Presentation on telecommunications

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Presentation on telecommunications

larning yangi sub'ektlari

paydo bo'ladi:

  • - sayt - mahalliy tarmoq yoki
  • Internet veb-serverida bitta manzilda (domen nomi) joylashgan navigatsiya va jismoniy marshrutlarda bog'langan, tematik jihatdan birlashtirilgan, takrorlanuvchi dizaynga ega veb-sahifalar to'plami;
    • - Web page - an electronic document based on the hypertext of the HTML-hypertext markup language (HyperText Markup Language) and included in the set of cross-linked pages as a unit of information presentation - a website on the local network or the Internet;
    • Veb-sahifa - HTML-giper-
    • matn belgilash tilining

      gipermatniga asoslangan

      elektron hujjat (HyperText

      Markup Language) va

      axborotni taqdim etish birligi sifatida o'zaro bog'langan sahifalar to'plamiga kiritilgan - mahalliy tarmoq yoki Internetdagi veb-sayt;

    • - domain - Each computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique identification number called an IP address. IP stands for Internet Protocol, ie. a protocol in which computers interact on the Internet. An IP address is a sequence of four numbers separated by a dot and looks like this: The IP address provided in this form is difficult for a person to remember. In this regard, the Domain Name System (DNS) was created for ease of memorization and comprehension. With this system, it became possible to associate each IP address with a unique symbolic name, i.e. a domain name;
    • domen - Internetga ulangan har bir kompyuterga IP-manzil deb ataladigan noyob identifikatsiya raqami beriladi. 1P Internet Protocol, ya'ni kompyuterlar Internetda o'zaro aloqada bo'lgan protokolni anglatadi. IP-manzil nuqta bilan ajratilgan to'rtta raqamdan iborat ketma-ketlikdir va quyidagicha ko'rinadi: 82.116.44-1. Ushbu shaklda taqdim etilgan IP manzilni eslab qolish qiyin. Shu munosabat bilan yodlash va tushunish qulayligi uchun Domen nomlari tizimi (DNS) yaratilgan. Ushbu tizim yordamida gach IP-manzilini noyob ramziy nom, u, domen nomlari bilan bog'lash mumkin bo'ldi.
    • - e-mail is a type of telecommunications using Internet technologies.
    • - elektron pochta - bu Internet texnologiyalaridan
    • foydalangan holdagi



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