Смоп между Ургэу и тгэу organization of the activities of entrepreneurs in the sphere of tourism Abstract
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Organization of the activities of entrepreneurs in the sphere of tourism
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- Organization of the activities of entrepreneurs in the sphere of tourism Abstract
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PhD Ш.А.Машарипова, доцент кафедры «Корпоративная экономика и бизнес аналитика» СМОП между УрГЭУ и ТГЭУ Бекбаева Ф.Б., старший преподаватель кафедры «Корпоративная экономика и бизнес аналитика» СМОП между УрГЭУ и ТГЭУ Organization of the activities of entrepreneurs in the sphere of tourism Abstract: The following thesis illustrates how touristic entrepreneurs function and run their business successfully. And the tasks of entrepreneurs are analyzed via the example of tour operators. Key words: Economy, tourism, GDP, entrepreneurship, development. Организация деятельности предпринимателей в сфере туризма Аннотация: В следеюшем тезисе рассматрывается как туристские индивидуальные организации функционируют успешно, кроме этого задание операторов тура изучается. Ключевые слова: экономика, туризм, ВВП, развитие туризма, туристское предпринимательство Tourism is a global phenomenon of the modern world economy. This phenomenon is manifested in an increase in the number tourist flows in most countries of the world and in the emergence of a huge the number of new tourist routes. Tourism development promotes greater openness of the economy and harmonization of society. Currently tourism is one of the most dynamic and profitable sectors of the economy. Tourism represents a specific area of entrepreneurship - tourism business, which includes the production of all types services aimed at meeting the needs of tourists. In many countries, the tourism business plays a key role in the economy. Over the past few years, tourism in Russia has been developing rapidly and reaches a high level. The relevance of research on the development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism in modern conditions is due to the complexity and unresolved a number of problems associated with the impact of global economic processes on the activities of companies in the tourism industry. In Russia, tourism is a growing industry. In all areas of tourism activities, both at the federal level and at the regional, there is a search new forms of work, expanding the scope of supply and deepening it specialization, creation of new tourist complexes. The direction of tourist flows in modern Uzbekistan covers everything more and more regions. The well-known positive impact of tourism on the economy of the region, but, despite the obvious benefits, not all regions Uzbekistan is able to make full use of its tourism resources for attracting tourists and improving the regional economy. In these conditions, there was an objective need to move the center responsibility in solving problems of tourism development on the regional, and especially at the local level, where this problem is filled with real content and is tied to the conditions of a particular territory, taking into account available resources and opportunities for tourism development. Tourism is a highly liquid industry, that is, an industry with fast boom. However, as Uzbekistan practice shows, the contribution of tourism to the national economy is clearly insufficient, and this is due to the first queue of undeveloped tourist potential of most regions of Russia, and also the shortcomings of the existing tourist management system entrepreneurship at the regional level. Control system tourism development is not isolated, it is a part of common regional system of economic and social management processes. Tourism activity is a professional the activities of individuals and legal entities in the organization of travel, in which the travel company organizes the trip, but in no way not a provider of services included in such a trip. This remark is very important, because it is necessary from the very beginning to separate the tourist activities as activities to organize travel from activities to provision of tourist services. The latter is most often understood as activity enterprises of the tourism industry. Travel arrangements are activities that which the tourist (customer) receives with the help of a travel company (performer) of the right of claim for the provision of transportation services, accommodation in hotel (rent), catering, etc. Thus, the travel agency does not may be a provider of these services in the framework of tourism activities. It seems that the provision of tourism services is not regulated by regulations legislation on tourist activities, as it does not apply.Tourist activities and tourist services are similar only in that in both cases, we are talking about entrepreneurial activity, which is regulated by civil law. "Tourist activity" is a type of entrepreneurial travel arrangements, i.e. on formation, promotion and sale of tourist products. Tourist services are organized by tour operators and travel agents, as well as other organizations and individual entrepreneurs, organizing trips. Currently, the specialization of the travel agency is the organization as group and individual trips, in the development of which a variety of routes and budget are taken into account. Fundamental the principles of approach to clients are: responsibility; individual approaches; reliability. Summarizing the analysis results, it should be noted that tourism is one of the leading and most dynamic sectors of the economy. For the last decades, it began to gain momentum in its development and was recognized as an economic phenomenon of the century. In many countries, tourism plays an important role in the formation of GDP, foreign trade balance, reduction of unemployment. Entrepreneurship has an important position and influences such industries economy, such as transport and communications, production of consumer goods consumption, agriculture, construction, and others. Entrepreneurship in this sphere is a kind of stabilizer of socio-economic development. According to the main tasks of the travel agency, the work of operators is in the following:
There are four main types of tour operators, which are defined their position in the tourist market.
Tour operators of the foreign market create packages and sell them to different countries, especially those from which a large number of tourists come. Due to the peculiarities of tourist services, entrepreneurial the activities of tourist organizations can only be conditionally referred to a certain kind. So, the activities of tour operators in most cases creates organizational preparation of the tourist product and its partial production, and promotion to the consumer. Therefore activities tour operators can be conditionally referred to as a productive entrepreneurship. Commercial risks can lead to a decrease in demand for tourism products, a drop in sales and, as a result, decrease in profits. Business advisory activities are widely used in this company. The more complex the composition and the higher the quality of tourist services, the more specialist consultants are involved in the process creation and implementation of tourist services: promoters (project developers), sales professionals, resort managers, exchange specialists. A travel agency is developing a bank of ideas. Created ideas can be part or completely reflected in the main or additional the profile of the production of services or mediation. The travel agency considers every idea and makes a decision. Thus, each entrepreneur has his own technology that provides the choice of the only option from the available ones, to which he leads the decision-making process. Literature
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