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- Bakalavr, 01.07.2020 / Bachelor, 01.07.2020
B 00023262 120100, Gulistan city, Syrdarya region, 4 districts 120100, Sirdaryo viloyati, Guliston shahri, 4-mavze +998 67 225 4042 glsu_info@edu.uz www.guldu.uz RAXMANOV / RAKHMANOV ERKIN ERGASHEVICH / ERKIN 16.07.1962 31607622840010 1980 - 1983, Toshkent Madaniy oqartuv texnikumi, ДТ No 858706 / 1980 - 1983, Tashkent Cultural Enlightenment College, ДТ No 858706
01.07.2020 5111100 - Musiqa ta’limi / 5111100 - Musical education O'qituvchi / Teacher Guliston davlat universiteti, Oliy ta'lim muassasasi / Gulistan State University, Higher Education Institution Oʻzbek/Uzbek Bakalavr / Bachelor 3 Yil / 3 Year O'rta (to'liq) umumiy ta'lim yoki o'rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta'limi to'g'risidagi davlat tomonidan tasdiqlangan namunadagi diplom va kirish sinovlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o'tish. / State recognized document of secondary (complete) general education or secondary professional education and passing entrance examinations. Maxsus-sirtqi taʼlim / Special part-time education 5111100 – Musiqa ta’limi bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablari, o’rta maxsus, kasb- hunar ta’limi muassasalari uchun bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi bo’yicha pedagogik kadr jarayonida foydalaniladigan fanlar, pedagogik faoliyat vositalari, usullari, metodlari; O’zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasi va tarmoq ilmiy-tadqiqot institutlarida hamda mustaqil tadqiqotchi sifatida ilmiy-pedagogik tadqiqot ishlari bilan shug’ullanish; ommaviy axborot vositalari, davlat boshqaruvi organlari, boshqa davlat va nodavlat muassasalarida kasbiy faoliyat yuritish kabi kompleks masalalar majmuasini qamrab oladi. Kasbiy faoliyat ob’ekti - ta’lim jarayoni; o’qitishning pedagogik texnologiyalari va metodlari; ta’limning nazariy masalalari; o’qitish metodikasi; loyihalashtirish asosida o’quv jarayonini boshqarish texnologiyalari, ma’ruza, amaliy va laboratoriya mashg’ulotlarini loyihalashtirish va tashkil etish jarayoni, shaxsiy va kasbiy axborot maydonini shakllantirish jarayoni, maktabdan tashqari ta’lim muassasalari ta’lim-tarbiya jarayoni; ta’lim sohasidagi muammolar va ularning echimlarini topishni tashkil etish jarayoni; ta’limni boshqarish va pedagogik jarayonni tashkil etish; mos ixtisoslik bo’yicha ilmiy-tadqiqot jarayonlari, ma’naviy-ma’rifiy targ’ibot ishlari jarayonlari / "The learning process in the direction 5111100 - Music education is carried out on the basis of the curriculum and the curriculum of higher education for the preparation of bachelors. A person who has fully mastered undergraduate training programs, successfully passed the final state certification, receives the qualification (degree) “bachelor” and the official document (s) of the state standard on higher education. The above areas of professional activities Bachelor's education areas 5111100 - Music education involves the implementation of professional activities in the following areas and educational institutions: - general secondary schools, specialized secondary vocational schools in the areas of professional activity, where in the process of training teachers, disciplines, means, methods, and methods of teaching are used in higher education for vocational education institutions; - conduct scientific and pedagogical research work at the Academy of Sciences and industry research institutes of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as an independent researcher; - in the media, government, in other state and non- state institutions. The object of professional activity is the educational process; pedagogical technologies and teaching methods; theoretical problems of education; teaching methodology; educational process management technologies based on design, the design process and organization of lectures, practical and laboratory classes, the process of forming a personal and professional information field, extracurricular educational process of educational institutions; the process of organizing the search for solutions to problems in the field of education; educational management and organization of the pedagogical process; research processes in the relevant specialty, the process of spiritual and educational propaganda. " Download 42.84 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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