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Famous people of Uzbekistan Sharof Rashidov
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Famous people of UzbekistanSharof RashidovPolitician Sharof Rashidovich Rashidov was a Communist Party leader in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic and a CPSU Central Committee Politbureau candidate member between 1961 and 1983. Born the day before the Russian Revolution to a poor peasant family in Jizzakh, Uzbekistan, Sharof Rashidov worked as a teacher, journalist and editor for a Samarkand newspaper. He returned home in 1942 with wounds suffered on the German front in World War 2. He became head of the Uzbekistan Writers Union in 1949, and was elected to the post of Chairman of the Praesidium of the Uzbek Supreme Soviet in 1950. In 1959, he became First Secretary of the Uzbek Communist Party, a post he held to his death in 1983. In the Soviet Union his name became synonymous with corruption, nepotism and the Great Cotton Scandal of the late Brezhnev period. As orders from Moscow to grow increasing quantities of, the Uzbek government responded by reporting miraculous growth in land irrigated and harvested, and record improvements in production and efficiency. Today it would seem that most of these records were falsified. The Uzbek leadership used these exaggerated figures to transfer substantial amounts of wealth from central Soviet funds into Uzbekistan. When this was discovered by Andropov, Rashidov committed suicide.
My favourite sport Everybody knows that sport is an important part of healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many opportunities nowadays to do different types of sports. First of all, we always have lessons of physical education at school. Secondly, from the very childhood I attend martial arts, to be precise karate lessons. It’s one of my favourite types of pastime. I’ve had several teachers and all of them were highly professional. Another sport that I enjoy is swimming. I’m just an amateur, and I often go to the nearest swimming-pool. Luckily in summer I get a chance to swim in the open sea. I’m not the only sport lover in our family. My younger brother is also keen on sport. His favourite sport is basketball and he is really good at it. Besides doing sports, I like watching different games on TV. Every winter, for example, I watch figure skating, boxing and hockey championships. In summer I enjoy watching football and bicycling. Besides active games, there are also some other types of games which also refer to sports, among them chess, backgammon, checks, air hockey, bowling and others. When I have free time I do play these games with my friends. I don’t think there are any types of sport which I don’t like. Now you should write your favourite sport I play many games, but football is my favorite game. It is the most popular game in the world and it is played in over 200 countries. Football is also called soccer in a few countries like the USA, it is an outdoor and team sport. It is played between two teams and each team has eleven players. Football is played on a rectangular field, generally called a pitch with a goal post. At each end, it is played with the spherical ball by kicking with afoot.
Tourism in Uzbekistan Can you imagine a country where representatives of different nationalities, traditions and culture are uniquely get along together? Which is unique!? A country where a rich historical and architectural heritage organically coexists with modern buildings, high technology, and the work of artisans create unique works of architecture. A country with high mountains, hot deserts, endless lakes, beautiful valleys and gardens. You will be surprised to know that all this can be found in one country. And this country is Uzbekistan. The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Development of Tourism for 2017-2018 has taken a number of measures to develop tourism infrastructure, simplify visa procedures and registration, and much more. But first things first. The first thing you need to do when, you going to Uzbekistan is to get a visa. If your country is not included in the list for visa-free visits (ссылканасписокстран), then simply send the documents through the system. (ссылка). It is worth noting the convenience of passing through customs points: when arriving in Uzbekistan, the relatively recent double corridors greatly facilitate the arrival of tourists to this sunny region. You can stay in a hotel, hostel or yurt camp. A significant impetus for increasing the number of rooms has been the simplification of requirements for budget accommodation facilities. So, in Uzbekistan, a stop at family guest houses is becoming increasingly popular. They can be found in large cities and remote high-mountainous areas. Guest houses are not only a place for lodging for the night, but also a unique tourist attraction in which you can learn how to cook national dishes, learn about it and even learn the spoken Uzbek language. Another option would be to stop at friends or relatives, exactly like renting an apartment. Moreover, in order to register, it is enough to fill in the form on the website (ссылка). In a word, the most comfortable conditions have been created for the tourist. When planning a trip, you should pay attention to seasonal and active recreation. It will be optimal to plan the trip so that the tour program includes visits to historical centers in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva and Tashkent, and after the cultural and educational part - visits to madrasas, mausoleums and museums, recover in nature, for example, in Bostanlyk district. These places are suitable for extreme sports and for families with children. Thus, the Amirsoy ski resort, which meets modern requirements and international standards of safety and service, will welcome its first guests from December 2019. Numerous mountain tracks of various levels of complexity are suitable for active leisure enthusiasts, and summer holidays for the whole family can be organized on the shore of the Charvak reservoir. Note that in 2018 some territories in the Kashkadarya region were opened for free to visit by tourists, such as the Amir Temur Cave, the Suffa radio astronomy complex, the Suvtushar waterfall, the picturesque high-mountain villages of Kul and Gilan, the Severtsev glacier. In addition, guests can diversify the rest of the balloon flights, overlooking the surrounding area and scenic views. The flights are carried out by professional pilots from the Aeronautics Federation of Uzbekistan. By the way, in April 2019, the second International Festival of Aeronautics will be held. As well as last year sportsmen from Switzerland will take part in the festival, and pilots from France and Germany will join. Since 2018, a calendar of events has been published on the website of the State Committee for Development of Tourism of Uzbekistan and this is an excellent opportunity for tourists to visit interesting events and fairs. During the year you can get to the colorful festival holidays - “Kovan Saili”, go to Surkhandarya to “Boysun Bahori” (Boysun Spring) or Bakhshi Art Festival, become spectators of the fascinating “Raks Sehri” (dance festival) or go. Thousands of travel lovers. A grand fair that accommodates in two pavilions of representatives of local and foreign travel agencies, stands of representatives of transport companies, artisans, hotels and much more. In addition, a gastronomic festival is held as part of the fair. In November 2018, the International Tourism Investment Forum was held for the first time, which created an additional impetus for the rapid development of the tourism sector. Is it possible to fit in one article all the grand and, undoubtedly, positive changes that have taken place in the field of tourism? Hardly. It’s time to pack a suitcase and go to Uzbekistan to see everything with your own eyes. And hurry, because this year the country is waiting for an unprecedented flow of tourists, and this was confirmed by the presence of Uzbekistan in numerous lists of the best destinations for travels of leading media outlets, including the specialized ones: The New York times, National Geographic, The Guardian, Lovely Planet, etc. Press Service of the State Committee of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan POPULAR 1958 August 13 , 2020 The new and modern “Silk Road Family Resort” is starting to work 1135 August 10 , 2020 Charter flights are being subsidized 618 August 06 , 2020 The largest center of artisans, mosque, and shopping center of Uzbekistan in Namangan - "Valley Of Legends"! Exercise 1. Translate this text into Uzbek O'zbekistonda turizm Turli millat vakillari, urf-odatlar va madaniyat vakillari bir-biriga mos keladigan mamlakatni tasavvur qila olasizmi? Qaysi noyob!? Boy tarixiy va me'moriy meros zamonaviy binolar, yuqori texnologiyalar va hunarmandlarning mehnati bilan uzviy bog'langan mamlakat noyob me'morchilik asarlarini yaratadi. Baland tog'lar, issiq cho'llar, cheksiz ko'llar, go'zal vodiylar va bog'lar bo'lgan mamlakat. Bularning barchasini bitta mamlakatda topish mumkinligini bilib hayron qolasiz. Va bu mamlakat O'zbekiston. 2017-2018 yillarda turizmni rivojlantirish Davlat qo 'mitasi tomonidan turizm infratuzilmasini rivojlantirish, viza tartib-taomillarini soddalashtirish va ro 'yxatdan o' tkazish bo 'yicha bir qator chora-tadbirlar ko' rildi. Lekin birinchi narsa birinchi. Agar qachon qilish kerak birinchi narsa, Agar O'zbekistonga ketadi viza olish uchun emas. Agar sizning mamlakatingiz vizasiz tashriflar ro'yxatiga kiritilmagan bo'lsa, unda hujjatlarni tizim orqali yuboring. (ссылка). Bojxona punktlaridan o'tish qulayligini ta'kidlash joiz: O'zbekistonga kelganda nisbatan yaqinda joylashgan qo'sh yo'laklar sayyohlarning ushbu quyoshli hududga kelishiga katta yordam beradi. Siz mehmonxonada, yotoqxonada yoki yurt lagerida qolishingiz mumkin. Xonalar sonini ko'paytirish uchun byudjet turar joylariga qo'yiladigan talablarni soddalashtirish muhim turtki bo'ldi. Shunday qilib, O'zbekistonda oilaviy mehmon uylarida to'xtash tobora ommalashib bormoqda. Ularni yirik shaharlarda va uzoq tog'li hududlarda topish mumkin. Mehmon uylari nafaqat tunash uchun joy, balki milliy taomlarni tayyorlashni o'rganishingiz, bu haqda bilib olishingiz va hatto og'zaki o'zbek tilini o'rganishingiz mumkin bo'lgan noyob sayyohlik joyidir. Yana bir variant do'stlari yoki qarindoshlari da to'xtatish bo'ladi, aynan bir doira ijaraga kabi. Bundan tashqari, ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun shaklni to'ldirish kifoya veb-sayt (O'zRTXB). Bir so'z bilan aytganda, sayyoh uchun eng qulay sharoitlar yaratilgan. Sayohatni rejalashtirishda siz mavsumiy va faol dam olishga e'tibor berishingiz kerak. Sayohat dasturi Buxoro, Samarqand, Xiva va Toshkentdagi tarixiy markazlarga, madaniy - ma'rifiy qismdan so'ng madrasalar, maqbaralar va muzeylarga tashrif buyurishni o'z ichiga olishi uchun sayohatni rejalashtirish maqbul bo'ladi, masalan, Bo'stonliq tumanida. Bu joylar ekstremal sport turlari va bolali oilalar uchun javob beradi. Shunday qilib, zamonaviy talablar va xavfsizlik va xizmat ko'rsatishning xalqaro standartlariga javob beradigan Amirsoy chang'i kurorti o'zining birinchi mehmonlarini 2019 yil dekabr oyidan boshlab kutib oladi. Turli darajadagi murakkablikdagi ko'plab tog ' izlari faol dam olish ishqibozlari uchun mos keladi va Charvak suv ombori qirg'og'ida butun oila uchun yozgi ta'tilni tashkil qilish mumkin. E'tibor bering, 2018-yilda Qashqadaryo viloyatining Amir Temur g'ori, Suffa radio astronomiya majmuasi, Suvtushar sharsharasi, baland tog'li ko'l va Gilan qishloqlari, Severtsev muzligi kabi ba'zi hududlari sayyohlar uchun bepul ochildi. Bundan tashqari, mehmonlar atrofidagi maydoni va tabiiy fikr qaraydigan, balon parvozlar qolgan diversifikatsiya mumkin. Parvozlar O'zbekiston Aeronavtika Federatsiyasining professional uchuvchilari tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Aytgancha, 2019 yil aprel oyida ikkinchi xalqaro Aeronavtika festivali bo'lib o'tadi. O'tgan yili bo'lgani kabi festivalda Shveytsariyadan sportchilar ishtirok etadi, Frantsiya va Germaniyadan uchuvchilar ishtirok etadi. 2018 yildan boshlab O'zbekiston turizmni rivojlantirish Davlat qo'mitasi saytida tadbirlar taqvimi e'lon qilindi va bu sayyohlar uchun qiziqarli tadbirlar va yarmarkalarga tashrif buyurish uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir. Yil davomida siz rang - barang bayramlar - "Kovan Saili" festivaliga borishingiz, Surxondaryoga "Boysun Bahori" (Boysun bahori) yoki Baxshi san'at festivaliga borishingiz, maftunkor "Raks Sehri" (raqs festivali) tomoshabinlari bo'lishingiz yoki borishingiz mumkin. Sayohat ixlosmandlari minglab. Mahalliy va xorijiy sayyohlik agentliklari vakillarining ikkita pavilonida, transport kompaniyalari, hunarmandlar, mehmonxonalar va boshqa ko'plab pavilonlarda joylashgan katta yarmarka. Bundan tashqari, yarmarka doirasida gastronomik festival o'tkaziladi. 2018 yil noyabr oyida birinchi marta xalqaro turizm investitsiya forumi bo'lib o'tdi va bu turizm sohasini jadal rivojlantirish uchun qo'shimcha turtki bo'ldi. Turizm sohasida yuz bergan barcha ulkan va shubhasiz ijobiy o'zgarishlarni bitta maqolaga joylashtirish mumkinmi? Deyarli. Chamadonni yig'ish va hamma narsani o'z ko'zingiz bilan ko'rish uchun O'zbekistonga borish vaqti keldi. Va shoshiling, chunki bu yil mamlakat misli ko'rilmagan sayyohlar oqimini kutmoqda va buni O'zbekistonning etakchi ommaviy axborot vositalarining, shu jumladan ixtisoslashgan ommaviy axborot vositalarining sayohatlari uchun eng yaxshi yo'nalishlar ro'yxatida mavjudligi tasdiqladi: Nyu-York Tayms, National Geographic, The Guardian, Lovely Planet va boshqalar. O'zbekiston Respublikasi davlat turizm qo'mitasi matbuot xizmati ommabop 1958 yil 13 avgust 2020 yil yangi va zamonaviy "Ipak yo'li oilaviy kurorti" ish boshlaydi 1135 yil 10 avgust 2020 yil Charter reyslari subsidiyalanadi 618 yil 06 avgust 2020 yil eng yirik hunarmandlar markazi, masjid va savdo markazi. O'zbekiston Namanganda - "afsonalar vodiysi"!
Wish sentences 1. Hozirgi zamon. Wish ishtirok etgan gaplar noreal, haqiqatga to’g’ri kelmaydigan bo’lganligi uchun, bu gaplarda ifodalangan hozirgi zamon ish-harakatlarini o’tgan noaniq zamon asosida tasvirlaymiz. Masalan, mana bu gapga e’tibor bering: I wish I were in London now – Qani edi, hozir Londonda bo’lganimda edi. So’zlovchi hozir Londonda emas, shuning uchun bu gapdagi ish-harakat (ya’ni Londonda bo’lish) – imkonsiz! Shuning uchun ham “BE” (bo’lmoq) o’tgan noaniq zamonda ifodalanayapti. 2. O’tgan zamon. Hozirgi zamon (yuqoridagi gapda) o’tgan zamon bilan ifodalangan edi. Endi o’tgan zamonning o’zi o’tgan tugallangan zamon bilan ifodalanadi. Mana bu gapga qarang: I wish I had gone to the cinema yesterday – Qani edi, kecha kinoteatrga borganimda edi. So’zlovchi kecha kinoga bormagan, endi hozir afsuslanib, kecha borganida yaxshi bo’lishini nazarda tutib gapirayapti. O’tgan zamondagi ish-harakat (had gone) o’tgan tugallangan zamon bilan ifodalangan. 3. Kelasi zamon. Wish ishtirokidagi noreal gaplarda kelasi zamonni ifodalash uchun “will” yordamchi fe’lining o’tgan zamon shakli “would”dan foydalanamiz. E’tibor bering: I wish I would go to London next year – Qani edi, kelasi yil men Londonga borganimda edi. So’zlovchi bu gap bilan kelasi yil o’zining Londonga bora olishini imkonsiz, deb hisoblaydi. Noreal gap bo’lganligi sababli kelasi zamondagi sodir etilishi ehtimoli bo’lmagan ish-harakat (would go) o’tgan zamondagi kelasi zamon bilan ifodalanayapti. BUNDAN TASHQARI… Yuqorida ta’kidlab o’tilgan kelasi zamondagi noreal gaplarni ifodalashda ishlatilgan “wish… would…” qurilmasidagi gaplar hozirgi yoki kelasi zamondagi NOROZILIK, QARSHILIK va SHIKOYATga nisbatan ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Masalan: I wish you would stop making so much noice – Qani edi siz ko’p shovqin qilmasangiz. Men hozir yoki kelajakda (bundan keyin) sizning shovqin qilishingizga QARSHIMAN va shovqin qilayotganligingizdan SHIKOYAT qilayapman. I wish I wouldn’t sleep so much – Qani edi men bunchalik ko’p uxlamaganimda. Kishi o’zidan norozi bo’lgan holda ham bu turdagi gaplarni aytishi mumkin.
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