Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)
ISSN (online): 2181-2454
Volume 2 | Issue 10 |October, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |
E-mail: carjisor@gmail.com
industrial enterprises, in studying the functions of production costs, in
macroeconomic calculations and in studying a
number of other problems of
econometrics. Accordingly, the advantages of the multifactor regression method in
econometric modeling are shown. First,
it is shown that econometrics, as a unique
system of methods, describes the possibility of clarifying its problems by describing
the characteristics of economic variables and the connections between them. Not only
the first-level variables are included in the regression equation, but the second-level
variables are also included in order to express the optimal characteristics of the
economic variables that reflect the values that have a maximum or minimum (more or
less) impact on the result. Secondly, it can reflect the interaction of socio-economic
variables considered as independent components in the regression equation.
Keywords: Regression, uncertainty, numerical tuning, dispersion, cost, limit.
Bugungi kunda sanoat korxonlarini rivojlantirishning raqamli texnologiyalarga
asoslangan innavatsion hududiy salohiyatga
asoslanuvchi potensial, texnik,
texnologik, ijtimoiy, iqtisodiy, intellektual omillar sinergiyasi
asosida sinergetik
yo„nalishlari va turlari ma‟lum bir samoradorlik ko„rsatkichlariga ega. Bu esa sanoat
korxonalarini rivojlantirishda raqamli tvingni joriy etish, intellektual boshqaruv
tizimlaridan foydallanish omillarini
baholash yangi inovatsion, intellektual
omillarning tizimlashtirish bilan bo„g„liq muamolar borligini bildiradi.
Sanoat korxonalarini rivojlantirish, o„zgarib turuvchi raqobat muhiti va bozor
sharoitlarida ekonometrik usullar va modellardan foydalanish yordamida
bashorat qilish, tavakkalchilik va noaniqlik sharoitida optimal
iqtisodiy qarorlar qabul qilish,
keyinchalik, bu qarorlar bajarilishini nazorat qilish
masalalarining nazariy va amaliy tomonlarini o„rganishda juft regressiya
modellashtirish muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.
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