S. xan, L. Jo'Rayev, M. Ogay
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S. XAN, L.JO'RAYEV, M . OGAY O 'zbekiston R espublikasi Xalq ta ’fim i vazirligi tom onidan um um iy o 'rta ta’Um m aktabtarining 4 -s in f o'quvchilari uchun darslik sifatida tasdiqlangan B irinchi nashri TOSHKENT “ O'ZBEKISTON 2016 www.hasanboy.uz dan olindi UO‘K: 811.111(075) KBK 81.2lngl K 40 Mualliflar „Kids’ English 4“ o'quv-m etodik majmuasining yaratilishida ko'rsatgan beminnat yordamlari va bergan qimmatli maslahatlari uchun Britaniya Kengashi direktori hamda Respublika ta ’lim markazi mutaxassislariga o ‘z minnatdorchiliklarini bildiradilar. Majmuani sinovdan o'tkazishda ishtirok etgan respublikamizning barcha maktab o'qituvchilari va o'quvchilariga, mazkur majmua bo'yicha 1-4-sinflar o'qituvchilarini tayyorlashda ishtirok etgan trenerlarga, shuningdek, Buyuk Britaniya Norvidj til o'rgatish instituti akademik direktori Rod Bolaytoga, IATEFL vakili Les Kirkxemga, Britaniya Kengashi loyiha bosh menejeri Natalya Sarikovaga, ingliz tili ta ’limi bo'yicha xalqaro maslahatchilar Uendi Arnold, Bern Bryuerton, Di Broton hamda barcha taqrizchilarga tashakkur izhor etadilar. Ushbu o'quv-m etodik majmua Chet tillarini o'qitishning innovatsion metodikalarini rivojlantirish Respublika ilmiy-amaliy markazi ishtirokida yaratildi. I l m i y m a s l a h a t c h i : M .T . Irisq u lo v O 'z b e k is to n D a vla t ja h o n tilla ri u n iv e rs ite ti q o s h id a g i Chet tillarini o'qitishning innovatsion m etodikalarini rivojlantirish Respublika ilm iy-am aliy m a rk a z i b o 'lim b o s h lig 'i, p ro fe s s o r S h a rtli b e lg ila r: tinglab tushunish yoki video mashqiarni bajarish; o‘yin tarzidagi mashqiarni bajarish; kuchli o ‘quvchilar yoki sinflar uchun qo'shimcha topshiriq; ish daftarida yozish, rasmlarni chizish, bo'yash va h.k.lar uchun mo‘ljallangan topshiriqlar; gapirish amaliyoti uchun dialogik nutq. R esp u b lika m aq sad li k ito b ja m g ‘arm a s i m ablagM ari hisobidan ch o p e tild i. T ajrib a-sin o v uchun © S. Xan va boshq., 2016 ISB N 978-9943-28-000-0 © “0 ‘ZBEK IST0N ” NMIU, 2016 Aziz o‘qituvchilar va ota-onalar! „K id s’ English 4 “ o'quv-m etodik majmuasi O'zbekiston Res- publikasi Prezidentining 2012-yil 10-dekabrdagi „Chet tillarni o'rganish tizimini yanada takom illashtirish chora-tadbirlari to ‘g ‘risida“gi PQ- 1875-sonli qarorida belgilangan talablar va vazifalardan kelib chiqqan holda ingliz tilini o'rgatishning eng zamonaviy va ilg'or pedagogik texnologiyalar hamda m etodlar tamoyillari asosida yaratildi. O 'quv-m etodik majmua Darslik, Ish daftari, Multimedia resursi hamda 0 ‘qituvchi uchun m etodik qo'llanm alardan iborat bo'lib, ular yaxlit bir holda 4-sinfga qadam qo'ygan jajji bolajonlarning ingliz tilida saboq olishlariga baholi qudrat yordam beradigan ko'pdan ko'p qiziq va ajoyib mashqlar, o'yinlar, she’rlar, qo'shiqlar va sh.k.larni o'z ichiga olgan. Ularni bolajonlarimizga maqsadga muvofiq ravishda yetkazishda, albatta, Siz aziz o'qituvchilar va muhtaram ota-onalarning hissasi beqiyosdir. O'qish, yozuv, tinglab tushunish va gapirish asosida ingliz tilini o'rgatishga mo'ljallangan ushbu o'quv-m etodik majmua ayrim kamchiliklardan xoli emasligi tabiiy. Shu bois o'quv-m etodik majmua yuzasidan bildiradigan fikrlaringiz biz m ualliflar uchun qimmatlidir. O'quv-m etodik majmua bolajonlarni zeriktirib qo'ymaydi, aksincha, ingliz tilini o'rganishga ishtiyoq uyg'otish bilan bir qatorda olam- olam quvonch ham bag'ishlaydi degan umiddamiz. M ualliflar Units and Lessons Pages U nit 1 W e learn English. Lesson 1 I can speak English. 6 Lesson 2 She speaks English, French and German. 7 Lesson 3 W hat do you do a fte r school? 8 Lesson 4 P roject 9 Unit 2 M y d ay Lesson 1 I g e t up at 6 o ’clock. 10 Lesson 2 My school day 11 Lesson 3 On Sunday ... 12 Lesson 4 P roject 13 Revision 1 14 I can ... 15 U nit 3 1 help m y parents. Lesson 1 Do you help you r mum? 16 Lesson 2 We cooked palov yesterday. 17 Lesson 3 Did you clean yo u r desk? 18 Lesson 4 P roject 19 U nit 4 P rofessions Lesson 1 My grandad was a firem an. 20 Lesson 2 My granny w orked at the hospital. 21 Lesson 3 I w ant to be a fo o tb a ll player. 22 Lesson 4 P roject 23 Revision 2 24 1 can ... 25 Unit 5 All abo ut U zbekistan Lesson 1 W here’s Uzbekistan? 26 Lesson 2 They w e nt to S am arkand by train. 27 Lesson 3 W h a t’s th e w eather? 28 Lesson 4 P roject 29 Unit 6 W e lco m e to o u r p arty. Lesson 1 Can 1 have a cup o f tea? 30 Lesson 2 I’d like a glass o f ... 31 Lesson 3 Don’t ju m p on my bed! 32 Lesson 4 P roject 33 Revision 3 34 1 can ... 35 Unit 7 Holidays Lesson 1 1 love holidays. 36 Lesson 2 Happy New Year! 37 Lesson 3 W inter holidays are fun. 38 Lesson 4 P roject 39 Unit 8 S h op s Lesson 1 W here is the superm arket? 40 4 Units and Lessons Pages Lesson 2 W here can I buy ... ? 41 Lesson 3 Can I help you? 42 Lesson 4 P roject 43 Unit 9 A t the m arket Lesson 1 They look nice. 4 4 Lesson 2 How m uch are they? 45 Lesson 3 I bo u g h t a w aterm elon. 46 Lesson 4 P roject 47 Revision 4 48 1 can ... 49 U nit 10 S p o rt Lesson 1 We like biking. 50 Lesson 2 1 w a nt to play chess. 51 Lesson 3 S p o rts Day 52 Lesson 4 P roject 53 Unit 11 A t the d o c to r Lesson 1 A headache, a toothache, a sore th ro a t ... 54 Lesson 2 1 have a high tem p eratu re. 55 Lesson 3 Drink hot green tea. 56 Lesson 4 P roject 57 Revision 5 58 1 can ... 59 Unit 12 Travelling Lesson 1 How did you g e t here? 60 Lesson 2 W here are you going? 61 Lesson 3 Wow! T h a t’s interesting! 62 Lesson 4 P roject 63 U nit 13 G re a t Britain Lesson 1 It’s in Europe. 64 Lesson 2 We are going to London. 65 Lesson 3 It’s rainy. 66 Lesson 4 P roject 67 U nit 14 T h e w orld of fa iry tales Lesson 1 The donkey and th e spa rrow 68 Lesson 2 W ho is th e w isest? 69 Lesson 3 The Chinese New Year sto ry 70 Lesson 4 P roject 71 Revision 6 72 1 can ... (U n its 1 2 -1 4 ) 73 I can ... (U n its 1—14) 74 P aren t’s c o rn e r 76 W ordlist 97 5 U n it 1 W e le a rn E n g lish . L e s s o n 1 I c a n s p e a k E n g lis h . Listen and re p e a t 2a Look and re a d . I can play the piano. I love animals I am kind. I am good at playing football. I can sing English songs. I am good at music. | D raw and c o m p le te . C o m p lete th e sen ten ces Play e .g . “ I* A B C good a t . I’m good at I’m good at I’m good at 99 drawing. art. playing football Unit 1 We learn EnglishII Lesson 2 She speaks English, Germ an. French and 1 o Listen and repeat n a m e s Look and read. / My nam e’s Muhlisa. I live in Uzbekistan. I speak Uzbek, Russian English. nam e’s Tomas, in Germany, speak German French. I’m from France. I speak French English. nam e’s Zafar. Turkm enistan. Turkm en, Enalish. Hi, my nam e’s Betty. from England, speak English, French and German. Uzbekistan Uzbek England English Turkm enistan Turkm en France French G erm any German Com plete the sentences. M atch, read and colour. W ork in pairs. Play “ Listen and guess 39 ft ** A : This flag is blue, white, green and red. : Uzbekistan. 7 U n it 1 W e lea rn E n g lis h . L e s s o n 3 W h a t d o y o u d o a f t e r s c h o o l? a Listen and sing. Look, re a d and c o m p le te . My name’s Mark. I’m from London. I’m 10 years old. I go to school Broad Green Primary. I’m in class 4. We like our teacher Mrs. Brown. She’s strict, nice and kind. I like my classmates. They’re kind and friendly. After school we do homework, have music lessons, play computer games, read books and watch TV. All boys and girls like playing football. Our favourite football club is Manchester United. Look at our project: “Our class”. Our class 30- 20 - 10 - Football Music TV Computer games Homework Reading 3a 3b Play “W h a t do you do a fte r sch o ol ? 1 M a k e a class g ra p h . 8 U n it 1 W e lea rn E n g lis h . L e s s o n 4 P r o je c t Listen and sing 2 a] V C o m p le te y o u r sto ry . 2 b] J 4 Play “In te rv ie w ” . e .g . What’s your family name? What’s your favourite tree? PyCCKHil H 3 M K k'VTT^T^inr prrrTfrVr® M a k e a p re s e n ta tio n 9 L e s s o n 1 I g e t u p a t 6 o ’c lo c k . U n it 2 M y d a y repeat. Look, li and repeat. 2 Look, listen W hat’s V^the tim e ? ,/^ W hat’s the time? 3a W o rk in p airs. Look and say. :’s 1 o’clock. ^ 't's 1 -3 0 -1 e .g . A: What’s the time? B: It’s 1 o ’clock. B: What’s the time? A: It’s 1.30. 3b V Look, read and match. W o rk in p airs. A sk and a n s w e r e .g . A: When do you get up? B: I get up at 1 get up 2 brush (my) teeth 3 have breakfast 4 go to school 5 do morning exercises 6 comb (my) hair 7 wash (my) face and hands 8 get dressed 9 make (my) bed U n it 2 M y d a y L e s s o n 2 M y s c h o o l d a y Listen and sing. 0 ^ L isten, re a d and tic k . 3a \ R ead and fin d th e w o rd s . M a tc h . Hello, I’m Becky. I’m from London, England. I go to school in the morning. I go to school by bus. I like my school and my teachers. We usually have four or five lessons. On Mondays and Thursdays I stay at school in the afternoon. I go to football Club. On Tuesdays and Fridays I go to Music Club. I usually have lunch at the school canteen. After this I go to our library and I do my homework. Then, I go home. Before dinner I usually play with my cat Blacky and watch my favourite cartoons. I always have dinner with my family. Then I play on the computer, listen to music or read. I never go to bed late. 13 b V R ead and u n d e rlin e th e tru e answ er. nr i Play “W h e re d o you g o a fte r s ch o o l? ” I, C1 e .g . A: What does she do after lunch? B: She plays football. V C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s a b o u t you. L e s s o n 3 O n S u n d a y ... U n it 2 M y d a y 3 \ R ead and m atch . 4 ^ W o rk in p a irs . P lay “ Look and s a y ”. 5 | C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s a b o u t yo u r Sunday. e .g . On Sunday I never go to school. never, usually, always, often, sometimes U n it 2 M y d a y L e s s o n 4 P r o je c t Listen and sing. 2 W o rk in g ro u p s o f 4 / 5 . P re p a re a p o s te r “ O u r S u n d a y ”. We swim .in the river, y O u r S u nd ay We play hopscotch. We play see-saw. y We play volleyball. ~) P re s e n t y o u r p o s te r. e .g . We get up at 10 o’clock. We have breakfast at 10.15. Then we go to the park. ... Revision 1 1 ^ P lay “ R evisio n ”. ' e .g . 2 You are good at sport. +3 5 You are not good at music. - 3 You are not good at music. -2 O You speak Uzbek, English and Russian. + 4 0 You do homework after school. + 4 You never make your bed. - 4 You can play the piano. + 4 You often play computer games. -5 Unit 3 I help my parents L e s s o n 1 D o y o u h e lp y o u r m u m ? lay the table room 2b W ork in pairs. Point and say. e.g. A: (points) B: Lay the table. 1 Listen and repeat. Look, listen and rep eat feed the animals take the rubbish out mop the floor t clean the go shopping ► sweep the floor wash the dishes 5 4 3 - Play “ Do you mop the floor?” A: Do you mop the floor? B: Yes, I do. Do you mop the floor? C: No, I don’t. J l Play “Look and guess.” A: (takes a picture and mimes) B: Do you clean your room? A: No. (No, I don’t.) C: Do you wash the dishes? A: Yes. (Yes, I do.) *£ Play “Funny sentences”. often, sometimes, never, usually, always 16 L e sso n 2 W e c o o k e d p a lo v y e s te rd a y . Unit 3 I help m y parents L is te n a n d r e p e a t. L o o k , lis te n a n d tic k , T Hi, I’m Z u h ra M y n a m e ’s Fotim a. Z u h ra is m y sister. 11 W e ’re tw in s . r l 2b W o rk in p a irs . P la y “ I t ’s M o n d a y ” . F o tim a : It’s M onday. I clean o u r room , sw eep and m op th e floor. Z u h ra : I w ash th e d ish e s. L o o k , lis te n a n d r e p e a t. Y e ste rd a y Z u h ra w a sh e d th e d ish e s. I c le a n e d o u r ro om . s m um Y e ste rd a y o u r c o o k e d palov. I w a sh e d th e d ish e s. , P la y “W e c o o k e d p a lo v y e s te r d a y ” . * A: W e c o o k e d p a lo v ye ste rd a y. W h a t a b o u t you? B: W e c o o k e d m anti ye ste rd a y. W h a t a b o u t you? C: W e ... 2 -K id s ’ English, 4-sinf 17 Lesson 3 Did you clean yo ur desk? Unit 3 I help my parents 1 6 2a i t Listen and sing. W o rk in g roups o f 4 . M a k e s e n te n c e s W o rk in g roups o f 5 . M a k e q u estio n s. !> 3 2c W o rk in groups o f 4 . A nsw er th e q u estio n s. e .g . — Did you m op the flo o r? - Yes, we did. / No, we d id n ’t. f W rite th e q u estio n s. 18 Lesson 4 P ro je c t Unit 3 I help my parents Listen and sing. K Play “W o rd , s e n te n c e , q u e s tio n 1 ask co o k interview point thank turn 19 Lesson 1 M y g ran d ad w as a fire m a n . Unit 4 Professions a) Look, this is m y uncle M ark. M y uncle is a police o ffice r. I like his uniform . Police o ffice rs in England w ear a uniform . Their helm ets are very fam ous. They w ear a helm et in the street. They w ear a cap in a police car. b) My b ro th e r David lives in Canada. He w orks in th e police. He w ears a uniform . His uniform is a red ja cke t, black tro u se rs and a brown hat. The police o ffice rs often ride a horse. Look, this is m y b ro th e r David w ith his horse Lucinda. 4 Look, re a d and u n d erlin e. Play “ M y g ran d ad w as a fa rm e r1 * e .g . A: M y grandad was a farm er. B: My grandad was a doctor. 3 Look, listen and re p e a t. a shop a ssista n t) Look, listen and re p e a t. ( a stre e t ) (a police o ffic e r) ( a nurse ) - _ 4 P R ead and m atch . (a football player]) ( a h e lm e t) Lesson 2 M y granny w o rked a t th e h o sp ital. Unit 4 Professions Listen and re p e a t. Look and say. e .g . A: My granny w orked at the hospital. B: My grandad w orked at the school on th e farm at the school at the shop at th e hospital W o rk in p airs. C o m p le te th e table, Play “T ru e /F a ls e ”. C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s 21 Lesson 3 I w a n t to be a fo o tb a ll player. Unit 4 Professions 1 2 Listen and sing. Look, listen and re p e a t • • o o # o car, shop, vet, nurse teacher, football, player assistant f t Look, listen and re p e a t. My grandad was a m ath teacher. My mum is a m usic teacher. I w ant to be an English teacher. w a n t to be I w ant to be a doctor. Look, po int and say. e .g . A: (points) B: I w ant to be a cook I w ant to be a firem an. Look, listen and say. e .g . A: She’s good at cooking. B: Shahlo. She’s going to be a cook \ R ead and c o m p le te . 22 U n it 4 P ro fe s s io n s Lesson 4 P ro ject 1 2 Listen and sing. U M a k e a b o o k le t a b o u t p ro fessio n s. a) Draw and w rite about your grandad and granny. b) Draw and w rite about your dad and mum. c) Draw and w rite about you. M y granny is very kind. She was a nurse. M y grandad is strong. He was a police officer. My dad is strong. He is a firem an. My mum w orks at th e shop She is a shop assistant. I’m kind. I love people. I w ant to be a doctor. Download 288 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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