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COLLECTIVE STATES OF NUCLEAR IN THE NUCLEON PAIR APPROXIMATION AND GENERALIZED SENIORITY Baktybayev K. 1 , Dalelkhankyzy A. 1 , Koilyk N. 1 , Baktybayev M.K. 2 1 Almaty al-Farabi University, Kazakhstan; 2 Institute of Nuclear Phyziks, Kazakhstan E-mail: In order to study the properties of low-lying states, one really has to truncate the shell-model space. Pair approximation is one of the ideas along this line. The physics of the SD-pair approximation is well recognized. Attractive pairing interacting and quadrupole correlations favour configurations constructed to a large extent by pairs with spin zero and spin two S and D pairs. As an approximations the SD pairs are used to construct the model space. In the interacting boson model (IBM) SD pairs are approximated to sd-bozons [1]. The generalized seniority or broken pair approximations [2] has long been proposed as a truncation scheme for the nuclear shall-model. The generalized seniority scheme has also been proposed as a microscopic foundation for the phenomenologically successful IBM. A shell-model calculations for the ground state and low-lying states can then be carried out in a truncated space, consisting of states built from a condansate of collective S pairs together with a small number ν the generalized seniority of nucleons not forming part of an S pair. Although the generalized approach has long been applied in various contexts it has not been systematically benchmarked calculations carried out in the full shell model space with realistic interactions. Extensive previous studies with generalized seniority basis have instead compared the seniority results with experiment. Such comparisons do not disentangle the question of how accurately the truncated calculation approximates the full-space calculations and model space are for description of the particular set of experimental data. The purpose of the present work is to establish a benchmark comparison of the results obtained in a generalized seniority truncated model space against those obtained in the full shell model space with realistic interaction. We consider the Pd even isotopes (N = 54–72) in pfg-shell model space and truncated calculations to one broken particle pairs (ν p , ν n =2). These calculations should be viewed as a baseline in that, they are based on the most restricted generalized seniority truncation. 1. N.Yoshinaga et al. // Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 1996. P.125. 2. M.A.Caprio et al. // J.Phys. G. Nucl. Part. Phys. 2012. V.39. 105108. 136 NUCLEAR SHAPE PHASE TRANSITION AT THE NUCLEON STATE AND BOZON MAPPING APPROACH Baktybayev K. 1 , Dalehankyzy A. 1 , Koilyk N. 1 , Baktybayev M.K. 2 1 Kazakhstan, Almaty al-Farabi University; 2 Kazakhstan, Institute of Nuclear Phyziks E-mail: There exist phase transitions a many modes of collective motion and geometric shapes such as vibrational, rotational and exotically deformed shapes, which have attracted great attentions in recent years [1]. Most of the investigation were carried out in the interacting boson model (IBM) and one has shown that the U(5), SU(3), O(6) symmetry corresponds to the shape phase a spheroid, axially prolate and γ-soft rotor respectively. The IBM is phenomenological model of nuclear structure. Along-standing significant question is then to identify directly the shape phase structure in fermion space. Recently there have been studies on nuclear shape phase transitions and their critical point symmetries in the framework of shell model [2]. In this framework we take a general shell Hamiltonian to study the dependence of the shape phases on each of the microscopic monopole-pair and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. To avoid the difficulties in shell model calculations with large valence nucleon space, we employ the Otsuka-Arima-Iachello (OAI) mapping method. In a boson mapping process a fermion space is mapped onto an ideal boson space and every fermion operator can be exactly transformed into a corresponding boson operator. The purpose of this work is to study the dependence of nuclear shape phases on the microscopic interactions between nucleons. The investigation shows that there exist shape phase transitions driven by these interactions. For example the transition from the vibrational to the axially prolate rotational can be induced by the quadrupole-pair interaction as the critical point. The OAI mapping method has been used in describing the spectroscopic properties of low-lying states and nuclear shape phases in isotopes nuclear 74,76,78 Se. The dependence of the shape phase on the strength of each of the three interactions is calculated. 1. T.Otsuka, A.Arima, F.Iachello, I.Talmi // Rhys. Lett. B. 1978. V.76. P.139. 2. R.F.Casten et al. // Progr. Part. Nucl. Phys. 2009. V.62. P.183. 137 COMBINING RPA WITH IBM IN 114 Xe Efimov A.D. 1,2 , Mikhajlov V.M. 3 1 Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia; 2 Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Russia; 3 Physical Institute of St.-Petersburg State University, Russia E-mail: The standard Random Phase Approximation (RPA) cannot be employed for description of transitional nuclei with developed quadrupole collectivity because of considerable ground state (GS) correlations. To overcome this shortcoming we use (see e.g., [1]) a combination of RPA and the Interacting Boson Model in its first version (IBM), parameters of which and their renormalizations under the influence of noncollective phonons are calculated in the RPA frame. In our method GS is treated as a superposition of the boson vacuum (BV) and states with several quadrupole boson (in their average quantity is ~ 2.6). As in the fermion space such boson GS corresponds to the RPA vacuum (RPAV) and several RPA two quasiparticle phonons, the fermion GS includes, therefore, essential admixture of four and greater numbers of quasiparticles though RPAV can insignificantly differ from the quasiparticle vacuum (QV). To regulate the difference between RPAV and QV and contributions of many boson states to GS, the special term is introduced in the energy functional, variations of which give a set of equations determining Bogolubov’s and phonon amplitudes and also boson compositions of wave functions. are RPA phonon two-quasipaticle amplitudes. The Lagrange multiplier is fitted so to fix the quantity of which should be to employ the standard RPA. Apart from this purpose term impacting on and hereby on the IBM parameters allows them to be consistent with boson expectation values on which these parameters also depend. Optimal quantities of can be found at consideration of the GS energy as a function of (earlier [2] we established that can be in a range ). comprises the QV energy (with allowing for QV blocking by phonons (bosons) attending in GS), the RPAV energy and the IBM collective boson energy. The function vs , (Independent particle model) is depicted in Fig.1 that shows a shallow minimum at . Nevertheless, the energy of the “pure” RPA (without IBM, i.e. at ) is 4.5 MeV higher. The energies of yrast states (up to spin ) and of two known collective excited states calculated at for , as seen in Fig. 2, are in reasonable agreement with experiment. 1. A.D.Efimov, V.M.Mikhajlov // Bull. RAS. Ser. Phys. 2011. V.75. P.890. 2. A.D.Efimov et al. // Proc. of 64 Intern. Conf. Minsk. 2014. P.129. 114 Xe 2 2 ~ (1 ) / (1 ); / , ik ik r r r , ik ik r 1 , r 0 E r r 0.02 0.07 0 E E r 0 E E E 0.03 r E 0 10 I 0.03 r 114 Xe 138 EXACT AND APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS TO THE EFFECTIVE BCS HAMILTONIAN FOR 124 Te Lunyov A.V., Mikhajlov V.M., Vlasnikov A.K. Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia E-mail: Eigenvalues of the BCS Hamiltonian are found in Te (Z = 52, N = 72), for proton and neutron states with zero seniority (s) (i.e. for the ground states and monopole (0 + ) excitations) and for states with s = 2 described as a rule as states with two Bogolubov quasiparticles. Calculations have been performed with Saxon- Woods single-particle spectra in which the pairing cuts out the energy layer of 2 ω 14.7 MeV D with the center on the Fermi level. Pairing strengths G p = 0.245 MeV, G n = 0.182 MeV approximately correspond to smoothed dependencies of G on mass numbers obtained from empirical pair energies in the frame of the BCS theory. The same values are employed in quasiparticle calculations. Exact excitation energies (as differences of energies with 2 s and ground states in protons and neutrons) are displayed in the table together with corresponding BCS two-quasiparticle energies (BCS 2qp.) and values calculated in the strong pairing approximation (SPA) [1] for neutrons. For protons SPA cannot be applied as the proton pairing is weak. The table shows that all proton 2 s excitations and the first excited level E p (0 + ) = 3.8 MeV lie above doubled proton pairing gap (2Δ p =2.5 MeV). Besides, the transfer amplitude 2 | | s s s N a a N - å turns out to be equal to zero. At the same time in neurtons the strong pairing (caused by a higher level density) reveals itself in low lying 2 s states and E n (0 + ) = 2.74 MeV which are below 2Δ n =2.80 MeV. Though BCS and SPA give comparable deviations from the exact energies, SPA, lowering energies, nevertheless, reproduces positions of first s = 2 states below 2Δ n . The work is supported by the SPbSU grant No. 11.38.648.2013. protons (MeV) neutrons (MeV) s = 2 configurations exact BCS 2qp. s = 2 configurations exact BCS 2qp. SPA 2 7 2 4 g 2.93 3.24 11 1 2 2 5 ,4 h s 2.71 2.80 2.69 5 7 2 2 4 ,4 d g 3.62 3.76 3 1 2 2 4 ,4 s d 2.74 2.82 2.72 5 5 2 2 4 ,4 d d 4.30 4.29 2 11 2 5 h 2.75 2.80 2.69 9 7 2 2 4 , 4 g g 5.69 5.32 2 3 2 4 d 2.84 2.84 2.75 7 3 2 2 4 , 4 g d 5.73 5.71 5 1 2 2 4 ,4 d s 4.21 4.06 3.98 9 5 2 2 4 ,4 g d 6.20 5.84 5 3 2 2 4 ,4 d d 4.23 4.08 3.98 5 3 2 2 4 ,4 d d 6.42 6.23 7 1 2 2 4 ,4 g s 4.39 4.26 4.18 1. A.K.Vlasnikov, A.V.Lunev, V.M.Mikhailov // Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 2011. V.75. №7. P.569. 139 MAGNETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Yb ISOTOPES Okhunov A.A. 1,2 , Usmanov P.N. 2 , Torla Hj Hasan 1 , HasanAbu Kassim 3 1 Department of Science in Engineering, KOE, International Islamic University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 3 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Malay, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mail: The energy and wave function structure of excited states are calculated. The finding reveals that the bands mixing have been found to have considerable impact on the wave function of low-lying states and bands. In addition, the probabilities of E2- and M1- transitions have been calculated. The values from calculations of B(E2)-transitions and coefficients of the multipole mixture 2 1 E M from 1 2 1 , , and 2 bands are compared with the experimental data. Finally, it is noteworthy that these are an obvious inverse relation between R g – factor and angular momentum I of the ground band states. This has been explained by a mixing ground and 1 K bands which have a strong 1 B M to ground state band. In adiabatic approximation of the equation of reduced probability of M1 – transition follows as ' 2 1 1 2 3 1; 11 00 0.02 4 N B M m . (1) From the known experimental values of the probability of 1 M – transitions can calculate ' 1 m . The values of parameter ' 1 m were calculated by the formula (1), using the experimental data of B(M1) [4] which are presented in Table. However, formula (1) does not allow to define sign of the parameters ' 1 m . 172 Yb 174 Yb 1 (MeV) E 11 E 2 ( 1) μ N B M 1 μ N m 1 (MeV) E 11 E 2 ( 1) μ N B M 1 μ N m 1 2.010 1.06±0.14 1.27·10 –2 +1.63 1.625 2.31±0.28 3.1·10 –2 –0.80 2 2.573 0.51±0.09 0.93·0.10 –8.06±0.87 2.037 0.64±0.40 0.15±0.11 –3.24±2.38 3 2.612 0.70±0.13 0.33·0.09 –4.80±1.31 2.068 0.67±0.34 0.20±0.12 –3.83±2.30 4 3.002 0.51±0.10 0.34·0.09 –4.87±1.29 2.338 0.74±0.20 0.28±0.10 –4.34±1.55 5 3.096 0.46±0.12 0.11·0.04 +2.77±1.01 2.500 0.60±0.16 0.35±0.11 –5.01±1.58 6 3.253 0.46±0.12 0.09·0.03 +2.51±0.84 2.581 0.46±0.14 0.21±0.08 +3.83±1.5 7 3.604 0.76±0.13 0.49·0.12 –5.85±1.43 2.815 0.90±0.38 0.16±0.001 –3.24±1.62 8 3.863 1.14±0.24 0.45·0.14 –5.61±1.75 2.920 0.41±0.07 0.44±0.11 +5.61±1.4 Here 1 E are energy levels, branching ratio 1 11 1 ( 1;11 20 ) ( 1;11 00 ) B M E B M . 1. Ph.N.Usmanov, A.A.Okhunov, U.S.Salikhbaev, A.I.Vdovin // Phys. Part. Nucl. Lett. 2010. V.7. P.185; Pisma Fiz. Elem.Chastits At. Yadra. 2010. V.3. P.306. 2. A.Zilges, P. von Brentano, C.Wesselborg et al. // Nuc.Phys. A. 1990. V.507. P.399. 140 NUCLEAR HAMILTONIAN PARAMETERS FOR EVEN-EVEN ACTINIDES IN SOFT-ROTATOR MODEL Martyanov D.S., Soukhovitskii E.Sh. Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus; E-mail: Low-lying collective states of deformed even-even nuclei are known to be rather well described by the soft-rotator mode [1]. This model considers dynamic nonaxial quadrupole, octupole, and static axial hexadecapole deformations of nuclear shape and builds rotational bands on the lowest vibrational states [2]. Nuclear wave functions of the model are successfully applied for sophisticated coupled channel optical model calculations. Nevertheless for heavy actinides such parameters had been determined only for 232 Th and 238 U. Present work demonstrates reasonable coincidence between the energies of model-predicted and experimental level data for 14 even-even actinides, measurements for which are available. Hamiltonian parameters for these nuclei had been determined and their isotopic dependencies were analyzed. 1. S.Kunieda et al. // J. of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2009. V.46. P.914. 2009. 2. Yu.V.Porodzinskij, E.Sh.Soukhovitskij // Phys. of Atomic Nuclei. 1996. V.59. P.228. 141 ENERGY SPECTRA OF LOW-LYING STATES IN EVEN-ODD NUCLEI WITH Z = 96 – 108 Antonenko N.V., Jolos R.V., Malov L.A. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: The calculated equilibrium deformations, energies, and structure of the low- lying states are presented for neutron odd transuranium nuclei. Because the experimental information for this nuclear region is still score to fix all parameters of the theoretical approaches, in the present work we analyze the dependence of the results of the Quasiparticle-Phonon Model [1] on the parameters used for the Woods-Saxon mean-field potential and residual interaction. The calculated spectra of the low-lying nonrotational states in nuclei 243,245,247,249,251 Cm, 245,247,249,251,253,255 Cf, 249,251,253,255,257,259 Fm, 251,253,255,257,259 No, 255,257,259,261 Rf, 259,261,263,265 Sg, and 263,265,267,269 Hs are compared with available experimental data and other calculations [2–4]. 1. 1.В.Г.Соловьёв. Теория атомных ядер. Квазичастицы и фононы. М.:Энегоатомиздат, 1989. V.G.Soloviev, Theory of Atomic Nuclei: Quasiparticles and Phonons (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 1992). 2. S.Cwiok, S.Hofmann, W.Nazarewicz // Nucl.Phys. A. 1994. V.573. P.356. 3. A.Parhomenko, A.Sobiczewski // Acta. Phys. Pol. 2005. V.36. P.3115. 4. N.Yu.Shirikova, A.V.Sushkov, L.A.Malov, R.V.Jolos // Eur. Phys. J. A. 2015. V.51. P.21. 142 THE 2p-2h STUDY OF LOW-ENERGY DIPOLE STATES IN NEUTRON-RICH N = 80, 82 AND 84 ISOTONES Arsenyev N.N. 1 , Severyukhin A.P. 1 , Voronov V.V. 1 , Giai N.V. 2 1 Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; 2 Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France E-mail: The new spectroscopic studies of pygmy dipole resonances (PDR) [1] in neutron-rich nuclei stimulate a development of the nuclear models. One of the successful tools for describing the PDR is the quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA) with the self-consistent mean-field derived by making use of the Skyrme effective nucleon-nucleon interaction [2]. Such an approach describes the properties of the low-lying states less accurately than more phenomenological ones, but the results are in a reasonable agreement with experimental data. Due to the ahnarmonicity of vibrations there is a coupling between one-phonon and more complex states. The main difficulty is that the complexity of calculations beyond standard QRPA increases rapidly with the size of the configuration space, so one has to work within limited spaces. Using a finite rank separable approximation for the residual interaction obtained from the Skyrme forces that has been suggested in [3–5] one can overcome this problem. We study the properties of the low-lying dipole states in the even-even nuclei 126-130 Pd, 128-132 Cd, 130-134 Sn, 132-136 Te, and 134-138 Xe. Effects of the shell structure and the neutron skin are studied in a systematic way. This reveals a number of characteristic features of the low-energy E1 modes. In particular, we find the impact of the shell closure on the low-energy E1 strength. This work was partly supported by the IN2P3-JINR agreement and the Heisenberg-Landau program. 1. D.Savran, T.Aumann, A.Zilges // Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 2013. V.70. P.210. 2. N.Paar, D.Vretenar, E.Khan, G.Colò // Rep. Prog. Phys. 2007. V.70. P.691. 3. N.V.Giai, Ch.Stoyanov, V.V.Voronov // Phys. Rev. C. 1998. V.57. P.1204. 4. A.P.Severyukhin, V.V.Voronov, N.V.Giai // Phys. Rev. C. 2008. V.77. 024322. 5. A.P.Severyukhin, V.V.Voronov, N.V.Giai // Eur. Phys. J. A. 2004. V.22. P.397. |
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