Saint-petersburg state university russian academy of sciences joint institute for nuclear research
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EXOTISM OF NUCLEI Penionzhkevich Yu.E. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: Exotic states of the nuclear matter i.e., of the nuclei in extreme states (with high spin, large deformation, high density and temperature, the neutron- or proton-rich nuclei on the boundary of nucleon stability) play an important role in studies of fundamental nuclear properties, which bring us closer to deducing the equation of state of the nuclear matter. This is undoubtedly of great significance for extrapolating microcosm characteristics to the macro world that presents our Universe. Synthesis and study of neutron-rich isotopes have two main goals: finding the position of neutron stability boundaries and obtaining data on properties of exotic nuclei near these boundaries. The development of accelerator technology has made it possible to obtain the accelerated beams of secondary radioactive nuclei. In this connection, new vast opportunities have opened up for studying both the structure of light exotic nuclei themselves. It is extremely important to obtain new information regarding nuclei near the nucleon stability boundary because considerable deviations of properties of such nuclei from the widely known regularities may be expected (and are already observed). Here the nuclei in a range of small Z serve as convenient objects for investigation. At present the most sophisticated physics experiments, which are carried out at large-scale accelerator facilities and require enormous financial investments, can be realized only through the combined efforts and cooperation of the leading scientific centers. As an example, the heavy ion accelerators at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) which count about 20 member-states. Thus, the research is being done in collaboration of the research centers of several countries. Each country makes its financial and intellectual contribution to the creation of the large-scale facilities, allowing to penetrate deeply into the mysteries of matter and to obtain new information not only for nuclear physics, but also for other scientific fields such as astronomy, condensed matter physics and up-to-date technologies. The present work reviews the properties of the super neutron-rich isotopes. The changes in nuclear structure appearing as one goes away from the β-stability line are discussed in detail. Information is presented on the mass (hence, on the separation energy of nucleons and on nuclear stability), the radii of nucleon distributions, the momentum distributions of fragments from the break-up of neutron-rich nuclei, on the possibility of halo formation as well as on the deformation and quantum characteristics of the ground states of different isotopes. The location of the neutron drip line and questions about the stability of nuclides are considered in connection with the weakening or even vanishing of the shell effects at the magic numbers 20 and 28, and the discovery of the new neutron magic number. 35 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING AND BIG DATA AT JINR Korenkov V.V. Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR, Dubna, Russia E-mail: The report presents the concept and the evolution of the global computing infrastructure for storage, processing and analysis of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Brief information about the participation of Russia in this process is given. An overview of projects in the field of distributed computing and Big Data, performed at the Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT JINR) in Russia, CERN, USA, China and JINR member states is presented. Special attention is paid to the creation of the center of the Tier1 level in Russia for storage and data processing of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, the development of cloud and hybrid infrastructure, as well as of the computing model of megaproject NICA at JINR. The results and plans for the development of a platform for Big Data management are presented. 36 SEARCHING FOR NEW KIND FISSION ISOMERS IN ACTINIDE NUCLEI Kamanin D.V. 1 , Pyatkov Yu.V. 1,2 , Alexandrov A.A. 1 , Alexandrova I.A. 1 , Jacobs N. 3 , Kuznetsova E.A. 1 , Mishinsky G.V. 1 , Strekalovsky A.O. 1 , Strekalovsky O.V. 1 , Zhuchko V.E. 1 1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; 2 National Nuclear Research University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia; 3 University of Stellenbosch, Faculty of Military Science, Military Academy, Saldanha, South Africa E-mail: Conventional fission isomers are due to the specific double humped structure of the fission barrier with rather deep second well for some of the actinide nuclei. The barrier can be called “the binary one” keeping in mind that binary fission appears to occur during the descent of the system from this barrier. Evidently, a dumbbell-like shape of the system is expected in the vicinity of the scission point. Ternary prescission configurations leading to the delayed ternary fission have been also considered from the theoretical point of view [1]. We discuss first experimental results demonstrating delayed fission after emitting of the light ion. By analogy with known “beta delayed fission” such phenomenon can be called “LCP delayed Fission of Isomer (LFI)”. Schematic scenario of the process is presented in Fig.1. Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the scenario of LCP delayed fission of isomer (LFI) and ternary prescission configurations decisive for the effect observed. 1. D.N.Poenaru et al. // J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 2000. V.26. P.97. 37 DOUBLE-NEUTRON CAPTURE REACTION AND NATURAL ABUNDANCE OF 183 W, 195 Pt, AND 199 Hg ISOTOPES Karamian S.A., Aksenov N.V., Bozhikov G.A. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: Recently, the formation of 195m Pt isomer has been detecte in our experiments at Dubna reactor IBR-2. A high cross section is established for the double-neutron capture reaction through the consequence: 193 Ir(n,γ) 194 Ir(n,γ) 195m Ir(3.8h) → 195m Pt. The latter step of β – decay from isomer to isomer is characterized by the probability of 44% according to the Nuclear Data Sheets. The values observed for 195m Pt must be increased multiplying them by a factor of about 2.3, and for the 194 Ir(n,γ) 195m Ir(11/2 – ) reaction, the measured parameters are deduced as σ th =11700 barn; I γ =670 b. Decay scheme of the low- spin 195 Ir(3/2 + ) makes no contribution into the 195m Pt(13/2 + ) yield, but the cross- section branch to this 2.5 h-lived nuclide is great. The latter branch exceeds by orders of magnitude the population of the isomeric 195m Ir(11/2 – ) state due to the known spin restrictions for the yields of (n,γ) products. Thus, a total capture cross section by the short-lived 194 Ir(19.3 h) appears to be extremely high and is expressed in a value on the scale of 10 5 barn. Both m and g species of 195 Ir reach the 195 Pt ground state after β – decay and the abundance of stable 195 Pt must include the production in double-neutron capture by 193 Ir. Over the same work, the nat Ta targets were also irradiated and the second-step 182 Ta(n,γ) 183 Ta→ 183 W reaction was characterized by the great values of σ th = 25300 b and I γ = 16600 b. The given here numerical values (except the estimate of 10 5 b) are obtained with a standard inaccuracy of about 10% including the errors due to the calibration and recalculations. Remind in addition a high value of σ th = 25100 b known [1] for the neutron capture by radioactive 198 Au leading then to 199 Au β – decayed to 199 Hg. Finally, one must account the great cross-sections for neutron capture by odd-odd radioactive nuclides, like 182 Ta, 194 Ir, and 198 Au. The natural abundances of 183 W(14.3%), 195 Pt(33.8%), and 199 Hg(16.9%) include a contribution from the double-neutron capture on the way of s-process. In general, the double-neutron capture way differs from scenarios of the standard s- and r-processes. The second neutron capture happens prior the β – decay of a first capture product, while the capture of third and further neutrons is improbable. 1. S.F.Mughabghab. Neutron Cross Sections. V.1. Part B. Academic Press. 1981. 38 MEASUREMENTS OF THE 195m Pt ISOMER YIELD IN IRRADIATIONS OF 193 Ir TARGETS WITH NEUTRON FLUX Karamian S.A., Aksenov N.V., Bozhikov G.A., Bulavin M.V., Dmitriev S.N., Madumarov A.Sh., Porobaniuk L.S., Sabelnikov A.V., Shabalin E.P., Starodub G.Ya. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: The 195m Pt isomer activity is known to be the best for radio-therapeutic applications in a view of the convenient halflife, 4.02 d, the great yield of soft gamma and Auger-electron radiation, and absence of radioactive pollutions past the decay. The possibility of production due to the double-neutron capture was indicated in literature [1], but the details were yet unknown. We suppose the path from initial 193 Ir target to 195m Pt through the following intermediate nuclides: 193 Ir(n,γ) 194 Ir(n,γ) 195m Ir 195m Pt. The looked for isomer is populated via β – decay of 195m Ir (3.8 h) in 44% events, while the decay of 195 Ir ground state (2.5 h) feeds only the stable 195 Pt. At the first neutron capture, the population of 194g Ir is preferred because of productive cross section — 108 b, while the branch leading to 194m Ir is obviously closed since its high spin (J ≈ 11). Oppositely, the isomeric 195m Ir state could be populated in (n,γ) reaction due to the lower spin, J π = 11/2 – , as follows from the data [2]. The intermediate isotopes and their halflives are defined now, but the σ th and I γ values for the production must yet be distinguished and specified. The method of Cd-difference was applied when the enriched 193 Ir (98.5%) targets were exposed at the vertical channel of the IBR-2 reactor in FLNP, Dubna. The targets with and without Cd shielding were irradiated during the 17 d reactor-run. The metal foils of Ta served as spectators. The Ir samples were dissolved with electrochemical method for consequent isolation of the Pt fraction using the chromatography. Gamma spectroscopy with HP Ge detector is used for the activity measurements. The dissolving yield was calibrated by the 192 Ir activity (present due to the 191 Ir admixture), while the Pt isolation method was tested elsewhere. Finally, the gamma lines of 195m Pt decay have been measured with a good statistical accuracy, and the production process, 194 Ir(n,γ) 195m Ir→ 195m Pt, is characterized by the following values: σ th = 2270 b and I γ =190 b. Such a great cross section of the 195m Pt production promises the efficient application of this isomer for radiotherapy of patients. 1. F.F.Knapp Jr. et al. // J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2005. V.263. №2. P.503. 2. S.A.Karamian et al. // High Energy Density Phys. 2006. V.2. P.48. 39 CONTROVERSIES ON COLD FUSION Karamian S.A. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: Cold nuclear fusion excites an interest and stimulates the discussions initiated, in particular, due to the publication [1]. The performed studies comprise attempts of experimental observation in atomic collisions, in electric sparks, or even in the macroscopic processes. Nevertheless, many specialists trust that nuclear reactions at so low energies violate the basic principles of physics. There is yet a hope for reliable observation of the claimed effects after a progress in the sensitivity of experimental methods. The explanations of cold fusion in recent publication [2] and in others could not iron out inconsistencies in the process mechanism. The successful d + D fusion was supposed [1, 2] for the deuterium atoms ensconced in the Pd crystal. Palladium is capable to absorb a lot of hydrogen to form the solid solution. The radius of H atom is comparable to the Bohr radius equal 0.529 Ǻ. Heavier atoms are more compact and their interaction is characterized by the Thomas-Fermi screening parameter. In the Pd atom, 46 electrons are confined within the radius of 0.125 Ǻ. Therefore, the electron cloud around each Pd nucleus provides an electron density greater than in H atom by a factor of 3400. Such clouds in principle may serve as electric lenses to attract and to confine the individual 1 H, or 2 H atoms. The Coulomb field of a deuteron appears to be almost screened within the high-density electron cloud. Two such screened deuterons could obviously fuse with the reduced Coulomb barrier. There arises definitely a point, how great is the reduction of the Coulomb barrier for two deuterons localized within one Pd atom. A probability for two deuterons confinement in the same electron cloud could be very low. Another heavy problem takes place [2], how to be with the release of 23.8 MeV energy due to d + D fusion. The standard D(d,n) 3 He reaction was not detected in the experiments. A direct emission of the 23.8 MeV photons seems improbable. However, within the discussed here scheme, two deuterons and Pd may form a sort of compact molecule, which splits past d + D fusion with the energy release mostly to electrons, or to the phonon mode. The scheme meets both requirements for explanation of Coulomb barrier penetration and of energy transfer to the crystal. Additional studies are requested, but low yield of the process hardly supports the proofs presented on today. 1. M.F.Fleishmann, S.Pons // J. Electroanal. Chem.1989. V.261. P.301. 2. E.N.Tsyganov, V.N.Golovatiuk et al. // Nucl. Instr. Meth. B. 2013. V.309. P.95. 40 DANSS – DETECTOR OF THE REACTOR ANTINEUTRINO BASED ON SOLID SCINTILLATOR Egorov V.G. (representing the DANSS Collaboration) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia E-mail: The DANSS project performed within JINR (Dubna) – ITEP (Moscow) collaboration is aimed at creating a relatively compact neutrino spectrometer which does not contain any flammable or other dangerous liquids and may therefore be located very close to the core of an industrial power reactor. As a result, it is expected that a high neutrino flux would provide about 15000 inverse beta decay interactions per day in the polystyrene-based scintillator with a sensitive volume of 1 m 3 . High segmentation of the plastic scintillator allows background suppression down to a 1% level. Numerous tests performed with a simplified pilot prototype DANSSino under a 3 GW th reactor WWER-1000 of the Kalinin nuclear power plant have demonstrated operability of the chosen design [1, 2]. The DANSS detector surrounded with a composite shield is movable by means of a special lifting gear, varying the distance to the reactor core in a range from 9.7 m to 12.2 m. Due to this feature, it could be used not only for the reactor monitoring, but also for fundamental research including short-range neutrino oscilla- tions. Thus, we expect to confirm or disprove “sterile” explanation of the reactor neutrino anomaly within few weeks of data taking [3]. Supposing a one-year measurement, the sensitivity to the oscillation parameters could reach a level of sin 2 (2 new ) 5·10 –3 with Δm 2 (0.02 – 5) eV 2 . 1. V.Belov et al. // JINST 2013. V.8. 05018; arXiv:1304.3696. 2. I.Alexeev et al. // Phys. Part. Nucl. Lett. 2014. V.11. P.473; arXiv:1305.3350. 3. M.Danilov // arXiv:1412.0817. 41 ANNIHILATION OF ANTINUCLEONS WITH NUCLEONS AND NUCLEI Wong Cheuk-Yin 1 , Lee Teck-Ghee 2 1 Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA; 2 Department of Physics, Auburn University, Auburn, USA E-mail: The annihilation of p and n with nucleons and nuclei are important properties in the interaction of matter with antimatter. Pomeranchuk suggested that ann (n p) is equal to ann (p p) at high energies [1]. On the other hand, from the naive quark model of counting the number of quark-antiquark pairs of the same flavor, ann (n p) would be (4/5) ann (p p) . We have re-examined the nucleon-antinucleon annihilation cross sections, taking into account the nuclear and p – p Coulomb interactions, and found that the Pomeranchuk’s suggested equality at high energies appears to be a reasonable concept, as shown in Fig. 1. On the basis of the elementary ann (n p) and ann (p p) cross sections as input, we extended the Glauber model for high-energy collisions [2] to both high and low energies, after taking into account effects of the nuclear interaction, the Coulomb interaction, and the change of the antinucleon momentum inside a nucleus [3]. The extended Glauber model captures the main features of the experimental antinucleon-nucleus annihilation cross sections [3]. At high energies, they exhibit the granular property for the lightest nuclei and the black-disk limit for the heavy nuclei. At low energies, they display the effect of antinucleon momentum increase due to the nuclear interaction for light nuclei, and the effect of focusing due to the attractive Coulomb interaction for antiproton annihilation for heavy nuclei, as shown in Fig. 2 for p -nucleus annihilation cross sections. Fig. 1. Comparison of theoretical ann (p p) and ann (n p) curves with data. Fig. 2. Comparison of theoretical ann (p A) curves with data. 1. I.Ya.Pomeranchuk // JETP. 1956. V.423. 2. C.Y.Wong // Phys. Rev. D. 1984. V.961. 3. T.G.Lee, C.Y.Wong // Phys. Rev. C. 2014. V.89. 054601. 42 THE NEW INNER TRACKING SYSTEM OF THE ALICE EXPERIMENT: PHYSICS, DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE Manzari V (On behalf of the ALICE Collaboration) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bari and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland E-mail: The ALICE detector at the LHC is specifically designed to investigate the properties of the strong interacting matter at extreme conditions of temperature and density, which lead to the deconfinement of quarks and gluons (QGP). Ultra-relativistic heavy-collisions are well suited to achieve these conditions and to study the properties of such a medium. The physics results achieved by ALICE during RUN 1 have confirmed the nature of the QGP as an almost perfect liquid and have demonstrated the experiment's excellent capabilities to measure high-energy nuclear collisions at LHC. Despite this success there are several frontiers, including high precision measurements of rare probes over a broad range of transverse momenta, for which the current experimental setup is not yet fully optimized. ALICE is therefore preparing a major upgrade of its apparatus, planned for installation during the second long LHC shutdown in 2018–2019, which will enhance its physics capabilities enormously. In the proposed upgrade plan, the ALICE detector will exploit the expected significant increase of Pb-Pb luminosity reading-out all interactions up to a rate of 50 kHz and accumulate more than 10 nb –1 of Pb-Pb collisions, corresponding to about 10 11 interactions. One of the key detector to enhance the ALICE physics capabilities is the new Inner Tracking System, whose focus is on the improved performance for detection of heavy-flavour hadrons produced in the collisions and traversing the QGP medium. The greatly improved features of the new ITS in terms of determination of the distance of closest approach to the primary vertex, tracking efficiency at low transverse momenta, and read-out rate capabilities will be illustrated in this contribution. The R&D activities over the last four years, the technical implementation of the main detector components, and the detector and physics performance will be discussed. The plan for the construction of the new ITS will also be presented. |
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