Collision insuranceit compensates the owner of the vehicle as a result of economic loss. This
insurance does not cover damage caused by people to others or to structures. This insurance is
usually drawn up together with the invoice. You must pay the amount in this calculation before the
company covers the insurance. For example, if your car is insured for $2,500, your collision
coverage is $500. You
If you pay $500, the company will cover your $2,000. Collision insurance usually costs $200,
$500, or more. s insurance car damage from a collision with another car
Let's say the reason is $6,500. If the car is only worth $6,100, the collision coverage would be
$6,500 and only pay $6,100. A small value of deductible coverage may not be worth a car. In some
situations, the cost of a car repair can be much more than the value of the car.
ComprehensiveSizning avtomobil shikastlangan yoki boshqa yo'llar bilan yo'q qilinishi mumkin.
yo'qotilgan umumiy sabablari o'g'rilik yoki zarar olovdan, bo'ron, to'fon, vandal¬ism, yoki tushgan
moslamalarni o'z ichiga oladi. Har tomonlama qamrab to'qnashuv yoki öteleme dan sabab magar
deyarli barcha zarar yo'qotishlar qarshi sug'urtalangan himoya qiladi. sug'urta ning avtomobil
o'g'irlangan yoki yo'q bo'lsa, sug'urta tomonidan to'langan summasi albatta, avtomobil uchun
to'langan miqdoriga teng emas. Balki, u yo'qolgan vaqtda Avtomobilning qiymati tengdir. ning
sug'urta deylik avtomobil $ 15,000 turadi.u sotib so'ng u tez orada o'g'irlangan bo'ladi. sug'urta
kompaniyasi, ehtimol avtomobil xarajat-ehtimol $ 14.500 deyarli ko'p berur. u sotib so'ng
avtomobil ikki yillik o'g'irlangan bo'lsa, sug'urta kompaniyasi atigi $ 10,500 to'lash mumkin.
avtomobil qarib va kamayib ahamiyatga ega bo'ldi.
No-fault insurance lawsIn order to reduce insurance costs and speed up claim settlements, no-
fault insurance has been adopted by some states. Under this program, people injured in a car
accident collect no matter that their insurance companies are to blame for their financial losses.
These losses include their medical expenses, lost wages, and other related expenses.
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