Republic of uzbekistan andijan machine-building institute fundamentals of business management

production planning. Production and sports

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2 production planning. Production and sports 
Production and manufacturing processes are very complex processes. They include a number of 
activities and resources that need careful planning and coordination in business. In order for a 
company to develop a product, it must first have the tools and equipment necessary to carry out 
active production. The company needs to get the necessary materials for production. He needs to 
hire enough people with the necessary skills. It is necessary to check the quality of finished 
products and store them until they are done. Then it is necessary to distribute products to customers 
and satisfy their needs. 
Product development. 
Before any production planning takes place, the company decides to activate the products it 
produces. And the business cannot rely on selling the same product every year. Customer needs 
change and competition, new products must be developed. Product planning includes two stages - 
product research and product design. The company is looking for products, new product ideas, and 
save a large amount of their resources. For example, in 2008 the USA. Businessmen spent more 
than $330 billion on research, many scientists and engineers devoted their time to work on research 
and development. Their goals should be to meet the needs of their customers and to have enough 
demand for the company and its competitors to make offers, improve their current products, and 
develop new products. The company conducts two types of research to discover ideas for new 
products. Practical research to improve the design of existing products or develop new uses of 
products. work for a car manufacturer to improve the efficiency of engineering engines or increase 
the safety of passengers, we will consider current projects. Pure research is thus research carried 
out without a specific product in mind, in order to find new solutions to problems. For example, 
new scientists are developing pharmaceutical products and working to study diseases of the 
immune system. Their goal is to reveal methods of treatment and medication. Product design. If 
scientists develop a new product idea, businesses need to turn this idea into a product that they can 
sell and profit from. Design engineers create models and come up with the best design and test 
them. They choose materials that make the product useful and durable. Build and test engineers 
model After all, the work materials and parts necessary for the final product are determined. 
Financial experts calculate the cost of production. They get customer information and compare 
information about value and price, enterprises can determine whether the product can be sold or 
not. Production planning. The new products produced by the company meet new ideas and modern 
requirements. This product is good 

if it is concluded that it can be sold, the company has developed plans for further production. 
Production planning includes three activities. First, the company develops a production process. 
Then he gets into practice. Finally, the company selects the desired product and the production 
staff prepares it for implementation. Production process. the activities, equipment and resources 
required to produce a product are part of the production process. If the job is to produce using mass 
production, it needs an assembly line organization. Individual production materials and assembly 
procedure changes are required for modernization of each product. Production resources. In 
addition, work orders or construction machinery, equipment and other equipment are mandatory 
for each stage of the production process. Often, new products are encouraged to configure 
equipment. In business, enough space should be created to find work and carry out the necessary 
production activities. This allows employees to work efficiently and safely. In some cases, 
businesses need to buy or build a new building. In other situations, old production, existing 
facilities can be reconstructed in such cases. Another step in planning is to determine the sources 
of raw materials, spare parts and consumables needed for product production. Often the 
manufacturing company has all the necessary resources. ladi It will be necessary to identify 
suppliers and include existing deals at the correct price for sufficient and continuity. The company 
may decide that it can produce some of the necessary items and materials. Employees are finally 
focused on company planning staff. It estimates the number of workers required to perform all 
production activities. Determines the necessary skills for each employee. If they have the necessary 
skills, the company will check to see if the company's employees are not enough. If not, he should 
hire and train a new employee. Not another option, but through its own specialists and factories, 
some of the production activities zi or find a separate company with the necessary skills and staff 
to implement all. Inventory management. Inventory of materials, consumables and finished 
products is a response to the requirements of companies to make a detailed exposition. Inventory 
management supports production and provision of all resources necessary for the product. 
Inventory management is an important industry activity. Most products are installed using many 
different details and consumables. The time and opportunity needed to assemble each product of 
the necessary elements must be available. If it is not from the side of the element, the assembly 
process should be stopped. Any more business overvaluation If you can use the supply for a short 
time, on the contrary, the reduction of inventory and storage costs will also be high. Record the 
delivery of inventory and maintain the cost of all resources used in production. They work for 
delivery on time and in the correct quantities and prices with this delivery method. Adequate 
storage space supports business items and supplies. In addition to safety, space should be allocated 
so that spare parts and materials can be easily and safely moved around the building. After 
collecting and checking the work, he moves the goods from the store or distributes them to 
customers. Enterprises can ensure that these customer orders can be fulfilled, the finished product, 
the right equipment is needed. Products can be skipped from existing tools, according to 
requirements. Although there should be enough inventory to meet the demand for work, it is not 
necessary to have too much inventory. Carrying too much inventory is also very expensive, and 
products that cannot be sold may become obsolete. Production procedure. Production One of the 
biggest changes in plants is the production method used. Old plants show long installation stages 
with employees stationed at workstations along the line. Employees are surrounded by tools and 
delivery of any items, they need to complete a part of the product assembly. Products are moved 
slowly along a special location of the line machines, and with additional time, this orderly 
movement is processed, when a problem occurs or when repair equipment is needed to make a 
correction, because such a factory is large-scale. In the works, equipment malfunctions often 
stopped work. Today, the assembly varies widely. 

Xodimlarni tez-tez ishga biriktirlishiga ko'plab tartiblariy amalga, guruhlarda ishlash. Har bir 
xodim ba'zi asbob-uskunalarni yig'ish tartiblarini amalga oshirish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lish uchun 
ta'lim beriladi. Sarf materiallari va ehtiyot qismlar konveyer lentasi birga ko'chiriladi yoki robot- 
nazorat yuk mashinalari, ular ish uchun zaruriydir. Ko'pchilik muayyan mijozlar ehtiyojlarini 
qondirish uchun bunday mahsulotlar, ular uchun yig'ilgan, deb buyurtma asosida tayyorlangan 
etiladi. Ishlap chiqarish jarayonini nazorat va ishlab chiqarish ma'lumotlarni taqdim kompyuter, 
qarab rahbarlari, jamoa rahbarlari va xodimlari. Boshqa xodimlar tez suratlarda uskunalarni 
ta'mirlash yoki muammolarni hal qilish uchun yordam berish uchun aralashishlar zarur . 
Mahsulotlar montaj jarayonida tez harakat keltirilip. Bir necha nuqtalarida mahsulotlari sifati 
uchun uskunalar tekshiruv monitoringidan va ish montaj tugallangach, mahsulotlar, qadoqlangan 
markalangan va mijozlarga bevosita jo'natish uchun yuklash platforma ko'chiriladi . Ish joyini 
tashkil etish. Ishlab chiqarish jarayonining turli qanday uyushgan ish maydoni bo’lmasin. 
Mashtabli ish jarayonida ishlab chiqarishni, odatda, katta binolarda bo’lishi talab qiladi. Yig'ish 
liniyasi, uskunalar, asboblar, xodimlar, ish stantsiyalari uchun joy, shuningdek, montaj va tayyor 
mahsulot uchun zarur bo'lgan qismlarni saqlash uchun katta joy bo'lishi kerak. Kompaniya bunday 
san'at asarlari sifatida kichik mahsulotlari, xususiylashtirish tamirlansa,ixchamlashtirsa ko'pincha 
har bir xodim uchun ko'proq ish maydoniga ega bo'ladi. Ular har bir mahsulot yig'ish uchun zarur 
bo'lgan turli xil buyumlar va materiallar oson foydalanish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi. Har bir 
tuzilgan mahsulot ishlab chiqarish rejalashtirilgan bo'linib, tez-tez, bir xodim maqsadida uchun 
zarur materiallarni to'plash uchun tayinlanadi. Katta buyurtma , avtomobil g'ildirak bo'lsa, 
xodimlar qismlar saqlanadigan xonada, ishlashni davom ettirishlari mumkin. So'ngra xodimlar 
mahsulot ishlab chiqarishning yakunlanlashda boshqa xodimlarning dala ishlari uchun yuk 
mashinasini harakat qiladi. Mijozning joylashgan mahsulotlari muammolarni turli xal qilish 
yo’llarini beradi uning o'rniga qurilish-montaj ishlari tez suratlarda amalga oshiriladi. Uy qurishda, 
landshaft dizayni, va telefon tizimi o'rnatish ba'zi misollar bilan keltirsa bo’ladi. Bunday ihlarda 
xodimlardan,asbob- uskunalarni va materiallari mijozning joyiga ko'chirib o’tishlari kerak. 
Transportda, xavfsizlikni saqlash va asosiy masalalarga aylangan. Qurilishda rahbarlar tomonidan 
inventarizatsiyadan va menejerlariga zarur materiallari va materiallar tashish uchun mas'ul kishilar 
bilan muloqot qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lishi kerak. Ko'pincha kompaniya vaqti-vaqti bilan tashrif 
buyurgan ofis va ish kompaniya internet saytlar ishlaydi umumiy loyiha menejerlari bor. Boshqa 
ish joyida rahbarlar turli lavozimlarda joylashgan. Ular bino nazorat va loyiha menejeri bilan 
doimiy aloqa mavjud. Ishlab chiqarishni ko'paytirish. ular borayotgan xarajatlar, jahon bozorida 
raqobat kuchayib borayotganligi, shuningdek mijozlar o'sib ko’payib borayotgan maxalda 
ehtiyojlarni qondirish va yengil ish sifatida ishlab chiqarish soxasida bugun muammolarga duch 
kelishlari mumkin. Muammolarni tezroq suratlarda hal etish, tez suratlarda ishlab chiqarish 
zarurligini, sifatini yaxshilash va xarajatlarini kamaytirishni o'z ichiga oladi. Korxonalar, ishlab 
chiqarish jarayonlarini takomillashtirish e'tiborni Tovar sifatiga xodimlar malakasiga ko'proq 
ta'lim berish va yaxshilash kerak. Ishlab chiqarish jarayonlari bir qator iborat. Ishlab chiqarish 
tugatilishigacha bir jarayon, boshqa quyidagicha. Bu muammo jarayonida bor edi, agar, rahbarlari 
va xodimlari muammoni aniqlash uchun sinash va uni tuzatish uchun harakat qiladi, o'tgan 
hisoblanadi. Bu juda ko'p vaqt talab etadi va bu ishlap chiqarish,ishchilar jarayonlariga ta'sir qiladi. 
Ishni Yaxshilash muammolar oldindan topilinip faqat ish keyin qilingan. Ishlab chiqarish hozir 
ishlab chiqarish jarayonlari imkon qadar samarali yakunlanishiniishonch hosil qilish uchun bir yo'li 
sifatida shakllarga ega bo’lishi lozim. Uzluksiz jarayon ishlapchiqarishni yaxshilashda (aniq) 
xatoga yo’l qo’ymaslik, va chiqindilarni kamaytirish faoliyatini oshiradi. Balki muammo yuzaga 
uchun kutish ortiqchadek tuyuladi, jarayonlar doimo kamchiliklarini va ishlab chiqarish xatolarni 
kamaytirish yo'llarini topish maqsadida qayta ko'rib chiqiladi. CPI tashkilotlari ish sifatini 
yaxshilash bilan o'z maqsadlariga erishish yordam berish uchun mo'ljallangan. CPI barcha ishlar 
bilan bog'liq jarayonlar o'z ichiga olip. Bu xodimlarni va rahbarlarni ish jarayonida jalb etishda 
boshqa korxona va hatto o’z mijozlar o'z ichiga oladi. Bu jarayonda ishtirok etgan barcha 
faoliyatini ro'yxati bilan boshlanadi. Ishlap chiqarish standartlariishlab chiqilgan. Eng standartlari 
testlardan o’tip, hattoki raqobatchilar tomonidan ishlatiladigan eng yaxshi amaliyoti asoslanadi. 
O'lchov vositalari tanlanadi va o'lchovlari faoliyat etilgan 

performed to determine compliance with standards. Based on these results, people are attracted to 
search for ways to meet and exceed the standards of further improvement of each order. They also 
look for ways to improve the overall process of changes in activities, equipment and resources. 

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