Scheme of Work template

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KS3 SoW - Linking Lessons - Presidential Schools (Grades 6 - 7 - PRE GCSE)

Scheme of Work template


Title / WALT

Success Criteria / WILF

(opportunities for extended written communication

Differentiation for Key Groups (Stretch and Challenge / GCSE Ready)

Home Learning opportunities

Lesson 1

What is a Computer + Hardware/Software

To identify and explain hardware and software in a real life example in the context of what is a Computer and how is it used.

  • To identify what a computer is and how it can be used

  • To identify what is computer hardware and what is computer software

  • To describe the different components inside a computer and what they do

Matching words to images
Identifying hardware software in a real device

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
real life scenarios
GCSE question plenary

Find a piece of technology at home
Identify the hardware and software that the tech uses
Summarize the use of each of the hardware and software
Identify any additional hardware/software which would be of benefit and explain why.

Lesson 2


+ Storage

To analyse real life examples extracting the process they go through, explaining the input/process/output. To justify the differences between the different storage methods.

  • To understand what is meant by Input, Process, Output

  • To identify and explain different input and output devices

  • To apply the key terms to real life scenarios

  • To describe what is meant by Computer Memory

  • To identify the difference between ROM and RAM

  • To explain what is meant by the term Secondary Storage

Justifying a computer
Real life computer system, identify input/output devices and what they transfer.
Input/Process/Output of real life computer scenarios
Why does a computer need memory discussion?
Fill in the gaps
Research memory
RAM or ROM worksheet

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
real life scenarios
GCSE question plenary

Find a piece of technology at home
Identify the input, process and output that the tech uses
Summarize the use of each of the input, process and output
Create a quiz on the different types of storage, identifying if they are internal or external, facts about them and sizes.

Lesson 3

Networks + Assessment

To identify and explain what networks are and the differences between the Internet and WWW justifying the reasons with real life examples

  • To describe what a network is and why we have them

  • To explain the different types of networks and what they are used for

To identify difference between the Internet and WWW

Mix and match
Class discussion
Fill in the gaps
Extended writing

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
GCSE question plenary

Create a drawing of a LAN and WAN network giving real life examples of who would use both.
Create a poster on the differences between WWW and the internet to help you remember.

Lesson 4

Assessment Feedback + Algorithms + Flowchart

Identify the inputs, processes and outputs of a computer controlled system or device. Analyse a scenario and create your own algorithms using written instructions and flow charts.

  • Identify the inputs, process and outputs on a range of scenarios

  • Construct written instructions

  • Construct flowcharts using the appropriate shapes

Range of real life scenarios
Class discussion

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
GCSE question plenary

Find a piece of technology at home and create an algorithm of the input/process/output that it goes through

Create a flow chart of making a pizza

Lesson 5

Flowcharts + Flowol

To assess real life scenarios and constructing flowcharts to explain each process.

  • Analyse scenarios

  • Construct flow charts

  • Explain real life scenarios in Flowol

Range of real life scenarios
Class discussion
Extending tasks

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
GCSE question plenary
Supported PP

Create a flowchart of your choice, explaining each step and the reasons why you have used the specific boxes.

Lesson 6


Evaluate real life scenarios and constructing algorithms based on input and output.

  • Explain the basis of the scenario you are working on

  • Summarize the inputs/outputs and changing factors.

  • Construct flowcharts in Flowol

Range of real life scenarios
Class discussion
Extending tasks
Choice of difficult tasks

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
GCSE question plenary

Create your own scenario and complete the flowchart for this algorithm

Lesson 7

Assessment + Explanation

Summarize all your learning and apply it to a new scenario with explanation

  • Analyse a scenario

  • Construct a flowchart in Flowol

  • Evaluate the effectiveness

Range of real life scenarios
Choice of difficult tasks

Range of real life scenarios
Choice of difficult tasks

Evaluate what you did in your assessment.
What I could do to improve

Lesson 8

Decimal + Binary Conversions

To explain the process of changing Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary

Binary 1/0 discussion
House floors
Range of questions

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step examples
GCSE question plenary
Question generator

Create 5 Decimal to Binary questions/ Binary to Decimal with answers to use in next lessons starter to test a peer.
Show working out on your paper to compare

Lesson 9

Boolean L

To analyse the NOT, AND OR gate, identifying the way to use them, completing the truth tables and then applying the knowledge to GCSE exam questions.

  • Identify the NOT, AND OR gate

  • Understanding what the NOT, AND OR gate does

  • Complete the NOT, AND OR gate truth tables

  • Explain how to apply knowledge to a GCSE question

True or false tables with real life examples
Truth tables
Task worksheets

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step examples
Challenge tasks
GCSE question plenary

Create a revision material detailing the different truth tables for NOT, AND OR gate as you need to know these for your GCSE

Lesson 10

Python Introduction

To explain the use of instructions within a program identifying the correct conventions, confidently construct a variety of difficult shapes independently.

  • Identify that programs are made up of a sequence of instructions that have to be written exactly.

  • Write a python turtle program to draw a simple shape

  • Construct detailed code to draw complex shapes

  • Learn how to code shapes and angles in preparation for your final logo

Intro to python
Error identification
Drawing shapes

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step support
Project work
Example programs
Range of easy to difficult shapes to program

Create a poster on dealing with errors within Python particularly invalid syntax
This can then be used in future lessons to support errors

Lesson 11


To construct a program in Python, evaluating the product you need to draw, identifying the angles and lines of code you would need and independently completing the task.

  • Practise writing a Python program in .py file.

  • Use a sequence of instructions in a program

  • Identify angles you would need

  • Identify the lines of code you would need to use

  • Learn how to code shapes and angles in preparation for your final logo

Drawing circles
Pen size
Drawing arcs
Drawing Arcs

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step support
Project work
Example programs
Design documents
Range of easy to difficult shapes to program

Create a revision material detailing all the lines of code you have used so far. Remember you can add to this throughout the rest of your lessons to help you in your badge work.

Lesson 12

Loops + Assessment

To explain the use of loops within a program identifying the correct conventions, confidently construct a variety of different shapes independently using loops.

  • Practise programming using loops and procedures.

  • Complete a shape using loops

  • Construct a variety of difficult shapes using loops.

  • Learn how to code patterns in preparation for your final logo

  • Justify the use of the code you used

Turns and Angles
Filled shapes
Intro to Loops
Creating shapes with loops and fill

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step support
Project work
Example programs
Design documents
Range of easy to difficult shapes to program

Draw a design for your own shape using different colours and shapes to program at the start of next lesson.

Lesson 13

To analyse assessment, identify strengths and weaknesses, develop skills needed to improve and evaluate what you have done to improve.

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses

  • Identify what you need to do to improve

  • Develop skills

  • Evaluate learning and improvements

Designated teaching
Peer Support

Range of help
Extension tasks
Peer Support

Teach yourself skills to help create your badge next lessons. Identify what support you could need.

Lesson 14


To explain the use of variables within a program identifying the correct conventions, confidently construct a variety of different shapes independently using variable.

  • Know how to use a variable to store data and change data.

  • Practise programming using variables.

  • Complete a shape using variables.

  • Construct a variety of difficult shapes using variables

Turns and Angles
Filled shapes
Intro to Loops
Creating shapes with loops and fill

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step support
Project work
Example programs
Design documents
Range of easy to difficult shapes to program

Draw a design for your own shape using different colours and shapes to program at the start of next lesson.

Lesson 15

Creating the Badge

Evaluate all learning on angles, backgrounds, shapes and patters, apply skills to construct a final logo design.

  • Identify the use of variables to create a larger program

  • Identify the use of loops to create a larger program

  • Identify the use of procedures to create a larger program

  • Apply skills learnt for your final logo

Recap of all skills
Create your logo using success criteria

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step support
Project work
Example programs
Design documents

Create a planned checklist of what you need to do next lesson to complete your logo

Lesson 16

Peer Evaluation + Improvements + Evaluation

Evaluate all learning on angles, backgrounds, shapes and patters, apply skills to construct a final logo design. Analyse your own design and interpret peer feedback to make suitable improvements justifying your changes.

  • Identify the use of variables to create a larger program

  • Identify the use of loops to create a larger program

  • Identify the use of procedures to create a larger program

  • Apply skills learnt for your final logo

  • Evaluate your own design to make suitable improvements

  • Interpret peer feedback to make suitable improvements

  • Justify any changes you have made to your design

Recap of all skills
Create your logo using success criteria
Peer assessment
Final Evaluation identifying improvements, changes, performance

Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worksheets- step by step support
Project work
Example programs
Design documents
Self/Peer Assessment

Research what a library is and how the public could use it.

Lesson 17

Library Project Intro + Questionnaire

Plan collection of data to inform creation of a range of related digital artefacts for a given purpose and target audience.

  • Describe the difference between an open and closed question.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different types of questions.

  • Construct questionnaire questions that will help you understand the target audience.

  • Construct questionnaire questions that will inform design decisions about digital artefacts.

Completing a real life questionnaire
Analysing what makes a good questionnaire
Writing a questionnaire

Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks

Students get five other students to complete their questionnaire.
Students add up totals for their five students and bring to next lesson to merge with others for analysis.

Lesson 18

Analysing Data

Analyse questionnaire results and apply qualitative research to understand reasons behind results.

  • Construct analysable group data.

  • Analyse and summarise group data.

  • Devise qualitative interview questions to understand reasons.

  • Summarise relevant findings to inform rebranding of LRC.

Collecting data
Spreadsheet skills
Key terms
Writing questions

Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks

Ready for next lesson mindmap ideas for a new logo based on research

Lesson 19

Rebrand + Logo

Interpret questionnaire results to inform design of a logo that appeals to a target audience and purpose explaining your design decisions.

  • Generate a new name for the LRC to improve appeal to target audience.

  • Design a logo related to brand name to improve appeal to target audience.

  • Evaluate logo against purpose and target audience.

Success Criteria
Mind Mapping
Looking at examples
Fireworks software
Peer Review

Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks

Pick a logo of your choice and identify the good/bad points about it.

Lesson 20

Copyright + Composite Images

Constructing a composite image and explaining how copyright needs to be considered.

  • Explain the term copyright

  • Assess scenarios and summarize if copyright is applied.

  • Analyse existing adverts

  • Evaluate positives/negatives

  • Construct a composite images with support

Success Criteria
Key terms
Use of software

Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Guided example

Find an advert that uses a composite image and evaluate it.

Lesson 21


Construct a composite image incorporating it into a poster advert appropriate for purpose and audience, explaining your reasons for your choices.

Success Criteria
Mind Mapping
Looking at examples
Photoshop software
Peer Review

Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Guided example

Find an advert that uses a composite image and evaluate it.

Lesson 22

Design Website

Analyse existing website highlighting the features, positives and improvements to apply to your own design.

  • Analyse existing websites

  • Summarize features, positives and improvements

  • Construct wire frame of existing websites using the features

  • Evaluating website designs using the wire frame.

  • Construct your own wire frame.

  • Justify your design choices

Real life websites
Positives + Improvements
Create a wire frame of an existing website
Evaluate it
Create own wire frame for scenario
Evaluate design choices

Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worked example

Pick a website of your choice and create a wire frame to evaluate the design.

Lesson 23

Construct website

Construct a website incorporating existing/previously created artefacts using the designs created considering purpose and audience.

  • Explain the use of the library using persuasive text

  • Construct the website using artefacts from previous lessons and existing media

Write text about the library
Introduction to Wix
Success Criteria
Create their website

Extended/persuasive writing
Real life scenario
Range of tasks
Extension tasks
Worked example
Option to create website in HTML/CSS code.

Pick a website of your choice and create a wire frame to evaluate the design.

Lesson 24

Improve Website

Construct and publish a website incorporating existing/previously created artefacts using the designs created considering purpose and audience.

  • Construct the website using artefacts from previous lessons and existing media.

  • Publish draft website for external review.

Create website
Write copy text as required by design
Refine previously created artefacts
Use a range of software
Publish draft website

Extended/persuasive writing.
Graduated success criteria.
Real life scenario.
Option to create website in HTML/CSS code.

Family/friends to review draft website then evaluate feedback and plan improvements for final lesson.

Lesson 25

Evaluate and Improve Website

Evaluate final website and incorporated artefacts, make improvements and justify the reasons for these.

  • Analyse peer website and provide constructive criticism.

  • Evaluate peer feedback and plan improvements.

  • Make improvements to achieve more success criteria.

  • Evaluate final product, identify potential further improvements.

Peer review
Plan improvements
Refine previously created artefacts
Use a range of software
Evaluate final product

Real life scenario
Graduated success criteria.
Option to create website in HTML/CSS code.

Family/friends to review final website then evaluate feedback and identify potential improvements.

Lesson 26

How does a computer work?

How do we make computers work?

Consolidate and recap learning in preparation for end of key stage assessment.

  • Evaluate previous learning and highlight what needs to be re-learned.

  • Create revision materials to support revision.

Revision Tasks for each topic

Range of tasks
Extension tasks

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