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- To keep the engine moving at a uniform speed during a complete cycle .
- A heavy flywheel, attached to the crankshaft , helps to keep the crankshaft .
1-variant Task 1
Bus Ambulance Motorcycle Trolleybus Van Tram Quadricycle Subway Lorry Taxi Task 2 Public Service Personal Public Personal/Service Public Personal/Service Public Service Service Mashinasozlik Mashinasozlik - bu fizika va materialshunoslik tamoyillarini mexanik tizimlarni tahlil qilish, loyihalash, ishlab chiqarish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatishda qo'llaydigan muhandislik fanidir. Bu muhandislik sohasi bo'lib, mashina va asboblarni loyihalash, ishlab chiqarish va ishlatish uchun issiqlik va mexanik quvvatni ishlab chiqarish va ishlatishni o'z ichiga oladi. Bu eng qadimiy va eng keng tarqalgan muhandislik fanlaridan biridir. Muhandislik sohasi asosiy tushunchalarni, shu jumladan mexanika, kinematika, termodinamika, materialshunoslik, strukturaviy tahlil va elektrni tushunishni talab qiladi. Mexanik muhandislar ushbu asosiy prinsiplarni ishlab chiqarish zavodlari, sanoat uskunalari va mashinalari, isitish va sovutish tizimlari, transport tizimlari, samolyotlar, kemalar, robototexnika, tibbiy asboblar va boshqalarni loyihalashtirish va tahlil qilish uchun kompyuter yordamida yaratilgan muhandislik va mahsulotning hayotiy siklini boshqarish kabi vositalardan foydalanadilar. Mashinasozlik 18-asrda Evropada sanoat inqilobi davrida bir soha sifatida paydo bo'ldi; ammo, uning rivojlanishini dunyo bo'ylab bir necha ming yillar davomida kuzatish mumkin. Mashinasozlik fanlari 19-asrda fizika sohasidagi o'zgarishlar natijasida paydo bo'lgan. Texnika sohasidagi yutuqlarni hisobga olgan holda ushbu soha doimo rivojlanib bormoqda va bugungi kunda mexanik muhandislar kompozitlar, mexatronika va nanotexnologiya kabi sohalarda izlanishlarni davom ettirmoqdalar. Mashinasozlik aerokosmik muhandislik, qurilish xizmatlari muhandisligi, metallurgiya muhandisligi, dengiz muhandisligi, qurilish muhandisligi, elektrotexnika, neft muhandisligi, ishlab chiqarish muhandisligi va kimyoviy muhandislik bilan bir-biriga ziddir. Mexanik muhandislar shuningdek, biomedtexnika muhandisligi sohasida, xususan, biomexanika, transport hodisalari, biomexatronika, bionanotexnologiya va biologik tizimlarni modellashtirish, yumshoq to'qimalar mexanikasi singari sohalarda ham ishlaydi. Answers:
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world 19th century 2-variant Answers:
They are Marjona Boboeva, a sophomore of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, and Bahodir Odilov, a professor. Linguistics 4 years It didn’t have limit In research the actuality and novelty of it is of high appreciation. Yes/No Lacetti qishda, Ekaterinburg shahridagi yotoqxonali jamoalardan birida oddiy yo'lda sinovdan o'tkazildi. Birinchi taassurot shundaki, mashina sovuq havoda, bir daqiqada osonlikcha ishga tushadi. Mashina mushuk singari ohista boshlaydi, hatto birdamlik ham tezda bo'shatiladi. Pedallar deyarli qirg'oqqa ega emas va siz uni ishlatishingiz kerak. Tormozlar biz xohlagandan ko'ra keskinroq ko'tariladi, biz bu ABS ishi bilan bog'liq deb taxmin qilamiz. Ammo qishki yo'lda frazali bilan harakatlanishning dastlabki daqiqalaridan boshlab, pastga tushadigan va tushadigan joylarda siz ABSning samarali ishini mamnuniyat bilan ta'kidlaysiz va avtomobil ishlab chiqaruvchilarga uni asosiy integratsiyaga qo'shganingiz uchun minnatdorchilik bildirasiz. Answers:
1. - 2. in winter 3. - 4. Anti-lock braking system 5. - Notes
Task 1 1) quvvat manbai 5) ot bilan yuradigan avtobus 2) ichki yonish dvigateli 6) elektr toki 3) rezina shinalar 7) yer osti temir yo'li 4) dizel dvigatelli yuk mashinasi 8) tramvayni tortish Task 2
Pedal – pedal, tepki Task 3
2 1 Task 4 1. 1876
2. American manufacturer, who designed the first motor car and made it realty popular. 3. First motor car 4. in the middle of the 19-th century 5. Underground railway Task 5
Road building Automobiles . . . roads Owners . . . . . 1. One of our windows was broken by the wind last night. 2. This camera is made in Germany. 3. 'What does Joan think about the changes? 'She has not been told yet.' 4. This is written by a child. Look at the handwriting. 5. Alice thinks her firm is in trouble. She is not paid this month. 6. 'How's your new house?' 'It is still being built. We think it'll be finished in August.' 7. 'That's a lovely necklace.' 'Yes, it was given to me by my grandmother when I was eight.' 8. English is spoken here. 9. 'I heard you had an accident.' 'Yes, but nobody was hurt’ Crossword
3) A place where you can buy and make something like a car. 4) Wheel 5) Red 6) Seat 7) Head Across: 2) Gasoline 5) Rules 7) Bridge 8) Ford 3-variant Avtomobil turli xil materiallardan tayyorlangan. Masalan, Mashinaning old oynasi shishadan qilingan. Faralar ham shishadan yasalgan. Shinalar rezina kauchukdan qilingan. Ular havo bilan to'ldirilgan. Shinalardagi havo siqilgan (taxminan 1,5 gm / sm3 gacha). Korpus metalldan yasalgan. Metall bo'yalgan. Rul plastikdan qilingan. Mashina oynalari plastik va ko’zgudan yasalgan. Ushbu mashinada ikkita oyna mavjud. Orqa tomonni ko’rsatadigan ko'zgu tomga o'rnatiladi.Yon qanot oynasi eshikka mahkamlangan. Dvigatel turli metallardan qilingan. Porshenlar alyuminiydan, klapanlar esa po'latdan yasalgan. Prujina ham po'latdan yasalgan.
Two Ten thousand miles Exceeding the speed. - The brake does not work He run out of petrol The service station Task 1. Answer the following questions: What are components of internal combustion engine? A cylinder A piston A crankshaft A heavy flywheel Two valves A camshaft Where is the energy of the working fluid converted into mechanical effort? A cylinder How does a piston move inside the cylinder? Up and down Describe the connecting rod? The connected rod turns the up-and-down motion of the piston into a rotary motion of a crankshaft. How many strokes does the piston make to every complete turn? Two For what purposes is a heavy flywheel used? To keep the engine moving at a uniform speed during a complete cycle.What is the inlet (outlet) valve? Two valves, the first is called the inlet valve and the other is called the outlet or exhaust valve. Task 2. Finish the sentences A cylinder – it is the part of an engine in which the energy of the working fluid is converted into mechanical effort.The connected rod turns the up-and-down motion of the piston into a rotary motion of a crankshaft. A heavy flywheel, attached to the crankshaft, helps to keep the crankshaft.There are to valves in the internal combustion engine. The first is called inlet valve and the other is called outlet or exhaust valve. A camshaft is used to open and close the valves. It is driven by gears from the engine crankshaft.Download 26.85 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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