S. X a n, L. Jo 'r a yev, K. I nog a m ova
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S .X A N , L. JO 'R A YEV, K. I NOG A M OVA Kids' English O'zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq ta’lim i vaziriigi tom onidan um um iy o ‘rta ta'lim m aktablarining 3 -s in f o'quvchilari uchun mashq daftari sifatida tafsiya etilgan Uchinchi nashr TOSHKENT «0'ZBEKIST0N» 2017 www.hasanboy.uz dan olindi UO‘K: 811.111(075) KBK 81.2lngl K 40 Mualliflar «Kids’ English 3» o'quv-metodik majmuasining yaratilishida ko'rsatgan beminnat yordamlari va bergan qimmatli maslahatlari uchun Britaniya Kengashi direktori hamda Respublika ta ’lim markazi mutaxassislariga o'z minnatdorchiliklarini bildiradilar. Majmuani sinovdan o'tkazishda ishtirok etgan respublikamizning barcha maktab o'qituvchilari va o'quvchiiariga, mazkur majmua bo'yicha 1-3-sinflar o'qituvchilarini tayyorlashda ishtirok etgan trenerlarga, shuningdek, Buyuk Britaniya Norvidj til o'rgatish instituti akademik direktori Rod Bolaytoga, IATEFL vakili Les Kirkxemga, Britaniya Kengashi loyiha bosh menejeri Natalya Sarikovaga, ingliz tili ta ’limi bo'yicha xalqaro maslahatchilar Uendi Arnold, Bern Bryuerton, Di Broton hamda barcha taqrizchilarga tashakkur izhor etadilar. Ushbu o'quv-metodik majmua Chet tillarini o‘qitishning innovatsion metodikalarini rivojlantirish Respublika ilmiy-amaliy markazi ishtirokida yaratildi. I l m i y m a s l a h a t c h i : M .T. Irisqulov O'zbekiston Davlat jahon tillari universiteti qoshidagi Chet tillarini o'qitishning innovatsion m etodikalarini rivojlantirish Respublika ilm iy-am aliy markazi bo'lim boshlig'i, professor Respublika maqsadli kitob jamg‘armasi mablag‘lari hisobidan chop etildi.
Mv name My class
Mv school My picture Unit 1 O u r family is big. Lesson 1 I have two sisters. 5a
so'zlari bilan to 'ldiring. My family O ur fa m ily is big. I have one ____________. He is 70.
I have one _________ , too- She
is 65. They are good. I have a _______ His nam e is Sarvar. I have a ____________ . Her nam e is Ozoda. I have a _________ He goes to school. I have a
_________ She is little. 4
Unit 1 O u r family is big. Lesson 2 M y mum is a teacher. Write in alphabetical order. good, doctor, farm er, firem an, pilot, driver, te a ch e r
□ □ □ He is a driver. □ He is a farm er. □ He is a teacher. □ He is a secretary. □ He is a doctor. He is a firem an. □
G aplarni tugallang. M y m um is a _______________________ M y dad is a ________________________ M y __________________________________ M y __________________________________
To'g'ri javobni «✓» bilan belgilang. She is a doctor. She is a housewife. She is a firem an. 5
Unit 1 O u r family is big. Lesson 3 A re you a driver? Write the sentences. 1 m o th e r / his / a d o c to r / is 2 her / is / m o th e r / a te a c h e r 3 fa th e r / m y / a d rive r / is 4 b ro th e r / a p ilo t / is / her 5 a c o o k / uncle / m y / is e.g. 7 H/s m o th e r is a doctor. fm Hom ework Write the sentences. Gaplarni yozing. 1 dad / m y / is / a d rive r 2 m y / is / a c o o k / b ro th e r 3 s is te r / is / his / a d o c to r? 4 you / a p ilo t / are? 5 am / I / a d o c to r
G aplarni tugallang. M y fa th e r is __________________________________ M y m oth er is _________________________________ M y ___________________________________________ M y
6 Unit 1 O u r family is big. Lesson 4 Project |ga H o m ew o rk/ 1 Complete the table. Jadvalni to ‘ldiring. f
book, pen, farm er, father, te d d y bear, pencil, car, mother, doctor, album , sister, doll, eraser, driver, ball, brother, firem an, teacher, grandad, pencil case, director, granny, bag, ruler, housew ife Family m em bers: Toys: Jobs:
School things: ~ 2 ~| Write about your family. Oilangiz haqida yozing. e.g. 1 M v m um is a housew ife. 7 Unit 2 M y relatives Lesson 1 He is my uncle. 2b Complete the sentences with h is or h e r. I have a dad. ___ nam e is Anvar. I have a m um . ___ nam e is Sevara. I have an uncle. ___ nam e is Izzat. I have an aunt. ___ nam e is Indira. They live in Fergana. I have tw o co u sin s. T h e ir nam es are O yb e k and Yasm ina. 3a Read and write. e.g. m oth er — she, fa th e r — he, sister b ro th e r ______ , granny _______ , grandad uncle ______ , aunt _______ , cousin Tom cousin Jessica ______ . Hoi Find six words. Write the words. O ltita s o ‘z toping. So'zlarni yozing. / u\ q
e b a u n t n a s d r 1 k j h c z X m o t h e r 1 c f a t h e r k \ e/ V b n h m g h j s i s t e r a e f o a y k r b n n o 8 Unit 2 M y relatives Lesson 2 M y cousin is older ... Complete the sentences. I am ta lle r than __________ I am s tro n g e r than _______ I am o ld e r than __________ Hom ework/ My
G aplarni tugallang. is ta lle r than my s h o rte r than is I am is yo u n g e r than _________ than Look, read and write the names. Qarang, o'qing va ism larni yozing. A B e.g. C - _____ D _____ E _____ F - Kate G - _____ ©
CD © Kate is ta lle r than Peter. Emma is ta lle r than Kate. Tom is old. Dan is ta lle r than Tom and Molly. A n drew is a baby. 9
Aziz. M y nam e is ... . Look at Activity 3 and complete the sentences. 3-m ashqqa qarang va gaplarni tugallang. Asad has a grandad and granny. Their nam es are _________ a n d __________ Asad has tw o _____________________ Their nam es are M ohira and Kamola. Karim and Anvar are h i s _____________ Their fa th e r is o ld e r than u n c le ______________ 10
Unit 2 M y relatives Lesson 4 Project H rk/ Complete your family tree. Oilangizning shajarasini tuzing. e.g. g ra n d a d Salim 11
P rogress ch e ck 1 Look, read and match. 1) teacher 2) driver 3) dire cto r 4) farm er 5) firem an e.g. 1a Listen and put /. d o c to r co o k fa rm e r driver firem an
qrandad granny
dad mum
sister brother
Complete the sentences. e.g. I am s h o rte r than m v sister. M y dad is o ld e r than my._________ M y b ro th e r is yo u n g e r than M y sister is ta lle r than ____ M y uncle is s tro n g e r than M y cousin is sm aller than 12
P rogress ch e ck 1 Read and find the picture. I have fo u r cousins. Aziza, Komila and Lola are o ld e r than Sanjar. Sanjar is yo u n ger than his sisters.
13 Unit 3 O u r house Lesson 1 O ur house is big and nice. Look and write. fm Hom ework Find 9 words. Write three sentences. 9 ta so‘z toping. Uchta gap yozing. g w
a b I q w a a c h a i r w i r I k i t c h e n a I P e h r h t d g b e d r o o m o e f I o o r u y w d o o r o g s u i b V c X m z e P o
Unit 3 O u r house Lesson 2 W hat’s in the kitchen? Look, read and underline. There is a big w in d o w in th e kitchen. The w in d o w is sm all. The d o o r is brow n. The d o o r is yellow. T here is a frid g e on th e right. It is grey. The c o o k e r is betw een th e w in d o w and the table. The c o o k e r is w hite. The c o o k e r is black. The frid g e is big, it has tw o d oors. The c u p b o a rd is on the wall. The c u p b o a rd is red. There is a w a term elon, th re e bananas and tw o ap ple s in th e cu p b o a rd . There is a vase on th e table. The w h ite ca t is un d e r th e table.
Gaplarni tugallang. O ur kitchen is ____________________________ The w ind o w is ___________________________ The d o o r is ______________________________ There is a ___________ and a ____________ Look and make a puzzle for your friend. Qarang va o 'rto g 'in g iz uchun topishm oq yozing. It’s big. It’s white. It has a door. It’s in the kitchen, (a fridge) 15
Unit 3 O u r house Lesson 3 It’s in the bedroom . Listen and colour. f m Hom ework Look at A c tivity 5. Colour. C o m p le te the sentences. 5-m ashqqa qarang. Rasmni b o ' y a n g . Gaplarni tugallang. 1 The house is ________________________________. 2 The d o o r is _________________________________. 3 The _______________________________ are blue. 4 The _______________________________ is green. 5 The _________________________________________. 16
Unit 3 O u r house Lesson 4 Project ■Isa Hom ework/ Do the crossword. Draw and write. K rossvordni yeching. Chizing va yozing. 2 - Kids’ English, 3-sinf 17
Unit 4 M y room Lesson 1 M y room is small. ■|gfl Hom ework/ Look at 2a in Unit 3 Lesson 1. Complete the sentences. Unit 3 Lesson 1 2a-m ashqqa qarang. Gaplarni tu - gallang.
The m irro r i s _____________________________ The bath i s ______________________________ The frid g e i s ______________________________ The dre sse r is The to ile t is _ Look and find seven words. -► Qarang va 7 ta s o ‘z toping. J, p
c t u r e 0 i r u g k y n a I d r e s s e r I b t f a X m e 0 m a s r w V b w m i r r 0 r n 0 P n c z u a k b I a n k e t w 18 Unit 4 M y room Lesson 2 Th e garden is ... . 1b
His nam e is _______________ . There are ________________ room s in the house. There are _________ and ________ in the garden. 3b
M y books are M y bag is M y pencils are __ M y pencil case is M y toys are ____ £ Hom ework/ Look at the plan of Akira’s room. Draw a
A kiraning xonasi chizm asiga qarang. O'z xonangizning chiz- masini chizing. 19
Unit 4 M y room Lesson 3 W here is ...? 5a
—1 B o'yang va yozing. 1 - pink e.g. ch a ir 2 - r e d ______________ 3 - b lu e _____________ 4 - y e llo w ____________ 5 - g re e n ____________ 6 - b ro w n ____________ Make a crossword. Krossvord tuzing. bed, chair, blanket, pillow, fridge, bath, cooker, rug, curtain, d resser 20
Unit 4 M y room Lesson 4 Project 2b
3- va 4 -b o ‘lim larni qayta o'rganib, takrorlash darsiga
tayyorlaning. 21
P rogress ch eck 2 Look and write. # e e e e / r®~
© ' / / r Look, read and match. T h e re ’s a bath T h e re ’s a grey frid g e ' The blanket is The d re sse r is The tre e s are in The cu rta in s are the garden, on the bed. in the bathroom , on the window, in th e kitchen, in th e bedroom . 22
P rogress ch e ck 2 jRafl Read and colour. The w alls in th e room are yellow. The blanket is red. The pillow is pink. The curta in is blue. The chair is yellow. The ca t is grey. 4
a bed ro om a kitchen a living room a brow n table a w hite table a red chair tw o yellow chairs a blue vase 23
Unit 5 Nature is beautiful. Lesson 1 It’s sunny. It’s hot. 4a 4 b
Look, read and match. never
tez-tez s o m e t i m e s ^ ^ ^ ^ doim o, har doim usually
^ ^ ^ h e c h qachon often
odatda always
ba’zida, ba’zan Look and write sentences. AN X X X X Lola s © A m ir s s © Tolib s ✓ £ Guli s ✓
x x x x = never v' = som etim es •ss = usually ✓ w = often YYSS = always e.g. A ll ne ver sings songs. Lola _____________________ Am ir _____________________ Tolib
Guli f m Hom ework 25-betga qarang. 24
Unit 5 Nature is beautiful. Lesson 1 It’s sunny. It’s hot. ^ Hom ework/ Complete the sentences. G aplarni to ldiring. play football, swim, do hom ew ork, g et up
I ofte n ___________________ w ith my friends. I usually _____________________ at 7 o ’clock. I always ____________________ in the evening. Write about today’s weather. Bugungi ob-havo haqida yozing. e.g. It is snowy. It is cold. We can ski, skate, play hockey and play snowballs. I like snow y days. 25
Unit 5 Nature is beautiful. Lesson 2 M y favourite season is 4a
often, usually, som etim es, never, always e.g. The rain o f te n pours in spring. The rain ____________ pours in spring. The snow ____________ falls in winter. The snow ___________ falls in sum m er. The sun __________ shines in sum mer. The w ind __________ blows in autum n. fm H o m ew o rk/ Read and match. O 'qing va m os gaplarni toping. The rain pours, v Quyosh charaqlaydi. The snow falls. Q or yog'adi. The sun shines. Sham ol esadi. The w ind blows. Y om g'ir yog'adi. Write about your favourite season. Sevimli faslingiz haqida yozing. e.g. I live in Uzbekistan. M y favourite season is autum n. Septem ber, O cto b e r and N ovem ber are autum n m onths. It is usually w arm in autum n. It is som etim es cool. The rain often pours in November. We can play gam es. We can have m elons, w aterm elons, grape s and peaches. I like autum n. 29-betga yozing. 26
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