Republic of uzbekistan andijan machine-building institute fundamentals of business management

List of used literature Main literature

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List of used literature Main literature: 
1.LRDabay and others/Principles of business/2012.600p. 
Jeff Madura/ Introduction to business/ Florida Atlantic University/ Paradigm Publishing 
Inc. 2010.694 p. 
12. Additional literature 
Pereverzev M. P., Shaidenko N. A., Basovsky L. E. Management. - 2-e izd., 
pererabotannoe. - M.: INFRA-M, "Vysshee obrazovanie", 2011. - 330 p. 
62. Meskon M.Kh. i dr. Osnovy menedzmenta.-M.: Williams, 2008.-672 p. 
63. Lawrence Mensah Aqueteus. Business administration 
for student
oath managers//Sotsis. - 2011 
64. Robert C. Appleby. Modern business administration. Manual.– M: Gardarika, 2009 
Internet sites 

17 Topic: Investment strategy and savings 
1. Investment strategy and savings 
2. Stock investment 
3. Bond and common fund 
4. Real investments 
Consumer spending, which makes up the first part of gross demand, is relatively stable, 
while investments, which make up the second part of it, are on the contrary variable. 
Investment (capital inflows) is the most important and rapidly changing component of 
GDP. Consumption is functionally linked to income. Changes in government spending and net 
exports are easy to predict, but investment is hard to predict, as it can suddenly rise or fall. For 
example, during the great depression in the USA, investments fell by 100%. Economists consider 
savings as the basis of investment. In economic theory, investment means financial resources 
intended for the future result: expansion or reconstruction of production, improvement of the 
quality of products and services, training of qualified specialists and conducting scientific 
research. Investments play a leading role in economic development, the reason is that through 
investment, capital accumulation of enterprises, as a result, expansion of the country's production 
capabilities and economic growth is achieved. Contribution of investments in gross expenses
relatively so much 
a lot 
if not 
in the countries
15-18%) exactlythe main macroeconomic due to investmentshifts are achieved. At the same time, the balance 
between savings and investment is the most important condition for achieving macroeconomic 
balance. But the connection between investment and accumulation is ambiguous because the 
subjects of savings (owners) and the subjects of investment (doers) are often different. 
will be. That is why it is appropriate to influence the state. 
The money allocated for investment is a nominal investment. The real result obtained as a 
result of the use of these funds is called real investment. 
Real investment can be made in the following directions: 

construction of new buildings and structures for production; 

purchase of new equipment, technology, equipment; 

construction of housing and cultural and household facilities; 

training and upgrading of specialist personnel. 
Odatda ishlab chiqarish imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish uchun yangi korxonalar qurish, yangi 
texnologiyani joriy qilish, kommunikatsiyani rivojlantirish maqsadida kapital resurslariga 
investitsiya qilinadi. Kapital investitsiyalar uzoq muddat xizmat qilish, katta mablagʻ talab qilish, 
yaʻni qimmatligi, xarajatlarning uzoq muddatdan soʻng qoplanishi va investorga qaytishi bilan 
farqlanadi. Shuning uchun kapital resurslariga investitsiya katta xatar bilan bogʻliq. Xom ashyo, 
materiallar zaxirasi, tugallanmagan ishlab chiqarish va tayyor mahsulotlar zaxirasi uchun 
investitsiya ishlab chiqarishni oʻzluksizligini taminlashga yordam beradi. Ularga qilingan 
xarajatlar nisbatan tez qaytadi. Bir tomondan ehtiyojlarni yuksalib borishi ikkinchi tomondan, fan- 
texnika taraqqiyoti, ishlab chiqarish (xizmat koʻrsatishi)ni murakkablashib borishi insondan yuqori 
malaka va mahorat talab qiladi va borgan sari bu talab mezonlari yuksalib boradi. Natijada 
maʻlumot olish, tajriba toʻplash, malakaga ega boʻlish, sogʻlom boʻlish uchun borgan sari koʻproq 
kapital mablagʻlar talab qila boradi. Ana shu maqsadlarga sarflangan xarajatlar insoniy kapitalga 
investitsiya deb ataladi. 
In the economic literature, investments in accordance with these directions: 

Capital investment 

Investment in inventory 

Differentiated as an investment in human capital. 
According to who will make the investment and which property owner: 
Investment in the private, non-state sector (entrepreneur, joint-stock company builds a 
building, structure, buys equipment); 

Investment in the social (state) sector (for example: construction of a road, subway, bridge, 
enterprise, power station by the state); It is divided into investment made by foreign investors 
(private, state). Investment in capital resources itself is divided into two types: pure investment 
and investment for modernization. Investments for modernization or replacement of obsolete fixed 
capital with "pure or new" investment is called gross investment. 
Gross investment consists of renewal (depreciation) of old fixed capital + investment spent 
on increasing fixed capital to expand production. 
Net investment is from gross investmentequal to the difference of fixed capital 
amortization. If the net investment is positive, the economy will develop. 
If net investment is zero (investment equals depreciation), then the economy is in 
If net investment is negative (the amount of investment is less than the amount of 
depreciation), then business activity declines. 
An increase in real capital accumulation leads to an increase in welfare. From this point of 
view, today's prosperity is the result of yesterday's investment, and today's investment ensures 
tomorrow's prosperity of the society. 
But the society always faces the problem of solving today's and tomorrow's consumption. 
The more a society invests today, the richer it will be tomorrow, but the more it consumes, the less 
likely it is to consume more in the future. 
The development of a model of the investment environment by the recipient of capital 
from abroad is a tool that determines comprehensively based foreign economic relations. 
Through it, there will be an opportunity to have a clear understanding of the factors affecting the 
foreign investor, a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of foreign investors, and a 
deeper assessment of the economic situation in the country. All these processes are important in 
attracting foreign capital in the process of establishing the initial economic relations of our 
republic with other countries. In the development of projects and programs that should be 
implemented with the participation of foreign investment, it is worth considering the goals and 
opportunities of the investor, not limited only to his own interests. The concept of investment 
environment is considered in its complexity and perfection at the level of macro and micro 
economy. At the macroeconomic level, it includes the existing political, economic and social 
conditions in the country receiving the capital. When approached at the macroeconomic level, 
the state policy towards foreign investments, the fulfillment of the terms of international 
agreements, the nationalization of foreign property, participation in the system of international 
agreements on various issues, the strength of state management systems, political leadership 
inevitability, the level of state intervention in the economy, the perfection of economic policy, 
the efficiency of the state apparatus, the level of improvement of the banking system, the stability 
of money circulation and the state budget, the amount of the state's internal and external debts, 
etc. are decisive. The investment environment is adversely affected by the presence of some 
unclear rules and uncoordinated processes, in addition to direct costs reflected in the laws of the 
host country and factors that limit or prohibit the activities of foreign firms. At the 
microeconomic level, the investment environment reflects the bilateral relations between the 
investor-firm on the one hand and economic entities receiving foreign investment on the other, 
such as sellers, buyers, banks and trade unions and other public organizations. At this level, the 
general assessment of the investment climate is evident in the economic, legal and cultural 
aspects. Macro and microeconomic levels together form a single investment environment and 
determine the future relationship of potential investors and parties receiving capital. The 
investment environment is a category of objects that reflects the set of conditions that actually 
exist for investors at any given time. But in the current conditions, the investment environment is 
formed only under the influence of state bodies. Of course, in the implementation of these works, 
it is based on world experience, including foreign investment. reflect the set of conditions that 
actually exist for investors at any given time. But in the current conditions, the investment 
environment is formed only under the influence of state bodies. Of course, in the implementation 
of these works, it is based on world experience, including foreign investment. reflect the set of 
conditions that actually exist for investors at any given time. But in the current conditions, the 
investment environment is formed only under the influence of state bodies. Of course, in the 
implementation of these works, it is based on world experience, including foreign investment. 

the experience of companies and firms that have achieved high economic indicators 
should be used more widely. National characteristics should also be taken into account when 
implementing this process. The effectiveness of the government is one of the factors that 
determine the investment environment. 
Based on this, it can be noted that each capital-attracting country has a specific investment system. 
This system includes the foreign investment acceptance system and investment environment 
consisting of legal norms and institutions. The system of receiving foreign capital serves as a 
component of the investment environment and is organized independently of it. Because it can 
change the investment environment. If the system of receiving foreign investments shows the 
receiving side that foreign capital is easily entering the national economy, the investment 
environment evaluates the situation of optimal growth of the incoming capital in the country. By 
attracting foreign investments, the industry will be equipped with new modern technologies, it is 
possible to make fundamental changes in the processing industry complex in agriculture and other 
areas. In order to carry out such positive activities, it is necessary to create an investment 
environment favorable to foreign investors. The investment environment is not a new concept in 
the economy, but it was not developed in relation to the conditions of independent Uzbekistan. 
Now there are attempts to create these conditions. A number of developed countries have 
implemented this process positively. The importance of the investment environment, in practical 
terms, provides an understanding of the system of assets and orientations under which foreign 
investors operate, and therefore provides an opportunity to develop, in principle, how to treat 
foreign investors. Investment climate is a very broad concept, covers all the problems and issues 
that should be taken into account by the investor. The investor evaluates the favorable and 
unfavorable aspects of investing in a certain country, at the same time, great importance is attached 
to the ideology, politics, economy and culture of the country in which he wants to invest his capital. 
The investment risk is determined based on a thorough analysis of the investment environment. 
Investment climate and risk levels are inversely related to each other. The more favorable the 
investment environment, the lower the entrepreneurial risk of the investor, which increases the 
inflow of investors. Conversely, if the investment environment is unfavorable, the level of risk is 
high. This leads to an increase in the costs of the recipient of the investment. And so, 
The direction of investment flows to one or another country, as well as their real volume, 
are ultimately determined by these risks. 
In general, investment risk can be divided into three categories: 

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