pairs flickered on in a line. Each one by one. Derek could see that he
was on a path of some sort. Dark grey pebbles lined up neatly on the
path. He looked behind him. There were no lights there. Just darkness.
The two continued onwards to what the lights revealed to be a door…
in a cliff.
This was impossible. How in the world did Derek get here? Was he
drugged? Knocked out and lead to this labyrinth? The man stopped.
“Go in. I’m right behind you.” Derek slowly and cautiously walked and
opened the door. It was pitch black in there. Nothing to be seen or
heard. “Well, go on.” It was only when Derek realised that on the next
step he took, there was nothing under his feet. He fell.
6:45 PM
Celestin Park Underground
The fall was long but painless.
With a loud tu ,
he landed on what the
thought to be a pile of pillows. He wasn’t far off. As he expected, he was in
complete darkness and the only light coming from a flashlight a ached to
the barrel of an assault rifle pointed straight at his head. Another one
popped up and soon a couple of others.
The sudden light temporarily
blinded him and it was only when he heard the words “It’s alright, folks.
Stand down” that he regained his sight. In front of him stood several men
and women. Dressed in worn early 21
century mili a uniforms. Not
exactly matching but not exactly too different either.
In their hands were
various firearms ranging from a near vintage SaR P222 to a state of the art
ARN-77 PPR Prototype (Pulse Plasma rifle)… And all of them were pointed
right at his head.