Position and climate of uzbekistan
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POSITION AND CLIMATE OF UZBEKISTAN PLAN: 1. Territorial location and relief of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2. Climate conditions and water resources of Uzbekistan. 3. Uniqueness of natural vegetation and fauna in Uzbekistan One of the characteristics of the nature of Uzbekistan is its location in the center of the continent and its distance from the oceans. According to the topography, the territory of Uzbekistan is divided into plains and hills. The plains are mainly located in the north-west and consist of a part of the Turan plain. Mountains are located in the east of the country. There are several elements in the part of the Turan plain belonging to Uzbekistan. The Ustyurt plateau is located on the northwestern edge, the alluvial plain of the Amudarya delta is located south of the Aral Sea, and the Kyzylkum desert is located southwest of it. The average height of the part of the Ustyurt plateau located in Uzbekistan is 120-180 m, the highest point is 290 m (Karabovur mountains). In the south of the plateau there are several closed (non-flowing) basins: Borsaqelmas, Asaka-ovdon (30-60 m high) hollows, Sarikamish stream. The bottom of the north-western part of the Sarikamish valley belonging to Uzbekistan is 10 m below the sea level. A large part of the Aralboi lowland is occupied by the Amudarya delta and adjacent lowlands, which are divided into parts by the dry riverbeds of the Amudarya. There are some small hills. Uzbekistan has a unique - low rainfall, dry, hot, continental climate. A large part of the country belongs to the temperate climate region, Jan. only the edge belongs to the subtropical region. The territory of Uzbekistan can be divided into 3 climatic zones: desert and steppe zone, foothill zone and mountain zone. The desert and steppe zone is the total plains of Uzbekistan - the Ustyurt plateau, Qizilkum, Karshi, Dalvarzin and Mirzachol deserts, the mountainous zone is 300-400 meters above sea level of the Tianshan and Hisar-Aloy mountain ranges, 600-1000 meters above sea level. up to 600-1000 m above sea level, the mountain zone includes areas above sea level. Climate is determined by 3 main factors: the amount of solar radiation, the characteristics of atmospheric circulation and the surface (relief). An important factor of the current climate in the country is the solar radiation coming to the Earth's surface and especially increasing in the summer months. In Uzbekistan, the sun is almost high throughout the year. In June, the sun rises above the horizon to 72° in Tashkent and 76° in Termiz. Daylight lasts 15 hours in summer, and not less than 9 hours in winter. Since the sun is high and there are few clouds, it shines for a long time. The average duration of sunshine in the north of Uzbekistan is 2800 hours a year. Its value increases towards the south (3050 hours in Termiz). The sun shines for 8-10 hours a day. The distribution of the duration of sunlight in the plains depends on the latitude, the incidence of sunlight in the plains and mountainous areas, as well as on the horizon and the exposure of the place. The weather is quite stable in the summer months, and changeable in the winter months, the air temperature has a large seasonal and diurnal amplitude. In the winter months, the transformation of air masses in desert regions is relatively slow. Sometimes, the flow of cold air from the Arctic enters the plains surrounded by mountains from the south without any obstacles, causing the air to cool down even more. That is why the winter here, especially in Karakalpakstan, is quite cold. However, warm air coming from the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea often crosses the low Kopetdog and Paropamiz mountain ranges and softens the winter cold. Air temperature. The isolines of the average long-term air temperature in the flat part of Uzbekistan are located almost zonally. In Uzbekistan, winter is cold and summer is hot and long. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is -9° in Ustyurt, 0° in the southern part of the Kyzylkum desert, and -2°, -3° in the extreme south of Uzbekistan. The air temperature in the mountains mainly depends on the height of the place above the sea level. In the summer months, the air temperature in the plains changes little: the average temperature of July (the hottest month) varies from 26-27° in Ustyurt to 30° in Termiz. In the foothills, the weather does not get too hot in the summer months. In the mountains, the temperature decreases by 0.65-0.70° on average for every 100 m of elevation. In summer, the air temperature changes less than in winter, that is, the weather is more stable. On the territory of the republic, the average duration of the warm season is 160 days in Ustyurt, and up to 280 days in Sherabad and Termez. In the flat part of the country, the lowest average long-term maximum temperature (35-36°) is observed along the Aral Sea. But the influence of the sea is felt only in the part of the coast close to the sea. As you move away from it, the highest temperature in that latitude rises to 40°, and in the south of the republic to 44°. In the foothills, the temperature does not exceed 39-41 degrees and decreases as you go up. In the steppes, the highest absolute temperature reaches 48-50°. In the foothills, up to an altitude of about 1000 m, the hottest temperature can be much higher (44-45°). Naturally, the air temperature decreases as you go up. In the irrigated farming zone (Mirzachol, Fergana valley), the summer temperature decreased and the relative humidity increased with the expansion of the cultivated land area. As a result, even during the periods of warming after 1960, the increase of the total temperature of the warm season was much lower than in the desert zone. The drying up of the Aral Sea is a tragic result of climate change under the influence of anthropogenic factors. According to the observations, the sharp reduction of sea water, the opening of the seabed in large areas and the widespread warming of the climate in the coastal zone of 100-150 km have caused an additional increase in temperature (up to 1.5°) and a decrease in relative humidity by 5-10%. it happened. The last 20-30 years. anthropogenic impact on the climate is becoming global. Under the influence of human economic activities, the amount of "evaporative" gases (SO2, etc.) in the atmosphere is increasing, and the temperature of the atmosphere is rising. Although this effect is not so significant in sub-tropical and tropical latitudes, the increase in temperature observed in recent years in Uzbekistan, especially in its northern regions, is not only a result of natural fluctuations, but also a global phenomenon. It is the result of the influence of anthropogenic factors. Rivers in Uzbekistan and crossing the territory of Uzbekistan are mainly fed by mountain snow, glaciers and partially by rainwater. Since the climate is hot and dry, the water of the rivers, especially in their middle and lower reaches, is used for irrigation and evaporation. The water of the rivers in the plains is formed from snow and occasional rains. There are a lot of streams and valleys with temporary water that dry up in the summer in remote mountain areas of the country. The largest rivers crossing the territory of Uzbekistan - Syrdarya and Amudarya and their numerous tributaries begin outside Uzbekistan. Major rivers of Uzbekistan: Norin, Karadarya, Sokh, Chirchik, Ohangaron, Zarafshan, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Sheroboddarya. Most of them pass through the territory of Uzbekistan only in the middle and lower reaches. In the catchment area of the Syrdarya basin, 38 km3 of water is produced, only 12% of which corresponds to the territory of Uzbekistan. Only 8% of the 79 km3 of water produced in the Amudarya catchment belongs to the territory of Uzbekistan. Amudarya is the largest and busiest river in Turkestan. In different periods it was called Oxus, Jayhun, Okuz, Balkh, Vakhsh, Amul. The length of Amudarya is 1415 km. The area of the basin is 309,000 km2. In Afghanistan, it starts from the glaciers at an altitude of 4950 m from the northern slopes of the Hinduqush mountains. After joining the river, the largest and most turbulent tributary - Vakhsh, it gets the name Amudarya. No other tributary joins the Amudarya until it reaches the Aral Sea, at a distance of 1,200 km after the Surkhandarya flows. As a result of the rivers flowing from the mountains to the foothills and mainly to the plains, their water was taken for irrigation, returned to the river from the fields, and regulated through reservoirs, and their natural water regime has changed dramatically. It is the longest river in Central Asia and the busiest after Amudarya. In different periods it was called Yaksart, Tanais, Danu, Yaosha, Hashart, Sayhun and other names. When the Norin river joins the Karadarya, it gets the name Syrdarya. It flows into the Aral Sea. Its length is 2212 m, the area of its basin is 219 thousand km2. As a result of hydrotechnical structures built on Syr Darya and its tributaries, especially large dams, reservoirs, large canals and collectors, the flow rate and hydrological regime of Syr Darya have changed significantly. The average turbidity of most rivers is 200-500 g/m3. There are very few muddy discharges in the water of small rivers starting from high mountain tops. The turbidity of the river Chirolma (Aygaing's tributary) flowing into Piskom is 10 g/m3, 25 kg/m3 in the Sheroboddaryo basin, 35 kg/m3 in the Surkhondarya basin, and the turbidity of the Surkhondarya's tributary Okkapchigai stream reaches 140 kg/m3. The turbidity of the water of the rivers flowing into the Fergana valley from the mountain ranges of Aloy and Turkestan is 50-300 g/m3 in the upper reaches, and 1000-1500 g/m3 in the lower reaches. The foothills are mainly covered with annual and perennial grasses. There are no trees here. Some bushes are found around the valleys where spring rainwater flows. In the foothills, ephemeral and ephemeroid plants are widespread, they form a specific group and association (population). Annual plants (ephemerals) develop in autumn when the weather is warm and sunny, and in winter they continue to grow at different levels depending on the weather. Development is more rapid in the southern regions. As early as March-April, ephemerals bloom and bear fruit in a relatively short time. Ephemeroids (perennial grasses) grow in autumn, winter and spring according to the weather, like ephemerals. The animal world of Uzbekistan is diverse and, like other countries in Central Asia, has species characteristic of subtropical regions. There are 6 groups of mammals in the republic: 100 species belonging to insectivores (6 species), ungulates (19 species), ungulates (2 species), rodents (42 species), carnivores (23 species), even ungulates (8 species). occurs. 24 species of the rarest and rarest mammals, including ibex, brown bear, leopard, marmot, lynx, lynx, hyena, beaver, manul, gazelle, algor, bison, blue sable , Indian honeyeater, olaka`zan, khangul, ustyurt sheep, qizilqum sheep, Bukhara sheep, shamshapalak, broad-eared curled tunshapalak are included in the "Red Book" of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2003). There are about 410 species of birds belonging to 24 families in Uzbekistan, 184 of which belong to the family of sparrows. 24 species of birds, including heron, curled heron, white stork, black stork, red goose, whooper swan, little swan, marbled duck, mallard, merganser, long-tailed osprey, white osprey, ki Little eagle, hawk eagle, desert eagle, black hawk, bald eagle, kumay, snake-eating eagle, mallabash falcon, itolgi, white crane, common tuvalok, bizgaldok, blanket tuvalok, black vulture , torgok, Asian warbler, sand sparrow, etc. Included in the "Red Book". There are 58 species of reptiles, including 1 species of tortoise (desert tortoise). There are 58 species (lizards — 38, snakes — 20) of the genus Tangachali. 5 types of snakes are considered venomous: kapcha snake, shield snake, lake snake, barbel snake, desert black snake. 16 species of reptiles, including khentog's toad, Strauch's toad, echkemar, cypress lizard, kolborilon are included in the "Red Book" of the Republic. There are 3 types of aquatic and land-dwelling frogs: green frog (subspecies of Turanian frog and Asian mountain frog), lake frog and Danatin frog. Insects are very diverse, there are more than 16,000 species. About 40 species of insects are known. Among them are straight-winged (more than 300 species), equal-winged ones (330-350 species of aphids, 600-700 species of hummingbirds), short-winged ones (about 1500 species), hard-winged ones (about 2000 species), winged ones. (about 1,500 species), dipterans (3,500-4,000 species), stilts (600-700 species) are widespread. Desert animals. From sandy deserts Kyzylkum, Sandiqli and Kattakum, from reptiles in Yozyovon - comb-toed gecko, frog-headed desert lizard, frog-eared lizard, striped lizard, striped lizard, desert bog. there are snakes, several types of rattlesnakes, arrow snakes, rattlesnakes and desert tortoises. Because there are many reptiles, the desert can be called a place of reptiles. Among the mammals, the deserts are inhabited by the marmot, the thin-toed gerbil, the gerbil, the wolf, the eared hedgehog, the fox, the sable fox, the gerbil, the red-tailed gerbil, the sand vole, and the wild hare. Only a few species of birds can be found in sandy deserts - shrike, hawk, desert hawk, hawk, desert crow, sparrow, and rock sparrow. In the sandy deserts, living arachnids (louse, yellow phalanx, scorpions), black-bodied beetles, golden beetles, scabtopars, and beetles are scattered among the invertebrates. All desert animals have morphological features that allow them to run fast and control their body temperature. Even slow-moving hedgehogs have relatively long legs, ears, and needles. Lizards run fast using their long legs, heel and tail. Birds of the desert (Yorka tuvalok, ylikichi) or fast-flying birds (black-and-white, white-tailed deer) run fast on the ground. The living conditions in the mountains are different compared to the desert, so there are many animal species. Animal world also changes depending on the height of the mountain. At an altitude of 200-600 m above sea level, various invertebrates are found near the reservoirs in the hills: naked slugs, butterflies, dragonflies, midges, long-legged flies, several types of earthworms in the soil, roundworms, springflies in the reservoirs, larvae of dayworms. , several types of leeches, fish, crustaceans can be found. The mountain hills are also rich in endemic and rare species. Among the rare butterflies, the mahaon, apollon, podalarii, or large sadaftarii are occasionally found here. Gray beshikterwatar is scattered in the deserts on the slopes of the mountain. In the deserts of mountain chala deserts, desert tortoise, frog-headed bald lizard, goat lizard, multi-colored lizard, elk, yorga tuvalok, ptarmigan, yellow shrike, animals such as sand mice, yellow snake, colorful cypress snake, gray gecko, Turkestan gecko, as well as birds such as blue crow, kurkinak, yellow sparrow, stone sparrow can be found. Most of these animals hatch early; hibernates in summer and winter. However, some species of birds (crows, sparrows and yellow sparrows) hatch only in June. Since grasshoppers are born at this time, there is enough food for the birds. The alpine region of the mountains at an altitude of 2700-2800 m above sea level occupies a small area in the upper parts of the ridges at the headwaters of the rivers Chatkal, Koksuv, Piskom, Ohangaron, Sangzor and Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya. In the Alpine region, the green frog is rare among the water and land inhabitants, the Olai lizard is more common among reptiles, and the Himalayan agama and the shield snake are less common. Mountain reptiles have adapted to live in cold conditions by live birth and reproduction. The rattlesnake and olay lizard lay eggs and give birth live (that is, the babies hatch a few minutes after laying the eggs), and the Himalayan agama lays eggs, but the embryo inside it does not survive. will have already entered a certain form. From the birds - mountain doppel, woodpecker, mountain crow, alpine jay, alpine wagtail, Brandt's warbler, horned grouse; from mammals - bear, wild sheep, Central Asian goat and lynx. In the lower parts of the mountains, there are a lot of shrews, field mice and pishchukhas. Sometimes a white marten and a lacha can be seen. On the river banks of Uzbekistan - insects (for example, swimming beetles and larvae of dragonflies), lake frogs, water snakes, fishers, grasshoppers, blackbirds, woodpeckers, brown and kanji, blue tons, mallards, ducks, water eagles, blue grouse, osprey, marten live here. Even if the animals living in reeds and forests do not feel a direct need for water, they find all the things necessary for life on the shores of water bodies, hunt and look for a sheltered place to avoid their enemies. In such conditions, there are many green frogs and toads, desert lizards, ildam lizards, cypress snakes, and black desert snakes. Pheasants, common cuckoos, yellow jays, jays, spotted crows, nightingales, and western nightingales can be found in the forests. Among the mammals, there are toadstool, plate-toothed rat, comb-toothed gerbil, trans-Caspian field mouse, cheetah, wild boar, forest cat and tiger. In the reed beds, there are especially many mustached sparrows and wood sparrows. Gray gecko, Turkestan gecko, cypress snakes can be found in the loess soil ravines around the river. Foplari is a place for the Bukhara long-eared bat and the long-eared night bat. Download 22,52 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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