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#Read the text and answer
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#Read the text and answer.
Clownfish is a little fish that comes in many colours like yellow, red, and black. There are 28 types of clownfish. They can be found in the Red Sea and the Pacific and Indian oceans. In fact, the clownfish will not move more than twenty centimetres away from their homes during their entire lives. Clownfish are also called "anemone fish" because they live within sea anemones. These two animals are the best friendsfriends becausebecause they help each other. Sea anemones look like flowers. The sea anemones sting their prey with their tentacles, long thin parts of their body that are used for holding things. The poison on the tentacles stings the fish so that the sea anemones can hold them. However,clownfish are protected from this poison by a substance that covers their bodies. The food left by the sea anemone is eaten by the clownfish. In return, the clownfish cleans the anemone by eating its dead tentacles and by scaring away animals that might hurt the sea anemone. #53.According to the passage, how many types of clownfish are there? A) twenty-three B) nine C) twenty +D) twenty-eight #54. According to the passage, where can we find clownfish? +A)Both in the Pacific and Indian oceans. B)Only in the Red Sea. C)Only in the Indian Ocean. D)Both in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. #55. According to the passage, why isn’t a clownfish stung by the sea anemone? A)Because it is too small to be stung. B)Because it swims in a strange way. +C)Because it has a specific protection. D)Because it never approaches sea anemone. #56. According to the passage, what happens to the food left by the sea anemone? +A)It’s eaten by the clownfish. B)It decays in several minutes. C)It covers clownfish’s body. D)It’s used as soil for flowers. #Read the text and answer. The clerk at the desk told me about Madina, an eight-year-old girl. The doctors found a problem in her brain. When I entered Madina’s room. She was on the chair next to Nodir, a little boy. Though Madina didn’t feel well, she was playing with Nodir and his toys. It took a lot of effort for her just to sit on the chair. But she played with Nodir because it made him happy. Madina was always smiling and never appeared to be in pain. Another day she went outside to get flowers for another sick girl. MadinaMadina mademade everyone smile. Her operation was successful. Madina was fine. She got better and left the hospital a month later. I have had a long career as a doctor. However, I have never met another girl like.Even after she got well, she still visited the hospital. She played games with young patients. She read many books to older patients. Madina’s kind heart helped her get better so quickly. She was a hero to me and everyone else at the hospital. #57.According to the passage, what is this story about? A)Nodir and his various toys B)A girl who wanted to be a doctor C)A clerk with a brain problem +D)A little girl who was a hero #58. According to the passage, how did the author know that Madina was in hospital? A)Madina herself went to the doctor. B)The doctor knew about her from the news on TV. +C)The clerk told the doctor about her. D)Her parents told about her problem to the doctor. #59. According to the passage, why did everyone like Madina? +A)She did good things, even though she was in pain. B)She had a problem at the base of her brain. C)She hurried to help the clerk at the desk. D)She entered the hospital and saved a doctor’s life. #60. According to the passage, which of the following is true at the end of the story? A)Madina refused to go back to the hospital and was never ill again. B)Madina made an effort to become a doctor and achieved her goal. +C)Madina was fine but returned to the hospital to see the patients. D)Madina asked her parents to stay at hospital for a long time. O‘zbekiston tarix #61. Doro I saklar ustiga yurish qilgan vaqtda saklarning sardori kim edi? A) Frada +B) Skunxa C) Shiroq D) Ranosbat #62. Makedoniyalik Aleksandr O’rta Osiyoga yurishlari davomida qaysi hududlarini egallashgan erishgan? A) Marg’iyona, So’g’diyona, Baqtriya, Bekobod, Xorazm +B) Marg’iyona, So’g’diyona, Baqtriya, Bekobod, Xo’jand C) Farg’ona, So’g’diyona, Baqtriya, Bekobod, Xo’jand D) So’g’diyona, Baqtriya, Toshkent, Marg’iyona, Xo’jand #63. Xorazm davlati yodgorliklarini aniqlang. A) Jonbosqal’a, Ellikqal’a, Sho’rabashat +B) Qo’yqirilganqal’a; Jonbosqal’a, Tuproqqal’a C) Tuproqqal’a, Baqtra, Toshkent, D) Uchqo’rg’on, Shorabashat, Ershi #64. Quyidagi shaxslar orasidan Kushon davlati hukmdorlarini aniqlang? +A)Kudzula Kadfiz, Vima Kadfiz, Kanishka B) Diodot, Yevtidem, Demetriy C) Salavk, Antiox D) Bumin, Istami #65. Selungur manzilgohi qayerda joylashgan? A) Toshkent B) Buxoro +C) Farg’ona D) Surxondaryo #66. Qaysi hudud Muqanna qo‘zg‘olonining markazi hisoblangan? +A) Sug‘d vohasi B) Buxoro vohasi C) Farg‘ona vodiysi D) Marv shahri #67. Arab xalifaligi davrida aholidan olingan zakot solig’i qanday vaziyatda olingan? A) hosilning 1/3 qismi hajmida olinadigan yer solig‘i B) islomni qabul qilmagan aholidan olinadigan jon solig‘i C) idora ishlari uchun daromadning 1/10 hajmi hisobida olinadigan soliq +D) mol-mulkning 1/40 qismi hajmida oligan soliq #68. Chоch shahri qаchоn аrаblаr tоmоnidаn egаllаndi? A) 711-yil B) 712-yil +C) 713-yil D) 715-yil #69. V-VII аsrlаrdа Zarafshon va Qashqadaryo vodiylarida joylashga mustaqil hokimlik qaysi? A) Farg’ona B) Toxariston C) Choch +D) Sug’d #70. Tohir, Nuh, Ahmad, Yaxyo, Ilyos kabi shaxslar kimga arab xalifaligi taxtini egallashga yordam bergan edilar? A) Amin B) Horun ar-Rashid +C) Mamun D) Mansur Matematika #71. bo’lsa, ni hisoblang. A) 21 +B) 110 C) 120 D) 33 #72. Berilgan shakl perimetrini toping: A) 24 B) 12 +C) 48 D) 30 #73. A mulohaza “Har qanday toq son 2 ga qoldiqsiz bo‘linadi”, B mulohaza esa “6 soni 4 ta natural bo‘luvchiga ega”. Ushbu mulohazalar asosida to‘g‘ri javobni toping. +A) A yolg‘on va B rost B) A va B rost C) A rost va B yolg‘on D) A va B yolg‘on #74. Ekuk(32;16) va Ekub(48;8) sonlarining nisbatini toping. A)1 B)2 C)3 +D)4 #75. Alining bo’yi 1m 54 sm va Valining bo’yi 1740 mm. Qaysi biri baland? A)Ali +B)Vali C)teng D)to’g’ri javob yo’q #76. Yulduzchalar o’rnini to’ldining 7087+ *1*9=9276 +A)2;8 B)3;5 C)2;7 D)3;8 #77. Ko’cha daraxtlar ekildi va to’g’ri chiziq bo’yicha. Ketma ket ikki ko’chat orasidagi masofa 2 m bo’lsa .Ular soni 100 ta bo’lsa, birinchi ko’chatdan oxirgi ko’chatgacha bo’lgan masofani toping. +A)198 B)200 C)202 D)196 #78. Go‘sht qaynatilganda qismini yo‘qotadi.5 kg go‘sht qaynatilganda uning massasi necha kilogrammga kamayadi? A)1 +B)2 C)3 D)4 #79. 7dm 2sm 3 mm necha mm ga tengligini aniqlang A) 7023 mm B) 7203mm +C) 723 mm D) 7230 mm #80. Tenglamani yeching +A)0 B)1 C)2 D)3 Ona tili
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