Attention: Present Perfect 3 xil gap ko’rinishida turlicha holatda ishlatiladi.
Present Perfect(di)
Affirmative(darak gap)
O’tgan zamonda boshlanib hozirga kelib tugagan va natijasi,emotsiyasi ko’rinib turgan ish-xarakatlar uchun ishlatiladi.
e.g U oyog’ini sindirib oldi.(He has broken his leg)
e.g Man xonamni tozaladim.(I have cleaned my room)
e.g I have already swept the floor,but I still need to dust the furniture.Do you want to help?
2. Vaqtsiz yangilik aytilganda Present Perfect ishlatiladi.
e.g Mani dadam yangi kompaniya ochdi.(My father has opened a new company)
e.g U milliy chempionatda g’olib bo’ldi.(He has won in a national cup)
3 .Sifatni orttirma darajasi(superlative adjective) bilan gap aytilsa ishlatiladi.
e.g U man ko’rgan insonlarimning eng mehriboni.(He is the kindest person I have ever seen)
e.g Bu man o’qigan kitoblarimning eng qiziqarlisi(This is the most interesting book I have ever read)
4. Biror bir ish-xarakatni hayotingiz davomida hozirgacha necha marta qilganligingizni aytmoqchi bo’lsangiz ishlatasiz.
e.g I have watched “Friends” twice.
e.g This is the second time I have watched “Friends”
e.g U Londonga ketgan(He has gone to London )
Gone to-haliham u o`shatda
e.g U Londonda 2 marta bo’lgan(He has been to London twice)
Been to-qaytib kegan
Been to Gone to Been in
5.Biror bir ish-xarakatni hozirgacha hayotim davomida qiganman,boshimdan o’tgan deyish uchun ishlatiladi.
e.g He has taken IELTS,SAT and GMAT tests so far so he knows what they are
e.g I have tried Chinese food but have never tasted Korean one.
e.g I have talked to Jamshid.He is very sociable guy
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