Speaking Activities for the Classroom

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apeaking activities

Back into action 

Back-breaking labor 

Back to the future 

Barbequed ribs of beef  

Bad behavior 

Baseball league 

Bad breath 

Baseless rumors 

Bad experience  

Basketball players 

Bad memories 

Bay of Bengal 

Based on a true story 

Beast of burden  

Bearer of good tidings 

Beefeater’s gin 

Beauty and the beast 


Begging for mercy 

Bent cop 

Bestowal of knighthood 

Best actor’s award 

Better days 

Best of three series 

Beyond the border 

Betrayal of trust 

Biblical reference 

Better left alone 

Blazing inferno 

Bibliographical references 

Blood donor 

Big belly 

Blubbering baby 

Big bully 

Bored to tears 

Boggle your mind 

Borrower or lender 

Boiled broccoli 

Bottle of beer 

Braided hair 

Bought and paid for 

Bread and butter 

Breakdown in negotiations 

Bread basket 

Breaking news 

Brick layer 

Bring them to justice 

Broiled beefsteak 

Brings back old memories 

Bucket of worms 

Burden of guilt 

Bumbling, bumbling fool 

Burning Bush 

Burden of care and worry 

Business affairs 

Burnout case 



Cabin crew 


Call the cops 

Call for peace 

Captain’s cabin 

Call room service 

Car bomb 

Can’t cover my costs 

Careful craftsmanship 


Case of concern 

Case history 

Cat and mouse game 

Casual acquaintance 

Catholic cathedral 

Casual and carefree  

Caught by surprise 

Casual sex 

Challenge the status quo 

Challenge the system 

Charcoal grill 

Charity appeal 

Chest pains 

Civil service 

Chocolate chips 

Clash of cultures 

Civil action  

Comfortable couch 

Civil aviation 

Competent appraisal  

Clogged drainpipe 

Complete confidence 

Close the door on the past 

Complete the transaction 

Collision course 

Confidential clause 

Concede defeat 

Confidential report 

Confirmation of flight 

Confirmation of confidence 

Consecration of cardinals 

Conflicting desires 

Continuing showers 

Contrary opinion 

Criminal court 

Conventional behavior 

Crowning achievement 

Convey condolences 

Cut a path 

Corn on the cob 

Cut a swath 

Cultural conflict 

Cutting a caper 

Cultural revolution 

Cutting up 

Cut the cable 




Dawn of civilization 

Dastardly behavior 

Death before dishonor 

Dead on arrival 

December weather 

Dead on target 

Delinquent behavior 

Dead to the world 

Delirium tremors 


Democratic process 

Debatable point 

Deputy defense secretary 

Deep, dark secret 

Derogative comments 

Designated driver 

Destabilization of prices 

Direct dialogue 

Destitute scholar 

Disgusting sight 

Detention center 

Disrupt the meeting 

Determined effort 

Distinct disadvantages 

Detrimental remarks 

Distinguished guests 

Dictatorial regime 

District office 

Disclosure of secret 

Don’t drink and drive 

Discrimination against Jews 

Don’t monkey with me 

Disease and starvation 

Don’t squeal on me 

Disguise yourself 

Double cross 

Disillusioned youth 

Double pay on holidays 

Disregard my last order 

Double play 

Dissemination of information 


Dissolute drunkard 

Dreadful dreams 

Distemper Dreaming 



Dousing the flamed 


Dramatic drop in price 

Drenched by rain 

Driven to distraction 


Drowning your sorrows 

Dubious alibi 

Drunken driving 




Emergency room 

Evidential death 

Emerging image 

Embarrassing moment 

Eminent scholar 

Elementary education 

Empirical evidence 

Election campaign 

Encouraging agreement 

Electric chair 

End of my rope 

Eventual achievement 

End of the road 

Electronic devices 

End of the world 

Ear ache 

Enduring friendship 


Ephemeral shadows 

Evil eye 

Eradicate ignorance 

Eager to please 

Ever present danger 

Early riser 

Everything’s all right 

Earmark of achievement 

Evil influences 


Exact information 

Easy boy lounge chair 

Example of courage 

Eclipse of the moon 

Excellent work 

Efficiency measures 

Exception to the rule 

Effective engineering 

Exempt from taxation 


Existential anxiety 

Empty illusions 

Experiential level 

Empty promised 

Extinction of the species Endless 


Extra added value 

Eternal damnation 

Extra careful 

Encourage education 

Extra important 

Encyclopedia of knowledge 

Extract information  

Environmental disaster 

Extra-judicial killings 

Equal opportunity 

Extravagant life style  

Everest Expedition 



Face the challenge 

Fabricated excuse 

Faced with famine 

Fact or fiction 

Face-to-face False 


Facial features 

False pride  

Facing death 

Fame and fortune 

Fair weather friends 

Fatal attraction 

Familiar landmarks 

Federal spending 

Far cry from freedom 

Fictitious name 

Fatal accident 

Fiery temper 

Fatal disease 

Fight back  

Fatally injured 

Fight to the finish 

Feast or famine 

Final act 

Film feature 

Final flight of the Concorde 

Financial Institution 

Fire fighters 

Finish him off 

First choice 

Fishing for compliments 

First encounter 

Flourishing economy 

Fishy story 

Flowering of knowledge 

Fist fight 


Flight of fancy 

Food shortage 

Fly in the face of authority 

Force of evil 

Focusing on the future 

Forgive and forget 

Follow your calling 

Formal education 

Forest fires 

Formal introduction 

Freddy the freeloader 

Free the air 

Fresh fruit 

Free trade zone 

Friendly fire 

Frequent sightings 

Friendly greetings 

Fuel the flames 

Full appreciation 



Gallivanting about town 

Gadgets and devices 

Get a breath of fresh air 

Gallon of gas 

Get even 

Gentleman’s honor 

Get out of here! 

Gesture of friendship 

Get well quickly 

Get ready to go 

Getting better 

Ghost of a chance 

Getting bored 

Ghost writer 

Getting the job done 

Gin and tonic 

Go away and stay away! 


Go fly a kite! 

Give me my money! 

Go to the gent’s 

Go for broke 

Go to the lady’s room 

Go straight ahead 

Going nowhere fast 

Go straight to hell! 

Golden Gate Bridge 

Going concern 

Golden Girls 

Good governance 

Golf course green 

Gradual improvement 

Gorgeous blonde 

Granite rock 

Gothic architecture 

Grateful survivor 

Grant a wish 

Grease monkey 

Grease job  

Great Scott! 

Great guns! 

Greedy as a pig 

Greet a guest 

Greedy gremlins 

Grievous error 


Gripe and grumble 

Growing need 

Grotesque tale of horror 

Growling lion 

Grueling ordeal 


Guest appearance 

Gust of wind 

Gulf of Thailand 

Gutless wonder 



Ham and eggs 

Hamburger Heaven 

Hanky panky 

Hammer out a solution 

Hard-hearted Hangdog 


Hate crime 

Happy holidays 

Hateful intentions 

Hardening of the arteries 

Have a drink on me. 

Harmless as a fly 

Heat of passion 

Haunted house 

Heavenly host 

He’s a has-been 


Head and shoulders above 

Held for questioning 

Head of steam 

Hell and damnation 

Head-over-heels-in love  

High alert 


Hold on 

Hearty laugh 

Holistic evaluation 

Held for questioning 

Holy land 

Hen-pecked husband 

Hone your axe 

Hold your horses 

Horrendous pressure 


Horrible headaches 

Honest to god 

Hose-job Honeymoon 


Hostile act 

Hope for the homeless 

Hot-headed Horrible 


Hot shot 

House of horrors 

Hotel elevator 

Human error 

Hot-tempered Human 


Hunger for knowledge 

Humanitarian cause 

Hungry for love 

Humble beginnings 

Hunky dory 

Humorous story 

Hurly burly 

Hunger strike  



Ignorance and oppression 

I don’t give a damn! 

Ignorance is no excuse 

I got burned on that deal 

Illusions of grandeur 

I’ll be down in a minute. 

Imperceptible change 

I’ll be right there. 

Impish delight 

I’ll be seeing you. 

Impossible dreams 

I’ll kick your butt. 

Impulsive desire 

I’ll pinch you in the nose. 

In depth investigation 

I’ll really appreciate it. 

In the wake of the war 

I’ll squeal on you. 

Indelible ink 

I’ll tear your head off. 

India Ink 

I’ll tell all I know. 


I’ll tell your mother on you. 

Indiscrete disclosure 

I’ll try my best. 

Inept attempt 

I’m afraid of enclosed-spaces. 

Inexcusable absence 

I’m afraid of the dark. 

Inexpensive item 

I’m going to get you. 

Information center 

I’m really disillusioned. 

Informed sources  

I’m scared of that bully at school. 

Initial attempt 

I’ve got a bone to pick with you. 

Insider trading 

I’ve got a lot of work to do. 

Interactive enjoyment 

In your next life 

Internal injuries 

Is anybody home? 

Internal intrigue 

Is that alright with you? 

Intestinal flu 

Isn’t that a shame? 

Investigating officials 

Isn’t that awful? 

Investment game 

Isn’t that right? 

Irrelevant evidence 

Isn’t that true? 




J and K 

There are not so many “J and K” sounds in the present English alphabet because, today, we 

have got into the habit of using use the letters “G and C” in our spelling system. 

Jack knife 


Jailbird’s life 

Juicy fruit 

Jargon Junior 


Jealousy fir 

Juxtaposition of ideas 

Jeopardy Kaiser 


Jesus Christ 

Kaleidoscope of colors 

Jogging suit 

Kamikaze pilot 

Judgment Keepsake 

Just a minute 

Ketchup sauce 

Just about finished 


Just about ready 

Kiddy corner 

Just an idea 

Kidnap victim 

Just between you and me 

Kidney stones 

Just born 

Killing fields 

Just for fun 

Kindhearted soul 

Just had a thought 

King and court 

Just in time 

Kith and kin 

Just joking 


Just killing time 

Klansman from Kentucky 

Just let go 

Knack and know-how 

Just on the brink of death 

Knick knack 

Just right 


Justice comes at last 

Knitting needles 

Justification Knock-kneed 

Justify your actions 


Juvenile delinquency 




Labor of love 

Lack of agreement 

Lack of ambition 

Lack of focus 

Lack of intent 

Lack of understanding 

Lack of responsibility 

Lady luck 

Lackluster performance 

Last minute solution 

Ladies’ lingerie 

Last words 

Ladies’ room 

Leaky faucet 

Ladies’ wear 

Leaning tower 

Lamentable tale 

Learned my lesson 

Languid mood 

Learned scholar 

Last laugh 

Left turn 

Last vestige 

Left-handed batter 

Laudable virtues 

Leftover food 

Laugh yourself silly 

Lengthy story 

Laundry room 

Let’s get to the point 

Lavish affair 

Lethargic student 

Lawyer’s fees 

Letter of credit  

Legendary life 

Loaded pistol 

Lending library 

Loaned my money 

Length of service 

Long and laborious lecture 

Lengthy stay 

Long lasting memories 

Limp limbs 

Long since gone 

Living legends 

Look after yourself 

Looking good 

Lookout post 


Loss of face 

Loyal, trusted-friend 

Loss of faith 

Loyal to the last 

Lumber yard 

Lunge and thrust 

Luxury goods 



Maddening crowd 

Maid of honor 

Made to measure 

Make a mess of things 

Make sure 

Make a motion to adjourn 

Make yourself at home 

Make no mention of it 

Man or mouse 

Make no mistake  

Manipulative mother 

Make yourself at home 

Man-made monuments 

Make yourself comfortable 

Manual drive 

Management methodology 

Manure spreader 

March down memory lane 

Marble Arch 

March of Dimes 

Master of Martial Arts 

Marching music 

Material matters 

Marginal profits 

Measure of doubt 

Medieval mystery 

Melodic tones 

Meeting place 

Memorization of facts 

Mental illness 

Mesmerized Meritorious 


Metrical scale 


Modern miracles 

Ministerial post 

Monkey business 

Miserable cuss 

Monks in monasteries 

Mobile home 

Monotonous monotone 

Molotov cocktail 

Moose on the loose 

Monumental task 

Morbid curiosity 

Moved to tears 

Multilateral negotiations 

Muffled sound 

Multimedia music 

Murder most foul 

Multimillion dollar deal 

Mute silence 

Mysterious stranger 


Mystery man 

Mythical figures 



Not enough evidence 

Natural disaster 

Naked ape 

Names of the missing 

Nasturtiums Nest-egg 

Natural wonder 


Natures way of saying no 


Nebulous notions 


Neck-breaking speed 

Nothing special 


Nothing to say 

Needless to say 

Nothing doing 

Need-to-basis Notable 


Neither/nor Nutty 


Nether world 

Negligible gain 

Never to be seen again 

Never talk to strangers 

Never-ending saga 

Nobody knows everything 

Nevermore Nobody 



Never-never land 

Now or never 

Night of terror 

Never-dying legends 


No place to go 

Nimble and quick 

Nowhere special 

Ninja swordsmanship 

Next to nothing 

No news is good news Neighborhood 


Noise pollution 

Next of kin 

Nothing against you 

Nutritional additive 

Nothing has been heard  

Numerical computations 

Notorious nobleman 

Numerous rumors 

Nubile nymphets 

Nasty comments 

Number of wounded 

Nantucket Sound 


Name your price 



On the level 

Off on your own 

On the odd occasion 

Off road vehicle 

On my own initiative 

Off the beaten track 

On the spur of the moment  

Off the record  

On good footing 

Off your rocker 

On good terms  

Out and about 

On high alert 

Out of context 

On the prowl 

Out of control 

On the air 

Out of harm’s way 

On television 

Out of mind 

On the scene 

Out of order 

On your guard 

Out of sight 

On your honor 

Out of the country 

On your word 

Out of the office 

One and only love 

Out of the picture  

One to nothing score 

Out of this world 


Out of touch 

Over exaggeration 

Out of towm 

Over the border 

Out of your mind 

Over the hill 

Out to lunch 

Over the rainbow 

Outback Australia 

Overhead Outdistance 


Overindulgent parents 

Outlandish costume 

Overpopulation Outrageous 



Outside in the open 

Overstatement Outward 


Overwhelmed Outward-bound 

Overzealous Outward-going 



Particular excerpts 

Paint the town red 

Past participle 

Pardon the intrusion 

Peculiar tastes 

Parking prohibited 

Peer pressure 

Part-time job 

Personal preferences 

Peace and harmony 

Personal presentation 

Peace initiative 

Pester your parents 

Permissive parents 

Pick up the phone 

Perplexing problem 

Playboy’s penthouse parties 

Personal perspective 

Pleasant dreams 

Personal question  

Plenty of potholes in the road 

Pickled Olives 

Plenty of problems 


Plum pudding 

Plumbing problem 

Political pressure 

Political progress 

Power Politics  

Pool your resources 

Predictable trends 

Positive percentage 

Preferential treatment 

Paint a Positive picture 

Presence of mind 

Potential problem 

Present circumstances 

Precious stones 

Present continuous 

Presentable appearance 

Presentiment of evil 

Preventable action 

Press release 

Previous approval 

Pressing circumstances 

Prior application 

Prime mover 

Proclaimed purpose 

Prime purpose 

Prolonged pain 

Private thoughts 

Public approval 

Privy council 

Public house  

Project planning 

Punch in the face 



Inquisitive squirrels 

Quack doctor 

Queen’s courtiers 

Quacking duck 


Quadraphonic sound system 

Quentin Quinn 

Quadruped animal 

Quick action  

Quaff a Quart of milk 

Quick consequences 

Quail eggs 

Quick fix 

Quail with fear 

Quick lunch 

Quaking with fear 

Quick quiz 

Quantitative analysis 

Quick reaction  

Quantum theory 

Quick return 

Quarantined patients 

Quick snack 

Quarterly report 

Quick time out 

Quartermaster’s store 

Quid pro quo 

Quartet of musicians 

Quintessential truth 


Quirky mannerisms 

Quasar radio waves 

Quit biting your nails 


Quit bothering me 

Queen mother 

Quit smoking 

Queen’s consort 

Quit your job 

Questionable motives 

Quite comfortable 

Quibble and haggle 

Quite common 

Quiescent volcano 

Quite good 

Quiet time 

Quite nice 

Quiver with fright 

Quite reliable 

Quixotic situation 

Quite remarkable 

Quizzical look 

Quitter Quote 



Quiz show 

Quoted out-of-context 



Railway robbers 

Racial unrest 

Railway tracks 

Raging bull 

Rambunctious redhead 

Railroad station 

Ransom request 

Railway conductor 

Ready cash 

Rambling hills 

Really rock and roll 

Realizable goals 

Rebel attack 

Regulations and requirements 

Rebel forces 

Religious principles 

Rebellious youth 

Remnant of my fortune 

Recreational activities 

Renegade band 

Red River Valley  

Required aids test 

Referendum on reform 

Requisite forms 

Regretful apologies 

Resentful spouse 

Remaining time left 

Respectable family 

Retirement plan 

Responsible attitude 

Revolutionary war 

Restful sanctuary 

Rice bowl of the world 

Reverent prayer 

Rising sun 

Right of free speech 

Rising temperature 

Rights of man  

Robber band 

Rigorous training 

Rocket-propelled Risk 


Roguish  rascal 

Risqué literature 

Roll of the dice 

Rooftop garden 

Rough and ready 

Root of the problem 

Roundup of cattle 


Rubber band 

Rude manners 

Rudimental exercise 

Rumbling thunder 

Rust-proof steel supports 




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