Potenţiali clienţi din ţările Extracomunitare Volumul 1 untrr sprijină membrii săI În identificarea potenţialilor clienţi ue și non-ue armenia
Integrated Food Prosessing Plant of
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- Minsk Wheeled Trailers Plant Production Republican Unitary Ent.
- Profmetallservice Joint Ltd.
- Research Institute Podshipnik JSC
- Slonim Worsted and Spinning Factory JSC
- BELARUS 95 Nr. Crt Numele companiei Oraș Cod
- Colliers International Consulting Foreign Ltd.
- Concern Bellesbumprom ( Belarus Production and Trade Concern of the Forestry, Wood-Processing and Pulp-and- Paper Industry )
- GrodnoDiVTrans Private Forwarding Unitary Ent.
- Grodnokinotechprom State Ent.
- Integrated Food Prosessing Plant of Belkoopsoiuz Private Production Unitary Ent.
- Persoana de contact 653 Technotourservice UE
- Volovich-Trans Private Unitary Forwarding Ent.
- Alfa Novopolotsk Private Production Trade Unitary Ent.
- Automatic Control Instruments Plant JSC
- Belinecomp Engineering and Ecological Centre CJSC
- Beltsvetmet Production Republican
Integrated Food Prosessing Plant of Belkoopsoiuz Private Production Unitary Ent. MINSK 220075 375 17 3443132 375 17 3446563 pr.Partizanskiy, 168 Minsk nzkombinat@ mail.ru - BY152167 De la 101 to 250 Fruit and vegetables, processed; Fruit and vegetables, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged; Wine, non-grape; Juices, fruit and vegetable; Beverages (trade); director Kotsuba Viktor Yakovlevich, chief engineer Zapeko Ivan Ivanovich deputy director Skurat Viktor Mihaylovich 645 InterElectric CLC MINSK 220026 375 17 2915759 375 17 2915759 ul.Zhilunovicha, 15-414 Minsk interelectric@ mail.ru - BY150006 De la 1 to 10 Regulating and control systems and equipment NES; Software to customer specification, software houses; Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services; Electrical and electronic products for industrial use. Batteries (trade); Metallurgy and mechanical engineering consultants; director Romanchuk Vitaliy Stanislavovich, chief engineer Zhevzhik Andrey Georgievich 646 Krasnaya Zvezda JSC MINSK 220073 375 17 2047928 375 17 2047928 per.1-y Zagorodnyy, 3 Minsk zvezda@mail.by http://krasnayazvezda.by - BY052927 De la 101 to 250 Fancy goods, leather, textile leather and plastic; Stationery and greetings cards; Paper and cardboard processing services; Rotary printing; EI Flatbed printing: letterpress and offset-photolithography; Letterpress and offset specialities; Steel and copperplate printing, die-stamping and embossing. Security and banknote printing. Three-dimensional, flock printing and thermography. Cartography; Silk-screen, transfer and carbon printing; Bookbinding and paper laminating; Albums and files; Publishing: Newspapers and magazines; Publishing: Diaries and calendars; director Malanyak Igor Nikolaevich 647 L-Tours CLC MINSK 220030 375 17 2280333 375 17 2280164 ul.K.Marksa, 40-31a Minsk info@ltours.by http://ltours.by - BY059501 De la 11 to 20 Travel agents, tour operators; director Shaltys Liliya Mechislavovna 648 Minsk Bearing Plant JSC MINSK 220026 375 17 2964952 375 17 2962979 ul.Zhilunovicha, 2 Minsk orp@mpz.com.by http://www.mpz.com.by - BY054611 Peste 1000 Plain bearings, plummer and pillow blocks, seats and bushings; Ball, needle and roller bearings; general director, Labusov Aleksandr Fedorovich, chief engineer, Lazitskiy Sergey Antonovich, administration chief Marinich Vitaliy Nikolaevich 649 Minsk Wheeled Trailers Plant Production Republican Unitary Ent. MINSK 220021 375 17 2913185 375 17 2913193 pr.Partizanskiy, 150 Minsk mark-d@mzkt.by http://www.mzkt.by - BY151319 Peste 1000 Lorries/trucks and tractor units; Motor vehicles, special purpose; Truck/lorry trailers; Motor vehicles (distributors); general director Sinegovskiy Gennadiy Aleksandrovich deputy general director Soroko Konstantin Vladimirovich, chief engineer Golovach Andrey Albertovich 650 Profmetallservice Joint Ltd. MINSK 220075 375 17 2801042 375 17 2801042 pr.Partizanskiy, 174 Minsk http://profmetallservice.by - BY157063 De la 21 to 50 Plastic semi-finished products: Bars, rods, sections and shapes; Iron and steel rods, bars, sections, rails, tyres, rolled steel sections, piling steel; Light metal semi-manufactured products; director Vascilov Stanislav Leonidovich 651 Research Institute Podshipnik JSC MINSK 220026 375 17 2950232 375 17 2965212 ul.Zhilunovicha, 2 Minsk niipodshipnik@ mail.ru - BY152291 De la 11 to 20 Plastic products for transport infrastructure; Plain bearings, plummer and pillow blocks, seats and bushings; Ball, needle and roller bearings; Magnetic and electromagnetic measuring instruments; Dynamic testing equipment; Testing equipment for materials and products NES; director Makarov Valentin Ivanovich, chief engineer Vaytkus Vladislav Yurevich chief accountant Karpeko Zoya Viktorovna 652 Slonim Worsted and Spinning Factory JSC SLONIM 231800 375 1562 21021 375 1562 25183 ul.Brestskaya, 42 Slonim mail@skpf.by http://skpf.by 10 to 25 million USD BY048001 Peste 1000 Raw wool and other animal textile fibres; Yarns and twists, man-made fibres; Yarns and twists, wool and hair; Yarns and twists, vegetable fibres; Wadding and flocks, textile, and their products; Knitwear; director Venskovskaya Valentina Fedorovna, deputy director Grigoryan Irina Vitalevna, deputy director Lebed Taisa Vladimirovna BELARUS 95 Nr. Crt Numele companiei Oraș Cod Poștal Telefon Fax Adresa 1 Adresa 2 Adresa web Cifra de afaceri Kompass ID Nr. de angajaţi Domeniu de activitate Persoana de contact 633 Bals Ltd. MINSK 220039 375 17 2197284 375 17 2197284 ul.Chkalova, 38/1-65 Minsk bals@tut.by - BY058093 De la 1 to 10 Removal and storage; Road haulage, part loads; Shipping and forwarding agents; director Daviden Roman Benikovich 634 Bellesbumpromexport UE MINSK 220030 375 17 2270142 375 17 3283783 ul.K.Marksa, 16-319 Minsk exporter@ bellesprom.com http://www.bellesprom.com - BY152115 De la 21 to 50 Forestry products. Timber/logs; Sawn, planed, peeled, cut and treated wood; Wood chips, wood wool and fibres, sawdust; Doors and windows, wooden; Wooden products for industrial use; Printing, drawing and writing paper and board; Natural resins and pitch; Matches; Wooden products for industrial use (trade); director Matyas Viktor Nikolaevich 635 City Milk Plant 2 JSC MINSK 220075 375 17 3443793 375 17 3446793 pr.Partizanskiy, 170 Minsk gmz2@nsys.by - BY054727 De la 501 to 1000 Milk and milk products. Cream; Cheese; Juices, fruit and vegetable; Lemonade, carbonated and soft drinks; director Pankevich Anatoliy Mihaylovich, deputy director Mescaninov Viktor Mihaylovich 636 Colliers International Consulting Foreign Ltd. MINSK 220073 375 17 2569569 375 17 2569998 per.1-y Zagorodnyy, 20-27a Minsk colliers@colliers. by http://colliers.by - BY050228 - Arbitrators; Property development, management and sales services; Independent financial advisers; director Pavlyshko Andrey Vladimirovich 637 Concern Bellesbumprom ( Belarus Production and Trade Concern of the Forestry, Wood-Processing and Pulp-and- Paper Industry ) MINSK 220030 375 17 2274483 375 17 2274483 ul.K.Marksa, 16 Minsk info@ bellesbumprom. by http://www.bellesbumprom.by - BY151828 De la 51 to 100 Forestry products. Timber/logs; Sawn, planed, peeled, cut and treated wood; Composite wood, plywood; Wood chips, wood wool and fibres, sawdust; Structural woodwork, carpentry, builders' joinery; Doors and windows, wooden; Flooring, wooden. Parquet; Mouldings and frames, wooden; Wooden products for industrial use; Furniture, domestic; Furniture, children's; Furniture, kitchen, domestic; Furniture, garden and outdoor; Furniture, hotel, restaurant, canteen and bar; Furniture, school; Furniture, office and drawing office; Furniture, upholstered; Coal, wood and resin distillation products; chairman Shulga Vladimir Edvardovich 638 Dezhits Ya.Yu. PUE GRODNO 230029 375 152 720004 375 152 720004 ul.Kommunalnaya, 32a-6 Grodno - BY046022 De la 1 to 10 Road transport services classified by type of freight; director Dezhits Yan Yuzefovich 639 Exlusivecosmetic Ltd. MINSK 220114 375 17 2680015 375 17 2680028 ul.Teplichnaya, 1-5 Minsk ec@krasota.by http://www.krasota.by - BY059095 De la 51 to 100 Cosmetic, hair, skin and dental products; director Shalak Natalya Eduardovna 640 Grand-Service PUE MINSK 220073 375 17 2136408 375 17 2136408 ul.Harkovskaya, 14a Minsk gr-serv@grand- service.com - BY051795 De la 51 to 100 Catalysts; Building contractors; Building insulation and weather-proofing contractors; general director Efremenko Aleksandr Dmitrievich 641 GrodnoDiVTrans Private Forwarding Unitary Ent. GRODNO 230001 375 152 527222 375 152 527111 ul.Suvorova, 143 Grodno grodnodivtrans@ mail.ru - BY047342 De la 11 to 20 Road haulage, part loads; Road transport services classified by type of freight; Shipping and forwarding agents; director Vahrushev Dmitriy Konstantinovich 642 Grodnokinotechprom State Ent. GRODNO 230005 375 152 742762 375 152 720616 ul.Dzerzhinskogo, 86 Grodno kinotechprom@ mail.ru - BY041459 De la 21 to 50 Structural woodwork, carpentry, builders' joinery; Buildings, wooden, prefabricated; Furniture, domestic; Furniture, children's; Furniture, kitchen, domestic; Furniture, garden and outdoor; Furniture, hotel, restaurant, canteen and bar; Furniture, school; Furniture, theatre, sports complex, passenger terminal and religious building; Furniture, office and drawing office; Furniture, bank, library, archive, museum and council chamber; Furniture, upholstered; Services to the furniture industry; Barriers, grilles, railings, fences and gates, metal; Musical instrument components and accessories; Property development, management and sales services; Industrial design consultants; director Goncharuk Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, chief accountant Klimut Elena Petrovna, chief Gerasimchuk Vladimir Nikolaevich 643 Gulbis Ltd. MINSK 220075 375 17 3440199 375 17 3440199 pr.Partizanskiy, 178-703 Minsk gulbis@tut.by - BY059375 De la 21 to 50 Removal and storage; Road haulage, part loads; Road transport services classified by type of freight; Shipping and forwarding agents; director Strelkov Sergey Yurevich 644 Integrated Food Prosessing Plant of Belkoopsoiuz Private Production Unitary Ent. MINSK 220075 375 17 3443132 375 17 3446563 pr.Partizanskiy, 168 Minsk nzkombinat@ mail.ru - BY152167 De la 101 to 250 Fruit and vegetables, processed; Fruit and vegetables, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged; Wine, non-grape; Juices, fruit and vegetable; Beverages (trade); director Kotsuba Viktor Yakovlevich, chief engineer Zapeko Ivan Ivanovich deputy director Skurat Viktor Mihaylovich 645 InterElectric CLC MINSK 220026 375 17 2915759 375 17 2915759 ul.Zhilunovicha, 15-414 Minsk interelectric@ mail.ru - BY150006 De la 1 to 10 Regulating and control systems and equipment NES; Software to customer specification, software houses; Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services; Electrical and electronic products for industrial use. Batteries (trade); Metallurgy and mechanical engineering consultants; director Romanchuk Vitaliy Stanislavovich, chief engineer Zhevzhik Andrey Georgievich 646 Krasnaya Zvezda JSC MINSK 220073 375 17 2047928 375 17 2047928 per.1-y Zagorodnyy, 3 Minsk zvezda@mail.by http://krasnayazvezda.by - BY052927 De la 101 to 250 Fancy goods, leather, textile leather and plastic; Stationery and greetings cards; Paper and cardboard processing services; Rotary printing; EI Flatbed printing: letterpress and offset-photolithography; Letterpress and offset specialities; Steel and copperplate printing, die-stamping and embossing. Security and banknote printing. Three-dimensional, flock printing and thermography. Cartography; Silk-screen, transfer and carbon printing; Bookbinding and paper laminating; Albums and files; Publishing: Newspapers and magazines; Publishing: Diaries and calendars; director Malanyak Igor Nikolaevich 647 L-Tours CLC MINSK 220030 375 17 2280333 375 17 2280164 ul.K.Marksa, 40-31a Minsk info@ltours.by http://ltours.by - BY059501 De la 11 to 20 Travel agents, tour operators; director Shaltys Liliya Mechislavovna 648 Minsk Bearing Plant JSC MINSK 220026 375 17 2964952 375 17 2962979 ul.Zhilunovicha, 2 Minsk orp@mpz.com.by http://www.mpz.com.by - BY054611 Peste 1000 Plain bearings, plummer and pillow blocks, seats and bushings; Ball, needle and roller bearings; general director, Labusov Aleksandr Fedorovich, chief engineer, Lazitskiy Sergey Antonovich, administration chief Marinich Vitaliy Nikolaevich 649 Minsk Wheeled Trailers Plant Production Republican Unitary Ent. MINSK 220021 375 17 2913185 375 17 2913193 pr.Partizanskiy, 150 Minsk mark-d@mzkt.by http://www.mzkt.by - BY151319 Peste 1000 Lorries/trucks and tractor units; Motor vehicles, special purpose; Truck/lorry trailers; Motor vehicles (distributors); general director Sinegovskiy Gennadiy Aleksandrovich deputy general director Soroko Konstantin Vladimirovich, chief engineer Golovach Andrey Albertovich 650 Profmetallservice Joint Ltd. MINSK 220075 375 17 2801042 375 17 2801042 pr.Partizanskiy, 174 Minsk http://profmetallservice.by - BY157063 De la 21 to 50 Plastic semi-finished products: Bars, rods, sections and shapes; Iron and steel rods, bars, sections, rails, tyres, rolled steel sections, piling steel; Light metal semi-manufactured products; director Vascilov Stanislav Leonidovich 651 Research Institute Podshipnik JSC MINSK 220026 375 17 2950232 375 17 2965212 ul.Zhilunovicha, 2 Minsk niipodshipnik@ mail.ru - BY152291 De la 11 to 20 Plastic products for transport infrastructure; Plain bearings, plummer and pillow blocks, seats and bushings; Ball, needle and roller bearings; Magnetic and electromagnetic measuring instruments; Dynamic testing equipment; Testing equipment for materials and products NES; director Makarov Valentin Ivanovich, chief engineer Vaytkus Vladislav Yurevich chief accountant Karpeko Zoya Viktorovna 652 Slonim Worsted and Spinning Factory JSC SLONIM 231800 375 1562 21021 375 1562 25183 ul.Brestskaya, 42 Slonim mail@skpf.by http://skpf.by 10 to 25 million USD BY048001 Peste 1000 Raw wool and other animal textile fibres; Yarns and twists, man-made fibres; Yarns and twists, wool and hair; Yarns and twists, vegetable fibres; Wadding and flocks, textile, and their products; Knitwear; director Venskovskaya Valentina Fedorovna, deputy director Grigoryan Irina Vitalevna, deputy director Lebed Taisa Vladimirovna 96 Nr. Crt Numele companiei Oraș Cod Poștal Telefon Fax Adresa 1 Adresa 2 Adresa web Cifra de afaceri Kompass ID Nr. de angajaţi Domeniu de activitate Persoana de contact 653 Technotourservice UE MINSK 220026 375 17 2950191 375 17 2950191 pr.Partizanskiy, 81-509 Minsk technotourser- vice@tut.by - BY059901 De la 1 to 10 Travel agents, tour operators; director Trofimova Antonina Viktorovna 654 Transkomion Joint Ltd. MINSK 220075 375 17 3458030 375 17 3458030 pr.Partizanskiy, 178-214 Minsk moris5@rambler. ru - BY057303 De la 21 to 50 Road haulage, part loads; Road transport services classified by type of freight; director Shilo Aleksandr Anatolevich 655 Volovich-Trans Private Unitary Forwarding Ent. GRODNENS- KIY R N 231721 375 152 939827 375 152 939793 Chehovscina, 47-20 Grodnenskiy r-n - BY046031 De la 21 to 50 Road haulage, part loads; director Matveychik Valeriy Vyacheslavovich, founder Volovich Oleg Ivanovich 656 Zwetlit PUE GRODNO 230005 375 152 771520 375 152 770488 ul.Dzerzhinskogo, 94 Grodno zwetlit_2001@ mail.ru http://zwetlit-grodno.narod.ru - BY140571 De la 501 to 1000 Fasteners and fixing devices, metal, industrial; Springs, mechanical shock absorbers and dampers; Screws, bolts, nuts, washers and rivets, turned, metal; Couplings, clutches and brakes for industrial use; Pipe, tube and hose fittings and joints, metal; Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal; Accumulators, batteries, primary cells; Mechanical measuring and controlling instruments for pressure. Manometers; Filters and strainers; Metal machining contractors; Chain stores and supermarkets; Industrial components NES (trade); Property development, management and sales services; director Efremenko Sergey Vladimirovich, deputy director Sulay Yuriy Anatolevich, chief engineer Artsukevich Yuriy Mihaylovich 657 Agromip CLC DZER- ZHINSK 222720 375 1716 54988 375 1716 50656 ul.Fominyh, 44-2 Dzerzhinsk agromip@tut.by - BY062236 De la 1 to 10 Motor vehicle transmission, steering, brake and suspension parts and spare parts (trade); Motor vehicle engine, fuel system, exhaust and cooling system, heating and air conditioning system parts and spare parts (trade); director Meleshko Oleg Aleksandrovich, chief accountant Iosko Aleksandr Evgenevich 658 Agrooptservice CLC DZER- ZHINSK 222720 375 1716 50708 375 1716 50203 ul.Fominyh, 44 Dzerzhinsk agrooptservis@ bk.ru - BY062696 De la 1 to 10 Agricultural equipment; parts and accessories; Agricultural, horticultural and forestry machinery and equipment (trade); Motor vehicle transmission, steering, brake and suspension parts and spare parts (trade); Motor vehicle engine, fuel system, exhaust and cooling system, heating and air conditioning system parts and spare parts (trade); director Sakavets Nikolay Sergeevich, chief accountant Tataritskaya Ekaterina Yurevna 659 Alfa Novopolotsk Private Production Trade Unitary Ent. NOVOPO- LOTSK 211440 375 214 513260 375 214 513260 ul.Ya.Kolasa, 70 Novopolotsk alfa-de@tut.by - BY023013 - Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) products; Plastic products, miscellaneous; Fertilisers; Winter sports and mountaineering equipment; Building contractors; Building industry contractors; Roofing and wall cladding contractors; Plastering contractors; Painting and facade coating contractors; Building insulation and weather-proofing contractors; Gas, water, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) plant installation and maintenance contractors; Electrical installation contractors; director Deryabin Evgeniy Alekseevich 660 Almakor CLC ORSHA 211030 375 216 294200 375 216 294200 ul.Lenina, 238 Orsha almakor@bk.ru - BY023603 De la 1 to 10 Pasta; Pasta products, canned; Biscuits, crackers, crisps and savoury snacks; Sugar confectionery; Food products NES (trade); director Savchenko Albina Anatolevna, financial director Savchenko Valeriy Grigorevich chief accountant Lagun Aleksandr Vladimirovich 661 Automatic Control Instruments Plant JSC ORSHA 211030 375 216 229895 375 216 229880 ul.Lenina, 223 Orsha ozpak@tut.by http://www.zavodpak.narod.ru - BY120166 De la 501 to 1000 Doors and windows, wooden; Furniture, school; Furniture and racking, industrial and laboratory; Non-structural metal fabrications for building work; Nails, tacks, spikes and staples, metal; Pliers, clamps and similar tools; Power line cable and wire fittings; Agricultural equipment; parts and accessories; Concrete mixing and placing machinery and equipment; Mechanical assembly contractors; director Margovich Aleksandr Iosifovich, deputy director Korobkin Petr Andreevich marketing manager Minochkin Aleksey Nikolaevich 662 Belinecomp Engineering and Ecological Centre CJSC NOVOPO- LOTSK 211440 375 214 591232 375 214 591232 ul.Ya.Kupaly, 3 Novopolotsk ecomp@mail.ru - BY022786 De la 51 to 100 Environmental consultants; Environmental services NES; Health, industrial safety and accident prevention consultants; director Iofik Boris Shlemovich deputy director Adamovich Vladimir Fedorovich, deputy director Kozhemyatov Yuriy Konstantinovich 663 Belsamstroy CJSC MINSKIY R N 223053 375 17 5051786 375 17 5051789 ul.40 let Pobedy, 27/1-64, Borovlyany Minskiy r-n kraski@bss.ru http://bss.ru - BY063596 De la 11 to 20 Pigments, natural; Paints and primers; Varnishes, lacquers, stains, distempers; Vitreous colours, enamels and glazes; Adhesives, synthetic; Mastics, putties and sealing compounds; Chemicals for building materials; director Bobovnikov Denis Anatolevich 664 Beltsvetmet Production Republican Download 451,42 Kb. 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