Making Sense of a Bully
At different
times during the play,
Higgins threatens to hit
Eliza with a broom, lock her
in the dustbin, drag her around by the hair, and throw her in the gutter.
Higgins is called a bully in the play, he denies the accusation.
Higgins tells
Colonel Pickering tha the can’t understand
Mrs Pearce’s opinion of him: “Here I am, a shy, diffi-
dent sort of man. I’ve never been able to feel really grown-up
and tremendous, like other chaps. And yet she’s
firmly persuaded that I’m an overbearing bossing kind of person. I can’t account for it.”
Pretend you are the actor playing
Higgins. How would you interpret his attitude so
that you might understand
his character? Is it possible for characters to behave a certain way and not see the behaviour in themselves?
Does this contradiction ever occur in real life?
Did you find
Higgins a likeable character in the play? Why or why not?
Higgins an effective teacher? Why or why not?
Imagine that Liza brought a charge of abuse against
Higgins at the end of the play. What evidence would she
list in the charge?
Write a speech for Higgins to present to a jury in his own defence.
Role on the Wall
“Role on the wall” is a method of examining a character by identifying
qualities of both inner
ality and outer circumstances.
Draw a silhouette of
Higgins on the blackboard. Have students suggest a list of inner qualities to write inside
the silhouette and a list of external life circumstances to write outside the silhouette.
Is the character you have described a simple or complex one?