Saint-petersburg state university russian academy of sciences joint institute for nuclear research
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Igamov S.B. The S(E)-factors for proton capture by 6 Li at the energies of astrophysical interest. - 15 min. 187 Urazbekov B. Manifistation of 9 Be structure in direct nuclear reactions.- 15 min. 188 Galanina L.I. Spatial periphery structure of neutron-excess 9,11 Li isotopes.- 15 min. 189 Zelenskaya N.S. Mechanisms of neutrons transfer at 9 Be(t,p) 11 Be reaction. - 15 min. 190 Zavarzina V.P. Longitudinal momentum distributions in stripping reactions with halo nuclei. - 15 min. 191 Solovyev A.S. Description of the radiative capture reactions within the algebraic version of the orthogonality conditions model.- 15 min. 192 13 Mikhailova T.I. Projectile fragmentation of 40,48 Ca in a transport approach.- 15 min. 193 D’yachenko A.T. Non-equilibrium equation of state in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies. - 15 min. 194 July 1, Wednesday, 14:00 Section V Application of the Theory of Few-Particle Systems to Nuclear and Atomic Physics Motovilov A.K. Bounds on rotation of the spectral subspaces of a few-body Hamiltonian. - 15 min. 230 Blokhintsev L.D. Analytic continuation of scattering data for systems with two or more bound states.- 15 min. 231 Popov Yu.V. Theory of quasielastic laser-assisted atomic reactions.- 15 min. 232 Melezhik V.S. Ultracold resonant processes in 1D and 2D atomic traps. - 15 min. 233 Kolganova E.A. The rare gas clusters and universalities. - 15 min. 234 Roudnev V.A. Manifestation of universality at the two-body threshold in three-body collisions: the modified Phillips line. - 15 min. 235 Gradusov V.A. Resonance states of 12 С nucleus in the 3α-particle model framework. - 15 min. 236 Gusev A.A. Metastable states of composite system tunneling through repulsive barriers. - 15 min. 237 Krassovitskiy P.M. Phase shifts of amplitudes of potential barrier resonance reflection and transition of the coupled pair of particles. - 15 min. 238 14 Golovanova N.F. Complex potential’s reconstruction in self-consistent description of particle-bound system's scattering by unitarity's conserving. - 15 min. 239 July 1, Wednesday, 14:00 Section VI Nuclear Physics Experimental Technique and its Applications Maslov V.A. High-resolution magnetic analyzer MAVR for separation and identification of reaction products. - 15 min. 250 Kish Yu.V. Study of (n, f), (n, γ), (n, 2n) and (n, spallation) reaction rates in 232 Th samples irradiated by 4 GeV deuterons and secondary neutrons at the massive uranium target QUINTA. - 15 min. 251 Joint talk: W-Be photoneutron source of INR RAS. 252 Digital n-γ pulse-shape discrimination with nanosecond waveform digitizer. 253 Neutron activation analysis of aerosol filters at photoneutron source of INR RAS. 254 Reporter Zuyev S.V. - 15 min. Zherebchevsky V.I. Investigations of the new generation pixel detectors for ALICE experiment at LHC. - 15 min. 255 Maysuzenko D.A. The recovery of the proportional counter operating aged due to silicon contamination. - 15 min. 256 Smirnov А.А. On a Possibility of Using CdTe-PIN Detectors for Investigations of the 239 Np Decay. - 15 min. 257 Morozov V.A. Gas discharge processes in the standard and metal channel PMT’s. - 15 min. 258 Stegailov V.I. Stability of gamma-ray detection by HPGe detectors in continuous measurements up to six months long. - 15 min. 259 15 Joint talk: BIAS dependence of the energy resolution in planar HPGe detectors for low energy X-rays. 260 Fluctuations in the processes of charge induction in ionization-type detectors. 261 Reporter Samedov V.V. - 15 min. July 2, Thursday, 9:00 Section I Experimental Investigations of Atomic Nucleus Properties Inoyatov А.Kh. The improved energy of the 21.5 keV M1+E2 transition in 151 Eu. - 15 min. 72 Stegailov V.I. On the necessity of the precision investigation of the excited states in the Ho and Dy nuclei from the 156,158,160 Er decay. - 15 min. 73 Joint talk: Effect of metallic matrix on probability of 910 eV transition in 154 Eu nuclei. 74 On the decay scheme of 234 Th nucleus β-decay. 75 Reporter Koltsov V.V. - 20 min. Rukhadze N.I. Investigation of double beta decay of 58 Ni. - 15 min. 76 Rumyantseva N.S. New limits of Majorana neutrino mass from combined analysis of 76 Ge, 136 Xe, 130 Te and 100 Mo neutrinoless double beta decay searching for experiments. - 15 min 77 Medvedev D.V. Measurement of neutrino magnetic moment with the low-background germanium spectrometer GEMMA-II. - 15 min. 78 Sushko A.A. Application of neutrino-capture beta decay in tritium for measuring the spectrum of solar neutrinos. - 15 min. 79 July 2, Thursday, 9:00 Section II Experimental Investigations of Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms Voskoboinik E.I. Study of internal structure of Be and B isotopes in 3,4 He + 9 Be reactions. - 15 min. 95 16 Janseitov D.M. Experimental and theoretical investigation of scattering of alpha particles from 13 C nuclei. - 15 min. 96 Sadykov B.M. Investigation of scattering processes of helium ions on 28 Si nucleus at 50-60 MeV. - 15 min. 97 Erdemchimeg B. Total reaction cross sections for 6,8 He and 8,9 Li nuclei at energies of (25-45) A MeV on nat Al and nat Pb. - 15 min. 98 Avdeyev S.P. Source velocity at relativistic beams of 4 He. - 15 min. 99 Riabov Yu.G. Collective effects in small QCD systems at RHIC collider. - 15 min. 100 Safonov A.S. Particle production in Cu+Au and U+U collisions in PHENIX experiment at RHIC. - 15 min. 101 Mamatkulov K.Z. Study of coherent dissociation of 10 C nucleus at energy 1.2 GeV per nucleon. - 15 min. 102 Martemianov M.A. Temperature parameters for carbon fragmentation at 0.6 GeV/nucleon. - 15 min. 103 July 2, Thursday, 9:00 Section III Theory of Atomic Nucleus and Fundamental Interactions Shebeko A.V. Some universalities in properties of the density matrices for finite nuclei (bound systems). - 15 min. 146 Sushenok E.O. β-decay rates of 54,56 Ca. - 15 min. 147 Kurteva A.A. β-decay 65 Zn 65 Cu. - 15 min. 148 Panov I.V. Beta half-lives predictions for neutron-rich short-lived nuclei. - 15 min. 149 17 Joint talk: Effect of intensely heated medium on branching coefficients for multibeta-decay nuclei. 150 Ionization degree of atomic K-shell and rate of p-nucleus synthesis in massive star interior. 151 Reporter Kopytin I.V. - 15 min. Kopytin I.V. Activation of nuclear isomeric states by synchrotron radiation. - 15 min. 152 Joint talk: Nuclear-optical technologies of the new generation. 153 The Bohr-Weisskopf effect in the hyperfine splitting and the nuclear structure. 154 Reporter Karpeshin F.F. - 15 min. Fedotkin S.N. Probability of the single-quantum annihilation of positrons averaged over atomic electrons. - 15 min. 155 Lunyov A.V., Mikhajlov V.M., Vlasnikov A.K. Unusual temperature dependence of the heat capacity at small pairing strengths. - 15 min. 156 Romanov Yu.I. On the possible presence of neutral (anti)leptons of all generations in the solar neutrino flux. - 15 min. 157 Baurov Yu.A. Standard lentons and next lepton in theory of byuon. - 15 min. 158 Monakhov V.V. Dirac matrices as elements of superalgebraic matrix algebra. - 15 min. 159 July 2, Thursday, 9:00 Section IV Nuclear Reactions Theory Rachkov V.A. Semi-empirical model of neutron rearrangement in quantum channel-coupling approach. - 15 min. 195 Naumenko M.A. Near-barrier neutron transfer in reactions with 3,6 He. - 15 min. 196 18 Sargsyan V.V. Role of neutron transfer in fusion reactions at sub-barrier energies. - 15 min. 197 Samarin V.V. Microscopic time-dependent description of alpha-cluster transfer and incomplete fusion in reactions near Coulomb barrier.- 15 min. 198 Vechernin V.V. Two-particle correlation function: the forward-backward vs di-hadron correlation approach. - 15 min. 199 Guzey V.A. The gluon distribution at small x from photoproduction of ψ(2S) mesons in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC. - 15 min. 200 Galoyan A.S. Monte Carlo event generators for NICA/MPD and CBM experiments.- 15 min. 201 Suetin D.P. Nuclear effects in diffraction scattering processes of protons on nuclei at high energies. - 15 min. 202 Pozdnyakov S.S. The 2 reggeons to 2 reggeon + particle effective vertex (A + A + A − A − V ν ) in the Lipatov effective action in the Regge kinematics. - 15 min. 203 July 2, Thursday, 9:00 Section V Application of the Theory of Few-Particle Systems to Nuclear and Atomic Physics Malykh A.V. Universal description of rotational-vibrational spectrum of three two-component particles with contact interactions. - 15 min. 240 Pomerantsev V.N. Discrete spectral shift formalism for solving multi-channel scattering problems. - 15 min. 241 Volkov M.V. Potential splitting approach to the three-body Coulomb scattering problem. - 15 min. 242 19 Ulyanov A.S. Relativistic generalization of the method of multidimensional angular Coulomb functions for quantum-mechanical many-body problem solving. - 15 min. 243 Yakovlev S.L. Asymptotics of the binary amplitude for the model Faddeev equation. - 15 min. 244 Pupyshev V.V. Two-dimensional Coulomb scattering of a slow quantum particle. - 15 min. 245 Rubtsova O.A. Solution of the discretized Faddeev equations on a graphics processing unit. - 15 min. 246 Zaytsev A.S. A Quasi Sturmian approach to two-electron continuum problems. - 15 min. 247 July 2, Thursday, 9:00 Section VI Nuclear Physics Experimental Technique and its Applications Rebyakova V.A. Application of statistical Monte Carlo method for spectrometer calibration to determine the surface activity of the radionuclides deposited on the ground.- 15 min. 262 Marinov G.M. Determination of distribution coefficients (K d ) of various radionuclides on UTEVA resin. - 15 min. 263 Chirskaya N.P. Mathematical simulation of radiation impact on heterogeneous microstructures. - 15 min. 264 Joint talk: Restrictions for crystal undulator radiation. 265 Two types of channeling in crystals. 266 Volume capture to channeling in crystals. 267 Reporter Karamian S.A. - 15 min. Velichkov A.I. Hyperfine interaction in HfO 2 studied by time differential perturbed angular correlation method using 172 Yb. - 15 min. 268 20 Dzhilavyan L.Z. Emission of -quanta, electrons, positrons from characteristic targets at decays of produced in the targets 12 N and 12 B. - 15 min. 269 Chuvilskaya T.V. Electronic-positron structure of nuclear substance. - 15 min. 270 Joint talk: Cesium sorption by nanoparticles of clinoptilolite. 271 Sorption properties of magnesium-potassium phosphate systems. 272 Reporter Dikiy N.P. - 15 min. Zherebchevsky V.I. The study of the nuclear reactions for the Sb isotopes production. - 15 min. 273 July 3, Friday, 9:00 Section II Experimental Investigations of Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms Demekhina N.A. Spallation reactions 197 Au ( 11 B, xn yp) at energy 24 MeV/N. - 15 min. 104 Mendibayev K. Multinucleon transfer reactions in 18 O+Tа. - 15 min. 105 Gauzshtein V.V. Tensor analysing power components of the negative pion photoproduction on deuteron. - 15 min. 106 Stibunov V.N. Negative pion photoproduction on a deuteron by quasi-real photons at large proton momenta. - 15 min. 107 Joint talk: Cross sections of the reactions 14 N( , 2n) 12 N, 14 N( , 2p) 12 B, 13 C( , p) 12 B. 108 Possibilities to separate IVE1 & IVE2 giant resonances by forward-to- backward asymmetries measured with neutron threshold detectors. 109 Reporter Dzhilavyan L.Z. - 15 min. Varlamov V.V. Partial photoneutron reaction cross sections data for 63,65 Cu and 80 Se reliability. - 15 min. 110 Pyatkov Yu.V. Searching for rare ternary decays using “double-hit” approach. - 15 min. 111 21 Pritula R.V. Primary particles in stopped pion absorption reactions. - 15 min. 112 Yakushev E. Status of νGeN experiment at the Kalininskaya nuclear power plant for detection coherent neutrino Ge nucleus elastic scattering. - 15 min. 113 Rozov S.V. Status and first results of the EDELWEISS-III dark matter search experiment. - 15 min. 114 July 3, Friday, 9:00 Section IV Nuclear Reactions Theory Ratis Yu.L. On the underthreshold photonucleosynthesis phenomena. - 15 min. 204 Ivankov Y.V. Angular distributions of protons emitted at two-proton decays of spherical nuclei. - 15 min. 205 Bulychev A.O. The theory of multistep statistical decays in chains of genetically related nuclei. - 15 min. 206 Kostryukov P.V. Conditions of the T-invariance for sequential multistep statistical nuclear reactions. - 15 min. 207 Kadmensky S.G. The sequential character of low-energy ternary and quaternary nuclei fission. - 15 min. 208 Bunakov V.E. The classification T-odd asymmetry for prescission and evaporative light particles in reactions ternary and quaternary fission by cold polarized neutrons. - 15 min. 209 Lyubashevsky D.E. The angular and spin distributions of the fission fragments with taking into account the fissile nucleus transverse oscillations near it’s scission point. - 15 min. 210 Cheredov A.V. Application of four-dimensional Langevin dynamics to study different features of heavy-ion-induced fission. - 15 min. 211 22 Chushnyakova M.V. Post-scission dissipative motion and fission-fragment kinetic energy. - 15 min. 212 Unzhakova A.V. Precise multidimensional potential energy surfaces for alpha-clustering, binary and ternary fission. - 15 min. 213 Joint talk: Collinear nuclear fission into three comparable fragments. 214 Effect of the electron screening on nuclear reactions. 215 Reporter Karpeshin F.F. - 15 min. July 3, Friday, 9:00 Section VI Nuclear Physics Experimental Technique and its Applications Korbut T.N. A number of applied aspects of thermal reactor theory based on the particles birth-death model. - 15 min. 274 Shabelnik I.K. Particulate behavior in nuclear reactor coolant. - 15 min. 275 Dolgodvorov A.P. Modeling of nitride fuel under irradiation. - 15 min. 276 Gazetdinov A.S. Adaptation and solution of radiative transfer problem in multi-group diffusion approximation using the «FEniCS» open source project. - 15 min. 277 Belyaev V.S. On the possibility of a chain nuclear fusion reaction based on the reaction p+ 11 B. - 15 min. 278 Zheltonozhska M.V. Study of the fuel-containing materials from the ChNPP shelter object . - 15 min. 279 Krusanov G.A. Energy dependence investigation of photon radiation quality factor. - 15 min. 280 Joint talk: Influence of element consist on a dose distribution from brachytherapy radionuclides. 281 The search for new radionuclides for a permanent brachytherapy. 282 Reporter Belousov A.V. - 15 min. 23 July 3, Friday, 12:30 Plenary Session IV Shlomo S. A novel method for determining the mean-field directly from the single particle matter density: Application to the measured charge density difference between the isotones 206 Pb – 205 Tl. - 30 min. 59 Download 5,03 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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