google Meet can help students practice good online communication. True 2. What can all teachers do in their classrooms to help shape responsible students? (Select all that apply.) Show students how to create strong passwords Provide opportunities for students to practice good behavior Create a safe environment for talking about digital citizenship topics Integrate digital citizenship lessons in class 3. Building _____ helps students cope better when faced with challenges online. Resilience 4. How can image search be used to teach good online behavior? Filter images by usage rights 1. Which of the following are drawbacks to using a textbook? (Select all that apply.) Textbooks can become out of date Textbooks don’t have interactive components Textbooks don’t have links to current events 2. Which tool allows a teacher to put together a collection of videos on a specific topic? YouTube playlists 3. One benefit of augmenting a course textbook with digital resources is Increases student engagement 4. In what ways could students become partners with the teacher in augmenting the textbook with digital resources? (Select all that apply.) Students could help build a Google Site of current events that link to the curriculum Students could suggest YouTube videos that connect to the course content Students could generate online flashcards or study guides with links to external content Download 43.21 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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