Republic of tajkistan
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Date Location/type of the meeting Number of participants Matters discussed , questions and answers
- 8.2 Consultation Objective
- 8.3 Individual Consultations
- 8.4 Community Consultation
- Date and Place Participants Issues discussed and question and answers Date
- Date
- 8.5 Wide Consultation with Affected People
- 8.6 Consultation with Government Officials
Matters discussed , questions and answers 05.03.2009 Shakhrinav village, Shakhrinav 27 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 05.03.2009 Choryakkoron village 33 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 05.03.2009 Kommuna village 14 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 28.03.2009 Mortepa village, Gissar 27 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 07.10.2009 Resettlement working group, Dushanbe 14 Impact of resettlement, procedure, community involvement in compensation price for land 14.03.2010 Rayon Shakhrinav 30 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 15.03.2010 Rayon Gissar 30 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 17.03.2010 Rayon Rudaki 38 Project information, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, land price. 27.10.2010 Resettlement working group, Dushanbe 23 ABD Safeguard, compensation, land evaluation methodology, resettlement 04.01.2011 Hukumat Gissar, Land Committee 8 Assessment of structures, Civil code point 265, price list manual 05.01.2011 Land committee 10 Land price, compensation for land, records keeping Date Location/type of the meeting Number of participants Matters discussed , questions and answers 06.01.2011 Tursunzade,Land committee 5 Procedure of measurement and recording the data, progress related to measurement of agriculture land 12.01.2011 Land committee, Gissar 7 Property evaluation, resettlement procedure 15.01.2011 MBTI, Dushanbe 6 Procedure of measurement and recording the data on buildings and structure, field work with the team 20.01.2011 MBTI, Dushanbe 8 Building evaluation procedure, record keeping, market prices for construction material 24.01.2011 Jamoat Karatog, Tursunzade 42 Project outline, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, grievances, land and structure assessment procedure, land price. 26.01.2011 Hukumat Rudaki 40 Project outline, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, grievances, land and structure assessment procedure, land price. 27.01.2011 Hukumat Gissar 37 Project outline, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, grievances, land and structure assessment procedure, land price. 29.01.2011 Hukumat Shahrinav 55 Project outline, resettlement procedure, compensation entitlements, grievances, land and structure assessment procedure, land price. 8.2 Consultation Objective 147. The aim of the consultations was to explore measures necessary to safeguard the concerns of affected people and the people in the Project area. The main objectives of consultations were to • disseminate information to the people about the Project in terms of its activities and the scope of the works • understand the views and perceptions of the people affected and local communities with reference to acquisition of land or loss of property and its due compensation • evaluate the road alignment • understand views of Affected people on LAR options and to understand their expectations • identify and assess major economic and social information and characteristics of the Project area to enable effective social and resettlement planning and its implementation • resolve issues related to impacts on community property and their relocation 64 • examine APs’ opinions on health safety issues during the construction period and on potential areas of concern such as the handling of construction waste and other pollution issues. • identify levels and extent of community participation in Project implementation and monitoring • establish an understanding for identification of overall developmental goals and benefits of the Project • disseminate information to government, non-government and public private sector stakeholders and develop an approach for co-ordination, to ensure their participation and mobilization of support in the process for the successful planning and implementation of the Project • assess the local people's willingness to get involved with the Project and enumerate the measures to be taken during the implementation of the Project. • discuss entitlements and procedure for compensation • discuss grievance mechanisms available to the affected people during the resettlement and during the Project implementation phase • discuss the method for establishing the loss of land use price and get affected persons’ opinions • discuss evaluation of acquired land and assets and get affected people’s opinions and preferences • discuss evaluation of buildings and outbuildings, procedure for price formation and final evaluation of acquired assets • correct mistakes and errors occurred during the measurement of assets and evaluation • get people’s support and agreement on the resettlement procedure and final evaluation of the compensation sum for each affected person. 8.3 Individual Consultations 148. During the preparation of Draft LARP, individual consultations were conducted with all affected household representatives (436). A door-to-door 100% Census was conducted by administering a scientific questionnaire in order to know the LAR impact and condition of the APs. Additionally, socio-economic baseline survey was carried out in the Project affected area comprising 430 households. 149. During the finalization of LARP I, individual consultations with each of the affected head of household were conducted during the detailed survey and measurements on site. In particular, information on entitlements and grievance redress procedure were given to each affected household. 8.4 Community Consultation 150. Community consultations during the preparations of the Draft LARP were held at various locations, especially at 4 locations through focused group discussion which involved both men and women participants. The details of the locations recorded are at: (i) Choryakkoron (Women: 8 and Men: 25), (ii) Morteppa (Women: 6 and Men: 17), (iii) Shakhrinav (Women: 10 and Men: 17), (iv) Kommuna (Women: 5 and Men: 9). Community level discussions were held in different areas. 151. The benefits of the Project were explained in details. During the public consultation and meetings with a number of potentially affected people, it is observed that most of the people expressed their concerns about their livelihood issues. The majority fear the loss of the commercial activities that will have a direct impact on their livelihood. However, it is noted that the loss of livelihood will be minimal and can be appropriately compensated. Almost all of the people welcomed the Project expressing their views that this is a Project of national importance. A summary of consultations covering the methodology, dates and participants is provided in Appendix 5. The major findings of the consultations held at various locations are summarized as follows. • People are aware of the Project and are willing to render support; • APs losing property expect a proper compensation package; • The owners of affected structures stated that they should receive compensation adequate to build the similar type of structure elsewhere. They stressed that they should get advance notice for shifting and building new structures at new locations prior to the commencement of the Project construction works; • Proper measures need to be taken to restore loss of livelihood by displacement; • Proper safety measures need to be incorporated in the design of road improvements. Measures should focus on installing speed limits, warnings to traffic as providing adequate footpaths; • People advised that there are archaeological sites or protected place in the area but they are distant from the Project road; • Compensation should be based on a fair assessment; • APs requested to be further consulted on Project activities; • Contractors should be advised by the Project authority to employ local people. 152. The consultations confirmed that affected persons are well informed about the Project, resettlement strategy, compensation entitlements, grievance mechanisms, process of valuation of affected buildings and structures and the base for the land price determination. The summary of the consultations with affected persons conducted during the finalization of LARP I is presented in the following table. 66 Table 8.2 LARP I Community Consultations Summary Date and Place Participants Issues discussed and question and answers Date: January 24, 2011 Location: Jamoat Karatog – TURSUNZADE Foreign Resettlement specialist Local Resettlement specialist PIU Engineer Representative of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan Deputy Chairman of Tursunzade district Land Committee of Karatogh Jamoat Jamoat Administration 42 Affected People The following information was given to the affected persons: - short information about the Project - LARP phases - affected persons’ rights to compensation - grievance redress mechanism - bases and process for determination of prices for buildings, fruit trees, agricultural, residential and commercial land Most questions were related to prices of building material and the basis for valuation of buildings and outbuildings. Affected persons asked whether prices of building material were the market prices. The government representatives and the APs confirmed in the discussion that it was the case. There were no questions on residential and commercial land compensation rate. Also, compensation for agricultural land was acceptable for affected persons as the price for agricultural products was based on the current market prices. A great majority of affected persons sell their products at farm-gate prices, which are much lower than the market prices. Consequently, it was explained that the APs will receive more money in compensation than they would receive if they sell the crops from the affected part of their land. Those who were satisfied with their compensation signed the forms. Two persons did not sign the form due to the following reasons: The first case was related to differences between assets registered during the measurement and the assets registered for compensation. The mistake was corrected after the meeting. The second case was related to the mill and oil making rooms. The owner claimed that he forgot to show the related part of the building which has access through some holes in the wall. In addition, one small wall between husbandries buildings was not registered. The team re-visited the household, measured the affected assets and gave the details to the State committee for Investment for valuation. Date and Place Participants Issues discussed and question and answers Date: January 26, 2011 Location: Hukumat RUDAKI Foreign Resettlement specialist Local Resettlement specialist PIU Engineer Representative of the State committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan Deputy Chairman of Rudaki district Land committee of Choryakkoron jamoat Chairman of jamoat 40 Affected People The following Information was given to the affected persons: - short information about the Project - affected persons’ rights for compensation - grievance redress mechanisms - bases and process for determination of prices for buildings, fruit trees, agricultural, residential and commercial land The APs were interested mostly in compensation rates for the affected buildings. The representatives of the State Committee for Investment explained the basis for buildings valuation. They explained the market prices of various building materials and the method for calculating a price of 1 square and 1 cubic meter of walls including labour. After discussion, it was concluded that prices given are real and in some cases, a few somoni higher than the prices the people stated. However, one of the affected persons was not satisfied with the evaluation of his clay-made home and his plot of the land. The team re- visited his home and corrected the amount for compensation. Some of the affected persons were concerned for their non-affected assets which may collapse during the construction period. The procedure for claims during the construction period was explained. There was a complaint that the road will come too close to the house and the owner does not like to live that close to the road. The local Hukumat representatives explained the procedure for claiming a new plot of land. A couple of persons whose assets will not be affected, asked why their assets were not taken as they have old walls and old houses and they wish to build new structures. A lengthy explanation was given about the exact measurements and the Client’s intention to minimize resettlement and to acquire land only where necessary. The affected persons were satisfied with compensation for agricultural land and fruit trees. They asked if after receiving the compensation they can take their trees for wood. APs were satisfied with the answer that they can keep the trees for wood. There were no questions about commercial and residential land prices. All affected persons acknowledged their satisfaction with the assessed compensation by signing the form with the compensation amount for buildings and structures. 68 Date and Place Participants Issues discussed and question and answers Date: January 27, 2011 Location: Hukumat- GISOR Foreign Resettlement specialist PIU Engineer Representative of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan Chairman of Hisor district Land Committee of Hisor district Administration of Jamoat 37 Affected People Affected people were interested in prices for affected buildings. Gisor is known by construction material businesses and present people were well informed about the construction material market prices. After the explanation of the methodology for the valuation of buildings and other structures, the participants did not have any objections. Three of the affected persons objected the valuation of their assets as some basements parts and separation wall between rooms have not been included. The team re-visited each of the affected persons, measured the assets and gave information to the valuer to correct the amount for compensation. The APs were satisfied with the compensation for agricultural land and fruit trees. There were no questions about commercial and residential land prices. All affected persons signed the form with compensation amount for buildings and structures. People who live with married children demanded land plots for them. They were responded that there is no such compensation entitlement under the Project. Date: January 29, 2011 Location: Hukumat- SHAHRINAV Foreign Resettlement specialist PIU Engineer Representative of the State committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan Chairman of Shahrinaw district Land committee of Shahrinaw district Administration of jamoats 55 Affected People The present APs enquired about allowances for vulnerable households, compensation for business losses and the time-frame for resettlement. They were explained all principles governing the determination of entitlements for the allowances. In addition, there was a question about affected cemetery wall and compensation for that structure. People asked if they can start now with clearing of the affected land and if they will be paid if they clear the land now. They were answered that they are not required to remove anything until they receive the full compensation. After explanation of the methodology for valuation of buildings and other structures, participants did not have any objections. Four of the affected persons objected the valuation of their assets. The team re-visited each of the affected persons, did additional measurements and gave information to the valuer to correct the amount for compensation. There were no questions about commercial and residential land prices. All affected persons signed the form with compensation amount for buildings and structures. 8.5 Wide Consultation with Affected People 153. Wide consultations with affected people were organized in each Rayon in January 2011. Besides the affected people, representatives of local hukumats, Land Committees, State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan and CRP were present at each consultation. In total, 180 affected persons participated in the consultations: in Tursunzade-42 persons, in Rudaki-40, in Gisor-37 and in Shahrinav 55 persons. In addition, a number of people whose assets were not affected participated at consultations. 154. At each consultation, the phases of the Project and the LARP, compensations entitlements, assets and land use right price formation and grievance mechanisms were explained and discussed. Most of the questions concerned the prices of buildings and building material, and basis for valuation of buildings and outbuildings. The affected persons scrutinized the prices of building material, verifying whether the compensation prices correspond to the prevailing market prices. As the Gisor Rayon is well known for a substantial number of businesses dealing with the construction material, the comments from this segment of the affected population served as a barometer for a realistic market evaluation of prices of construction materials and the affected buildings. 155. After a collective scrutiny of prices of various building components, the affected people examined the allocated compensation for their assets. In all Rayons, there were a few cases where people pointed out at certain errors in assets measurements or calculations of compensation rates for buildings, and minor discrepancies between the affected and recorded number of fruit trees. Each case was recorded, and the representatives of MOT and hukumats, together with the consultants and the owners visited the affected properties immediately after the consultations and corrected the errors. 156. There were no questions on residential and commercial land compensation rate. Further, the affected persons accepted allocated compensation for agricultural land. The reason is that the compensation was based on the current market prices for agricultural products, while most of the affected persons sell their products at farm-gate prices, which are much lower than the market prices. Consequently, the compensation is much higher than the affected persons would normally receive from selling the crops from the affected part of their land at farm-gate prices. 157. A few persons whose assets will not be affected by LAR, asked why their assets were not taken as they have old walls and old houses and they wish to build new structures. A lengthy explanation was given about the exact measurements and the Client’s intention to minimize resettlement and to acquire land only where necessary. 158. Generally, people gave their support to the Project and were grateful to the ADB for making the LAR process transparent, fair and democratic. They also suggested that rubbish collection points should be designated, so that the new road and the surrounding area stay clean. Others wished for a six -lane road, while people with extended families requested local hukumats to allocate new home plots for their married children. 8.6 Consultation with Government Officials 159. The concerned government offices were involved in the preparation of Draft LARP and LARP I. They include District Land Committees, Construction and Architecture Departments of the Hukumats, the MBTI (interdepartmental technical inventory bureau/pricing agency) and the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan. Other offices consulted include the ALMG, District Chairmen and the First Deputy Chairmen, District Agriculture 70 160. Departments, Committees on Women and Family Affairs, Jamoats and village councils officials represent local, district, and national level government organizations. Additionally, consultations were held with the Working Group Committee. During the preparation of the Draft LARP, an in-house orientation training was provided to the working group committee about the ADB safeguards on Involuntary Resettlement. Issues related to cash compensation for land loss along with a mechanism for developing a methodology to calculate the replacement cost of land based on the market rate were discussed. Download 254,31 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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