Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазирлиги самарⱪанд иⱪтисодиёт ва сервис институти з

Етакчилик ва одамларни бошқариш. Ишга қабул қилиш ва танлаш…………………………………………

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Етакчилик ва одамларни бошқариш. Ишга қабул қилиш ва танлаш…………………………………………...



Менежментнинг мақсади ва жараёни ҳақида билиш….......



Менежмент бўйича ёзувчилар……………………................



Бошқарув ва назорат…………………………..…….....…....



Етакчилик кўникмалари ва услублари……………....……..



Ишга қабул қилиш ва танлаш……………………….....……



Ишга қабул қилиш ва танлаш учун жавобгарлик……...….



Ишга қабул қилиш жараёни…………………………....……



Реклама бўйича бўш иш ўринлари…………………....……



Танловга тизимли ёндашув……………………………........



Контурда танлов усуллари………………………….....……






Танлов синовлари……………………………………….……



Бошқа танлов усуллари……………………………………...



Ишга қабул қилиш ва танлаш амалиётини баҳолаш…........



Турли хиллик ва тенг имкониятлар…………….…........



Ишда камситишнинг оқибатлари…………………………



Тенг имконият………………………………………………



Амалий натижалар……………………………...……………



Хилма хиллик………………………………………………


Адабиётлар рўйхати..............................................................


Илмий нашр


(Accountant in Bus­iness)

Мехринисо Розиқова

Техник муҳаррир:
Заррина Абдурауфова

Елеонара Абдуваҳобова

“TURON NASHR” нашриёти.

100129. Самарқанд шаҳри, Хўжа Аҳрор Валий кўчаси, 37-уй.
Тасдиқнома № 4174 (22.09.2020-у.)
Телефонлар: (97) 922-14-40 (91) 529-77-67

Теришга 2022-йил 15-декабрда берилди.

Босишга 2023-йил 11-январда рухсат этилди.
Бичими 84х108 1/16 "Тимес Неw Роман"
гарнитурасида офсет босма усулида офсет қоғозида босилди.
31,25 шарт. б.т. 30,0 ҳисоб нашр табоғи.
Адади: 50 нусха. 85/22-сон буюртма.

МЧЖ “НАВРЎЗ ПОЛИГРАФ” матбаа бўлимида чоп етилди.

Лисензия № 18-3327 30.08.2019-йил.
Манзил: Самарқанд шаҳар, Х.Абдуллаев кўчаси, 63-уй.

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46 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 24-р

47 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 24-р

48 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 25-р

49 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 25-р

50 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 26-р

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55 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 28-29 р

56 FIA - Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: The business organization, its stakeholders and the external enveroment. 29 р

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Истеъмолчилар нархлари индекслари, қисқача қўлланма (PDF), Миллий статистика бошқармаси, архивланди (ПДФ) асл нусхасидан 2015 йил 10 январда, олинган 10 январ 2015

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109 Толаметова Зилола Абдужабборовна, Қулматов Алимжан Абдуллоевич, Ишсизликнинг келиб чиқиш сабабларига назарий ёндашув уни бартараф этиш йўллари. макола Иқтисод ва молия 2017.4. 47-б

110 Толаметова Зилола Абдужабборовна, Қулматов Алимжан Абдуллоевич, Ишсизликнинг келиб чиқиш сабабларига назарий ёндашув уни бартараф этиш йўллари. макола Иқтисод ва молия 2017.4. 48-49 б

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149 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 03 «Microeconomic factors»103-117 р

150 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economy.asp

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159 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 03 «Microeconomic factors» 91-99 р

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171 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 03 «Microeconomic factors» 127 р

172 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 124-131 р

173 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation,
structure and strategy» 132- р

174 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 133- р

175 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 136- р

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178 https://uz.denemetr.com/docs/134/index-206343.html

179 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 137-138 р

180 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 138 р

181 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 139 р

182 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 139 р

183 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 140 р

184 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 140 р

185 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 141 р

186 https://penpoin.com/decentralization/

187 https://tyonote.com/informal_organization/

188 https://staff.tiiame.uz/storage/users/41/presentations/cgK1WQRJI23P2qa7h7YqQ5hl0fdWXGKEtLAyvmuf.pdf

189 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 124 р

190 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 127 р

191 https://bizfluent.com/facts-7241372-hybrid-organization-structure.html

192 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 131 р

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197 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 05 « Business organisation, structure and strategy» 140 р

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200 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 147-151 р

201 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 151 р

202 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 152 р

203 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 152 р

204 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 153 р

205 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 154 р

206 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 155-157 р

207 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 158-161 р

208 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 162 р

209 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 163 р

210 https://qomus.info/encyclopedia/cat-m/madaniyat-uz/

211 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 163 р

212 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 163-164 р

213 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 165 р

214 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 165 р

215 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 166 р

216 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 167 р

217 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 167-168 р

218 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 169 р

219 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees” 169-170 р

220 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees”170-173 р

221 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 06 « Organisational culture and committees”170-173 р

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224 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility” 178 р

225 https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/corporate-social-responsibility/

226 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/corporategovernance.asp

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228 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility” 178-181 р

229 Чет эл капитали иштирокидаги «Hamkorbank» Акциядорлик-Тижорат Банкининг Корпоратив бошқарув кодекси 2017 йил 20 май Акциядорларнинг умумий йигилиши томонидан тасдиқланган Кенгаш раиси И.Ибрагимов 2-3 бет

230 Чет эл капитали иштирокидаги «Hamkorbank» Акциядорлик-Тижорат Банкининг Корпоратив бошқарув кодекси 2017 йил 20 май Акциядорларнинг умумий йигилиши томонидан тасдиқланган Кенгаш раиси И.Ибрагимов 2-3 бет

231 https://uz.denemetr.com/docs/235/index-8621-1.html?page=3

232 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 181-184 р

233 https://uz.denemetr.com/docs/235/index-8621-1.html?page=3

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235 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 187-190 р

236 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 190 р

237 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 190-191 р

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239 https://old.uzex.uz/files/uploads/корпоратив-бош-арув-кодекси.pdf

240 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 192 р

241 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 192 р

242 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 193 р

243 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility» 194 р

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245 https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/corporate-social-responsibility/

246 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART В: Chapter 07 Corporate governance and social responsibility” 178 р

247 https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/non-executive-director/

248 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting » 203 р

249 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting » 203 р

250 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting » 204-207 р

251 https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-develop

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260 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting » 213 р

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269 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting » 216-219 р

270 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/payroll.asp

271 https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/financial-control/

272 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting »219

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274 https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/financial-system/

275 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 « The role of accounting » 219-223 р

276 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 228 р

277 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 230 р

278 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 231 р

279 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 233 р

280 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 233 р

281 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 203 р

282 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 204 р

283 https://www.1stformations.co.uk/blog/what-is-a-company-shareholder/

284 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_management

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288 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_resources

289 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gross_profit_margin.asp

290 Foundations of Accounting in Business-FAB Study Text 2016. PART С: Chapter 08 «The role of accounting» 214 р

291 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spreadsheet

292 https://www.guru99.com/introduction-to-database-sql.html

293 https://www.iedunote.com/cash-control

294 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 238-240 р

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296 (Auditing Practices Board)

297 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 241 р

298 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 242 р

299 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 243-244 р

300 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/internalaudit.asp

301 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 245-249 р

302 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 250 р

303 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 251 р

304 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 252-254 р

305 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 10 Identifying and
preventing fraud» 266 р

306 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 10 Identifying and
preventing fraud» 267-269 р

307 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 10 Identifying and
preventing fraud» 270-273 р

308 https://www.iedunote.com/internal-control-system

309 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 240 р

310 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 241 р

311 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 242 р

312 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 242 р

313 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/internalaudit.asp

314 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 246 р

315 https://accountinguide.com/external-audit/

316 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 252 р

317 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 09 « Control, security and audit» 253 р

318 https://www.wikiaccounting.com/fraud-definition-types-reasons-managing/

319 https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/what-is-management

320 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 294-295 р

321 https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/what-is-management

322 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 297 р

323 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 294-299 р

324 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 299 р

325 М.Шарифхўжаев., Ё.Абдуллаев. Менежмент. Дарслик Тошкент “ЎⱩИТУВЧИ” 2001. 11-25 б

326 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 299 р

327 М.Шарифхўжаев., Ё.Абдуллаев. Менежмент. Дарслик ТОШКЕНТ “УКИТУВЧИ” 2001. 11-25 б

328 М.Шарифхўжаев., Ё.Абдуллаев. Менежмент. Дарслик ТОШКЕНТ “УКИТУВЧИ” 2001. 11-25 б

329 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 300-303 р

330 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 305 р

331 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 300-304 р

332 https://uz.denemetr.com/docs/134/index-234191.html

333 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 305-306 р

334 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/leadership.asp

335 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 307 р

336 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 310 р

337 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 310-311 р

338 Т.Ю.Базаров

339 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 320-321 р

340 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 321-322 р

341 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 323 р

342 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 324 р

343 https://www.iedunote.com/job-design

344 https://www.iedunote.com/job-design

345 https://www.iedunote.com/job-design

346 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 328 р

347 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 329-330 р

348 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 331 р

349 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 331 р

350 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 332 р

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352 Управление персоналом организации / Под ред. А.Я.Кибанова. М., 1997, -с.177

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354 Я.Худойбердиев (раҳбар), К.З.Хомитов, А.Муродов, Л.К.Кўпайсинова, Н.У.Арабов .Тадбиркорлик ва ишга жойлаштириш. Ӯқув қӯлланма. Тошкент “ИЛМ-ЗИЁ” 2016. 312 б

355 Я.Худойбердиев (раҳбар), К.З.Хомитов, А.Муродов, Л.К.Кўпайсинова, Н.У.Арабов. Тадбиркорлик ва ишга жойлаштириш. Ӯқув қӯлланма. ТОШКЕНТ “ИЛМ-ЗИЁ” 2016. 320-326-б

356 https://www.economicsdiscussion.net/human-resource-management/selection-tests/selection-tests/32362

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selection» 337-338 р

358 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 339 р

359 https://e.kadry.mcfr.uz/615067

360 https://e.kadry.mcfr.uz/615067

361 Я.Худойбердиев (раҳбар), К.З.Хомитов, А.Муродов, Л.К.Кўпайсинова, Н.У.Арабов. Тадбиркорлик ва ишга жойлаштириш. Ӯқув қӯлланма. ТОШКЕНТ “ИЛМ-ЗИЁ” 2016. 321-326-б

362 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 340 р

363 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection» 340 р

364 Я.Худойбердиев (раҳбар), К.З.Хомитов, А.Муродов, Л.К.Кўпайсинова, Н.У.Арабов.Тадбиркорлик ва ишга жойлаштириш. Ӯқув қӯлланма. ТОШКЕНТ “ИЛМ-ЗИЁ” 2016. 323-325 б

365 https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/what-is-management

366 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 295 р

367 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART A: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 296 р

368 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 296 р

369 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 298 р

370 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people» 305 р

371 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/leadership.asp

372 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 11 « Leading and managing people » 308 р

373 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection » 320 р

374 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 12 « Recruitment and
selection » 320 р

375 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_test

376 https://psychology.iresearchnet.com/counseling-psychology/personality-assessment/intelligence-tests/

377 https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-write-a-reference

378 https://yuz.uz/news/davlat-xizmatida-gender-tenglik-qanday-taminlanadi

379 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 13 « Diversity and equal
opportunities » 346-347 р

380 https://www.davidsonmorris.com/types-of-disability-discrimination/

381 https://www.davidsonmorris.com/age-discrimination/

382 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 13 « Diversity and equal opportunities» 349-р

383 02.09.2019 йилдаги ЎРҚ-562-сон «Хотин – қизлар ва эркаклар учун тенг ҳуқуқ ҳамда имкониятлар кафолатлари тўғрисида» Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Қонуни

384 https://yuz.uz/news/yangi-ozbekiston--yoshlarga-yangi-imkoniyatlar

385 https://www.marketing91.com/diversity-management/

386 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 13 « Diversity and equal opportunities» 351-352 р

387 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 13 « Diversity and equal
opportunities » 308 р

388 https://www.davidsonmorris.com/age-discrimination/

389 Foundations of Accounting in Business - FAB Study Text 2016. PART D: Chapter 13 « Diversity and equal opportunities» 349-р

390 https://www.marketing91.com/diversity-management/

391 https://www.marketing91.com/diversity-management/

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