4-bob: Shablonlar
Oldingi bobda siz misol ko'rinishlarimizda matnni qanday qaytarganimizda o'ziga xos bir narsani payqagan bo'lishingiz mumkin. Ya'ni, HTML to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Python kodimizda qattiq kodlangan, masalan:
def current_datetime(request):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
html = "It is now %s.
Ordering notice
Dear {{ person_name }},
Thanks for placing an order from {{ company }}. It's scheduled to
ship on {{ ship_date|date:"F j, Y" }}.
Here are the items you've ordered:
{% for item in item_list %}
- {{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% if ordered_warranty %}
Your warranty information will be included in the packaging.
{% else %}
You didn't order a warranty, so you're on your own when
the products inevitably stop working.
{% endif %}
{{ company }}
Hozir %s. Hozir {{ joriy_date }}. Hozir {{ current_date }}.
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