Read the text and answer the questions according to it

partners. B) It makes no difference from other

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B) It makes no difference from other
C) The project cooperates with ministries.
D) This project runs its activity only in

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

The formation of international organizations has been a 20th century phenomenon. Nowadays there are more than 2,500 international organizations. Among them are more than 130 intergovernmental unions. The United Nations Organization is the most notable. Other important organizations are the European Economic Community, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Organization of American States, and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. The creation of international organizations on a wide scale in the 20th century is the result of the progress in the technology of communication, transportation, and the spread of industrialization. These developments gave rise to a sense of interdependence among the peoples of the world, and made people recognize the importance of international co-operation to avoid the dangers, solve the problems, and use the opportunities which confront the society of nations on a world-wide scale. Some organizations are concerned only with single and relatively narrow problems, while others, such as the UNESCO under the United Nations, deal with a great variety of matters. Moreover, international organizations function as either intergovernmental or nongovernmental agencies.

25. W hy did people create internationalorganizations?
A) International organizations function only as nongovernmental.
B) The creation of international organizations began in the 19 th century.
C) They wanted to declare the war among the countries of the world.
D) They wanted international co-operation to solve the problems.
26. How many organization names are mentioned in the passage?
A) 20
B) 6
C) 2,500
D) 130
27. All of the following statements are FALSE, E X C E PT ...
A) There are more than 130
intergovernmental unions.
B) Nowadays there are more than 500 world organizations.
C) The United Nations Organization is the least notable.
D) The United Nations Organization deals with relatively narrow problems.

28. According to the passage, the UNESCO deals with ....

A) war problems
B) a single problem

C) narrow problems

D) various problems

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Triceratops, the plant-eating dinosaur with three horns on its head, was long considered a single animal. Fossils for more than fifty adult triceratops have been found, and each triceratops was found with no othei triceratops nearby. Scientists revised their theory of the lone triceratops in 2005, though. In southeastern Montana, they discovered a site that contained triceratops fossils embedded in rocks that were 66 million years old. At the Homer site, paleontologists, or scientists who study fossils, found a group of three young triceratops fossils. It was evident to the paleontologists that the fossils were not found together by chance. The scientists deduced that the ^ bodies of the young dinosaurs had been deposited by a flood and that they were part of a herd of young triceratops that lived together. Paleontologists admit they don’t know how much time the young triceratops spent together, or even why they were in a group. The scientists believe the animals might have banded together for protection. They expect to find still more fossils of young triceratops at the Homer site.

29. The passage is mostly about ....
A) raising a herd of triceratops
B) protecting triceratops from enemies
C) working in the field of geology
D) studying the fossils of triceratops
30. Which of the statements suggests that
young triceratops might have lived in herds?
A) Adult triceratops fossils were found with
no other triceratops nearby.
B) Scientists proved that other kinds of dinosaurs lived in groups.
C) Fossils of three young triceratops were found together.
D) A flood never deposited the fossils at the site where they were found.
31. Before the discovery of the Homer site, paleontologists believed that ....
A) young triceratops lived in herds
B) all triceratops lived in groups
C) all triceratops were single
D) adult triceratops lived in herds
32. What do scientists think will happen next
after the discovery at the Homer site?
A) They will prove that adult triceratops lived in herds.
B) They will expect to find more fossils of young triceratops there.
C) They will discover previously unknown kinds of dinosaurs.
D) They will prove that young triceratops were single.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

In the year 221 BC, the first great emperor of China united the nation. He called himself Qin Shi Huang. He was a tireless ruler, but he trusted no one. Qin created a new capital city for China. Qin made thousands of his citizens work on his special projects. His most famous project is still visible today. He began to build the 5500-mile-long Great Wall of China. He even ordered the destruction of most of the books in the kingdom. Many scholars buried their books to save them. However, if the king’s servants found the buried or hidden books, the owners were killed. One of the emperor’s most secret projects was discovered in modern China. In 1974, a farmer accidentally fell into an underground tomb where he found an entire army standing in order. The army was made of terracotta, a kind of clay. The emperor had more than 8,000 of these clay figures in his tomb. Surprisingly, scientists believe that there are even more of these clay figures that have yet to be discovered.

33. According to the passage, what can you infer from the description of the Great Wall of China?
A) Nobody died at the construction.
B) Workers liked to build the wall.
C) It was used as a cemetery.
D) The wall was very long.

34. From the context of the passage, what is the best meaning of “citizens”?

A) kingdoms
B) people
C) books
D) projects
35. From the context of the passage, we can conclude that Qin Shi Huang ....
A) began the construction of the long wall
B) trusted everyone who served him in his court
C) ordered all the books to be published
D) made more than eight hundred clay figures
36. Which word refers to a kind of clay?
A) terracotta
B) tomb
C) underground
D) figures

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Avicenna was born in 980 and died sometime in June 1037. He was one of the outstanding philosophers and thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age, and a leader in understanding early medicine. By age 14 he had mastered many subjects and had already memorized the Quran. From the age of 14 to 18 he taught himself because he could not find a tutor to provide more information than he already knew. He began to practice and learn about medicine at 16. He was good at all of the subjects but he had a talent for medicine. Sometime before he turned 18 years old, he cured a Samanid chief. Because of what he did he was allowed into the libraries that were taken care of by the Samanid dynasty princes. Avicenna wrote almost 450 treatises, on a wide range of subjects. Of these, around 240 works were on medicine. He wrote a book called The Canon of Medicine. This was used as medical book for over 600 years. His major work in philosophy was a book called The Book of Healing. It included his interpretation of the work of Aristotle.

37. According to the passage, Avicenna has
been described as a leader of ... .
A) philosophy
B) early medicine
C) tradition
D) method
38. We can infer from the passage that
Avicenna was influenced by ... in
A) a Samanid prince
B) Islamic Golden Age
C) Aristotle
D) a Samanid chief
39. All of the following statements are TRUE,
A) Avicenna didn’t study any other subjects
except medicine.
B) Avicenna was an outstanding scholar of
Islamic Golden Age.
C) Not all of his treatises were about
D) Avicenna’s philosophical book was called
The Book of Healing.
40. According to the passage, why was
Avicenna allowed into Samanid libraries?
A) He was one of the outstanding
B) Because he wrote 450 treatises.
C) He had memorized the Quran.
D) He cured a Samanid chief

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
If you’re younger, you may use MySpace. Young adults are more likely to be found on Facebook and busy professionals may prefer something like Linkedln. But at least two of these sites have one thing in common: apart from being social spaces where you can meet and chat to people, share photos and other things, they’ve added new verbs and nouns to the language in the past couple of years. Let’s take a look at some examples. You can facebook your holiday photos (upload them to your Facebook page), facebook someone to see who they are (look him up in Facebook), facebook someone about a party (contact someone through their Facebook page) and ask permission to facebook someone (add them as a Facebook friend). As you can see, “ facebook” is a pretty flexible word, and you could say the same about “ MySpace”, which you will find being used in much the same way all over the Net. Linkedln has not been used in the same way. While you’re “ facebooking” or “myspacing” you may also find yourself “commenting” (writing a comment on someone’s Facebook or MySpace page).

41. According to the passage, what are
the two sites that have one thing incommon?
A) Only Facebook
B) Linkedln and Facebook
C) MySpace and Linkedln
D) MySpace and Facebook
42. We can conclude from the passage that ...
A) Linkedln is for busy people with professionalism.
B) The three sites have nothing in common at all.
C) The social networks never added new verbs and nouns to the language.
D) People who use MySpace are as old as people who use Facebook.

43. In this context, ‘commenting’ means ...

A) to leave for some place using Facebook or MySpace page
B) to leave a message for someone on their page
C) to be working on some problems relating to the Internet
D) to say something interesting at the meeting
44. All of the following statements are TRUE,
A) The word “facebook” has various uses.
B) The new terms have been in use for a
couple of years.
C) All of the three mentioned sites have
provided some new words.
D) You can meet and chat to people, share
photos in social spaces.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

She liked flowers. At least, he remembered somebody telling him that she liked roses. Unfortunately, at that time of year roses were very hard to find, and anyway, even if he did find them he wouldn’t be able to afford them. No roses and going out to a good restaurant. So he had got some tulips. It wasn’t sure if tulips were the right things to bring, and also while he was travelhng in the bus several people bumped into him and the flowers were damaged. He felt uncomfortable in his borrowed coat, and even though Mike had promised him that it was almost a perfect fit he felt that the sleeves were too long. He checked in his pocket again to make sure he had her address. He still was not sure why she had given it to him. For a few minutes he thought about giving the whole thing up, going home. But he knew that this chance would not come again, and he would hate himself if he did not take it. Slowly, he walked through the rain to her street.

45. This text seems to have come
from ...
A) a science fiction story
B) a romantic novel
C) an autobiography
D) a detective story

46. The character can be best

described as:
A) not very confident
B) rather angry and irritable
C) a little bit slow and stupid
D) very sad

47. What would be a good title for this text?

A) Finding the right address.
B) Travelling on the bus.
C) The first appointment.
D) Mike goes to visit his friend.

48. All of the following statements are FALSE,

A) The jacket on him is very uncomfortable.
B) The character does not have very much money.
C) He is going to see his mother.
D) He has lost her address

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The great painter Sir James Thornhill was employed for decorating the interior of the dome of St. Paul’s in London. One day he stepped back on the scaffolding to see how the work looked at a distance. His servant, who was standing near, was terrified to see his master within some inches of the edge of the scaffolding. At the last moment the painter would be thrown and fall down on the pavement. How could he be warned of this danger? If the servant cried out, he would probably in his alarm take a fatal step. So the man threw a pot of paint over the piece of work the painter was just admiring. Sir James, in a rage, rushed forward to punish him. Thus his life was saved. On finding out why the servant had spoilt his painting, Sir James was glad to reward him instead of punishing him.

49. The text is mainly about ...
A) the servant who saved the life of his
B) the servant who constructed his master’s
C) St. Paul’s Cathedral and how it was
D) the servant who helped his master with
50. W hy did the servant throw the pot of paint
over the painting?
A) He wanted to prevent his master’s falling down.
B) He hated his master and never understood him.
C) He was afraid of his master and stood quietly.
D) He did not like the painting of his master

51. All of the following statements are FALSE,

A) Sir James Thornhill punished his
B) St.Paul’s Cathedral is the world’s
greatest palace.
C) The painter didn’t fall off the
D) Sir James Thornhill decorated the
outside of St.Pauls’s Cathedral.
52. The servant proved that he was ...
A) smart
B) silly
C) modest
D) polite

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Octopuses are extremely intelligent. They have even learnt a few tricks to get themselves out of sticky situations, for example, when it is afraid of a predator. As octopuses don’t have teeth or sharp claws to defend themselves, they hide themselves in the sand on the bottom of the ocean floor. The octopus is like a chameleon because it can change the colour of its skin to match the sand. Some octopuses like to stay in more shallow water where there are rocks and coral. They can squeeze themselves into small spaces between the rocks to get out of reach of predators. Another way an octopus can hide is by shooting ink. An octopus uses a part of its body called a siphon to shoot ink into the water. The ink forms a cloud that hides the octopus. If an octopus is being attacked, it can actually make itself look like a venomous sea snake. It will bury itself in the sand, keeping two arms visible. It will change the colour of those arms to match a sea snake.

53. What is the author’s purpose for writing
this article?
A) to describe the origin of octopuses
B) to explain how octopuses eat, live, and
C) to explain how octopuses protect
D) to show how dangerous octopuses are
54. What happens to an octopus after it shoots
ink into the water?
A) It is no longer poisonous.
B) It can hide.
C) It will grow a little.
D) It will die.

55. How are an octopus and a chameleon alike?

A) They are both invertebrates.
B) They both like to hide on the ocean
C) They can both change the colour of
their skin.
D) They both use their arms to kill
56. All of the following statements are FALSE,
A) The octopus and chameleon have
nothing in common.
B) Octopuses can squeeze themselves and
shoot ink.
C) The octopus is able to change its colour
in ten minutes.
D) Octopuses are vertebrates living on lands.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

The European rabbit is a small mammal that has long hind legs and short front legs. They have long ears and slightly large eyes placed to the sides of the head. They were not native to Australia. In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers stupidly introduced the European rabbit. This rabbit had no natural enemies in Australia, so it multiplied incredibly quickly. It overran a whole continent, and caused damage to environment which might have kept for millions of sheep and cattle. Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was sensitive to a fatal virus disease. Trying to create local epidemics of this disease, they found out that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits. So while the rest of the world was trying to get rid of mosquitoes, Australia was encouraging this one. It effectively spread the disease all over the continent and extremely reduced the rabbit population.

57. According to the passage, the rabbits ....
A) were not totally killed after a long struggle
B) increased in number rapidly in
Australia, because nothing harmed them
C) had been local in Australian flora for a
long time when the first settlers arrived there
D) were to be killed, because they carried a
fatal virus for human beings
58. According to the passage, the
Australians ....
A) had come there from various countries
around the world to keep millions of sheep
B) weren’t wise enough to get rid of the
rabbits by their own efforts and called settlers for help
C) wanted to get rid of the rabbits because
they were destroying the environment
D) already expected to meet with such a
big rabbit population and were ready for this problem

59. We can conclude from the passage that ....

A) the rabbits were reduced in number by a kind of mosquito
B) Australians today owe their successful life to the efforts of the rabbits
C) being a pioneer requires a man to be prepared for the virus. D) the settlers discouraged the spread of the virus in Australia
60. According to the passage, what or who caused the rabbits to reduce in number?
A) mosquitoes
B) wolves
C) settlers
D) Australians

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

William Rosenberg was grown up in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was a grocery store owner. Because the family had money problems, William left school in eighth grade to help his father at his store. In his teenage years, he worked at many different jobs and got a lot of experience in food industry. When he started his own food lorry service, he was surprised that about half of his sales came from coffee and donuts. William had a plan. In 1948, William opened a coffee and donut shop which he named ‘ ‘Open Kettle” in Quincy, Massachusetts. A coffee was ten cents and a donut was five cents. At that time, it was very expensive, but his customers loved his products and the store was a big success. William, however, was unhappy with the name “ Open Kettle” and decided to make a change. He noticed that customers often dunked or sank their donuts into their coffee. Thus, the name “Dunkin Donuts” was born.

61. According to the passage, why did William leave school in eighth grade?
A) to sell lorries B) to help his family
C) to make a plan D) to start a donut shop
62. What observation did William make when he started his own food lorry service?
A) He noticed nobody liked donuts as they were expensive.
B) He noticed that people ate donuts without their coffee.
C) He noticed there were no coffee shops in his hometown.
D) He noticed half of sales came from coffee and donuts.

63. According to the passage, the coffee

and donuts in “ Open Kettle” was
initially ... .
A) dear
B) unhappy
C) boring
D) inexpensive
64. According to the passage, what is NOT true
about “ Open Kettle”?
A) It went out of business.
B) Its name was changed.
C) It was opened in 1948.
D) It appeared in Quincy.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread. The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the smell. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while. Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear, and shook them, so that they made a noise. “What was that?” asked the restaurant owner. “That was payment for you,” answered Nasreddin. “What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!” protested the restaurant owner. “The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup,” answered Nasreddin.

65. According to the passage, why did the poor man hold the bread over the soup?

A) So the restaurant owner would get angry and talk to him.
B) So he could warm his hand because he was very cold.
C) So the steam from the soup would go into the bread.
D) So Nasreddin would think about the case for a little while.
66. According to the passage, why did the restaurant owner take the poor man to Nasreddin?
A) Because Nasreddin was a judge then.
B) So that Nasreddin could pay for the soup
C) Because Nasreddin was the man’s relative.
D) Because Nasreddin would give them a pot of soup.

67. According to the passage, what did

Nasreddin do with the coins?
A) He threw them to the ground.
B) He gave them to the poor man.
C) He made a noise with them.
D) He gave them to the restaurant owner.
68. According to the passage, what was the
payment for the smell of the soup?
A) the pot of soup
B) the sound of money
C) the loaf of bread
D) the bag of coins

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Clownfish is a little fish that comes in many colours like yellow, red, and black. There are 28 types of clownfish. They can be found in the Red Sea and the Pacific and Indian oceans. In fact, the clownfish will not move more than twenty centimetres away from their homes during their entire lives. Clownfish are also called “anemone fish” because they live within sea anemones. These two animals are the best friends because they help each other. Sea anemones look like flowers. The sea anemones sting their prey with their tentacles, long thin parts of their body that are used for holding things. The poison on the tentacles stings the fish so that the sea anemones can hold them. However, clownfish are protected from this poison by a substance that covers their bodies. The food left by the sea anemone is eaten by the clownfish. In return, the clownfish cleans the anemone by eating its dead tentacles and by scaring away animals that might hurt the sea anemone.

69. According to the passage, how many types
of clownfish are there?
A) twenty-three
B) twenty
C) nine
D) twenty-eight
70. According to the passage, where can we find
A) Both in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.
B) Only in the Indian Ocean.
C) Both in the Pacific and Indian oceans.
D) Only in the Red Sea.
71. According to the passage, why isn’t a
clownfish stung by the sea anemone?
A) Because it swims in a strange way.
B) Because it has a specific protection.
C) Because it never approaches sea anemone.
D) Because it is too small to be stung.
72. According to the passage, what happens to
the food left by the sea anemone?
A) It covers clownfish’s body.
B) It decays in several minutes
C) It’s eaten by the clownfish.
D) It’s used as soil for flowers.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

The Chinese New Year begins on a different date each year between January 21 and February 20. The Chinese New Year is a very important festival for the Chinese people. The holiday is sometimes called the Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival. The festivals last for fifteen days. The final day is the most important day of the holiday, and is known as “ the Lantern Festival”. There are twelve animal signs in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Each year is represented by a different animal. Cleaning the house from top to bottom before New Year’s Day is believed to bring good luck in the coming year. People open windows and doors to let in good luck. Leaving the lights on in the house over night is believed to “scare away” any bad spirits. Some people believe that what happens on the first day of the Chinese New Year reflects the rest of the year to come. Chinese people will often play games at the start of the year, hoping to obtain good luck and fortune if they win.

73. According to the passage, when might the
Chinese New Year begin?
A) on the first day of January
B) on the last day of December
C) on the last day of February
D) on the first day of February
74. According to the passage, the Chinese New
Year is sometimes called ... ?
A) The Zodiac Year
B) The Lunar New Year
C) The Lantern Year
D) The Firework Festival
75. According to the passage, which of these is
NOT a Chinese New Year tradition?
A) leaving the lights on
B) cleaning the house
C) wearing black clothes
D) opening windows
76. According to the passage, which of these
things is thought to bring good luck?
A) losing in the games
B) closing all windows
C) leaving the lights off
D) cleaning the house

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

A long time ago, ships were the only way for people to journey across the sea. So ships traveled both day and night. They sailed in all kinds of weather, too. It was easy to see when the sun lit the way. However, being in the sea at night or during a storm was dangerous. If the sailors were not careful, the ship could easily crash. So sailors depended on lighthouses. They were built in all places that could cause problems for a ship. Lighthouses were made of materials that could stand up to terrible storms. Every night and during storms, the keepers climbed up hundreds of stairs to the lantern room. They put whale oil into a large tube. They lit a rope-like cloth that stood up in the middle. The light burned in a tube just like fire on a candle.Later, lighthouse keepers burned different kinds of oils to make the light. Nowadays, electricity and light bulbs replaced the burning oil to make the actual light.

77. According to the passage, when did the
keepers burn the lights in lighthouses?
A) During night and day.
B) Only during terrible storms.
C) During nights and storms.
D) During the darkest nights.
78. All of the following statements are TRUE,
A) The sailors depended on lighthouses.
B) Today lighthouse keepers use whale oil.
C) The ships traveled both day and night.
D) Lighthouses could stand up to terrible storms.

79. According to passage, the light which the

early keepers made was SIMILAR to a
candle because ....
A) it made electricity
B) it used light bulbs
C) it was made of glass
D) it was in a tube
80. According to the passage, what makes the
light in lighthouses today?
A) mirrors and glasses
B) electricity and light bulbs
C) whale oil and kinds of oils
D) rope-like cloth and woods

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

A woodpecker is a kind of bird. Woodpeckers are found all over the world except in the North and South poles, Australia, and New Zealand. There are over 200 different kinds of woodpeckers. The two largest woodpeckers, the Imperial Woodpecker and the Ivory-billed Woodpecker are most likely extinct. Animals that become extinct are no longer found on Earth. Woodpeckers have sharp bills for drilling into wood, and short tails which help to balance them on tree trunks and branches. Woodpeckers also have very long tongues, which help them get insects deep within trees. Woodpeckers are often heard knocking loudly on trees before they are seen. Woodpeckers can even become trouble if they learn to knock on sides of a house. Woodpeckers can easily be attracted to backyard bird feeders with sunflower seeds or suet. Suet is a kind of animal fat that is very tasty to woodpeckers and other birds.

81. According to the passage, why do
woodpeckers have long tongues?
A) to eat seeds in the bird feeders
B) so they can knock on trees
C) to get insects within trees
D) to get insects on the ground
82. According to the passage, when do
woodpeckers sometimes become a problem?
A) When they knock on houses.
B) When they sit on trees.
C) When they become extinct.
D) When they visit feeders.
83. According to the passage, the two largest
woodpeckers in the world are ....
A) normally found at bird feeders
B) most likely no longer on Earth
C) found all over the world
D) heard in the woods knocking trees
84. According to the passage, which is NOT
true about woodpeckers?
A) They will come to bird feeders.
B) They can be found in Australia.
C) They don’t have long tails.
D) They like sunflower seeds or suet.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Rainbows are often seen when the sun comes out after or during a rainstorm. Rainbows are caused when sunlight shines through drops of water in the sky at specific angles. When white sunlight enters a raindrop, it exits the raindrop in a different colour. When light exits lots ofdifferent raindrops at different angles, it produces the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet that you see in a rainbow. These colours can sometimes be seen in waterfalls and fountains as well. There are double rainbows in nature. In a double rainbow, light reflects twice inside water drops and forms two arcs. In most double rainbows, the colours of the top arc are opposite to those in the bottom arc. In other words, the order of colours starts with violet on top and ends with red on bottom. In addition, rainbows sometimes appear as white arcs at night. These rainbows are called moonbows and are so rare that very few people will ever see one. Moonbows are caused by moonlight shining through drops of water.

85. What would be a good title for this passage?
A) The history of rainstorms.
B) How to make raindrops.
C) Information on moonlight.
D) The basics of rainbows.
86. According to the passage, when are rainbows often seen?
A) after the sun sets at night
B) after a rainstorm
C) before a rainstorm
D) when it snows
87. According to the passage, what colour is NOT in a rainbow?
A) indigo
B) pink
C) orange
D) yellow
88. According to the passage, what colour is a moonbow?
A) yellow
B) white
C) green
D) orange

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

It happened long ago in Greece. There was a war between Spartans and Persians. There were only three hundred Spartans. The Persian army had thousands of soldiers. Spartans were going to lose unless they could secure a small passage. The enemy couldn’t move through it easily. Soon, the enemy’s large army appeared around the hills. Spartans weren’t afraid of them and intended to meet the enemy with laughter. Because Spartans’ weapons and skills were better. Spartans trusted their leader and obeyed him. First, the enemy soldiers shot arrows from their bows. The chief told his men to lift their shields. The arrows stuck into the shields but didn’t hurt any of the men. Then the enemy’s soldiers attacked Spartans with long spears. The chief surprised them. His soldiers rolled logs down on the enemy. They fought for three days. But the enemy found a way to beat the Spartans. The chief and all of his men were killed. Even though they lost, the Battle of Thermopylae is one of the most famous battles in history.

89. According to the passage, what is this story mainly about?
A) How a small army stood against a large army.
B) Why Persians rolled down logs on Spartans.
C) How Spartan soldiers never obeyed their leaders.
D) How Persians lost the battle against Spartans.
90. According to the passage, Spartans knew they would have lost ....
A) against the other army’s bows and arrows
B) because they heard the soldiers’ laughter
C) if they trusted their leader
D) if they hadn’t secured a narrow Passage

91. According to the passage, why was the

smaller army not afraid of the larger one?
A) Because the smaller army had better skills and weapons.
B) Because the smaller army did not trust their leader.
C) Because the larger army didn’t have any weapons.
D) Because the smaller army did not intend to fight.
92. According to the passage, all of the
following are TRUE about the Persian army, EXCEPT ....
A) the Persian soldiers appeared around the hills
B) the Persian soldiers won the battle in the end
C) the Persian soldiers used bows and arrows
D) the Persian soldiers used fire to win the battle

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Dr.Norton was a scientist in biology. One day he met a sailor from an island. The sailor told Dr.Norton about a talking bird. Dr.Norton told his colleagues about it. No one believed the bird could talk. He tried to persuade them, but they laughed at him. Dr.Norton wanted to prove it. The next day he left for the island. The sailor he had met told him to look for a man named Jai. Dr.Norton finally reached the island where he met Jai. “I can take you where it lives. It lives by the volcano,” Jai said. A week later, they arrived at the volcano. Every day they looked for the bird, but they couldn’t find it which depressed them. He decided to go home. On the route back, he walked past some old houses. He heard someone say, “Hello”. Dr.Norton looked up and saw a bird. He found a new type of bird in the end. Dr.Norton put the bird into a cage. Then he returned home. He proved his story.

93. According to the passage, what is this story
mainly about?
A) A sailor who learned biology.
B) A guide who found a new island.
C) A man who lived by the volcano.
D) A scholar who discovered a talking bird.

94. According to the passage, why did

Dr.Norton go to the island?
A) He wanted to find a talking bird.
B) He wanted to see the volcano.
C) He wanted to discover some old houses.
D) He wanted to start a new life there.

95. At the end of the story, we can conclude that ... .

A) the bird had never been caught even by Dr.Norton
B) the bird was a proof to persuade Dr.Norton’s colleagues
C) finding the volcano was also a significant discovery
D) Jai didn’t like Dr.Norton and asked not to sell the bird
96. According to the passage, all of the following are TRUE, EXCEPT ....
A) A sailor told Dr.Norton about the bird
B) The talking bird was near old houses
C) Jai gave bread to a talking bird
D) Dr.Norton put the bird into a cage

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Driving a taxi in town was Peter’s first job. He earned a small salary. Peter was practical about the future. “ Maybe I can get a scholarship to college,” he thought. “ I could learn mathematical formulas and get a job in a bank.” Peter stopped to pick up a passenger. “ Where to?” he asked. “ Go to the Fourth Street Bank. And don’t talk to me,” the man said. The manwas rude. When they stopped, the fare was $10.25. He put his hands in his pockets. “ I can’t find my wallet.” he said. Peter said, “You may borrow ten dollars and a quarter from me.” The man was ashamed and said, “ I was mean to you but now I want to help you. I founded a bank. I want to give you one thousand dollars.” The man urged him to take the money but he didn’t. “You’re an honest person, “ the man said. “ I thought you would take it. I want you to work for me.” The next day Peter started his job in the bank. He was happy that he finished his former job.

97. According to the passage, what is this story mainly about?
A) How a driver got a scholarship to go to college.
B) W hy it is important to borrow money.
C) How a passenger got a new job with a low salary.
D) How a driver got a new job by being kind.
98. According to the passage, what job had
Peter had before he started working in the bank?
A) He had never had any job before.
B) He had got a scholarship at college.
C) He had worked as a taxi driver.
D) He had studied math formulas.
99. According to the passage, why did the man give Peter a job?
A) He assumed that Peter wasn’t practical.
B) Peter showed that he was honest.
C) He wanted Peter to be his driver.
D) He borrowed from Peter a lot of money.
100. All of the following statements are TRUE about the man, E X C E P T ....
A) The man wanted Peter to take a lot of money.
B) The man was rude when he got into the taxi.
C) The man gave Peter all his money as a gift.
D) The man offered Peter a job in his bank.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Every day, a fisherman sat on a bridge. He threw the seeds into the water. He had a simple way to catch fish. He cut a branch off a tree and tied a plain string to it. He put a sharp hook on it. Then he whispered, “ Come here fish.” Like magic, the fish bit the hook. He took the fish home to make a big pot of fish soup from them. One day, another man walked up to him. He said, “ My name is George. I am staying at the hotel. I bet that I am a better fisherman than you. I will accompany you today. I want to prove my skill.” The fisherman cast his string. George had a lot of electronic tools. One machine showed him the locations of fish. The other machine could weigh the fish. At the end of the day, George subtracted his fish from the fisherman’s. The fisherman had beaten him by forty-seven. George was shocked. The fisherman told George, “ I am patient and I believe in myself. Take a breath, and try it in my way.”

101. According to the passage, what is the story mainly about?
A) How George made a pot of fish soup
B) W hy two fishermen used only nets
C) How two men competed in catching fish
D) How to cook fish to be very delicious
102. According to the passage, what did the fisherman do with the fish after he had caught them?
A) He subtracted the fish.
B) He made soup from them.
C) He sold them to a restaurant.
D) He made all sorts of food.
103. According to the passage, what did 104. According to the passage, all thethe fisherman do every day on the bridge?
A) He would accompany George from the hotel.
B) He would sell all fish he caught at the market.
C) He would take a breath then jump into the river
D) He would cast his stick with string into the river.
104. According to the passage, all the following are TRUE about the fisherman, EXCEPT ....
A) he used a sharp hook
B) he used a simple string
C) he used an electronic item
D) he used a tree branch

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

The solar system is the Sun and the objects that travel around it. The Earth is part of the solar system because it also travels around the sun. The Sun is a star similar to the other stars in the sky but it is much closer to the Earth.The Sun is mostly a big ball of gases composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. The path the planets use when traveling around the sun is oval-shaped and is called its orbit. Each of the planets in the solar system takes a different amount of time to orbit or travel around the Sun. The asteroid belt is another object in the solar system. The asteroid belt is approximately located between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt contains irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids which are believed to be left over from the beginning of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago. The objects are rocky and irregular in shape, and some may be hundreds of miles across, but most of the asteroids are very small.

105. According to the passage, the Sun and the
objects that travel around it are called ... .
A) the asteroid belt
B) the solar system
C) the orbit of planets
D) closer planets
106. What is the difference between the Sun and the other stars of the universe?
A) The sun is nearer to the Earth.
B) The sun is much larger than other stars.
C) The sun is much farther away.
D) The sun is rocky and irregular.

107. Which of the following is the definition of an asteroid?

A) It is similar to a star but much closer to the Earth
B) Many very small objects flying in the atmosphere of the Earth
C) Irregular object existing from the beginning of the solar system
D) Irregular object that orbits between planets Mars and Earth in space
108. According to the passage, where is the asteroid belt situated?
A) Between the orbits of two planets
B) Around the Sun and other planets
C) Hundreds of miles away from Mars
D) Much closer to the Earth than other Planets

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Whales are divided into two groups. One group lacks teeth. Most large whales belong to this first group. Dolphins belong to the second group which has teeth. Dolphins range in size from five feet to thirteen feet. The dolphin has a torpedo shape, long and thin. It can move quickly through the water. The dolphin doesn’t have bones. The fins keep the dolphin going in a straight line. Their skin is smooth and has no scales. A thick layer of blubber or fat is under their skin. This layer keeps them warm. Dolphins communicate with their voices and have good hearing. With these abilities they can catch food and speak with other dolphins. To find victims they make a clicking sound. The dolphins hear the echo of the clicking and know where the victim is located. This method of finding victims is called echolocation. Dolphins can also communicate with their friends by sounds. Sounds send different messages. Each dolphin has its own specific sound. Being able to communicate well with others is a sign of great intelligence.

109. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A) All dolphins have the similar sounds.
B) Dolphins are divided into two groups.
C) Dolphins move quickly in the water.
D) Dolphins belong to the first group of whales.
110. Which of the following explains how does blubber help a dolphin?
A) It can keep a dolphin warm.
B) It sends a signal to others.
C) It provides food for it.
D) It helps to swim very fast.

111. Why does a dolphin use echolocation?

A) It helps it to find victim.
B) It helps it to jump off the water.
C) It helps it to communicate.
D) It helps it to dive very deep.
112. All of the following statements are TRUE,
A) Dolphins can find victims by echolocation.
B) Dolphins have poor hearing of the echoes.
C) Each dolphin has its own specific sound.
D) Different sounds send different messages.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Chinchillas are slightly tiny animals looking like squirrels, and are native to the Andes mountains in South America. The chinchilla is named after the Chincha people of the Andes, who once wore velvet-like fur. People love to have chinchillas as pets because they are extremely soft. Their fur is thick and feels like velvet. Its fur can be up to 80 times as thick as other animals. Unfortunately, because chinchillas’ fur is so soft to touch, many people try to use chinchillas’ fur to make clothing and blankets. Chinchillas’ fur also comes in many different colours, which makes it even more desirable. Chinchillas have a long life span and can live up to 20 years. Chinchillas can sometimes be difficult to own, however. They are soft, so you have to be careful while holding them. Chinchillas are largely n octu rn al, which means they will be most active at night. You must be gentle to gain the trust of a chinchilla. It can take some time to get any chinchilla used to your hands. So if you plan to own a chinchilla, be patient.

113. According to the passage, how does the text describe chinchillas?
A) They are very friendly and strong.
B) They are not very quiet and lovable.
C) They are very soft and delicate.
D) They are very mean and crazy.
114. Which statement does this information best support?“Chinchillas’ fur is soft like velvet and comes in many different colours.”
A) Some people think chinchilla fur is good for making clothing.
B) Chinchillas are not very beautiful animals and often very nervous.
C) Chinchillas are difficult pets to own and they have short life span
D) Chinchillas can get frustratedor depressed when someone kicks them.
115. According to the passage, the word“nocturnal” mainly means ....
A) active during day
B) living in the mountains
C) active during night
D) sleeping at night
116. What kind of person would a good chinchilla pet owner be?
A) a person who is very gentle, patient and loving
B) a person who is very busy and often not at home
C) a person who is impatient and doesn’t like animals
D) a person who is not very careful or responsible

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Carpenters are involved in the construction of many different types of structures such as bridges or large buildings. Some carpenters change employers each time they finish a construction job. The duties of a carpenter differ just about each time they accept employment. In most cases, carpenters work in many different locations hundred miles away each year. Carpenters are always adding to their tools and always learning how to use the new tools, materials, and ways of working with wood. Carpentry is an outdoor profession. Carpenters perform climbing, bending, and heavy work. Often they put themselves at risk of injury working with sharp tools and they work in areas where it is all too easy to fall or slip. Many carpenters will choose to focus their skills in one of two categories. Rough carpenters will focus on building things that need to be simple. This includes framing for houses. Finish carpenters will focus on things that are artistic. For example, they can be furniture builders, cabinet makers or toy makers. Wood carvers are sometimes counted as carpenters.

117. Which of the following may a carpenter do in a normal day of work?
A) package and ship mail
B) answer phone calls
C) help build a bridge
D) type and send letters
118. What is unique about a carpenters job?
A) They only work indoor and their job isn’t risky at all.
B) They may do something different every time they receive a construction job.
C) They do the same thing all day and don’t have sharp tools. D) They always work for the same person throughout their career.
119. What skill would be handy to have if you were a carpenter?
A) wood working
B) typing
C) cooking
D) sewing
120. All of the following statements are
A) Carpenters often put themselves at risk
B) Carpenters don’t perform any heavy work
C) Carpenters always work in the same place
D) Carpenters don’t possess any sharp tools

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Researchers have found the world’s oldest examples of bread. A research team from the universities of Cambridge, Copenhagen and London found ancient loaves of bread in Jordan. The researchers discovered 24 burnt loaves of bread. The loaves were hard burnt, that’s why they survived for so long. The researchers dated the loaves roughly 14,400 years old. This means that people in the Stone Age baked bread. The researchers said humans made bread 4,000 years earlier than scientists thought. The people who baked the bread lived in Jordan from around 12,500 to 9,500 B.C. Stone Age people were gatherers and lived thousands of years before humans settled down to become farmers. They realized it was easier and more convenient to farm the wheat for bread instead of gathering it from the wild. Ancient people baked bread on a hot stone. The bread looked like the flat bread still made across the Middle East today. The researchers said the bread was the reason for agriculture and farming to start.

121. According to the passage, where were the loaves of bread found?
A) in Jordan B) in Copenhagen
C) in Cambridge D) in London
122. According to the passage, why did the
loaves of bread survive for so long?
A) They were baked lightly.
B) They were dark brown.
C) They were twenty-four.
D) They were hard burnt.
123. According to the passage, what did the ancient people bake the bread on?
A) on a stove
B) on a stone
C) on coal
D) on table
124. According to the passage, what did the bread cause to begin?
A) agriculture B) collection
C) technology D) research

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

An early species of humans who lived between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago was not as good at drawing as early modern humans. The species is called Neanderthal man. They became extinct thousands of years ago. They had large brains and could make complex tools to hunt, but they never showed the ability to draw images. This is unlike early modern humans who drew animals and other figures on rocks and cave walls.Professor Richard Coss, an expert at pre-historic drawings, studied photos and video films of early art. He studied drawings of animals made by human artists from 28,000 to 32,000 years ago in southern France. The professor said the difference in artistic skills could be because of the way they hunted. Neanderthal man could hunt animals that were easier to kill. However, early modern humans hunted more dangerous animals. Early modern humans used drawings to plan hunts and to focus on and discuss which parts of an animal’s body to target

125. According to the passage, what could Neanderthal man do?
A) They could discuss how to hunt dangerous animals
B) They could hunt dangerous animals.
C) They could make complicated tools. were great artists.
D) They could draw pictures on rocks.
126. According to the passage, what did early modern humans draw on?
A) on paper and cave walls
B) on trees and cave walls
C) on cave walls and rocks
D) on rocks and animals
127. All of the following statements are FALSE, Neanderthal man do? EXCEPT ...
A) Early modern humans killed less animals.
B) Humans who lived 100,000 years ago were great artists.
C) Early modern humans used drawings tu hunt better.
D) Neandhertal man did not have ability to make tools.
128. According to the passage, what is professor
A) at ancient drawings
B) at modern humans
C) at hunting animals
C) at neanderthal man

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

It almost seems too hard to believe, but there is a banana that can be eaten with peel. Peel is a cover on a banana. Most people would never think of eating the peel of a banana. However, banana farmers in Japan have created a special technique for growing bananas with a peel we can eat. Farmers in Okayama, in the west of Japan, keep their banana trees at a freezing cold temperature of -60° Celsius. The farmers then replant the trees in 27° Celsius. The huge change in temperature makes the tree suddenly grow too quickly for the peel to become hard. This makes the skin thin, soft and sweet enough to eat. The new variety of banana is called the “Mongee”. Farmers are now selling it in small bunches of 10 bananas. They are not cheap. The farmers have not grown a lot of Mongee bananas, so the price is high. They want to grow more so they can sell them all over the world. This means the price will come down.

129. According to the passage, who created a
special technique in Japan?
A) advertisers
B) scientists
C) farmers
D) pupils
130. According to the passage, what makes the
banana peel not become hard?
A) a change in temperature
B) a small bunch of a banana
C) a price of a Mongee banana
D) a group of special chemicals

131. All of the following statements are TRUE,

A) A new kind of banana has an eatable
B) The price of Mongee will lower.
C) Farmers sold only ten bananas.
D) Farmers freeze banana trees at -60°C.
132. According to the passage, why do Mongee
bananas have high price?
A) As they have many useful vitamins.
B) As they are planted in cold climate.
C) As they have very delicious taste.
D) As they are grown in small amount

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

A poor potato harvest in Europe this summer means that French fries will be up to three centimeters shorter than usual. The poor harvest is because of very hot summer Europe had. The heat caused a lack of rain, which meant farmers produced a lot fewer potatoes than they normally do. Pierre Lebrun, a spokesman from a potato growers’ association in Belgium, said that the farmers grew 25 per cent fewer potatoes than normal. The effect of this is that potato prices are up and the average size of potatoes is smaller. Fries are the national dish in Belgium. Belgians love their fries so much that they rename them “ Belgian fries” instead of “French fries” because they say the fries were invented in their country. Mr Lebrun explained why fries would be shorter. He said, “Generally, to have long fries, we work with potatoes with a diameter of more than 50 mm. Then you get fries of 8 to 9 cm. This time, as the potatoes are smaller, the fries will be shorter.”

133. According to the passage, why was there a
poor potato harvest in Europe?
A) due to renamed fries
B) due to bad weather
C) due to lazy farmers
D) due to heavy rain

134. According to the passage, why will the

fries be shorter than usual?
A) There is poor harvest.
B) There are many potatoes.
C) There is enough harvest.
D) There are light potatoes.
135. According to the passage, where do
Belgians believe French fries were invented?
A) in Belgium
B) in France
C) in Germany
D) in Denmark

136. All of the following statements are TRUE,

A) Potato prices are up because potatoes
aren’t sufficient enough.
B) People in Belgium prefer the name
“French fries”.
C) Farmers in Belgium produced 25%
fewer potatoes than usual.
D) French fries will be shorter because of
poor potato harvest.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Do you ever wonder why we yawn? A new study from Nottingham University in the UK has done research on this. Researchers found that yawning is contagious which means spreading or affecting others. It is impossible to stop this reaction. People automatically want to yawn when they see other people yawning. The researchers said people actually yawn more when they try to stop yawning. Even reading about yawning could be enough to make people yawn. You might even want to yawn right now. The researchers studied the reactions and brain activity of 36 adult volunteers. The volunteers looked at video clips of other people yawning. They had two choices: either to stop themselves yawning or to allow themselves to do it. The volunteers were videoed as they yawned or tried not to yawn. The researchers also monitored the brain activity of the volunteers and checked how strong their feelings to want to yawn were. Understanding more about yawning will help to treat some diseases.

137. According to the passage, when do peoplewant to yawn?
A) When they want to eat something delicious.
B) When they have lots of problems to solve.
C) When they are in bad mood conditions.
D) When they see other people yawning.

138. According to the passage, what cause of yawning is mentioned?

A) Reading about yawning makes people yawn.
B) Watching a horror movie makes people yawn.
C) Seeing animals’ yawning makes people yawn.
D) Going to bed early makes people yawn strongly.
139. All of the following statements are TRUE, EXCEPT ...
A) A university in the UK did some research on yawning.
B) The volunteers looked at videos and were videoed.
C) Researchers say reading about yawning stops us from yawning.
D) Researchers say people yawn more if they try to stop yawning.
140. According to the passage, why is yawning
being studied?
A) It will help to monitor the brain.
B) It will help people sleep more.
C) It will help to treat some diseases.
D) It will help researchers yawn more.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The world’s first robot police officer has started working. Its name is “RoboCop”. It went into service for the Dubai Police last year. Robocop’s first official duty was to meet guests at the opening of a security conference in Dubai. Apart from greeting visitors, its job was to answer questions and give directions. RoboCop has a tablet, a small portable computer, for people to communicate with. People can use this tablet to pay traffic payments and use other police services. The tablet is linked to a police station, so people can talk to human police officers. In addition, RoboCop can speak six languages, including English and Arabic. The 170-centimetretall robot can also shake hands, recognize people’s emotions and face expressions.Dubai Police say RoboCop is the first of many robot police officers for the city. They say by 2030, 25 per cent of the Dubai police force will be robots. The officials commented that “The future is here now. The age of the robots is no longer coming. It has already arrived.”

141. According to the passage, what was the robot’s first official duty?
A) to open a conference
B) to comment news
C) to welcome people
D) to catch robbers
142. According to the passage, what can RoboCop do?
A) It can jump very high. B) It can run very fast.
C) It can write in Arabic. D) It can shake hands.
143. All of the following statements are FALSE, EXCEPT ...
A) The officials said the age of the robots had arrived.
B) RoboCop’s first duty was to catch thieves in streets.
C) By 2030, half of Dubai’s police force will be robots.
D) RoboCop can speak more than eight languages.
144. According to the passage, how many
language can RoboCop speak?
A) twenty-five B) four
C) six D) eight

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

The ancient Egyptians believed strongly in life after death. They also believed that a person would need his body after his life. Therefore, they carefully preserved the body by treating it with spices, oils and by wrapping it in cloths. The wrapped body was then placed in a tomb. A body treated in this way is called a mummy. Egyptian kings and nobles wanted to be certain that their mummies would be kept in safe places forever. So they built pyramids for themselves and their families.Many kings were buried in secret tombs in a place called “the Valley of the Kings”. There were buried about eighty kings in pyramid-shaped stone tombs. These pyramids have become famous as one of “ the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”. One of the most amazing things about these pyramids is that they were constructed without using wheels or heavy equipment to move or raise the rocks. The Egyptians didn’t know about the wheel while the pyramids were being built.

145. According to the passage, what did the Egyptians preserve dead bodies with?
A) cloths, tombs, stones
B) oils, spices, cloths
C) spices, rocks, wheels
D) stones, oils, equipment
146. According to the passage, what does the word “ a mummy” in the passage refer to?
A) the place where kings were buried
B) an ancient Egyptian noble
C) a king of ancient Egypt
D) the preserved body of a dead person
147. According to the passage, why did the Egyptian rulers build the pyramids?
A) They believed that the pyramids would be wonders.
B) They wanted to keep their mummies safe forever.
C) They wanted to use them as their palaces for a while.
D) They tested builders if they could build without wheels.

148. All of the following statements are FALSE, EXCEPT ...

A) The pyramids had not become famous and disappeared soon.
B) The ancient Egyptians didn’t use any heavy equipment or wheels to move rocks.
C) The Egyptians used animals as workers in building pyramids.
D) The kings and nobles always lived in the Valley of the Kings.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Humans have always been fascinated by owls. Prehistoric people painted pictures of owls in caves. The ancient Romans thought that owls were signs of death and bad luck. But in ancient Greece, owls were connected with the idea of wisdom and good luck. The connection with wisdom still exists in English.The expression “ a wise owl” is a clever person who knows a lot. Owls have very good hearing and eyesight. They can see very well during the day and at night. They are very good hunters. They are more successful hunters than hawks. But owls are much less intelligent than hawks. They are even less intelligent than pigeons. Hawks can be trained, which means that they can learn things.For example, they learn to hunt with their human trainer. They will come and land on the trainer’s arm when the trainer calls. But owls can’t learn to do any of these things. They are impossible to be trained. Owls look wise animals, but in reality they are not wise at all.

149. What is the passage mainly about?
A) about the most intelligent birds
B) about a hunting ability of hawks.
C) about some information on owls
D) about prehistoric paintings

150. All of the following statements are FALSE, EXCEPT ...

A) Prehistoric people thought owls were signs of bad luck.
B) Owls are much more intelligent than pigeons and hawks.
C) Owls are the most intelligent birds among other birds.
D) It’s not possible to teach owls to hunt with humans.

151. According to the passage, what does the

expression “a wise owl” mean?
A) a man with bad eyesight
B) a man who knows much
C) a man who trains owls
D) a man with good hearing
152. According to the passage, what birds can be trained to hunt with humans?
A) pigeons
B) owls
C) hawks
D) sparrows

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Falcons are birds for hunting and related to hawks and eagles. The sport of falconry has a long history. About three thousand years ago, it began in the Middle East. It was a sport for princes and kings. In the Middle Ages, falconry was popular in Europe. Great falcons were extremely valuable. They were symbols of power. Kings sometimes gave falcons as gifts to other kings.In 1276, the King of Norway gave 11 falcons to Edward I of England. Sometimes, falcons were more than money. One Ottoman sultan in the fourteenth century was offered a gift of200,000 gold coins. But the sultan didn’t want to take the money. Instead, he took 12 white falcons. It was a serious crime to steal a falcon. Falcon thieves could go to prison for a year. Only kings could hunt with the great falcons. Knights had to use other hunting birds. It was a serious crime to hunt with a bird above your rank. If you did this, you could lose your hands.

153. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) The kings of European countries
B) Money as a symbol of power
C) The history of the hunting bird
D) The punishment for all thieves

154. According to the passage, what did the

Ottoman sultan take as a gift?
A) eleven hunting falcons
B) 200,000 gold coins
C) a dozen white falcons
D) twelve knight
155. According to the passage, how were the thieves of falcons punished?
A) They could lose their hands.
B) They could be sent to prison.
C) They could give all their money.
D) They could buy another two falcons.

156. All of the following statements are TRUE, EXCEPT ...

A) A sultan once paid 200,000 gold coins for 12 white falcons.
B) Kings sometimes sent falcons as valuable gifts to other kings.
C) Falconry began about 3,000 years ago in the Middle East.

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