sport anjomi
sportivney inventar
athletic stock
sport klubi
sportivney klub
athletic club
sport texnikasi
sportivnaya texnika
athletic technology
sport mashg’uloti
sportivnaya trenirovka
athletic training
sport taktikasini egallash
ovladenie sportivnoy taktikoy
by athletic tactics
a, m.r trainer
jismoniy holat
fizicheskoe sostoyanie
physical condition
jismoniy mashqlar
fizicheskie uprajneniya
physical exercises
jismoniy sifatlar
fizicheskie kachestva
physical quality
jismoniy tarbiya darsi
uroki fizkulturы
lessons physical cultures
jismoniy tarbiya o’qituvchisi
uchitel fizkulturы
teacher physical cultures t
jismoniy tarbiya harakati
fizkulturnoe dvijenie
athletic motion
jismoniy tarbiya tadbirlari
fizkulturnыe meropriyatiya
athletic actions
jismoniy tarbiya mashqlari
fizkulturnыe uprajneniya
athletic exercises
basketbol o’yini
igra v basketbol
the game of basketball
basketbol o’yini qoidalari
pravila igrы v basketbol
of the rule game of basketball
basketbol musobaqasi
sorevnovanie po basketbolu
competition on basketball
basketbol bo’yicha sport ustasi
master sporta po basketbolu
master sport on basketball championship
Basketbol bo’yicha shahar
birinchiligida 20ta jamoa
V pervenstve goroda po
basketbolu uchastvovali
dvadsat komand
In championship of the city
twenty commands
participated on basketball
Basketbol dadillikni va
cgaqqonlikni o’stiradi.
Basketbol razvivaet smelost i
The Basketball develops
boldness and dexterity
basketbolning rivojlanishi
razvitie basketbola
development basketball
a, m. r. Basketball player
basketbolchi ayol
famous basketball player
basketbolchilarning uchrashuvi
vstrecha basketbolistov
meeting basketball player
basketbolchilar jamoasi
komanda basketbolistov
command basketball player
sorevnovanie basketbolistov
competition basketball player
trenirovka basketbolistov
drill basketball player
Raqib savatiga ikkinchi
raqamli basketbolchi ikkita
to’p tushirdi.
Basketbolist pod nomerom dva
zabrosil dva myacha v korzinu
The Basketball player under
number two threw two balls
in basket of the enemy.
basketbol savati
basketbolnaya korzina
basketball basket
basketbol maydoni
basketbolnaya ploщadka
basketball platform
basketbol xalqasi
basketbolnoe kolso
basketball ring
a, m.r. Volleyball
voleybol o’yini
igra v voleybol
game is of volleyball
voleybol o’ynamoq
igrat (sыgrat) v voleybol
to play (play) in volleyball
voleybol o’yini qoidalari
pravila igrы v voleybol
of the rule game of
voleybol bo’yicha sport ustasi
master sporta po voleybolu
master sport on volleyball
voleybol bo’yicha
sorevnovaniya po voleybolu
competitions on volleyball
voleybolga oid
voleybolnыy aya, oe
voleybol matchi
voleybolnыy match
Volleyball match
voleybol koptogi
voleybolnыy myach
Volleyball’s ball
voleybol jamoasi
voleybolnaya komanda
Volleyball team
voleybol maydoni
voleybolnaya ploщadka
Volleyball platform
voleybol to’ri
voleybolnaya setka
Volleyball net
o’zbek futboli
uzbekskiy futbol
Uzbek football
futbol o’yini
igra v futbol
game of football
futbol o’ynamoq
igrat v futbol
play in football
futbol o’yini qoidalari
pravila igrы
futbol rules game of football
futbol bo’yicha jahon birinchiligi
pervenstvo mira po futbolu
championship of the world
on football
futbol bo’yicha musobaqa
sorevnovanie po futbolu
competition on football
futbolga oid
futbolnыy, aya, oe
futbol to’pi
futbolnыy myach
soccer ball
futbol mavsumi
futbolnыy sezon
soccer season
futbol maydoni
futbolnoe pole
soccer field
futbol yangiliklari
futbolnыe novosti
to soccer news
Men futbol to’pini yo’qotib
YA poteryal futbolnыy myach
I have lost the soccer ball
sakrab bosh bilan zarba berish
udar v prыjke golovoy
flying header
zarba berish
Udar; bit
joydan berilgan zarba
udar s mesta
to'pni tepis
bit po myachu
to kick the ball
futbol o'yini
futbolnыy match
football match
Jismoniy tarbiya- inson umummadaniyatning bir qismidur
Fizicheskoe vospitanie-neotlemaya chast’ kulturы
Physical culture– is a part of human culture
Sport” – madaniy xayotning bir ko‘rinishidur
Sport- eto vid kultura
Sports – is an aspect of cultural life
CHaqonlik” – xarakatlar koordinatsiyalarning umumiy to‘plami
Lovkost – koordinatsiya dvijeniya
Adroitness is a common collection of action coordination
Tezkorlik” - xarakatlarining tezlik xarakteriskasi
Bistroga – xarakteristika bistroga dvijeniya
Efficient is a chakaeteristie of action
Egiluvchanlik” – xarakat tayanch aparatlarining morfofunktseonal xususiyatlari
Gibkost – dvigatelnыx aparatov
Flexibility is a morphofunctional feature of action of support apporatus
Jismoniy mashqlar texnikasi” - xarakatlarni bajarish xususiyatlari
Texnika fizichiskiy uprajneniy” –vipolneniy divigitelni destvee
Techniques of Physical trainings – features of actions
Jismoniy tayyorgarlik” – jismoniy tayyorgarlikning natijasi va yo‘llari
Fizicheskaya podgatovka” – protsess i rezultat fizicheskoy podgatovki
Phesical readiness – the process and results of physical training
Jismoniy rivojlanish” – inson organizmining morfo funksional belgilarining o‘zgarishlari.
fizicheskoe razvitie ” – izmenenie morfofunksionalnix svoystv orgonizma cheloveka
Physical development – chaiging of morphofunctional features of human organism