On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Reaction Mechanism between Reactive Oxygen Species and Membrane Lipid Molecules in Moisture
- Study of Coupling of 2.45 GHz Electromagnetic Waves with Dense Plasma in Strong Magnetic Field
- Formation of electrical potential profile in DC reflex discharge
- 2. Experimental setup and methods
- Acknowledegements
- Gas temperature determination of non-thermal plasma jets from the collisional broadening of argon atomic emission lines
1. Introduction A radial uniformity in the plasma characteristics and in the neutral species densities is an important factor for achieving uniform etch rates [1]. It is well known that the radial plasma non-uniformity at the wafer is due to a combination of different factors, like an inhomogeneous magnetic field, pressure, reactor aspect ratio, applied power and bias, and the complex plasma chemistry typically used in material processing. Computer modelling can be used for parametric investigation and improvement of the spatial uniformity. In the present work we apply the 2- dimensional Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model (HPEM) [2] to simulate SF 6 /O
plasma sustained in an ICP reactor. The etch profile and rate are simulated by a Monte Carlo model [3]. The extensive gas phase (37 species) and plasma-surface (33 species) chemistry sets are developed based on a number of papers reporting cross-sections and reaction rate coefficients in SF 6 /O 2 gas mixtures and plasma interaction with a Si surface.
We consider a typical ICP reactor operating at a pressure of 10 mTorr. The applied power and bias, and the O 2 content can be varied in order to find optimal operating conditions for etching. The ICP reactor geometry and an example of the calculated electron temperature, T e , are presented in Figure 1. 3. Results The fluxes of species with comparatively high density at the wafer are presented in Figure 2. It is clear that the degree of dissociation of SF 6 and O
2 has
a radial maximum below the region of power deposition and its absorption by the electrons. The decrease of reactive species fluxes in the radial direction retards the etching. The research on the influence of the plasma uniformity at the wafer on the etch rate and profiles is ongoing.
e for applied power 1 kW, bias 300 V, and 15% O 2 concentration in a SF 6 /O 2 mixture, at a total gas flow rate of 100 sccm.
2 , SF 6 , SF
5 and O
2 refer to the left y-axis. The other species refer to the right y-axis. The operating conditions are the same as in Fig. 1.
[1] H. Sasaki, K. Nanbu and M. Takahashi. CP585, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 22nd International
(2001), 262. [2] M. Kushner, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 194013.
[3] R. J. Hoekstra, M. J. Grapperhaus, and M. J. Kushner, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 15, (1997) 1913.
14 103 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Reaction Mechanism between Reactive Oxygen Species and Membrane Lipid Molecules in Moisture
S. Uchida P 1 P , T. Yoshida UP 1 P , and F. Tochikubo 1
P 1 P
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
Plasma medicine is an attractive application of atmospheric pressure discharge. However, the atomic scale mechanism related to biological effects was not understood well. In the present work, reactive behavior of plasma radials with a membrane lipid in moisture was simulated using adaptive molecular dynamics. The dependence of chemical processes on radical energy was investigated. At low incident energy, oxygen atom did not penetrate to the water layer of some angstroms. The elemental reaction with water molecule produced two hydroxyl radicals, which finally changed to hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, high energetic oxygen atom reached to phospholipid and combined with the part of choline. Then, most of incident energy dispersed in surrounding water.
Medical applications of atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma have been promoted on the basis of stable formation techniques. The biological responses by plasma irradiation must be initiated by the interaction between plasma radical and membrane molecule. However, the theoretical mechanism thorough the complicated reaction processes was not understood well. Recently, the structural change of stratum corneum was numerically clarified with reactive molecular dynamics [1]. In addition, surrounding water strongly affected the chemical reaction of radicals with DNA [2]. In the present work, we investigated the interaction between reactive oxygen species and membrane phospholipid in moisture using adaptive solvent molecular dynamics. The change in reaction processes on the irradiation direction and initial position of radical was also discussed. 2. Analytical method In the present analysis, the direct contact of oxygen atom (O) to phosphatidylcholine (PC) in water was modeled as a basic interaction of plasma radical with biological membrane. The initial distance from O to PC was set to 6 Å. The incident energy of O was varied from 0 to 10 eV. The calculation time was 10 ps. The force field of each time increment was derived using a semi-empirical molecular orbital method (PM3). 3. Results and discussion Figure 1 shows the trajectory of O at the irradiation to hydrophilic group of PC. At an incident energy of 0.1 eV, O could not penetrate deeply to water layer. The radical bound to H 2 O at the vicinity of initial position. Then, two hydroxyl radicals (OH) were produced. Consequently, the direct combination of OH radicals generated H 2 O 2 . These are general processes between O and H 2 O. On the other hand, high energetic O reached to PC. After colliding with PC, transient binding was occurred around the part of choline. The behavior was different from the dissolve process of PC in air. This result suggests that most of the incident energy of O was dispersed in the surrounding water.
0.1 eV
1.0 eV
10 eV
Fig1. Change in reaction processes between O and PC at different irradiation energies in water References [1] J. Van der Paal, C. C. Verlackt, M. Yusupov, E. C. Neyts and A. Bogaerts, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 48, (2015) 155202 [2] R. M. Abolfath, P. K. Biswas, R. Rajnarayanam, T. Brabec, R. Kodym and L. Papiez, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116, (2012) 3940
5 0 ps 0 ps
0 ps 0.33 ps
0.5 ps 0.06 ps
104 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Study of Coupling of 2.45 GHz Electromagnetic Waves with Dense Plasma in Strong Magnetic Field
S. Polosatkin 1,2,3 , V. Batkin 1,2 , A. Burdakov 1,2,3 , I. Ivanov 1,2 , P. Kalinin 1,2 , I. Kotelnikov 1,2 ,
1 , N. Melnikov 1,2 , V. Postupaev 1,2 , E. Sidorov 1
P 1 P
3 Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Helicon discharge is one of the most suitable way for production of high-density low-temperature plasma. Helicon plasma sources, operating in the MHz frequency range and respectively low magnetic fields (0.01-0.1 T), capable to create plasma with density up to 10 13 cm
−3 . At the same time, next generation of linear plasma facilities for fusion requires production of plasma with density above this limit. Theoretical studies predict that such increasing of density can be achieved by application of powerful microwave sources of GHz range frequency. The paper presents first results of studies of coupling of 2.45 GHz radiation with low-temperature plasma column, created in strong magnetic field by external plasma source. Coupling efficiency (reflected-to-direct wave ratio) were measured for several types of antennas, and values of magnetic field and plasma density.
Interaction of EM waves with plasma were studied on the GOL-3 facility, that represents 8- meter long solenoid with a magnetic field arranged from 0.3 to 4.5 T. Arc plasma gun, attached at the one end of the facility, produces plasma column with density up to 10 14 cm
. Diameter of the plasma can be varied from 0.5 to 4 cm by changing of relation between magnetic fields on the plasma gun and in the solenoid.
Fig.1 Configuration of the experiment. In the inset - screened ring antenna Experimental study of EM wave interaction with plasma was performed in the special cell in the center of the facility. Microwave power was produced by 1.4 kW household 2.45 GHz magnetron, mounted in the R26 square waveguide. Magnetron is separated from antenna unit by ferromagnetic isolator to avoid influence of coupling efficiency to generation of microwave power. Direct and reflected power are measured by DD112 detectors from S-Team lab, mounted in the waveguide after isolator. Magnetron unit is connected to antenna by coaxial transfer line via specially designed waveguide-coaxial coupling unit.
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
0.04 0.05
0.06 0.07
0.08 Radial coordinate, cm In te
si ty,
a .u . With wicrowave Without wicrowave a -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
0.2 0.25
0.3 0.35
0.4 Radial coordinate, cm In te
si ty,
a .u . Without wicrowave With wicrowave b
Fig.2 Profiles of plasma radiation in visible range with and without microwave power; a – magnetic field 0.3 T, b – magnetic field 1.7 T. 2. Results of experiments Several types of antennas, including ring and horseshoe antenna with capacitive coupling, and screened ring antenna (fig.1, inset) were studied in experiments. Screened ring demonstrated best coupling efficiency – up to 30% for plasma density 10 14
cm -3 and more than 60% for low-density (below 10 14
cm -3 ) plasma. Influence of microwave power to plasma was indentified on the images of plasma radiation taken by CCD camera. Profiles of plasma radiation across the plasma column are shown in Fig.4 for magnetic field 0.3 T (Fig. 3a) and 1.7 T (Fig.3b). Despite captured microwave power sufficiently less than power, released in the plasma gun, microwave cause valuable increasing of light emission and also transformation of the radial profile of emission.
This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 15-02-06757). Topic number 105
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Formation of electrical potential profile in DC reflex discharge
G. D. Liziakin, A. V. Gavrikov, R. A. Usmanov, and V. P. Smirnov P
such as magnetic field of 0.03 to 0.2 T, the pressure of 0.1-100 mTorr, discharge voltage of 0-1,2 kV, the distance cathode-cathode and cathode-anode on plasma column potential. It was shown that the dependence of the plasma column potential on pressure has two maxima. The position of the maxima was determined by the magnetic field. By single floating probe was measured radial profile of the plasma potential. Using a double probe was measured concentration and the electron temperature. The range of the potential oscillations of the plasma column in different modes was defined.
The question about the formation of a defined spatial profile of the electric potential in the plasma is important in the plasma separation method of spent nuclear fuel [1]. The combination of electric and magnetic fields leads to spatial separation of «light» (m<160 u) and «heavy» (M~240 u) component of spent fuel. At the ends of the cylindrical chamber are the electrodes. To these electrodes is applied a negative voltage. A grounded vacuum chamber in conjunction with these electrodes forms a reflex discharge. This discharge generates a radial profile of the electric plasma potential. The work is devoted to the study of this profile.
We use single floating probe to measure plasma potential. Such measurement gives us a value with errors less than 10%. Electron temperatures and plasma density we measure by double probe method. Schematic setup of the experimental facility is presented on Fig. 1. Cylindrical vacuum chamber (anode) 1 with diameter 856 mm has the length of 1900 mm. Helmholtz coils 2 are positioned coaxially with the chamber. The coils have inner diameter of 100 cm, and they stand at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Cathodes 3 are fixed on the chamber end planes on dielectric plates 4. We have used circular and ring shape cathodes. In addition, we have used superposition of them. Cathodes positioning on the opposite end planes is absolutely identical in all tests. In this connection hereafter in this text we will always discuss the electrodes positioning on one end plane only, having in mind that at the other end the layout is exactly the same. The plates screen the conductive chamber’s end planes from the discharge gap. Thus, the cylindrical surface of the grounded chamber serves as a discharge anode.
Fig. 1 Experimental setup 3. Results
Considered different geometries of the electrodes. Distance between anode and cathode is an important parameter, the smaller that distance is the lower is the electrostatic potential reproduced in the plasma volume. Increase of the discharge voltage up to 1.2 kV leads to the growth of the potential maximal value. However, at further increase of the discharge voltage, the plasma potential practically does not change. Varying the magnetic field value it is possible to change both – plasma potential and discharge current. Plasma potential monotonously grows with the growth of the magnetic field, and the dependence of the discharge current on the magnetic field has its maximum at B=40 mT. The value of plasma column potential is up to 800 V depends on conditions.
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14-29-00231).
[1] V.P. Smirnov, A.A. Samokhin, N.A. Vorona and A.V. Gavrikov Plasma Phys. Rep. 39, (2013). Topic number 8 106
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Gas temperature determination of non-thermal plasma jets from the collisional broadening of argon atomic emission lines
M. C. García P 1, *
P , U A. Rodero P 1 , A. Gamero 1 and C. Yubero 1
P 1 P
Edificio A. Einstein (C-2), Campus de Rabanales. Universidad de Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba, Spain
We propose two new spectroscopic tools allowing gas temperature determination of non-thermal plasma jets, based on the measurement of the collisional broadening of two atomic emission lines, Ar I 750.39 nm and Ar I 842.46 nm, respectively.
The gas temperature of a microwave non- thermal plasma jet was determined from them. Results were consistent with each other, and with those obtained from the rotational temperature derived from OH ro-vibrational band.
In some technological applications, such as those related to plasma surface treatments or plasma treatment of liquids, a reliable determination of the gas temperature (T
) in the plasma could be crucial. To control this plasma characteristic parameter becomes
particularly relevant in biomedical applications. Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) techniques based on the analysis of molecular emission spectra are commonly used for T
determination of plasmas sustained at atmospheric pressure. But, the use of molecular emission spectroscopy is not always easy: overlapping of bands, rotational population distribution of levels having a non-Boltzmann nature, wake emission of rotational bands, among others, can make difficult to obtain reliable values of gas temperature. In this paper we propose two new spectroscopic tools for determination of gas temperature in non- thermal plasmas, based on the measurement of the collisional broadening of two argon atomic lines: Ar I 750.39 and Ar I 842.46 nm, respectively. The new methods have been used to measure T g of an argon microwave jet open to the air. Values obtained using them, have been compared to the rotational temperatures derived from the OH ro-vibrational bands for validation. 2. Method Lines Ar I 750.39 and Ar I 842.46 nm are very intense and can be almost always detected with a reasonably good signal-to-noise ratio, using
appropriate detectors. They correspond to resonance transitions into both resonance levels s 2 and s 4 of the
3p 5 4s configuration of the Ar I system, and have a very high resonance broadening only dependent on the gas temperature. These lines also have a non negligible van der Waals broadening also depending on T
. For plasmas with gas temperatures under 2000 K, and electron densities lower than 10 15 cm -3 , contributions of the Stark and Doppler broadenings to the whole line profile are negligible when compared to resonance and van der Waals ones. Under these experimental conditions, the total collisional broadening for these lines is then given by: 0.7 ( )
( ) ( )
W R C g W g R g g g C C W T W T W T T T (1) where constants C W and C R are characteristics for each line. Using expressions given by Yubero et al. in [1], and Ali and Griem in [2-3], respectively, we have calculated these constants for Ar I 750.39 and 842.46 nm.
The experimentally measured profiles of the lines (no self-absorbed), can be fitted to a Voigt shaped profile with a FWHM given by 2 2 2 2
C V I W W W W (2) being W
the instrumental broadening. So, by measuring W
, and knowing W I , from eq. (2) W
can be derived, and T g determined. 160> Download 9,74 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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