On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Experimental and numerical study of arc commutation and restrikes in Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker (LVCB)
- 4. References
- Synthesis of titanium particles by RF atmospheric plasma jet: continuous mode vs. pulsed mode
- 2. Experimental details and results 2.1. Experimental set-up
- 2.2. Results and conclusions
- 3. References
- Mobility of Kr + ions in Kr for cold plasma modelling
- Effect of non-thermal plasma on the germination and early growth of tomato seeds
- Analysis of secondary electron emission coefficients from Paschen curves using Monte Carlo simulations
3. Results The region studied spanned the 2337–2774 cm −1
interval. Atmospheric CO 2 absorption hampered detections at lower frequencies. The figure shows some absorption lines of H 35 Cl
as observed and predicted (sticks and convolution with a Gaussian function 0.0055 cm -1 FWHM). A kinetic temperature ∼400 K was obtained for spectra recorded with water cooling and ∼270 K for those recorded with nitrogen cooling of the cathode. 2537.86 2537.88
2537.90 2537.92
2537.94 0.0
0.5 1.0
1.5 a b sorption s ign
al 1-2
1-1 observed
calculated calculated H 35
2 3/2
P(3/2) f 2-1 2-2 2-3
1-0 * wavenumber (cm -1 )
4. References [1] DeLuca, M., et al. ApJL, 2012, 751, L37. [2] Gupta, H., et al, ApJL, 2012, 751, L38. [3] Domenech, J.L. et al. ApJL, 2016, 833, L32. [4] Domenech, J.L. et al. ApJL, 2013, 771, L11.
Topic number 6 187 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Experimental and numerical study of arc commutation and restrikes in Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker (LVCB)
J. Quéméneur P 1 P , J-J. Gonzalez UP 1 P , P. Freton UP 1
, P. Joyeux P 2 P
P 1 P
118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France P
An experimental setup and a numerical model to investigate the breaking process in LVCB are presented. The influence of current level, contact opening speed, geometry of the chamber or the materials used for the electrodes are studied using current, voltage, pressure measurements and high-speed imaging. The experimental results are also used to develop a Computational Fluid Model (CFD) based on the commercial Fluent software. When validated, this model is used for a better explanation of experimental observations and can be used for predictions on new configurations that have not been tested. Yet, description of phenomena such as restrike or commutation implies the ignition of a new arc root on the electrode and therefore necessitates taking into account sheath physics and departure from thermal equilibrium. The work done toward such a predictive model of arc behaviour in LVCB will be revealed.
LVCBs, and in particular Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB), are classical apparatuses of electrical protection commonly found in houses or offices. When an electrical fault is detected, the LVCB opens its contacts, creating an arc. The arc then commutates on rails and moves toward the splitters plates where it loses its energy and extinguishes due to a current limitation [1]. In the meantime, an arc may appear in the contacts area because the gap is smaller and the gas still hot. This phenomenon, called back-commutation or restrike, causes delay in arc extinction and reduces the efficiency of the LVCB. Understanding and predicting arc commutation is both a scientific and industrial challenge as a reliable simulation would reduce the need for prototype to be tested in a long and costly empirical development.
To reproduce the current fault we use a capacitor bench that is discharged through and inductor to produce a 50Hz current sine wave up to 10kA. This current supply can be used to test either industrial LVCBs or our test apparatus presented in Fig.1. This setup is composed of a simplified arc chamber and a mechanism to achieve contact opening at a speed chosen between 2 and 8m/s with repeatability and synchronisation. Dedicated post-treatment tools have been developed in order to analyse the experimental data and conduct statistical analyses since breaking arc are rather chaotic.
Fig.1: Experimental setup 3. Numerical model A magneto-hydrodynamic model has been developed to describe the moving arc [2]. Several methods can be used and improvements have to be made in order to simulate commutation and to calculate the electrode fall voltage [3, 4]. Comparison between the behaviour of experimental and simulated arcs will be presented.
[1] P. Freton & J-J. Gonzalez, The Open Plasma Phys. J. 2 (2009) pp. 105-119 [2] B. Swierczynski & al., J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37 (2004) pp. 595-609 [3] M.Lindmayer & al., IEEE Trans. Comp. Pack. Technol. 29 (2006) pp. 310-317
[4] M.S. Benilov, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 144001
11 188 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Synthesis of titanium particles by RF atmospheric plasma jet: continuous mode vs. pulsed mode
A. Lazea-Stoyanova 1,* P , V. Marascu UP 1,2
P , C. Stancu 1 P
P 1 P
P 1 P
Bucharest, Romania P
*Email: andrada@infim.ro
By controlling the particle synthesis process one can tailor specific particle's properties, namely size, shape, composition, surface area, etc. In our study titanium particles were obtained using a radio-frequency (RF) plasma jet that operates at atmospheric pressure, in continuous or pulsed mode. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) investigations, optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analyses reveal that titanium spherical nano or micro-particles were deposited. The particle's structure, as investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), presents a surface oxide layer. The size, shape and density of the particles is influenced by the plasma parameters (power, frequency or duty cycle).
In this contribution, we report the use of a RF atmospheric plasma jet to produce titanium particles by means of a gas-phase plasma method. It was found that adjusting the operating plasma mode it is possible to obtain titanium particles with sizes ranging from few hundreds of nm up to few microns. Moreover, tailoring the plasma parameters (power, frequency, duty cycle)
particle’s characteristics (size, shape and density) are changed drastically.
2.1. Experimental set-up The schematic drawing of the set-up is presented by Figure 1 and was described in our previous papers [1].
highlight that
titanium powered
electrode, connected to a radiofrequency (RF) 13.56 MHz generator, is the starting material for the
titanium particles. The particles were obtained using argon (1000 sccm and 5N purity). Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for titanium particles synthesis at atmospheric plasma jet
Other parameters were: 20 mm the distance between the electrodes, 6 mm the distance between nozzle and Si substrate, 1 h exposure time, 70-200 W power and 1040 mbar operating pressure. When working in pulsed mode frequencies between 1-10 kHz and duty cycles of 20 up to 80% were used.
Spherical non-agglomerated titanium particles are obtained. Their size varies between 200 nm and ~3 µm and have a surface oxide surface layer. In continuous plasma mode, the synthesis of titanium particles starts at 70 W and their size increases with increasing the RF power (Figure 2).
(left) and 200 W (right, obtained in continuous plasma mode).
For pulsed mode, uniform size titanium particles are noticed mostly for high duty cycles (80%) and high frequency (10 kHz).
[1] A. Lazea-Stoyanova et. al, Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 12, Issue 8, 705-709, 2015. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4- 2035 and by projects PN16470101-04. V. Marascu acknowledges the support in the frame EUROfusion Consortium, project 1-EU12 WPEDU-RO. 14
189 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Mobility of Kr + ions in Kr for cold plasma modelling
C. Van de Steen 1,2 , M. Benhenni P 2
, R. Kalus 1,3
P 1 P
Toulouse, France.
Department of Applied Mathematics, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Mobilities of Kr + ions in Kr plasma are calculated for both states 2 P
and 2 P 3/2 . Collision cross sections are calculated with quantum and JWKB method by using two different internuclear potential models. The collision cross sections are then used in an optimized Monte Carlo code to obtain mobility over a large range of reduced electric field. Kr + mobility values are compared to experimental and previously calculated ones found in the literature. This allows us to identify the most reliable potential model used to obtain cross section. Kr + mobility values and diffusion coefficient of this work can be used in kinetic models of low temperature plasma to quantify and improve the active species production for better usage in multiple fields.
The krypton ion swarm data (reduced mobility and diffusion coefficient) are needed to optimise the plasma jet models in applications such as biomedical or spacecraft propulsion.
In this work, two internuclear Kr + /Kr potential were used for cross section calculation. The first one (calculated by Kalus et al .[1] ) was fitted with a cubic spline curve in order to obtain potential values for all internuclear distances. The other potential was obtained by Bonhommeau et al. [2]
by fitting ab initio potential values calculated by Ha et al. [3] . Finally, spin orbit coupling was taken into account by using the Cohen-Schneider semiempirical model [4] .
Two methods were used to obtain momentum transfer cross section, namely quantum method and semiclassical method (using Jeffreys-Wentzel- Kramer-Brillouin (JWKB) approximation). From these cross sections, Kr + mobilities in Kr were obtained using an optimised Monte-Carlo method [5]
. 4. Results Figure 1a shows that for 2 P
state, when the Bonhommeau potential is used, a good agreement is observed between calculated and measured Kr +
mobility in Kr with a maximum deviation of 3%. However for the 2 P
state (Figure 1b), the deviation between calculated and measured mobilities is higher than in the case of 2 P 1/2 state, reaching a maximum of 26%. Probably, further improvement of Bonhommeau potential will enhance the agreement with measurements. The present work improves the agreement between calculated and measured mobilities as compared to previous calculations reported in reference [8]. 4 10
1000 3000
0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8
0.9 R e d u c e d m o b ili ty K 0 ( c m 2 V -1 s -1 ) Reduced electric field E/N (Td) (a) 4 10 100 1000
3000 0.2
0.4 0.6
0.8 0.9
R e d u c e d m o b ili
ty K 0 ( c m 2 V -1 s -1 ) Reduced electric field E/N (Td) (b) Figure 1: Standard reduced mobility K 0 in cm
2 V -1 s -1 of Kr + ions in 2 P 1/2 (a) and 2
P 3/2
(b) state in Kr gas at 293 K and 760 Torr. Exp. value: 2 P
[6] ,
2 P 3/ 2 [6]
and not state resolved [7] . Reported calculation: reference [8]. This work: JWKB method: , , quantum method: ,
using potentials of references [1] and
[2] ,
respectively .
5. References [1] R. Kalus et al., Chem. Phys. 294 (2003) 141. [2] D. Bonhommeau et al., J. Chem. Phys. 124 (2006) 164308. [3] T. H. Ha et al., Mol. Phys.101 (2003) 827. [4] J.S. Cohen et al., J. Chem. Phys. 61 (1974) 3230. [5] M. Yousfi, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 107. [6] H. W. Ellis et al., At. Mol. Nuc. Data Tab. 17 (1976) 177. [7] H. Helm, J. of Phys. B 9 (1976) 2931. [8] P. N. B. Neves et al., Nuc. Instr. Met. Phys. Res. A 619 (2010) 75. 1 and 2 190
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Effect of non-thermal plasma on the germination and early growth of tomato seeds
M. Magureanu 1 , D. Dobrin 1 , M. Gidea 2
1 Department of Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion, National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania 2 University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
The influence of non-thermal plasma on tomato seeds has been investigated using a fluidized bed DBD reactor. The discharge was generated in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature using sinusoidal voltage of 50 Hz frequency and 18 kV amplitude. It was found that plasma slightly enhanced germination rate and significantly influenced growth parameters. The roots and sprouts of plasma treated seeds were longer than those of the untreated samples, for treatment durations of 5-30 min. The effect is more pronounced for the root length. The most substantial increase was obtained for seeds treated in plasma for 5 min: the average root length was 2.88 cm, while for the control samples it was 1.01 cm.
Non-thermal plasma started to be investigated in the field of agricultural science as an alternative to traditional pre-sowing seed treatment. Early work on plasma treatment of seeds was carried out at low pressure, in RF and microwave discharges [1,2]. More recently, atmospheric pressure plasma started to be studied for this purpose [3,4]. Generally, it was found that seed germination was accelerated and plant growth was stimulated as a result of plasma exposure [1-4]. Various mechanisms are proposed to explain this effect, from modification of seed surface, influencing wettability and water uptake [2- 5] to deeper changes affecting seed metabolism [3]. In the present experiments, tomato seeds were exposed to plasma generated in a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure, with high air flow (15 L/min), so that the seeds are held in suspension within the discharge zone. The expected advantage of this fluidized bed reactor is the more uniform treatment of the seeds due to their continuous movement in the plasma region. A coaxial DBD reactor was used, with sinusoidal voltage of 18 kV amplitude and 50 Hz frequency. The distributions of plants as a function of their root and sprout lengths are shown in Fig. 1. The germination increased slightly as a result of plasma exposure: 68% - control seeds, 77% - seeds treated for 5 min. The roots and sprouts of plasma treated seeds (t=5-30 min) were longer than those of the control ones. The most substantial increase in length was obtained for seeds exposed to plasma for 5 min: the mean root length (MRL) was 2.88 cm as compared to 1.01 cm for untreated seeds and the mean sprout length (MSL) was 3.3 cm as compared to 2 cm for control seeds. (a)
Fig. 1. Distribution of plants as a function of: (a) – root length; (b) – sprout length for control seeds (t = 0 min) and for seeds treated in plasma for 5 and 30 minutes
[1] S. Zivkovic et al., Seed Sci.Technol. 32 (2004) 693 [2] B. Sera et al., Plasma Sci. Technol. 10 (2008) 506 [3] T. Stolarik et al., Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 35 (2015) 659 [4] D. Dobrin et al., Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 29 (2015) 255 [5] E. Bormashenko et al., Sci. Rep. 2 (2012) 741 17 191
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Analysis of secondary electron emission coefficients from Paschen curves using Monte Carlo simulations
U T. Yoshinaga UP 1 P and H. Akashi P 1
P 1 P
A Monte Carlo simulation and a simple one-dimensional analysis are applied to explore the possibility to evaluate the secondary electron emission coefficients for ions ( ) and photons ( ) concurrently. On the assumption that and are independent of the reduced field, those values are evaluated to reproduce the experimental Paschen curves for Ar and Ne. The effects of the initial electrons’ energy and the reflection coefficient of the cathode are also studied. The values of and which reproduces the experimental Paschen curves in good agreement are obtained when the initial energy of Maxwellian distribution at 3.2 eV and the lower reflection coefficients at 0 or 0.1 are assumed.
Secondary Electron Emission (SEE) coefficient ( ) is one of the most important parameters in discharge phenomena since it determines the breakdown voltage ( ). A commonly used method to evaluate is based on the Townsend discharge criterion [1],
⋅ exp
1 1.
(1) Here, is the first Townsend coefficient which is derived from , and is the gap distance between the parallel plane electrodes. Since is essentially a function of the reduced electric field ( / ), also depends on the discharge conditions. The SEE effects of other particles than ions would originate the dependency as well as the backward diffusion [2]. The purpose of the present study is to explore the possibility to derive for ions ( ) and photons ( ) concurrently from the experimentally obtained Paschen curves. A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is applied to calculate the number of collision events for ionization ( ), excitation to metastable states ( ) and to other permitted states ( ) per initial electron emitted from the cathode. From a simple one- dimensional analysis, which assumes
no recombination and no reabsorption of photons, the particle fluxes of ions ( ), photons ( ) and metastable species ( ) are estimated as follows,
⋅ exp 1 ,
2 ⁄ ,
⁄ .
is the fraction of initial electrons which escaped from the backward diffusion and penetrates into the discharge space. Instead of Eq. (1) the breakdown condition can be expressed as,
1. (2) Here,
corresponds to the SEE coefficient for metastable species. Eight types of collision cross sections are included in the MC simulations [3]. The values of and are evaluated to reproduce the experimental Paschen curves of Argon and Neon [4] on the assumption that they are independent of / and that is equal to . The effect of is small compared with that of since is less than 10 % of . The effects of the initial electron energy distribution, which is assumed as the Maxwell distribution at 0.1, 0.32, 1.0, 3.2, and 10 eV, are considered as well as the reflection coefficient ( ) of the cathode at 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0. As a result, 3.2 eV produced the least square errors for both Ar and Ne, while at 0 and 0.1 produced the least square errors for Ar and Ne, respectively. Both of the fitted curves agree well with the experimental values as shown in Fig. 1. This result suggests that the consideration of in addition to can reproduce the
characteristics. The concurrent estimation of and
which are independent of the external discharge conditions such as / might be possible.
[1] G. Auday et al, J. Appl. Phys. 88 (2000) 4871. [2] A. V. Phelps et al, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 8 (1999) R21. [3] The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, http://dpc.nifs.ac.jp/DB/IEEJ
[4] Radio Corporation of America, Electron Tube Design (1962) 792. Topic number: 3 Fig. 1. Paschen curves of Ar and Ne. Ar: 0 at
3.2 eV. Ne: 0.1 at 3.2 eV
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Plasma based N-graphene synthesis – in-situ and post treatment approaches
N. Bundaleska 1 , A. Dias 1 , E. Felizardo 1 , J. Henriques 1 , F.M. Dias 1 , N. Bundaleski 2 , O. M. N. D. Teodoro 2 M. Abrashev 3 , J. Kissovski 3 , U Cvelbar 4 and E. Tatarova 1
P 1 P Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal P 2 P Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Portugal
3 Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria 4
Department for Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics F4, Jožef Štefan Institute, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia
Free-standing N-graphene sheets were synthesized by graphene post treatment in a low-pressure microwave N 2 -Ar large-scale plasma reactor. The graphene sheets were placed in the remote plasma region, where they were treated for various durations and gas mixture compositions. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to diagnose the plasma source. The N-doped graphene sheets were analyzed by applying scanning and transmission electron microscopy, Raman, X-ray photoelectron, and Fourier- transform IR spectroscopy techniques. In situ synthesis of N-graphene was also achieved in a single step method by introducing N-containing precursor together with carbon precursor in the reactive microwave plasma environment at atmospheric pressure.
1. Introduction N-graphene demonstrates outstanding electrochemical properties and shows better performance as catalyst than commercially available Pt-based electrodes [1-3]. Numerous methods for synthesis of N-graphene, such as chemical vapour deposition, bottom-up synthesis, wet chemical methods, plasma methods etc., which can be categorized into in situ and post-treatment approaches, were developed. In situ methods allow simultaneous graphene synthesis and N-doping, whilst in post-treatment previously fabricated graphene is further doped with nitrogen. In this study, plasma-based methods of N-graphene synthesis both in situ and post-treatment are presented. 2. Synthesis methods In the frame of post-treatment N-graphene fabrication, free-standing graphene sheets were first synthesized using microwave argon plasma working at atmospheric pressure conditions. The method is based on injecting a carbon-containing precursor (ethanol) into the active plasma zone, where decomposition of ethanol into carbon atoms and molecules take place.
Gas-phase carbon
atoms/molecules diffuse into the colder zones and aggregate into solid carbon nuclei. The main stream of carbon nuclei is withdrawn into the outlet plasma zone, where the processes of assembly and growth take place. Selective synthesis of free-standing sheets is achieved via tailoring of the microwave plasma environment only. Afterwards, the produced graphene sheets are immersed into the remote plasma region of a low pressure N 2 -Ar discharge. Raman and XPS analysis of the produced structures demonstrate that the doping level and type of functional groups attached to the graphene lattice can be controlled by changing the exposure time, while keeping the nitrogen percentage constant. The nitrogen atoms were incorporated into the hexagonal carbon lattice in pyridinic, pyrrolic and quaternary functional groups, mainly. Microwave argon plasma working at atmospheric pressure was used to directly create N-graphene by passing through the active plasma environment ammonia solution in ethanol. This way the N- graphene sheets are synthesized in a single step by actively controlling the gas temperature and nitrogen/carbon atom fluxes. 3. References [1] H. Choi, S. Jung, J. Seo, D.W. Chang, L. Dai and J. Baek Nano Energy 1 (2012) 534 [2] E. Tatarova, N. Bundaleska, J.Ph. Sarrette and C.M.Ferreira Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 23 (2014) 063002 [3] A. Dias, N. Bundaleski, E. Tatarova, F.M. Dias, M. Abrashev, U. Cvelbar, O.M.N.D. Teodoro, J. Henriques J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 055307 Acknowledgements This work was funded by Portuguese FCT— Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under Project
UID/FIS/50010/2013, Project
INCENTIVO/FIS/LA0010/2014, and
grant SFRH/BD/52413/2013 (PD-F APPLAuSE). 193
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