Raxmanov / rakhmanov erkin ergashevich / erkin
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- (reyting, ball, kredit, baho / rating, score, credit, mark)
T/p Fan (modul)ning nomi / Name of the course (module) Soatlarning umumiy miqdori / Total hours in the curriculum Baholash/Grade (reyting, ball, kredit, baho / rating, score, credit, mark) 1 O‘zbekiston tarixi / History of Uzbekistan 138 110.00 / 80 2 Milliy g‘oya: O‘zbekistonni rivojlantirish stragegiyasi / National ideology: Development Strategy of Uzbekistan 138
94.00 / 68 3 Dinshunoslik / Religious Studies 138 95.00 / 69 4 Falsafa / Philosophy 138 94.00 / 68 5 Iqtisodiyot nazariyasi / Theory of economy 138 80.00 / 58 6 Fuqarolik jamiyati / Civil Society 138 91.00 / 66 7 O‘zbek (rus) tili / Uzbek (rus) language 136 97.00 / 71 8 Xorijiy til / Foreign language 138 91.00 / 66 9 Matematika / Mathematics 152 103.00 / 68 10 Ta'limda axborot texnologiyalari / Information communicative technologies 152 99.00 / 65 11 Yosh fiziologiyasi va gigiyena / Age-related physiology and hygiene 152 87.00 / 57 12 Ekologiya va tabiatni muxofaza qilish / Ecology and nature protection 144 108.00 / 75 13 Bolalar musiqa adabiyoti / Children's music literature 348 299.00 / 86 14 Umumiy psixologiya / General Psychology 226 142.00 / 63 15 Umumiy pedagogika / General pedagogy 226 149.00 / 66 16 Musiqa o'qitish metodikasi va maktab repertuari / Methods of teaching music and school repertoire 348
292.00 / 84 17 Musiqa o‘qitish texnologiyalari va loyihalash / Music teaching technologies and projection 304
225.00 / 74 18 Musiqa nazariyasi (solfedjio, garmoniya, musiqiy asarlar tahlili) / Music theory (solfeggio, harmony, analysis of musical works) 428
321.00 / 75 19 Musiqatarixi / Music history 304 264.00 / 87 20 Vokal va zamonaviy musiqa / Vocals and modern music 376 305.00 / 81 21 Xor va xorshunoslik / Choir and choir studies 304 222.00 / 73 22 Dirijyorlik / Conducting 304 219.00 / 72 23 O'zbek xalq musiqa ijodi / Uzbek folk music 340 258.00 / 76 24 An'anaviy xonandalik / Traditional singing 340 306.00 / 90 25 Maktabgacha ta’lim mussasalarida musiqa o‘qitish metodikasi / Methods of teaching music in preschool institutions 174
151.00 / 87 26 Cholg‘u ijrochiligi va ansambli / Istrumental perfomance and ensemble 500 435.00 / 87 27 Notalashtirish va kompyuter dasturlarida ishlash / Notation and work in computer programs 466
340.00 / 73 28 Musiqa to‘graklarini tashkil qilish / Organize music clubs 138 104.00 / 75 29 Qo'shimcha cholg'u / additional instrument 516 408.00 / 79 Download 42,84 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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