Powerful PowerPoint for Educators: Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive

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2.2. Powerful PowerPoint For Educators

GoToWorkTogether, 179
Guess, 87
HairColor, 87
HelloWaitGoodbye, 126
HideQuizButton, 114
HowDoYouFeel, 171
HowMany, 149
HowManyPlanets, 121
ize, 69, 70, 78, 93, 95,
97, 103, 111, 114, 135, 137,
139, 144, 147
JumpToMenu, 111, 114
MakeNotDirty, 128
names, 162–163, 169
NestedIf, 165
PrintablePage, 104–105,
PrintResults, 105
tion, 58
Question3, 99, 102, 104, 140–141
In dex 193

Pro ce dures (cont.)
Quit, 128
QuitAndSave, 128
QuitOK, 68
RandomNext, 147
RandomQuestion, 144, 145, 146
ReturnToMenuFromPart1, 111,
ReturnToMenuFromPart2, 111,
ReturnToMenuFromPart3, 111,
RightAnswer, 78, 92, 93, 96, 111,
136, 147, 150
RightAnswerButton, 139
RightAnswer1, 98
RightAnswer2, 98
RightAnswerTwo, 70
RightAnswer3, 104
RightAnswerThree, 70
running, 42, 43–45, 46, 49, 59–60,
running in Edit View, 132, 133
Save, 128, 179
sav ing, 44
SayHello, 42
SetObjectName, 130–131, 132
SetSlideName, 133
ShowQuizButton, 114
StartAgain, 105, 129
tying to a but ton, 43–45, 46
Wait, 126, 127
WhatsMyGrade, 119
WhichButton, 138
WorkTogether, 129, 179
WrongAnswer, 92, 93, 96, 111,
136, 147, 150
WrongAnswerButton, 139
WrongAnswer1, 98
WrongAnswer2, 98
WrongAnswer3, 104
YourEmail, 179
YourIdea, 179
YourName, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
60, 70, 78, 87, 92, 93, 95, 98,
103, 111, 114, 122, 147, 172,
YourNameWithPraise, 60, 65
Programmer, xi, 34, 52, 91, 134, 135,
Pro ject win dow, 41–42, 43, 168
Projects, stu dents, 7, 8–10
brain storm ing, 9
groups, 10
idea, 9
in for ma tion, se lect ing, 9
me dia, 10
met a phor, 7, 9
or ga ni za tion, 9
plan ning, 7
re flec tion, 10
re search, 9
templates, 8, 10
Prop er ties, 36–37, 40
ob ject, 68
shape, 77, 76–77
text. See Ma nip u lat ing text
Prop er ties win dow, 41–42
Ques tions. See Quiz zes
Quit ting, 67–68, 129
Quiz but ton, 113–115
Quizzes, xii, 26–27, 32, 34, 47, 48,
54–55, 58–59, 61, 91–116
multiple-choice, 32, 34, 48, 54–55,
92, 136–137, 138–142, 151
short-an swer, 58–59, 61, 99–102,
116, 138, 151
Ran dom num bers, 143–150
ize, 143–144. See also
Ran dom num bers
Record Macro, 182
ReDim, 136–138
Ref er enc ing ob jects
by name. See Ob jects, ref er enc ing by
by num ber. See Ob jects, ref er enc ing
by num ber
Re flec tion, 10
Re port ing scores, 92–99
percent scores, 94
print ing re sults, 102–108, 139–142
right and wrong an swers, 94
right an swers, 94
Re search ing, 3, 4
194 In dex

ResetSlide, 167
RGB, 75–77, 84
Right click, 18
Rnd, 143–144. See also Ran dom
num bers
Round, 94
RTrim, 101
Run time er ror. See Er rors, run time
Sav ing, 127–130
Saving as a Design Tem plate. See File
types, De sign Template (.pot)
Saving as a PowerPoint Show. See File
types, PowerPoint Show
Scope. See Vari ables, scope
Score. See Keep ing score
Scripter, xi, 34, 37, 52, 55, 58–59, 91,
106, 134, 142, 185
Script ing, xi
Scripts. See Pro ce dures
Se cu rity
macro. See Macro vi rus pro tection
pass word pro tec tion, 47, 48
Set tings, PowerPoint. See PowerPoint,
set tings
Shape, 37, 76
adding, 75, 157
adding text to, 77–78
changing color of, 75–77. See also
Buttons, changing color of
draw ing, 45
ma nip u lat ing text in, 77–78, 79–89.
See also
Ma nip u lat ing text
mul ti ple, 158
tying scripts to, 45
types, 76
Shift-Tab, 164
Showing ob jects, 68, 71, 75, 112,
113–115, 128
Shuffling the deck. See
Sin gle. See Variables, type, sin gle
Slide Show View, 13, 24, 27, 30, 44,
124, 132, 158, 162, 182
Slide types
blank, 71
bulleted list, 71, 73, 80, 107
title only, 82
two-column text, 81–82, 107
Slides, 37
Slides, names of. See Names, slides
Sounds, 18–21
for but tons, 28–29
in sert ing, 18–21
CD, 18
clip art, 20
from file, 29–21, 28
linked vs. embedded, 19–21
recorded, 19, 28–29
names of, 19, 28–29
types, 18, 20
Spac ing, 100–101
Spell ing, 100–102
Stop ping con di tion, See Loops, stopping
con di tion
Storyboard, 3, 4, 7–8
StringSee Variables, type, String;
Summative eval u a tion. See Eval u a tion,
Tab key, 164.
Templates, 8, 137–138, 151, 173–183
Testing, 3, 154–155, 170
Tests. See Quiz zes
Text 27–28, 45–46, 68, 77–89. See also
Ma nip u lat ing text
action settings for, 27
in buttons, 27–28, 45, 46
con cat e na tion of, 54
ma nip u lat ing, 68, 77–78, 79–89
parts of, 82–85
tying scripts to, 45
TextRange, 82–85
Tim ing, 125–127
Trim, 100–101, 131
Tu to rial, 32, 109–116
Type. See Vari ables, type
Underscore, 50, 156, 165
til, 122–123
URL, 24–25, 27
In dex 195

Variables, 49, 50–54, 58, 94, 96–97,
98–99, 100, 113, 118–120, 134
ar rays. See Ar rays
de clar ing, 51–53, 135, 136–137
names, 58
scope, 51, 52
type, 51, 53–54
Boolean, 54, 56
In te ger, 54
Long, 54
Ob ject, 54
Shape, 54
Sin gle, 54
String, 53–54
VBA, See Vi sual Ba sic for Ap pli ca tions
VBA Ed itor, 41, 53, 166–168
Video, 20
Viewer, PowerPoint, 35
Views. See Edit View; Slide Show View
Vi ruses, 37

ble prop erty, 37, 68. See also
Hid ing ob jects; Show ing ob jects
Vi sual Ba sic Ed i tor. See VBA Ed itor
Vi sual Ba sic for Ap pli ca tions, xi, 33–39
Waveform Audio (.wav), 20
Web ad dress. See URL
Wend, 57, 121
WhileSee Loops, While
With Block, 79
Words, spo ken, 18, 28
YourNameSee Pro ce dures,
196 In dex

About the Au thor
DAVID M. MARCOVITZ is As sistant Professor in the Ed ucation Depart-
ment and Co or di na tor of Grad u ate Pro grams in Ed u ca tional Tech nol ogy. He re-
ceived his Ph.D. in Ed ucational Technology from the University of Il linois,
Ur bana-Cham paign, where he stud ied sup port for tech nol ogy in el e men tary
schools. He’s taught computer applications and com puter programming at the
high school level, and he has worked as a technology spe cialist in a high school.
Prior to teaching at Loyola College, he taught in the Ed ucational Technology
Program at Florida Atlantic University. He was hired by Loyola College in 1997
to de velop a Mas ters pro gram in Ed ucational Technology, a pro gram he co ordi-
nates and for which he teaches many of the classes, in cluding Mul timedia De-
sign in the Classroom. He is the author of several ar ticles about ed ucational
tech nol ogy.

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