On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- 3. Results and discussions
- 4. References
- Surface charge measurements on different dielectrics in diffuse and filamentary barrier discharges
- 2. Discharge configuration and diagnostics
- Direct synthesis of hydrogenated graphene using decomposition of hydrocarbons in plasma jet
- Transport Characteristics of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cell Membranes with Molecular Dynamics - Superposition Effect of Electric Field
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 1. Issues of Hall thrusters
- 2. Toward a double stage Hall thruster
- ID-Hall (I
1. Introduction Austenite stainless steel is widely used for food processing equipments and chemical plants due to its good corrosion resistance. However, this steel does not have high hardness and wear resistance. Therefore, the wider application has been limited. To overcome the shortcoming, studies to form S phase on austenite surface has been carried out all over the world [1]. S phase is austenite phase that contains dense nitrogen. This phase has not only good corrosion resistance but also high surface hardness and wear resistance. We need remove the passivation film of stainless steel surface to diffuse nitrogen. This film is removed by sputtering in low-pressure plasma nitriding. On the other
hand, We
have developed atmospheric-pressure plasma nitriding as unique technology [2]. However, it is impossible to sputter it in atmospheric-pressure plasma. Therefore, we attempted the use of hydrogen to reduce passivation film to form the S phase by the atmospheric-pressure plasma.
2. Experimental setup JIS SUS304 (25×25×5 mm 3 ) was used as a sample. A ceramic heater was used to control treatment temperature to 425°C. N 2 /H
mixed gas (N 2 97%, H 2
3%) is used as the operating gas. The pulsed voltage of 5 kV and 21 kHz was applied to the inner electrode and the generated jet plume is sprayed onto the sample surface.
The duration is 2h. 3. Results and discussions Metallographic structure of sample cross-section is shown in Fig. 1. The thin film is formed on the outermost surface. XRD patterns of sample surface is shown in Fig. 2. Here, r is the distance from irradiation center. S and γ indicate the S phase and the base metal, respectively. We can obviously see S from r = 0 to 12 mm. The position of S shifts toward low 2θ with increasing r. This indicates that nitrogen concentration increases with r.
This is probably attributed to that surface temperature and diffusion coefficient decrease with r. Moreover, intensity of S decreases with increasing r. This corresponds to that thickness of S phase decreases with r. Additionally, hardness test proved that surface hardness increases. In conclusion, we succeeded in forming S phase by atmospheric-pressure plasma for the first time. This indicates that reduction of passivation film by hydrogen is successful. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15K17482.
[1] Y. Sun
[2] H. Nagamatsu et al., Surf. Coat. Technol. 225 (2013) 26. 14
Fig. 2
XRD patterns of sample surface.
Fig. 1 Metallographic structure of sample cross-section. 169
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Surface charge measurements on different dielectrics in diffuse and filamentary barrier discharges
R. Tschiersch 1 , S. Nemschokmichal 1 , M. Bogaczyk 2 and J. Meichsner 1
1 Institute of Physics, University of Greifswald, 17489 Greifswald, Germany 2 Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
The presented work reports on the successful extension of the surface charge diagnostics via the electro-optic Pockels effect of a bismuth silicon oxide (BSO) crystal to dielectrics used in common barrier discharge configurations, such as borosilicate glass, alumina and magnesia. The focus is on the impact of these dielectrics on the diffuse discharge in helium due to different secondary electron emission coefficients, and on the importance of the surface charge memory effect for the re-ignition behaviour of self-stabilized discharge filaments operated in helium-nitrogen mixtures.
Previously, we reported on the measurement of surface charges in barrier discharges (BDs) using the electro-optic Pockels effect of a bismuth silicon oxide (BSO) crystal [1,2]. It was shown that the surface charge morphology and dynamics determine the re-ignition behavior of the discharge and its lateral appearance, known as surface memory effect. The present work [3] makes this powerful method accessible to common dielectrics, e.g., borosilicate glass, alumina and magnesia. Fundamental issues are addressed such as the quantitative evidence of the surface memory effect, and the estimation of SEE coefficients for the different dielectrics using Townsend’s criterion for the breakdown voltage.
The discharge is operated inside a plane-parallel electrode configuration shielded by dielectrics on both sides to the gas gap of 3 mm. At the pressure of 1 bar, the diffuse glow-like BD is driven by sine- wave voltage in helium and self-stabilized discharge filaments are operated by square-wave voltage in helium with 10 vol.% nitrogen admixture. Surface charges are measured on borosilicate glass, alumina or magnesia covering the electro-optic BSO crystal. The surface charge diagnostics is based on the change in polarization of light, induced by surface charges on the BSO crystal and detected by a CCD camera. Additionally, current-voltage characteristics as well as the spatio-temporal development of the optical emission from the discharge are measured.
Figure 1 highlights the outstanding importance of the surface memory effect. In (a), a reduction of the feeding voltage amplitude from 3.2 kV to 2.2 kV causes the transition from arbitrary distributed to self-stabilized discharge filaments, revealed by the averaged surface charge density distribution σ(x,y). Each surface charge spot significantly enhances the local electric field across the gas gap, as shown in (b) by the recalculated gap voltage distribution just before the breakdown. At the surrounding region, where no surface charges are present, the gap voltage amounts to 1.6 kV. However, at the center of the surface charge spot, the gap voltage is more than 1 kV higher. This difference in gap voltage distribution explains the periodic re-ignition of the discharge filaments at the same positions as well as the loss in lateral order when the feeding voltage amplitude exceeds about 3 kV.
Fig. 1: (a) Surface charge density distribution σ(x,y) after the filamentary discharge breakdown for different feeding voltage amplitudes U ext , and (b) gap voltage distribution U gap
(x,y). Borosilicate glass on top of the BSO crystal.
[1] M Bogaczyk, R Wild, L Stollenwerk and H-E Wagner, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 465202 [2] R Tschiersch, M Bogaczyk and H-E Wagner,
[3] R Tschiersch, S Nemschokmichal, M Bogaczyk and J Meichsner, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
Topic number 6 170 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Direct synthesis of hydrogenated graphene using decomposition of hydrocarbons in plasma jet
R. Amirov, E. Isakaev, M. Shavelkina Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The synthesis of hydrogenated graphene using a high current DC plasma torch has been investigated. In the experiment the hydrocarbons with the working gas (helium, argon, nitrogen) have been introduced into the plasma jet, wherein heating and decompositions of components occurred in the plasma jet followed by condensation of the synthesis product. Products have been characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Thermal stability and phase composition of products were evaluated by thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that by varying the parameters it was possible to achieve hydrogen to carbon ratio in final product up to 1:4.
As a derivative of graphene, graphane is a nonmagnetic semiconductor with an energy gap formed by 100% hydrogenation of graphene with stoichiometry CH. Graphane opens new possibilities for the use of carbon based materials in applications involving manipulation of electronic properties, thermal conductivity, hydrogen storage, and magnetization. Graphane usually prepared in two steps by hydrogenation of graphene that was synthesized before. 2. Methods For the synthesis of hydrogenated graphene in one step a high current DC plasma torch was used. In the experiment the carbon precursors (propane- butane, methane, acetylene) with the working gas (helium, argon, nitrogen) have been introduced into the plasma jet, wherein heating and decompositions of components occurred in the plasma jet followed by condensation of the synthesis product. The plasma torch electric power reached 40 kW. The main parameters were: varying pressure in the range from 150 to 730 Torr and gas flow rate. Products have been characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Thermal stability and phase composition of products were evaluated by thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Express - gravimetry (vario MICRO cube) method have been used to determine the elemental composition of synthesized product. 3. Results Experimental results confirmed the possibility of hydrogenation of graphene in its synthesis. Figure 1 shows a typical SEM image of hydrogenated graphene structures that are morphologically identical to the structure obtained by the use of plasma afterglow [1]. Figure 2 presents Raman spectrum of the sample synthesized at 710 Torr using helium and propane-butane plasma. There are two characteristic peaks for graphane G (1581 cm -1 )
-1 ) [2]. D peak located at 1347 cm -1
translational symmetry of the sp2 C-C bonds due to the formation of sp3 C-H bonds. Analysis of 2D peak form shows that the synthesized graphene structures are double-layer.
Figure 1. SEM image of graphane Figure 2. Raman spectrum of hydrogenated graphene Direct method express - gravimetry found the ratio of the content of H:C in the samples. By varying the synthesis parameters it was possible to achieve hydrogen to carbon ratio up to 1:4. 4. References [1] B Eren, D. Hug, L. Marot and et al. J. Nanotechnol. 3 (2012) 852.
[2] D.C. Elias, R.R. Nair, T.M.G. Mohiuddin and et al, Science, 323 (2009) 610.
171 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Transport Characteristics of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cell Membranes with Molecular Dynamics - Superposition Effect of Electric Field -
R. Imai 1 , S. Uchida 1 , F. Tochikubo 1
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
Reactive oxygen species generated by plasma irradiation have various medical effects to cell membranes. Efficient transport of reactive oxygen species into cells are essential for those appropriate regulations. Therefore, we focused on the electric field superposition effect during plasma irradiation. In present work, transport behavior of reactive oxygen species under electric field application was simulated using classical molecular dynamics. The threshold of channel formation was 0.4 V/nm, which corresponded to the general breakdown of biological membranes . The z-direction diffusion coefficient of reactive oxygen species greatly increased. The number of hydroperoxy raidcals penetrated into the channel was larger than that of hydrogen peroxide since hydroperoxy radicals accumulate at the interface between water and lipid.
Recently, some stabilization techniques of atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma have been established. Therefore, plasma medical science is rapidly developing as a new research field. In the field, it has been found that reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by above plasma are important factors of various medical effects. However, polarized ROS have no significant membrane permeability [1]. We focused on the superposition effect of applied electric field during plasma irradiation. The similar process to electroporation would form water channels in cell membranes and promote the transport of ROS. In the present work, the deformation of cell membrane by electric field application was modeled with classical molecular dynamics. The influence of electric field on the diffusion coefficient of ROS was also discussed.
In the present analysis, dipalmitoylphosphatidyl- choline (DPPC) was selected as typical phospholipid of cell membranes. The analytical membrane model was constructed with 128 DPPC and 3655 water molecules. We adopted
force fields
of GROMOS43A1-S3 [2] for lipid and SPC for water, respectively. 30 molecules of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), hydroperoxy radical (HO 2 ) or singlet oxygen ( 1
2 ) were also involved in the membrane model. At first, we equilibrated the pressure, density and temperature of system as to be 1.05 bar, 1000 kg/m 3 ,
323 K using Parrinello-Rahman and
Nose-Hoover methods. Then, we performed MD simulations of 20 ns using a general software GROMACS 5.1.2. The strength of electric field was varied from 0.1 to 0.5 V/nm. The time step was set to 2.0 fs.
With respect to the electric filed strength, it was found that the threshold of channel formation was 0.4 V/nm. This value almost corresponded to the general breakdown of cell membranes. For example, Fig. 1 shows the transport dynamics of H 2 O
at 0.5 V/nm. In this case, the channel formation time was 6.15 ns. As is shown in table 1, the z-direction diffusion coefficient averaged during 1 ns was 230 μm 2 /s after channel formation. In comparison with the diffusion coefficient at non-electric field, it is clear that the membrane permeability of H 2 O 2 was improved by the assistance of channel. On the other hand, HO 2 easily accumulated at the interface between water and lipid [1]. Consequently, most of HO 2 around membrane surface effectively flowed into the channel.
Fig. 1. Transport dynamics of H 2 O 2 at 0.5 V/nm of electric field. The transient time is (a) 6.15 ns and (b) 6.75 ns. The right window of each figure represents only water molecules with VDW display style.
Table 1. Dependence of diffusion coefficient of ROS on electric field Insert
0.5 V/nm [μm 2 /s] Non-electric field [μm 2 /s] H 2 O 2 230
1.8 HO 2 279 6.2
4. References [1] R. M. Cordeiro, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1838 (2014) 438-444 [2] S. W. Chiu, S. A. Pandit, H. L. Scott and E. Jalobsson, J. Phy. Chem. B 113 (2009) 2748
5 172 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
A magnetized RF ion source for space propulsion applications
L. Dubois P 1 P , F. Gaboriau 1 P , L. Liard 1 1 P P , J.P. Boeuf 1
P 1 P LAPLACE, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France
In the framework of an innovative double stage Hall thruster concept, a new magnetized Inductively-Coupled Plasma (ICP) source with internal coil coupling is studied. The coil, inserted in a dielectric tube, is driven by a radiofrequency power supply. An internal magnet is introduced in the coil to confine the plasma. A RF compensated Langmuir probe is used to measure plasma parameters such as ion densities, electron temperatures, and electron energy probability functions. A parametric study is conducted by varying pressure (from 0.5 mTorr to 10 mTorr) and coupled power (from 50W to 200W). A capacitive probe is designed to quantify the capacitive coupling by measuring the radiofrequency plasma potential. Then, a particular focus is placed on the effects of the power supply frequency variation.
Hall thrusters are plasma sources that are known to deliver high ion ejection speed, which implies a very high specific impulse. However, since the same electric field provides electron energy for ionization and controls ion acceleration, thrust and specific impulse are closely linked. In the next generation of satellites, electric propulsion will be used not only for orbit raising but also for station keeping. Thus, an important issue is to design versatile thrusters able to operate efficiently at high thrust and moderate specific impulse or high specific impulse and lower thrust.
The double stage Hall thruster concept allows to separate control of ionization and acceleration since ionization is provided in a separate plasma source while ion acceleration is performed through a magnetic barrier, as in a standard Hall thruster. The concept of double stage itself raises practical and fundamental questions. Putting an ion source behind a magnetic barrier may lead to ion losses at the walls or large plasma instabilities [1]. Preliminary studies show that ion losses and instabilities can be minimized if the plasmas source is magnetically confined and placed as close as possible to the acceleration region. In view of this, we have designed a new concept of double stage thruster. The ionization stage is an
cylinder of the thruster [2]. A closed magnetic circuit is included to confine the plasma and reduce wall losses. This may provide a lower electron temperature and an increase of the electron density. A laboratory prototype based on this concept, called ID-Hall (Inductive Double-Stage Hall thruster) has been built and is being characterized. 3. Characterization of the ion source Before integrating all parts of the system, an overall characterization of the plasma without a closed magnetic circuit is presented. The first results were obtained working with Argon using a cylindrical coil driven by a radiofrequency power supply. An internal magnet was added to confine the plasma. We used a RF compensated Langmuir probe and a capacitive probe for the diagnostics.
Fig.1: ICP magnetized plasma generated by the coil with internal magnet
In this presentation, we present the first results regarding the electronic densities, temperatures, energy probability functions, and efficiency of coupling. The pressure was varied from 0.5 mTorr to 10 mTorr and the coupled power from 50W to 200W. The influence of the static magnetic field intensity was studied in addition to the impact of Download 9,74 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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