Questions based on the topic
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- Questions based on the grammar Exercise 1. Fill in: is or are.
- Exercise 2. Read and translate the sentences.
- Exercise 3. Choose the correct form of the verb.
- Exercise 4. Fill in: is or are.
QUESTIONS based on the topic:
Questions based on the grammar Exercise 1. Fill in: is or are. 1. Your trousers are in the wardrobe. 2. Where are his scissors? 3. There is a lecture on history today. 4. The shopping is heavy. 5. Where are my gloves? 6. This information is correct. 7. His hair is brown. 8. My socks is in the drawer. 9. Our furniture is very cheap. 10. His accommodation is luxurious. 11. Evidence are needed before the trial can continue. 12. The news are very exciting. 13. Mumps is a common illness among children. 14. My glasses are on the table. 15. Chinese is difficult to learn. 16. Where is the kitchen scales? 17. Billiards is a popular game. 18. His work is very interesting. 19. People are starving in some countries. 20. Education is the key to his success. Exercise 2. Read and translate the sentences. 1. His sister studies at school. 2. I went to school at seven. 3. Who took this book in the library? 4. The students work in this lab every day. 5. What books does he usually read? 6. We translated text 3 last lesson. 7. Some years ago the Smiths moved to Moscow.8. Our manager left for London last week. 9. Who knows this woman? 10. At last he opened the window.11. Why did your family live in his flat? 12. Do you often visit your grandparents?13. He knew the material well. 14. Does your friend study in our Academy? 1. Uning singlisi maktabda o'qiydi. 2. Men maktabga yetti yoshda bordim. 3. Ushbu kitobni kutubxonada kim olib ketdi? 4. Talabalar har kuni ushbu laboratoriyada ishlaydi. 5. U odatda qanday kitoblarni o'qiydi? 6. Oxirgi dars 3-matnni tarjima qildik. 7. Bir necha yil oldin Smitlar Moskvaga ko'chib ketishgan.8. Menejerimiz o'tgan hafta Londonga jo'nab ketdi. 9. Bu ayolni kim biladi? 10. Nihoyat u oynani ochdi.11. Nega oilangiz uning kvartirasida yashadi? 12. Siz bobo-buvilaringizga tez-tez tashrif buyurasizmi? 13. U materialni yaxshi bilardi. 14. Do'stingiz bizning Akademiyada o'qiydi
1. Economics is his favourite subject. 2. The trousers he bought for her doesn’t fit her. 3. The police want to interview men about the robbery. 4. Physics was my best subject at school. 5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine aren’t sharp enough. 6. The news (wasn’t/weren’t) as bad as we expected. 7. Where does your family live? 8. Four days aren’t long enough for a good holiday. 9. He can’t find his binoculars. Do you know where they are? 10. Do you think the people are happy with the government? 11. Do the police know how the accident happened? 12. She doesn’t like hot weather. Twenty-eight degrees are too warm for her. 13. The staff at school are not happy with their new working conditions. 14. Thirty thousand pounds were stolen in the robbery. 15. Two years are a long time to be without job. 16. Five miles is a long way to walk every day.17. I need more money. Six pounds are not enough. 18. These species are very rare.19. My hair is dark brown.20. His watch needs repairing.
1. Where are your trousers? 2. Could you tell me where are the scissors? 3. Tonight, there is athletics on TV. 4. Money is easy to spend and difficult to save. 5. Gloves are worn in cold weather. 6. This student’s knowledge is amazing. 7. Love is reason for much happiness. 8. This bread is stale. 9. Your jeans are on the chair. 10. His baggage is too heavy to carry. 11. Her advice is very interesting. 12. Mathematics is his favourite subject. 13. Measles is a common illness. 14. The glasses are on the table. 15. My sister’s hair are long. 16. Their bathroom scales are quite accurate. 17. Darts is a popular game in Britain. 18. This work is too hard. 19. People are unhappy with the new tax system. 20. The police is near. Download 22,65 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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