Saint-petersburg state university russian academy of sciences joint institute for nuclear research
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- CROSS SECTIONS OF THE REACTIONS 14 N( ,2n) 12 N, 14 N( ,2p) 12
IN PHENIX EXPERIMENT AT RHIC Berdnikov Ya.A. 1 , Ivanishchev D.A. 1 , Kotov D.O. 1,2 , Riabov V.G. 1,2,3 , Riabov Yu.G. 1,2 , Samsonov V.M. 1,2,3 , Safonov A.S. 1 1 Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, St.Petersburg, Russia; 2 NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia; 3 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia E-mail: The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab allows nuclear matter to be studied at extremely high temperatures and energy densities [1]. RHIC is uniquely capable of colliding asymmetric Cu+Au nuclei and irregularly shaped nuclei such as U+U, providing the possibility to produce systems that have different initial energy density profiles for the same number of participating nucleons. This allows for systematic investigation of the effects of initial geometry and density on particle production. For example, in U+U collisions the slightly elongated nuclei overlap in a variety of different ways such that, even at zero impact parameter, distinct configurations exist. In central Cu+Au collisions the Cu nucleus is completely embedded within the Au. Such geometries present an opportunity to measure the wide range of initial energy densities of these systems. They also allow the study of some unique features arising from these configurations [2]. In this talk we will present the results on particle production from Cu+Au and U+U datasets in PHENIX such as global particle production and elliptic flow variables. 1. A.Adare et al. // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008. V.101. 232301. 2. R.Hollis // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2013. V.458. 012007. 102 STUDY OF COHERENT DISSOCIATION OF 10 C NUCLEUS AT ENERGY 1.2 GeV PER NUCLEON Mamatkulov K.Z. 1,2 , Artemenkov D.A. 1 , Bekmirzaev R.N. 2 , Zarubin P.I. 1 , Zaitsev A.A. 1 1 Joint Insitute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia; 2 A. Kodirii Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan E-mail: The charge topology in the fragmentation of 10 C nuclei in a track nuclear emulsion at energy of 1.2 GeV per nucleon is studied [1]. In the coherent dissociation of 10 C nuclei, about 82% of events are associated with the channel 10 C → 2α + 2p [2]. The angular distributions and correlations of product fragments are presented for this channel. It is found that among 10 C → 2α + 2p events, about 30% are associated with the process in which dissociation through the ground state of the unstable 9 B g.s. nucleus is followed by 8 Be g.s. + p decays. Fig. 1. Successive microphotographs of an event involving the dissociation of 10 C nucleus at energy of 1.2 GeV per nucleon. The arrows indicate the track of a beam 10 C nucleus, an interaction vertex (IV; at the top), and tracks of H and He fragments. 1. The BECQUEREL Project. 2. R.R.Kattabekov, K.Z.Mamatkulov et al. // Phys. At. Nucl. 2010. V.73. P.2110. 103 TEMPERATURE PARAMETERS FOR CARBON FRAGMENTATION AT 0.6 GeV/N Abramov B.M. 1 , Alexeev P.N. 1 , Borodin Yu.A. 1 , Bulychjov S.A. 1 , Dukhovskoy I.A. 1 , Krutenkova A.P. 1 , Kulikov V.V. 1 , Martemianov M.A. 1 , Mashnik S.G. 2 , Matsyuk M.A. 1 , Turdakina E.N. 1 , Khanov A.I. 1 1 Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics SRC KI, Moscow, Russia; 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA E-mail: Momentum distributions of nuclear fragments from 12 C fragmentation on a Be target were measured at 3.5 o in the FRAGM experiment [1] at the ITEP TWA heavy ion accelerator. The fragments were selected by correlated time of flight and dE/dx measurements with a magnetic spectrometer with scintillation counters. The main attention was drawn to the high momentum region where the fragment velocity exceeds the velocity of the projectile nucleus. At energy 0.6 GeV/nucleon the momentum spectra of fragments span the region of the fragmentation peak as well as the cumulative region. The differential cross sections cover three-six orders of magnitude depending on the fragment. The shapes of the momentum spectra are compared to the predictions of four ion-ion interaction models: INCL++, LAQGSM03.03, QMD and BC. The kinetic energy spectra of the fragments in the projectile rest frame are fitted with the sum of two exponents with different slope parameters. The temperatures of the source extracted from the slope parameters are 5–8 MeV for a soft component and 15–30 MeV for a hard component. For each fragment the temperatures are compared with the predictions of the above mentioned models as well as with those measured at 1 GeV/nucleon in Au+Au interactions [2]. A dependence of these temperatures on the fragment type is discussed. 1. B.M.Abramov et al. // JETP Lett. 2013. V.97. P.439; Kulikov et al. // POS 2015. Baldin ISHEPP XXII. P.079. 2. T.Odeh et al. // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2000. V.84. P.4557. 104 SPALLATION REACTIONS 197 Au ( 11 B, Xn Yp) AT ENERGY 24 MeV/N Demekhina N.A. 1,2 , Balabekyan A.R. 3 , Karapetyan G.S. 4 1 Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia; 2 Joint Institute for Nuclear research, Russia; 3 Yerevan State University, Armenia; 4 Instituto de Fisica, Universidae de Sao Paulo, Brazil E-mail: Spallation reactions were measured on 11 B beam (Dubna, Russia U-400M accelerator cyclotron) at incident energy 24 MeV/N in 197 Au. The target stacks method was used for energy distribution over the energy range from 264~137 MeV. The presented data are the isobaric residual distributions in mass region near target mass number 205–188 u, produced in complete and incomplete fusion with 11 B and with different parts produced in the decay throw projectile inelastic scattering ( 11 B→ 7 Li + α; 2α + 3 He) in the target Coulomb or nuclear field. The thresholds of these break up reactions are high enough in comparison with weekly bound nuclei, but taking into account the energy of the incident 11 B beam and the Q value of α-particle separation equal to 8.664 MeV we suppose that 11 B is stable but weekly decaying nucleus [1]. The mass distributions of the reaction products in different Au-plates were compared with PACE-4 calculation. This model, presented evaporation code, considers the complete fusion only without other type interaction as projectile break up and transfer processes. The disagreements calculated and experimental data can be related to contribution of the incomplete fusion not considered in frames of model. In Fig. 1 (a, b) are shown experimental and calculated data at two extreme energy values 234.64±3.5MeV and 137.5±4 MeV. The presented data are shown that heavy reaction products from 11 B+ 197 Au reactions at both energies include substantial components from incomplete fusion as well as complete fusion. At high energies the incomplete fusion differs the mass yield distribution more essentially. The similar conclusion was made within framework at break up fusion model with other kind projectiles near and above Coulomb barrier [2]. Fig. 1. 1. L.R.Gasques, D.J.Hinde et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 2009. V.79. 034605. 2. D.P.Singh et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 2009. V.80. 014601. 105 MULTINUCLEON TRANSFER REACTIONS IN 18 O+Tа Mendibayev K. 1,2 , Lukyanov S. 1 , Ivanov M. 1 , Kuterbekov K. 3 , Maslov V. 1 , Penionzhkevich Yu. 1 , Skobelev N. 1 , Sobolev Yu. 1 , Voskoboinik E. 1 1 Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna, Russian Federation; 2 Nuclear Physics Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 3 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan E-mail: Alternative method for the production of the exotic nuclei is the multinucleon transfer. Multinucleon transfer reactions occurring in low-energy collisions of heavy ions are currently considered to comprise the most promising method for the production of new heavy neutron-rich nuclei, which could be not obtainable by other reaction mechanisms. The aim of this study is a measuring of production cross section in the case of the 18 O projectile. In order to use opportunity of utilizing of secondary beams, knowledge of the relevant production cross sections is essential. The experiments with 18 O beams of energies E = 15 MeV/A were carried out at the U400 cyclotron of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (JINR) using the high resolution magnetic separator MSP-144. During the experiment, identification of products were determined by measuring of energy loss ΔE and residual energy E r delivering by the Si-Si(Li) telescope, located in external focal plane of the MSP-144 spectrometer. The experimental differential cross sections for producing oxygen isotopes was analyzed as a function of Q gg for different target-projectile combinations at various projectile energies. Making use of the Q gg systematics, it was possible to estimate the yields of nuclei lying far from the stability line. We estimated the differential production cross section for 24 O by linear regression of the Q gg systematics. The obtained value is much less than predicted in [1]. The reaction channels (–xp, ± nx) are preferable comparing with pure neutron pick-up channel. Additionally, the production cross sections in the reaction 18 O+Ta are compared with the reaction 22 Ne+Ta, leading to the production of neutron rich oxygen isotopes. The use of a beam of 22 Ne gives larger value of cross section for the O isotopes due to higher probabilty of the (–xp, ± nx) channels. 1. V.I.Zagrebaev et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 2014. V.89. 054608. 106 TENSOR ANALYSING POWER COMPONENTS OF THE NEGATIVE PION PHOTOPRODUCTION ON DEUTERON Gauzshtein V.V. 1 , Gramolin A.V. 2 , Dusaev R.R. 1 , Loginov A.Yu. 1 , Nikolenko D.M. 2 , Rachek I.A. 2 , Sadikov R.Sh. 2 , Stibunov V.N. 1 , Toporkov D.K. 2 , Shestakov Yu.V. 2 , Zevakov S.A. 2 1 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia; 2 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia E-mail: The results of simultaneous measurements of T 20 , T 21 , and T 22 components of the tensor analyzing power are shown for the exclusive negative pion photoproduction on deuteron, provided at the energy range 250‒750 MeV [1]. The experiment was performed using internal polarized deuterium target at the VEPP-3 electron storage ring with coincidence final proton registration. We compare the obtained dependencies with the theoretical predictions have been made within the framework of the spectator model and the impulse approximation with FSI. It follows from this comparison that for pion photoproduction at large proton momenta, it is required to take into account in addition to πN and NN interactions, more complicated mechanisms of reaction, in particular, ΔN interaction in the intermediate states . This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 15-02-00570-a). 1. V.V.Gauzshtein et al. // Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2015. V.78. N.1. P.1. 107 NEGATIVE PION PHOTOPRODUCTION ON A DEUTERON BY QUASI-REAL PHOTONS AT LARGE PROTON MOMENTA Dmitriev V.F. 1 , Dusaev R.R. 2 , Gauzshtein V.V. 2 , Loginov A.Yu. 2 , Nikolenko D.M. 1 , Rachek I.A. 1 , Stibunov V.N. 2 , Shestakov Yu.V. 1 , Toporkov D.K. 1 , Zevakov S.A. 1 1 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 Natonal Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia E-mail: Experimental differential cross sections of photoproduction of negative pions on a deuteron have been obtained. A special feature of the experiment reported here is the detection of both proton in the final state of the reaction, and with large values of the momenta. The experiment was performed on an internal target of the VEPP-3 electron storage ring. In the approximation of zero scattering angles of the electrons, we investigate the reaction of photoproduction of π mesons by quasi-real photons. Coincidence detection of two protons with large momenta suppresses the mechanism of quasi-free photoproduction by increasing the relative contribution of more complex reaction mechanisms. The kinematics of pion photoproduction on a deuteron is fully reconstructed from the measured energies and proton emission angles. The calculated photon energies are in the range 300 – 1200 MeV. The theoretical model [1] lying at the basis of the generation of events takes into account the contribution of the diagrams of the impulse approximation and the diagram of pion-nucleon and nucleon- nucleon rescattering. The satisfactory agreement of the experimental data with the theoretical predictions arrived within the traditional framework of the impulse approximation with πN and NN rescattering speaks about the fact that the contributions of all the most important resonances from second resonance region are taken into account in the elementary amplitude of pion photoproduction on a nucleon. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 15-02-00570-a). 1. A.Yu.Loginov et al. // Yad. Fiz. 2000. V.63. №1. P.478. 108 CROSS SECTIONS OF THE REACTIONS 14 N( ,2n) 12 N, 14 N( ,2p) 12 B, 13 C( ,p) 12 B Achakovskiy O.I. 1 , Belyshev S.S. 2 , Dzhilavyan L.Z. 3 , Pokotilovski Yu.N. 4 1 Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering”, Obninsk, Russia; 2 Physics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 3 Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 4 Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: The reactions 14 N( ,2n) 12 N, 14 N( ,2p) 12 B, 13 C( ,p) 12 B are used in photonuclear method under development for detection of hidden explosives (see, e.g., [1]). The cross sections of these reactions determine feasibility, sensitivity and reliability of the method. We compiled existing experimental data and results of model calculations of these cross section as from literature as fulfilled by us using the codes TALYS [2] and EMPIRE [3] and analyzed all these data. For the reaction 13 C( ,p) 12 B there are the experimental cross sections from three independent experiments with acceptable for a case level of agreement between them. But there are the only experimental results for each of the reactions 14 N( ,2n) 12 N and 14 N( ,2p) 12 B which were obtained at high levels of background and with rather pure accuracies and not for the cross sections themselves but for integral values, connected with these cross sections. The codes for modeling nuclear reactions were developed in time and now at least for TALYS and EMPIRE the model cross sections for all three reactions are in agreement with each others but they are lower than corresponding experimental ones on about one order of magnitude. It is interesting, that in recently published work [4] from CERN it was pointed out on similar underestimations of model cross sections obtained with the codes TALYS and EMPIRE. We concluded that there is strong necessity to make new measurements of the cross sections for 14 N( ,2n) 12 N- and 14 N( ,2p) 12 B- reactions. That is why we took serious attention to analysis of the details of used earlier experimental techniques. 1. L.Z.Dzhilavyan et al. Proc. Seminar “EMIN-2009” INR RAS, Moscow. 2010. 2. TALYS-1.6. 3. M.Herman et al. EMPIRE–3.1 Rivoli. User's Manual . February 8, 2012. 4. P.Žugec et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 2014. V. 90. 021601. 109 POSSIBILITIES TO SEPARATE IVE1 & IVE2 GIANT RESONANCES BY FORWARD-TO-BACKWARD ASYMMETRIES MEASURED WITH NEUTRON THRESHOLD DETECTORS Dzhilavyan L.Z. Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia E-mail: There are serious problems and connected with them contradictions of data at separation of the isovector electric quadrupole (IVE2) from the prevailing isovector electric dipole (IVE1) giant resonances (GR) (see, e.g., [1]). To solve these problems it is necessary to use some ways for enlarging relative contributions connected with IVE2 GR. In [1] there was used for it method based on measuring of the forward-to-backward asymmetry of fast neutron emission in ( ,n)-reactions [(d/d) (d/d) ]/[(d /d) (d/d) ], where is an angle of fast neutron emission with respect to a direction of incident photons. In [1] there were used tagged bremsstrahlung photons and time-of-flight neutron spectrometers (see on Fig. (a) the values of this asymmetry obtained in [1] for lead in dependence on photon energies E ). It is suggested here to use for these purposes high intensity total bremsstrahlung together with high efficiency neutron threshold detectors, based, e.g., on the reaction 16 O(n,p) 16 N (see on Fig. (b) [2] its cross section in dependence on neutron energies E n ). Taking into account the thresholds of ( ,n)-reactions on lead (7–8 MeV) we may expect for electron energies >~ 40 MeV the analogous asymmetries of ( ,n)-reaction yields connected with IVE2 GR to be about tens of percents with better statistical uncertainty levels. Fig. Forward-to-backward asymmetry in ( , n)-reaction for lead [1] (a) and the cross section of the 16 O(n, p) 16 N - reaction [2] (b). 1. T.Murakami et al. // Phys. Rev. C. 1987. V.35. P.479. 2. I.A.De Juren et al. // Phys. Rev. 1962. V.127. P.1229. 110 PARTIAL PHOTONEUTRON REACTION CROSS SECTIONS DATA FOR 63,65 Download 5,03 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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