Some people believe that everyone should be able to go to a college or university. Others believe that only the best students should have Collage or University education

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Some people believe that everyone should be able to go to a college or university. Others believe that only the best students should have Collage or University education. Which do you agree with and why support your opinion with clear reasons and examples? the believe that education is for the masses is one has been embraced since the founding of united states hundreds year ago? I believe that everyone should have the right to pursue a higher education if they so desire. and that this right should not be limited to the upper class or to the best and brightest of the country. education is always been the Cornerstone of our country. public education was instituted for a variety of reasons such as the founding fathers desire for everyone to be educated enough to read the Bible. they also believe that educating the people would make them better citizens. Because it would allow them to make informed decisions that make this country function. People should be informed and capable of reading information decisions. The idea of offering higher education to all would allow people to expand their current knowledge base and make them capable of thinking at a level Beyond average functioning in society without higher education we would have people doing jobs that they are not qualified to perform for example who would want a surgeon performing an operation the United States is a big country with a huge demand for doctors lawyers teachers financial advisors and others who need Advanced Training in order to do their jobs. limiting a college or university education to _________one of the basic freedoms of this country has always been to allow people to reach their own potential and do whatever this they wanted do to accomplish in their life. higher education allows many people the means to attain their life goals wanting to be the best or brightest or having the most money should not be of criteria for entering higher education there are numerous stories of students who had failing grades in high school but later rose to prominence after getting a college degree programs this proves that it is impossible to know who will succeed in an Institute of Higher Learning unless they are given a chance schools in a way do limit who can attend with stipulations such as act or SAT scores and the price of tuition these types of limitations overall the idea that anyone can attend a college or university that make this country great if people are willing to do what it takes to further themselves in this country then they should be given every opportunity to improve their lives and accomplish their goals education has been proven as one of the most effective means to do this in our country and in turn the country has benefited from having educated people putting restrictions on access to higher education means putting limits on our citizens

Is it more important for students to study history and literature or mathematics and science? Give specific details and examples to support your answer. Study in subjects like history and literature is important for learning about culture and discovering our past. As important as they are however studying mathematic and science is more important for the students of today. Some argue that those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. This is true to an extent. Knowing history can teach people what idea have come before and learning about those ideas may help us to improve our technology today by knowing what works and what does not work. Studying literature can be like studying history at the same time. Often novels and stories give us clues as to what societies were like in the past. Literature also has a way opening up our minds and teaching us to think critically about ideas which can benefit our study of mathematics and science. Although history and literature are important to know, mathematics and science are the subjects that are in demand today. The first reason that studying mathematics and science is more important than studying history and literature is because of the nature of today’s world. The modern world revolves around technology. Understanding and using technology means that students must be knowledgeable mathematics and science. Tasks as simple as choosing a water treatment system purchasing or writing a simple computer program or deciding how long to heat a cup of coffee in microwave oven involved principle of mathematics and science. In order to function well in today society students, need an understanding of mathematics and science. Students do not know a lot about history or they have not read a lot of literature they can still function success fully in today’s world. The second reason that studying mathematics and science is more important than studying history and literature is because knowledge mathematics and science is in demand more than knowledge history and literature. Two careers that have a big increase in number of people needed to meet the demand of society are in the fields of computers and medicine. Both of this career revolve around science and mathematics to have a good job in the feature students will need to understand technology. This means that they must study science and mathematics even if it means giving up the study of history and literature. Finally, while humans able to survive without history and literature very much. The will not able to survive without study mathematics and science. The principles and tools of these two fields are responsible operating hospitals enforcing peace powering the economy saving lives and allowing global communications. As time progresses human survival will depend more and more on what can be learn from of field math and science. If students not encourage study them human survival may be at stake. In conclusion, learning from the mistakes of history and reading the ideas of generations are important to the human experience but they are not vital to it. It is more important for student study mathematics and science. Because these are the fields that will ensure our quality of life and longevity.

Some people believe that certain human actions have damage the earth. Other people see human activity as the reason the earth keeps becoming a stronger and more comfortable place to live. Write an essay based on your feelings about this topic. List clear reasons and details to support your answer. In considering if the earth is being harmed by human activity or this activity making the earth better place to live. We must take a close look at what kind of human activity is occurring throughout the world. In particular we must look at human activity that affects the earth environment. Before supporting my case, I will mention some attempts being made by scientist to make the earth better place. Then I will present my views to support why I think the activity and behavior of a small number of human beings is causing great harm to the earth. It is true that scientist working to improve quality of life on earth much has been and as being done in the field of land management to improve the lives of people living in certain areas of the world. Managing land properly can enhance food production and minimize damage from natural disasters. Flood control measures are taken in regions which are often flooded by heavy rains to prevent loss of property and life. Scientist have engineered chemical fertilizers to help increase volume and quality of crops. Some human activity has involved in acting legislation to restrict pollution as means of improving life on this planet. For the most part though I believe that human activity has been cause considerable harm to our earth. I would clarify that statement by saying that modern human activity has caused harm. Prior to our modern industrial age people or farmers, they work the land by rotating crops and using natural fertilizers. They did not use chemical to gain immediate economic advantage at the expanse of land productivity for future generations. Modern industrial waste has polluted the air and water to irreparable levels. In the name of quick and high profits we have harm our natural resources so much that we have to wonder if the earth can sustain are children’s future. I have stated strongly that I believe that most of the modern human activity has caused harm to the earth. We have not made better place to live. Perhaps some people may think I speak too strongly. The future will tell us who is most accurate if we reverse some of our harmful activities the earth of the future may yet be kind to us.

48 Not long ago and announcement was made stating that a new high school is to be built in your community. Are you in support of or do you oppose the plan to add new to your area? List clear reasons and details to support opinion. It was announced recently that construction of a new high school is to begin soon. This will bring a lot of changes to our community. I’m aware there are plenty of sound reasons to oppose or support this proposal. In this essay I will consider the argument against building the new school and then give the reasons why I am strongly in favor of supporting new school. Those who oppose the construction of the new school believe that it is not necessary. They think to be existing school system adequately meets the educational needs of students in our community. They believe that adding another school while reducing the number of students in each class room will take resources from the existing school. Thereby lowering the over all educational quality in the area. Another major reason for some towns people to oppose the new school is the expected rise in school taxes. This probable tax increase is not popular idea. They understand that the local population will increase but it will not increase enough to share adequately the increased taxes. However, I strongly support education I believe new school will provide numerous educational opportunities for our young people. When you have options for schooling extracurricular activities. It enhances their chances for a brighter future. And new school brings new life to our community. Many of our residents will gain employment in the school system. Some maybe teachers, maintenance workers, office personal, cafeteria workers or bus drivers. All of this makes for a more vibrant active community. Schools generally increase property values in a community this is always a welcomed advantage. I conclude that proposal to build new school in our community will be welcome benefit for all. Yes, we will except some in conveniences but the advantages will far outweigh disadvantages. A community that welcomes educational opportunities for its young people create better environment for now and for the future
there are people who live in the same place for their whole lives. Others move around many times for various reasons. In your opinion is it better to stay in one place or move around. Give specific details and example to explain your answer. In todays fast paced world it is sometimes difficult to avoid moving from one place to another place although there are some people who never move out of the area that they have lived in for their whole lives. They like the routine and regularity of a familiar place and enjoy having the same house for years. It is important to them to be used to what they have than to know what to expect. Others do not mind moving around another place. They enjoy having new place to live. In this essay I'll discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of both choices and I am going to explain why I think that it is better to stay in the same place first of all I think that's staying in one place helps you to develop a comfortable and secure attitude about life if a person stays in the same place then she is familiar with the people that they are around still have lifelong friends that she knows are going to be there for her because they have grown up together and are very comfortable with one. Another without moving a person does not have to repeatedly adjust your life to a new house and new neighborhood a great advantage of staying in one place is that it is much less expensive than moving around once the house is paid off it is much easier to pay for other things and have extra money however it may not always be wonderful to stay in the same place for one whole life after being in the same place for a long time it may become boring having to do and see the same things over and over again can become two Monday in the same place you do not get to meet a lot of new people also people who live in the same place they are not always new things to do and not every place has the same jobs therefore if a person is looking for a certain job that fits as qualifications but he is not willing to move he might not be able to find a job in his area moving around can have great advantages many opportunities present themselves when you are in different areas of all the time people who move frequently have the opportunity to see and experience new places and to enjoy the differences among areas of the country because of all the opportunities people do not get bored there is always something new to do in a new town which they could not have done in the neighborhood they lived in before also one gets to meet new people every time however it can be bad to move around too much while you do get to meet a lot of new people it also means that you have to make new friends every time you move a frequent mover continuously says goodbye to old friends and then spend time trying to build relationships with new people this could make a person very lonely.

People have very different attitudes about how and when to spend their money some people like to spend their money as soon as earn it. Well others like to save their money and make plans to spend it later. Which way do you think is better list clear reasons and details to support your opinion in this essay I consider whether it is better to enjoy the money time you earn it or to save it for some time in the future everyone who works earns money and everyone must decide how and when to use it in this essay after discussing the Viewpoint of those who like to spend their money as soon as they earn it I will argue for the benefits of saving your income for the future those who like to spend the money they earn immediately say that life is short and that we should get all the enjoyment we can from life they will ask why should I wait until I am old to have fun they know that circumstances will likely change and they may not have an opportunity to spend their money the way they like to now you make right after you work so hard to make it on the other hand there are plenty of sound reasons for saving your money for some time in the future one never knows when life will change you could lose your job or have a medical Misfortune it shows a measure of discipline and maturity for a person to save money regularly and more often than not most of us have to look out for others as well as ourselves when we save our money we are accepting our responsibility for those we care about both for the present and the future to make a habit of saving the money you earn does not mean you could not spend any of it indeed moderation and spending and consistency and saving will read much reward in due time I have now expressed my reasons for why I believe it is better to save the money you earn for use in the future people should avoid spending their money as soon as they earn it I understand why people like to spend their money quickly but it is not a wise idea for an individual or for a family

Recently someone gave you a present a small amount of money you are not sure how to spend this money. You are trying to decide to buy either a piece of jewelry or ticket to upcoming concert. Which one will you buy? List clear reasons and details to support your essay but I am faced with a dilemma there are two things I want which cost about the same amount one is a piece of jewelry the other is a ticket to a concert that I'd like to attend these are the kinds of decisions I'd like to be faced with frequently I've made up my mind that I'll choose to spend my money on the concert first let me discuss the reasons why I considered buying the jewelry then I will explain why I have decided to attend the concert instead when I think of buying the jewelry I do get somewhat excited the reason is that I have had my eye on this particular necklace for many months every time I get a paycheck and pay all of my expenses I find that I do not have enough money to buy the necklace some other necessity which forces me to put off the purchase until another time not only does this piece of jewelry have a unique design that really appeals to me but it also goes well with an accessory with most of my wardrobe so I hate the idea of having to put off this purchase yet again however I made up my mind to spend the gift money on an upcoming concert this concert features my favorite rock and roll band this group has been a favorite of mine for 15 years over 50 cities worldwide has been announced as the last this band will ever make they are performing in a city Only 2 hours away from my home this is a once in a lifetime experience because they will never perform live again when I consider whether to spend the money on a piece of jewelry which will still be in the store next month or to see my favorite band in concert for the last time I know what I must do I will go to the concert I now conclude with the decision about how I will spend my money I will spend my gift money on the concert but not because the concert is more valuable from a monetary standpoint I believe it is more valuable in ways you cannot measure with money the jewelry will shine for many years around my neck but the concert will reverberate In My Memory forever
As a present you have been giving money you plan to use money to either a piece of jewelry or go to concert which would you choose explain your answer with specific reasons and examples for my birthday my parents gave me some money because they did not know what to buy for me the problem is that I am still deciding what to do with it I can either get a piece of jewelry that I have been wanting or I can go to a concert that I think would be great to see this is such a hard decision because both of these choices would be wonderful because the concert is a one-time chance I think I will buy the bracelet at another time and spend the money now on a concert ticket in this essay I will explain my choice of what I will do with the money I have been looking at the bracelet in the store window for a long time I know that there are advantages to buying the bracelet if I get a bracelet I will always have it it is something that I can wear anytime I want to and it will always be there the bracelet is so beautiful that I know everyone would admire it jewelry is an investment that I will not be upset about making most of the time the value of jewelry increases with time so I will be sure that it is worth spending money on it jewelry would be more useful than a concert a concert is finished after a few hours and the money spent on it is gone while the concert only lasts a few hours jewelry lasts forever it can be passed on to my children when I am old it is always nice to be able to leave something of value to your children therefore buying the bracelet would be good for my whole family the jewelry you wear is an expression of who you are you can show your attitude through your jewelry buying the bracelet would be an expression of myself people could look at my jewelry and get an idea of who I am even though the bracelet is great I have always wanted to see them but this is the first time that I have ever gotten the chance they would be so fun to see I know that I would never forget this concert it would be something that I could reminisce about when I am older the band that is playing is my favorite band I would love to see them and if I went to the concert I might even get the chance to meet the members of the band that would be the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me another great thing about concerts is that you get to have a good time with your friends I love spending time with my friends and this would be a wonderful opportunity for that when you see a band no matter whether they are wrong or classical you get to see live art it is an amazing experience to see the music coming to life the only thing that I am worried about is being disappointed I have so many expectations for this band and if they are not as terrific as I imagine that they would be I will be disappointed I just expect them to be better than anyone I have ever seen before and I do not know if that can happen the bracelet that I have been wanting would be a good purchase but I think that I am going to go to the concert instead I may never get the opportunity to see my favorite band again the thrill of seeing a concert is something that I cannot even describe of course the bracelet is pretty but what I value most in life is not material things I want to experience everything that I can and seeing this concert will be a wonderful opportunity that I will remember forever
Transportation is one of our greatest concerns automobiles bicycles and airplanes have all made important changes in the lives of people select one of these modes of transportation automobiles bicycles airplanes and explain why you think it has made such changes in people's lives list clear reasons and examples to support your essay Transportation has drastically changed in the past 100 years automobiles bicycles and airplanes have made a particularly strong impact on the individual lives of people everywhere in this essay I will explain the way in which automobiles have changed the lives of people with the invention of automobiles trucks cars buses and motorcycles people in communities have enhanced their capability to transport Goods they can move a high volume of goods within a very short time frame this has had a great impact on economic development for both companies and individuals of course while economic benefits increased so did the economic burden of purchasing and maintaining vehicles for personal or public use in some countries Vehicles evolved from being solely practical tools to becoming more of a social statement of wealth and style automobiles have many benefits but not without some negative results in cities such as Mexico City where there is a high concentration of motorized vehicles health is adversely affected by air pollution this can hardly be considered a benefit the great speed and which automobiles travel also presents good and bad results while speed is often considered a convenient it can also be the cause of great Danger for many countries one of the leading causes of premature death is automobile accidents this raises the question of whether mankind but with automobiles people can access help immediately for example if someone has a medical emergency they no longer have to wait for a doctor to come to them they can be transported to a local hospital by an ambulance let me conclude by stating the obvious automobiles have had and continue to have a major impact on the lives of people everywhere the question remains whether that impact is for the overall good or whether the negative elements outweigh the positive it is certain that these vehicles are here to stay we should do all we can to improve the way they work minimize their costs and maximize their safety
if someone says that he will never never give up he means that he will always try his best to reach his goals without stopping some people feel that you will always get what you want with this attitude While others feel that you should only try to do what you are able to do easily which idea this concept has truth on either side of the debate I will take the approach that the concept is good but I disagree with applying it to Everyday Life to never never give up give the impression that anything short of total success is total failure it implies that failure is not an option the idea can be taken so far as to assert that if one even considers giving up that would be unacceptable how would you measure your progress if you never gave up when someone is sleeping is he temporarily giving up certainly to live a normal life means that our progress will be full of interruptions the whole idea of the statement is to motivate a person when I consider this expression I see it as a principal not a law I basically agree with the idea of a person maintaining a persistent intention to accomplish his or her goals however I disagree with such an expression when it implies that we make a law of it without any consideration for the necessities of life I believe that man and women can pursue their goals at a pace that accommodates the obstacles that life presents also in the pursuit of our particular goals we should place our concern for the welfare of our families and friends on an equal plane any goal achieved at the expense of those we care about loses a lot of its value in conclusion I agree with the principles that we should hold to our life goals along with the well-being of our families and never give up I disagree however that we should put our personal goals above other important priorities when it comes to personal goals we can take a slower steadier Pace to accomplish them


Easy for most of us do you believe that the natural ability you are born with or hard work is most important for success or achievement explain your opinion using clear reasons and examples in this essay I consider the issue of achieving success based on natural ability versus achieving success based on hard work there are strong reasons for supporting either opinion I will present my ideas and support of the standpoint that hard work is the special characteristic that will be most important for success in any endeavor the world is full of talented people who are born with special gifts many people believe that such natural ability success in later life someone born with a special ability time learning or developing his talent he can start ahead of others and go further in a shorter period of time just by practicing something that he already knows how to do this idea strongly supports the argument which claims that the naturally gifted will have an advantage for achieving success certainly the world has more Ordinary People than Extraordinary People most people are born with average skill I believe that average skill is the raw material of great success if it is molded and developed properly the world is full of stories of average men and women who have done extraordinary Deeds people with strong motivation and a desire to achieve if they said hi goals they will maximize their talents even small abilities are enhanced with much practice so often those naturally gifted individuals take their abilities for granted and are eventually defeated by ordinary people who are willing to work harder the one who works hard also develops a more well-rounded education than those who concentrate Underwood in conclusion I must reiterate my belief that the person who works hard to develop his or her average Talent has a better chance at success than the one who is born with a special ability we should all have a high appreciation for talent if we can mix talent and hard work that is the best combination

You are planning to go trip for a few weeks. Would you rather travel alone or with a friend why? Explain your choice using clear detail and examples. Often when people have time off from work, they like travel some where to see something new while other relax. Some people like to travel by themselves and others would not enjoy themselves if they were alone. In this essay I will explain if I were going to travel somewhere I would prefer to travel with a friend because would have much more fun than being alone. Having a friend on the trip would give me someone talk to and lough with. Traveling to a new place for several weeks by myself would be boring because I would not have anyone with me to share experiences. There are times when being able to talk some one is important. For example, having to eat meal alone would become dull after a few days. No one enjoys eating alone in restaurants if I were alone, I would probably eat fewer meals and when I did it, I would go to a fast-food restaurant instead of eating good food at a nice restaurant. With a friend I would attempt to go nice restaurants and enjoy long good diner with good conversation. The benefits of having friends for a long trip go beyond having good conversations and food. When traveling in foreign place a friend can provide support when there is problem or when plans changed. As we live general everything not goes planed when traveling. For example, the last train to certain city might be cancel and I would have to find place to stay the night unfamiliar town where ever I was. Then I would have figure out how to get to the city that I wanted to be in. The problem would only be worse if I did not speak language of the country I was visiting. In this case having friend with me might help me to keep calm as well as help me to keep safer To keep me calm as well as help to keep me safer than I would be if I were traveling alone and when you return home you will have someone to share the memories and experiences with also you can keep a smaller budget with a friend traveling with a friend can lower the cost of the trip in some ways for instance friends can share the cost of hotels taxis and car rentals this way each person only has to pay half as much for the same thing going on a trip with a friend has many benefits not only do you have someone to spend your time with but you also have someone to help you during tough times and to share the expenses going on a trip with a friend can turn an ordinary visit into something special and memorable
people who like to rise early in the morning to start the day's work are sometimes referred to as early birds those who prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night are sometimes referred to as night owls are you an early bird or a night owl explain your preference listing clear reasons and examples many people like to wake early in the day to begin their work some prefer to sleep later in the day and work late Into the Night some of this preference can be determined by a person's job by his family schedule or buy circumstances that a person cannot control I will present my opinion in this essay in support of the early to work concept there are many men and women who start their work days late they prefer this schedule because they like to sleep later in the morning I would not call these people lazy I think they have a different internal clock this means that they naturally sleep later they enjoy the freedom of having their mornings to run errands or do other chores that cannot be done in the evening hours when these men or women work late they enjoy the quietness of the house when everyone has gone to sleep for the night if these people work at home they can work as late as they want if they are working productively they simply continue working if not they stop and go to bed my preference is to get an early start on the work day in the morning there seems to be fewer interruptions after a good night's rest the body and mind are fresh and invigorated this makes for a day of good production once the work day is completed I still have plenty of time left I can do household chores visit friends or spend evenings with my family I have a little less flexibility by following a traditional work schedule but it works pretty well for me I think there may be a natural reason for this preference there is an internal clock in most people that follows closely with the Sun We rise with the sun to work and we go to sleep when the sun sets of course not everyone's clock is at the same way I conclude by saying that there are good reasons for the early bird approach and for the night all approach the people who work late find that schedule quite productive and suitable to their lifestyle my preference is a more traditional work schedule I prefer to follow the Sun
working for a small or large company as unique advantages and disadvantages which option do you think you would like better explain your preference listing clear reasons and examples people have particular preferences about where they want to work some are happy at a very large company While others want to work for a small company each job environment has its advantages and disadvantages I am partial to the work environment of a large company discussing the reasons why someone might want to work for a small company I will present supporting reasons for my preference for working at a large company in this essay the benefits found in a smaller company can be found in its organization such companies are usually well organized this is because they operate from one location and employ a limited number of workers the work atmosphere is often friendly most of the workers are from the same location and perhaps the same town a small company has a specific focus with a specific product or service to produce this simplifies the workplace which helps many people feel a sense of contribution to the mission of the company I get the impression that a large company provides a measure of security large companies generally have a long history of success in the marketplace their assets are Diversified and they have a strong foundation for the future larger companies have economic stability this gives employees confidence that their jobs are secured working for a large company can give you a feeling of anonymity rather than individuality which is important to some people they like to be part of a large team and to work in the background without managers or coworkers constantly watching them well established larger corporations usually have plenty of resources to invest in a project there is enough to supply the project from beginning to end finally I enjoy the extra things that one gets when working for a large company these can include more Office Space a cafeteria where I can eat lunch cheaply free parking and a gym where I can work out these extras improve my social life as well these places the gym the cafeteria and the parking lot are gathering places I get to meet and mingle in these places with people I would not ordinarily get to know because they work outside of my department in conclusion I can easily understand why people prefer to work in a small company but there are many special benefits to working in a large company as well for me a large company offers more of the things I look for in a career and in life in general
are you someone who likes to do only those things you already do well or are you the kind of person who likes to take risks and try new things list clear examples and details to support your essay it is most comfortable for most people to do things that they can already do well yet at times we are faced with a choice either to do what is comfortable or to try something entirely new in this essay I will suggest why I think people prefer to do familiar things and then I will present reasons to support why I prefer to try new things and take chances doing things that one is already good at makes life predictable some people like to have a more familiar setting with you doing familiar things is safe if you take risks there is a chance that you will not have success rather than fail some people would rather not try it is generally believed that failing is one of the most discouraging and difficult aspects of life so it's not unusual that most people would choose only to do those things that they are already good at doing however I do not think that is the most exciting way to live I think human beings must try new things how can anyone learn something new if he doesn't try to do something he may not be good at when someone does something for the first time he or she may not do very well however if the person practices and continues to try he will one day be able to do that new skill well too some people will even be driven to learn a new skill that they cannot do very well and they will not give up until they succeed at it trying new things will challenge you and make you a better stronger person even if a person tries to do what he already does well in a different way he has opened a door for growth and discovery I believe that doing what you know how to do well can benefit both you and others nevertheless they can start small and move gradually to greater things after all if you don't ever try doing something you'll never know if you can do it
Some people like to use machines to do work others like to do their work by hand which do you prefer list clear reasons and examples to support your essay when considering a preference for doing work by hand or doing work by use of a machine one realizes that the question is highly personal certainly most people could easily claim that they enjoyable prefer doing things Beyoncé and development of machines has caused considerable social and economic progress for virtually every country throughout the world the greatest advantages of machines are these they save manual labor and they produce great volume with great speed I praise the benefits of machines but not at the exclusion of the benefits of working by hand and work a skill that requires continuous sensitivity to the substance being worked this is most evident in the craft of woodworking While most furniture is made by Machine the very best and most valuable Furniture has always been handmade it can reflect the personality and attitude of the person who made it things made by hand are more personal and are very special of presented as a gift would you rather eat or frozen meal cooked in a microwave oven or enjoy the food freshly prepared by a Master Chef made right before your eyes in conclusion I think that those who prefer working with machines have plenty of good reasons for their preference great progress has occurred in all of our Lives because of machines my preference is to work with the slow simple and Artful hand method this brings me the most satisfaction
There are people who rush around trying to get everything done and live life at A hurried Pace then there are those people who take the time to stop and smell the roses and enjoy life which type of person are you list clear reasons and examples in your essay everyday we see people running here at the same time we watch others moving as if they had all the time in the world in this essay I will examine the advantages and disadvantages of hurrying I will give reasons to support why I prefer the more relaxed pace of life everyone feels the pressures of everyday life work paying bills household responsibilities unexpected problems Etc some people have so much to do that they tried too hard to get a lot done all at once this kind of rushing can cause stress which adds even more pressure to one's life people who hurry when doing things only think they are accomplishing a lot in fact they would probably do just as well moving more slowly I think that some people who always seem to be in a hurry just do not want to appear lazy my preference is to move at a more leisurely pace it often seems that when people try to go too fast they actually lose time in other words if people would take their time when doing things they would make fewer mistakes and be less forgetful most of us do not naturally move slowly because of the pressures of life we must make a deliberate effort to slow down if we look at the way the World Turns and the way the sun rises and sets we can see that there is no hurry we can observe that we cannot make the world change just because we are in a hurry everything moves slowly steadily and certainly a calm and deliberate disposition also has a settling effect on everyone around us finally While most people will continue to respond to the pressures of life I prefer to walk slowly and deliberately throughout each day the world has enough worries and stresses we can set our own pace and not be forced to adopt the pace of the rest of the world
Number 74 you have just received a gift of some land you may use it in any way you want to what would you do with this land support your essay with clear reasons and details I have just been given to do with that wish I have decided where I can live by myself in this essay I will discuss why I have chosen to use the land I have been given in this way and why I think the plan I have for my land is a good one the main reason I have chosen to turn my land into a public garden is because I think it is my civic duty to share my gift with the public. Public gardeners are wonderful because they are open to the public they are a place where people can go to get away from The Hectic quality of life that comes just from living day to day a public garden is a beautiful peaceful place or parents can bring their children at a public garden you can take off your shoes and feel the cool grass under your feet you can take a deep breath of the scent of flowers I would use my land in this way because land is becoming more and more scarce today and I think it is important to make my land accessible to others who may never receive such a gift another benefit of my public garden would be that it could be used to put on concerts or plays in the cool summer evenings this means that people who wanted to could plant intend that section of the garden themselves this would be nice for people who lived in the city and did not have any yard in which to grow flowers or vegetables it would also benefit those people who just enjoy gardening they could donate their produce to you on the other hand I am not totally selfless I would take a small part of my land and build a little cottage on it for myself I would live in this Cottage and serve as the head Gardener of the public garden this way I could enjoy my great passion for gardening while living at the edge of my big Garden I could eat the vegetables growing in the garden the garden would be closed in the off-season when no plants were growing and I could live in peaceful Solitude during those times my little cottage will have a guest room where my friends can come to visit and enjoy an Autumn or winter retreat from the world in conclusion I love Gardens which is why I would turn my gift of land into one I also think it's important would be open to the public there's nothing more important to me than being able to take time to stop and smell the roses number 74 which is why my garden would be open to the public there's nothing more important to me than being able to take time to stop and smell the roses I want to give this opportunity to those who might not otherwise have it
Number 73 people need certain qualities to be successful in life these can include intelligence a sense of humor honesty sincerity and others for that person to live a successful life use Clear reasons and details to develop your essay it is certainly true that to be successful in life a person needs to have certain qualities I think that a person needs many different qualities to be a successful and happy person but the quality I believe is essential to success in life is a good sense of humor in this essay I will discuss the reasons why I think this quality is crucial to being successful in life and I will Define what I mean by success first of all I think success I think that to have success in life you need to be pretty happy most of the time a good sense of humor goes a long way toward helping a person to enjoy life it has been sad that to be able to laugh at your own failings I think this means being able to see that you are just this means no one can make fun of you if you are already making fun of yourself this leads me to another benefit of having a good sense of humor being able to laugh at yourself we all want to be happy and laughter is a great expression of happiness in fact having a good sense of humor is an especially important factor if you want to make friends or have an active social life if you are funny and know how to laugh at things that others take too seriously people will want to be around you most people don't want to be a serious or anxious as they are and will gravitate towards someone who is more easy going and who is clearly enjoying himself it has been proven that laughing relieve stress so not only will having a sense of humor make you a healthier person it will make others healthier too as we all know good health is a factor in being happy or successful in life you could say that if you have a good sense of humor you will always have a good time because you bring the party with you you won't have to worry about not being invited to parties because you're so funny and popular while a good sense of humor is characterized by lots of fun and laughter I don't want you to think that the person with a good sense of humor does not sometimes take things seriously there is a kind of humor called black humor or satire which makes fun of the most serious subjects like War there was a very popular American TV show called MASH which depicted an emergency Army Medical unit in the US conflict with Korea during the 1950s it showed the absurdity of the US Army and the nature of war in general while this might seem like an inappropriate subject for humor the program watching this show made me see how laughing at War might have been the only way to survive it this is yet another example of the way that a good sense of humor allows a person to get through life successfully in conclusion why am I think there are many important traits which will make a person successful in life the one I think is most important is a good sense of humor able to laugh at the absurdity of Life a lot more fun
what one characteristic do you find the most important in a friend intelligence sense of humor reliability explain your choice using reasons and specific examples as you become older the qualities that you find important in a friend change but as you grow up characteristics such as intelligence sense of humor and reliability become more important for me it is very important that I am a friend with someone who has a good sense of humor and in this essay I will explain why I think this a friend is someone who you most likely spend a lot of your free time with therefore it is good to find someone who has a similar sense of humor is you a similar sense of humor between friends is important because it means that you will enjoy the same jokes and think the same amusing situations in life are funny this will make your time together fun because you will most likely enjoy many of the same fun pastimes like playing games and watching funny movies a friend with a sense of humor finds things amusing thus he will always be able to share a laugh with you this will help to lighten your mood and keep you laughing and smiling sometimes we can all take life a bit too seriously yet someone with a sense of humor realizes the importance of relaxing and just having fun it is good to have a friend that can remind you to laugh and to have fun when you are tense and too serious this can prove true at work if a job is too stressful sometimes all that it takes is a friend with a good joke to make you feel lighter also it is good to have someone to make you laugh when you are angry or sad the saying is laughter is the best medicine laughing and make you feel a great deal improved having a friend with a sense of humor who can make you laugh is the most important thing for me There is nothing better than sitting back and laughing with a good friend to forget whatever is making me angry or sad It makes you feel warm and loved friendship is a necessary part of life and the qualities that make a good friend are many However it is a few very specific characteristics that matter the most A friend with a sense of humor is what I consider the best and most important You will almost always have a good time if you spend it with a friend who can make you laugh
Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business but other people prefer to work for an employer would you rather be self-employed work for someone else or own a business explain your choice using specific reasons some people choose careers that involve being independent or owning one's own business but others prefer to work for someone else I think that it is best to have an employer for whom you work in this way you have less stress and worry less responsibility and more financial certainty in the following essay I will discuss these reasons why I prefer working for someone else to begin with when you have an employer there is less stress and less worry to your job usually when you work for someone you are assigned a specific set of tasks that design an employer will decide what tasks you will have and you will usually be able to know what is expected of you you will not encounter the stress of worrying about what needs to be done to run the entire business smoothly and successfully when you are an employee certain things also an employer is responsible for the operation of his business by choosing to be an employee you will always have the luxury of not being responsible for the many things that comprise a business for example you will not be responsible for financial duties such as payroll or the payment of invoices that is the responsibility of the business owner a business owner is always thinking of his business and always having the responsibility of maintaining it even when he is not there when you are an employee you will usually have set hours of employment and be able to enjoy your vacations without the interruptions that many business owners have lastly when you choose to work for someone else you can be fairly confident that you will have Financial certainty that is you do not have to worry about being paid it is up to the employer to ensure that all of his employees are paid their wages sometimes a business owner will have to sacrifice his own profits to pay his employees but that is a disadvantage of being a business owner employee Paycom in conclusion I feel that it is best to have an employer when working for an employer you will have less stress and worry less responsibility and more financial certainty there is already so much pressure intention that comes along with having a job I think it is best to avoid more of these things by being an employee and letting someone else have the worries of owning a business
Would you hire inexperience worker at a lower salary or experienced worker at higher salary if you were an employer support your answer using specific reasons and details. Important decision needs to be made by an employer who was hiring someone. There many points to consider such as experience of the person. If an inexperienced person hired then the employer can pay lower salary but if experienced is hired then the employer will have to pay higher salary. I think that, it better to pay for the experience and in this essay, I will discuss the reasons why I believe this. First of all, inexperienced employee will not require much training and guidance as inexperienced person because employee has experience and employer can take for granted that he will understand certain aspects of the business. For example, even employer hire someone as a salesman who has five years experience working as salesman then employer safely assume that the person has good communication skills confidence and expertise in the field and inexperience salesman would have to be given training lessons on the fundamental of the business. Although hiring inexperienced worker would save money. Money may be lost in sales until the employees properly trained. In experienced worker will also be less likely to make mistakes in his work his work will be done well and efficiently based on his experience in the business. The best way to learn a job is to have practice at it. With experience and practice comes the knowledge of the problems and challenges come with that job. The more experience one has the more time he has spend all aspects of the job. Therefore, he has learned from his mistakes so that he will not make them again and he has learned best ways in which to do with his job. This is the great benefit to an employer and worthy extra pay There will not be as much need for the employer to feel that he has to double check the employees work the work can be presented directly from the employee without the employer having to check the work for errors this is very important to conclude it is worthwhile to pay for experience inexpensive inexperienced labor is only useful when the work is unskilled such as picking fruit on Orchards or washing cars otherwise an employer needs to know that he can feel confident about his employees work without spending too much time training or double checking the work there are so many stressful aspects to business paying for experience will at least minimize some of them
Many students are assigned homework every day think that daily homework is necessary for students support your answer using specific reasons and details homework is a part of going to school every student has homework but not always every day first daily homework teaches students discipline outside of the classroom that is if daily homework is assigned then students will be forced to develop a routine District homework allows the students to attempt the problems and figure them out on their own after doing something such as math problems over and over students will usually understand them better and will do progressively well as many people say practice makes perfect that is the more one practices the better one will do finally by being made to spend time each day boredom sometimes leads to destructive Behavior daily homework can help to keep students from being involved in bad things such as drugs sex and violence if children are being constantly stimulated by education their minds will be fresh and alert and they will not think about harming themselves or others in any way I feel that daily homework is necessary for students it is very productive Society
some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient but other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful what is your opinion support your answer using specific reasons and examples the majority of the people around the world are affected daily by computers have changed the world dramatically many people examine the effects of computers have computers made life more complex and stressful or have they made life easier in this essay I will discuss these questions and state why I personally think computers have made life much simpler and convenient people who argue against the benefits of computers on our daily convenience the quick pace of new technology being manufactured intimidate some people they are frustrated by the amount of time and effort needed to learn about computers thus many of these people do not learn about computers and they become more and more out of touch with the technology of today however there are problems that arise from people who know so much about computers the ability to operate computers allow some people to run their lives from the computer on the contrary though computers have made life easier and more convenient for people for one communication is quicker than ever before this is made everything from personal conversations to buying things to Global interaction simpler and faster all information is more accessible to us with computers also with the internet banking business and shopping are available right from the home traveling is reduced now individuals can monitor personal business on their computers furthermore people not only are basic tasks now accomplished quicker but also so our career tasks as I stated above I feel that computers have changed the world by making life easier and more convenient they are not many people in the world today who are not affected by computers and their advantages while some may argue of disadvantages they cannot help but notice that they too are used to the improvements
number 117
Holidays are created to honor the achievements of a person or an event of history. You have been asked to create new holiday. Describe what your holiday will be honor. Why you made your choice and how you will be honored. Be sure to use specific details and examples. Grandparents are wonderful unfortunately they do not get much acknowledgement in today’s world. If I had created holiday it would be honor grandparents. In this essay I will tell why grandparents why deserve .Be honored and how this holiday should be celebrated grandparents should be honored for many reasons they give pure love to their grandchildren they have given their whole lives for their families but they do not expect anything in return many times families but their grandparents and nursing homes these are not always nice places in these homes grandparents have to live in an impersonal setting that is not always comfortable some families hardly ever visit their grandparents after they put them in these homes grandparents deserve more respect than this they have accomplished many things in their lifetimes and they should get the respect they deserved it is also important to pay more attention to grandparents because they have many lessons that they can teach the next generation there are many things that can be done to celebrate grandparents day the most important thing is that families spend a day together old people want to know that they are still loved and they want to see their grandchildren when families get together it makes the grandparents very happy it is also nice if they eat a good home cooked meal together this brings the family closer and gives them quality time together taking a picture of the whole family is good to do too then everyone can see the whole family that came from the grandparents it also gives the grandparents a sense of pride because they have created a wonderful family the grandparents should tell families stories this teaches the children what life used to be like it also makes them understand where their ancestors came from the younger generations will have a greater appreciation for their grandparents if they hear the stories on grandparents day grandparents should get gifts from their children and grandchildren this lets the grandparents know that they are appreciated and that their families care about them most important is spending time with one's grandparents on grandparents day It does not happen enough that people spend time with their grandparents Even though it should happen without a holiday people should at least spend time with their grandparents on grandparents' day This would be a valuable holiday for everyone In conclusion grandparents deserve the best treatment possible It is important to have a day to celebrate these wonderful people and all of their accomplishments giving gifts let them know that you care about them And spending time with them means more than anything else Everyone should show their grandparents that they love them and appreciate them.
people enjoy watching movies explain your answer with specific details and examples movies are popular worldwide and they have been for almost as long as they have been around everyone enjoys seeing them in this essay I will explain why I believe movies are so popular for entertainment information and political and cultural purposes all these are a major source of entertainment for people all over the world while movies provide a rather inexpensive recreation for many they also allow people the chance to be involved in a story of enchantment emotion or adventure depending on a person's likes and dislikes movies can give a person an opportunity to be a part of a new world outside of normal everyday life celebrities such as Hollywood movie stars and their popularity help to give audiences the image of fun beauty and excitement that everyone enjoys being a part of besides entertainment movies are a good source of information they have people all over the world a chance to see new cultures and ideas for example when someone in Spain watches a movie about life in Ireland that person becomes familiar with that country even though visiting Ireland in person may not be possible for him many movies depict life in historic times and tell the stories of events from history much of our world's history is understood through movies movies are also wonderful sources of current events as well as historical events by watching a movie one can see what kinds of ideas a culture is concerned with for example many people enjoy movies because of the political and cultural statements that are made through them exposing the world to issues through movies can influence society religion and government movies have the advantage of recreating or making up events as a way to initiate awareness of the events going on in our world people can get a better understanding of politics religion government and other aspects of other cultures through movies I have explained the reason why movies are so popular all over the world and their significance whether it is for entertainment information or political purposes people will continue to watch movies in order to expand their minds to have fun and just to enjoy and inexpensive night out Movies will always be an important part of society number
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