Stairs zinapoyalar I don’t think I can qila olaman deb o’ylamagandim
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kung fu panda 3 vocabularies
Stairs – zinapoyalar I don’t think I can – qila olaman deb o’ylamagandim Just start without me – mensiz boshlayveringlar I’ll catch up – yetib olaman Sweet – ajabtovur, shirin, yoqimli Inner peace – ichki xotirjamlik, qalb osoyishtaligi My nose itches – burnim qichiydi Now what ? – bu nimasi ? Old friend – qadrdon do’stim Our battle ended 500 years ago – o’rtamizdagi jang tugaganiga 500 yil bo’ldi-ku Now I’m ready for a rematch – men endi qasos olishga tayyorman Took you long enough – ancha ovora bo’lipsanda You’ve grown stronger – ancha kuchli bo’lip qolipsan 500 years in the Spirit Realm you pich up a think or two – 500 da ruhlar olamida ancha narsali bo’lib olganman I’ve taken the chi of every master here – barcha jang sanati ustalarining qudratini qo’lga kiritdim And soon I’ll have your power, too – endi sening Kuching ham meniki bo’ladi. When will you realize ? - Qachon tushunasan? The more you take, the less you have – qancha ko’p olsang shuncha ko’p yo’qotasan. With your chi I will finally be able to return to the mortal world - Seni ruhiy quvvatinga ega bo’lgach, men yana tiriklar olamiga qaytaman And this time, You won’t be there to stop me – bu safar meni to’xtatib qololmaysan It was never my destiny to stop you – seni to’xtatish meni taqdirimga yozilmagan What’s the occasion ? – sababi nima ? I have set another on that path – bu qismatni allaqachon vorisimga topshirganman Then I will find him and take his chi too – o’sha vorisingni topib, uning ruhiy quvvatini ham tortib olaman Justice is about to be served – hey, bugungi taomnomaga adolat kiritildi (Adolat qaror topadi) About 100 – taxminan 100 We will have two Justice Platters, please – ikki hissa adolat A few tofu buns - 3 ta shirin kulcha Did you want extra sauce with that ? – qaylasi bilanmi ? On the side – alohida Dragon warrior – ajdar jangchisi You can do it – qila olasan Defend the valley – vodiyni himoya qilmoq You guys aren’t doing the Dramatic Pose, are you ? - yigitlar, Sizlar ham qoyilmaqom holatga turdinglarmi ? (Siz dramatik pozani qilmaysiz, shunday emasmi?) Do we have a strike a pose every time we land ? – har safar qiyshayishimiz shartmi ? Never underestimate the power of a dramatic pose – gavda holatining turishiga bepisand bo’lish kerak emas I have heard about some masters who can win a fight just by throwing open a door - eng mashhur ustalar chiroyli holatda eshik ochish bilan g’alaba qozonishgan (Eshikni ochish bilan jangda g'alaba qozonadigan ustalar haqida eshitganman) Entrance - kirish Dragon warrior is correct – ajdar jangchisi to’g’ri aytdi after all – hammasidan keyin, axiyri before the battle of the fist comes battle of the mind – aqllar jangi jismoniy jangdan muhimroq today will be my final class - bugun men so’nggi marta saboq beraman I didn’t even know you were sick – tobingiz yo’qligini bilmapman Your traning will be in the hand of the Dragon Warroir – bundan so’ng mashg’ulotlarni ajdar jangchisi o’tkazadi She’s always telling everyone what to do – u doim hammaga aql o’rgatib yuradi-ku Be quiet – jim bo’l You see what I mean ? – ana ko’rdizmi ? Come on – qo’ysangizchi (aniqlash kerak) What could I teach them ? - ularga nimani ham o’rgatardim ? There is always something more to learn, even for a master – o’qib o’rganishning oxiri bo’lmaydi, hatto ustozlar uchun ham Dramatic – qoyilmaqom He’s gone – u jo’navordi We await your instruction – amringizga muntazirmiz All you have to lose is our respect - ehtiromimizga munosib bo’l Immovable mountain stance! – toshday qot My fault – mening aybim, kechirasan Good job – barakalla Allah bless you – Alloh sizni asrasin Bless me – meni duo qil I have sinned – men gunoh qildim I heard - eshitdim He heard us – u bizni eshitdi I didn’t hear anything – men hech narsani eshitmadim Loser – pandavaqi, omadsiz, mag’lub Could you stop doing thay ? – bunday qilishni bas qilasizmi ? Humiliating – sharmandalarcha Who told you ? – sizga kim aytdi ? I knew you couldn’t – qilolmasligingni bilganman If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now - Agar siz faqat qo'lingizdan kelganini qilsangiz, hech qachon hozirgidan yaxshi bo'lmaysiz I like who I am – o’zimga yoqsam bo’ldida And stuff – va shunga o’xshash Against my better judgment – bu aqlga sig’masa ham Incredible, unbelievable – aql bovar qilmas What was that ? – u nima edi ? cool stuff like that – shunga o’xshash qiyqiriq narsalar prophecy fulfilled – bashorat amalga oshdi a 5000-year prophecy fulfilled – 5000 yillik bashorat amalga oshdi eventually, by the by, finally, in the end, ultimately – oxir oqibat, bir kun belib, vaxti kelib wait a minute – bir daqiqa If you’ll just wait a second, I can explain what happened – bir soniya kutsangiz nima bo’lganini tushuntirib beraman No offense but – noto’g’ri tushunmangu Eternal, everlast, permanent – abadiy, doimiy, mangu What place is this ? || What is this place ? – bu qanaqa joy ? If you want sugar, of course. – agar shakar xohlasangiz albatta she was reduced to silence for a moment – u biroz jim qoldi by the time == when I had lived in 12 different cities by the time I turned 18. - Men 18 yoshga to'lganimda 12 xil shaharda yashaganman. By the time she showed up, I was finished eating. - U paydo bo'lganida, men ovqatlanib bo'ldim. I stopped to rest for a while - Men bir oz dam olish uchun to'xtadim what's wrong ? – nima bo’ldi ? i have to defend my title - Men unvonimni himoya qilishim kerak i'm looking for my son - o'g'limni qidiryapman, o’glimni izlab yuribman i'm very sorry – juda afsusdaman oh my gosh – ey Xudoyim you wouldn’t know – seni xabaring yo’q i don't know what i'm supposed to call you - Men sizni nima deb chaqirishimni bilmayman Hold on a minute. I'm almost done. - Bir daqiqa kutib turing, deyarli tugatdim it's like looking in a mirror - xuddi oynaga qaragandek there is a whole bunch of us - bizning butun bir guruhimiz bor led me here - meni bu yerga yetakladi sounds suspicious – yopishmadi ku, shubhali eshitiladi you are gonna be so awesomely proud – siz ulgudek faxrlanasiz. Juda faxrlanasiz Download 24,05 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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