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Magnetic structure of the crystal CsDy
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Magnetic structure of the crystal CsDy „
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A. G. Anders, a) V. S. Bondarenko, and V. M. Naumenko B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pr. Lenina 47, 61164 Kharkov, Ukraine A. Feher and A. Orendaceva Faculty of Science, P. J. Safarik University, Park Angelinum 9, 04154 Kosice, Slovakia ͑Submitted March 6, 2000͒ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 26, 766–775 ͑August 2000͒ The energy of the ordered state of the rare-earth subsystem of CsDy ͑MoO
4 ) 2 , with a unit cell containing two magnetically inequivalent rare-earth ions, is calculated in the dipole approximation. The magnetic configuration of the rare-earth ions corresponding to the ground state of the magnetically ordered phase is determined. The field dependence of the magnetizations M
, M b , and M c at T ϭ0 K is calculated. The phase transitions caused by an external magnetic field are analyzed. The values of the equivalent G factors obtained from the calculated magnetization curves agree satisfactorily with the values determined from the experimental data on the heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S1063-777X͑00͒00408-4͔ INTRODUCTION In Ref. 1 we investigated the magnetic properties of CsDy ͑MoO
4 ) 2 under the assumption that the dominant spin– spin interaction in the system is the magnetic dipole–dipole interaction of the rare-earth ͑RE͒ ions Dy 3 ϩ
ceeded from the assumption that the two RE ions in the unit cell of this crystal are magnetically equivalent. However, the results of an electron spin resonance ͑ESR͒ experiment 2 in
͑MoO 4 ) 2 show that below the point of the structural phase transition (T ϭ40 K͒, which is accompanied by a low- ering of the symmetry of the structure and multiplication of the unit cell, these RE sites become magnetically inequiva- lent. Therefore, it is of interest to describe the magnetic prop- erties of CsDy ͑MoO 4
2 in the dipole approximation with al- lowance for this inequivalence of the sites. The goal of the present study is to determine the mag- netic structure of the ground state of the RE subsystem in the magnetically ordered phase of the CsDy ͑MoO 4
2 crystal. We shall calculate the field dependence of the magnetization at
ϭ0 K for field directions along the axes of the orthorhom- bic phase, analyze the phase transitions caused by an external field, and compare the components of the equivalent G fac- tors obtained from the calculated magnetization curves with the values determined from measurements of the magnetic heat capacity 3 of CsDy ͑MoO 4 ) 2 at low temperatures in mag- netic fields up to 3 T and from a study of the magnetic susceptibility. 4
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͑MoO 4 ) 2 belongs to the isostructural series of cesium–rare-earth molybdates, 5 with space group D 2h 3 ͑at room temperature ͒ and unit cell parameters aϭ9.51 Å, b ϭ7.97 Å, and cϭ5.05 Å; the unit cell contains two formula units of this compound. The arrangement of the RE sites in the cell is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. The two RE sites, which lie on the edge of the cell at a distance of b/2 apart, are linked by a center of inversion and are therefore magnetically equivalent. As the temperature is lowered, the crystal undergoes a series of structural phase transitions, the best-studied of which is the first-order transition at the temperature T
K. As a result, at helium temperatures one observes at least a doubling of the volume of the unit cell, accompanied by a lowering of its symmetry and the formation of inequivalent FIG. 1. Diagram of the arrangement of the Dy 3 ϩ
͑MoO 4 ) 2 unit cell. The arrows indicate the directions of the axes of the g tensors of the magnetic centers. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2000 561 1063-777X/2000/26(8)/8/$20.00 © 2000 American Institute of Physics centers 1 and 2 for the RE ions 6 in the a direction. In the ESR spectrum 2 of CsDy ͑MoO 4 ) 2 this inequivalence is ex- pressed in symmetric ͑about the orthorhombic axes͒ rotations of the tensors of the effective g factor, which characterizes the resonance absorption at the lower Kramers doublet of the ground term of the Dy 3 ϩ ion 6
15/2 , which is split by the intracrystalline field. The extremal values of the g factors for the two centers are equal: g a Ј ϭ3.7Ϯ0.2, g b Ј ϭ1Ϯ0.5, and g c Ј ϭ13.4Ϯ0.5, and the values of the angles of rotation of the principal axes a Ј , b Ј , and c Ј of the tensors are small, Ϯ10° and Ϯ5° in the ab and bc planes of the orthorhombic phase, respectively. MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF THE GROUND STATE OF CsDy „
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The question of the applicability of the Luttinger–Tisza method
7 for determining the magnetic structure of the ground state of a dipole system in the case of several (n) magnetic ions in the unit cell has been analyzed by a number of authors. It was shown that the method can be used only for n ϭ1 ͑Ref. 8͒ and nϭ2 ͑Refs. 9 and 10͒, and in the latter case the two ions must be magnetically equivalent. In Ref. 1 we calculated the parameters of the ground state of CsDy ͑MoO 4
2 without taking into account the mul- tiplication of the unit cell for T ϽT c , the rotation of the principal axes of the effective g-factor tensors, and the in- equivalence of the RE ions in this structure, thereby reducing the problem to the n ϭ1 version, since the above-indicated differences of the parameters of these sites are small. In the present paper we treat two inequivalent RE centers 1 and 2 in two stages. In the first stage these centers will be assumed equivalent, as before, making it possible to use the solution of Refs. 9 and 10 for n ϭ2 to determine the ground state configuration, and in the second stage we shall take into account the inequivalence of the centers. It should be noted that in the low-temperature phase of the crystal ͑for TϽ40 K͒ the center of inversion linking the sites on the b edge is preserved, and therefore the ions 1,4 and 2,3 remain pairwise equivalent. Therefore, in the struc- ture analyzed we shall treat a unit cell with the parameter b reduced to half and the parameter a doubled in comparison with their initial values. The method we shall use for determining the ground state of a magnetic dipole system is set forth in sufficient detail in Refs. 7–10. The Hamiltonian of the dipole–dipole interaction of the magnetic moments located at sites i and j of the crystal lattice is written in the form
ϭ ͚ i Ͻ j †͑
j ͒r i j 2 Ϫ3͑ i r i j ͒͑ j r i j ͒ ‡/r i j 5 , ͑1͒ where r i j is the radius vector connecting sites i and j. Taking into account the relation between the components of the magnetic moment and the spin,
␥ ϭ ͚ ␦ B g i ␥ ␦ S i ␦ , ␥ , ␦ ϭx,y,z, ͑2͒
is the Bohr magneton and S is the effective spin, we can write Hamiltonian ͑1͒ in the form
ϭ ͚͚ i Ͻ j ␥ ,
P i j ␥ ␦ S i ␥
j ␦ , ͑3͒ FIG. 2. Magnetic configurations of the dipole system in the case of a cell containing two magnetic ions. 9 The magnetic moments at sites of the same color are parallel. The moments labeled a,b and c,d belong to the first and second subsystems, respectively, and are antiparallel. 562 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Anders et al.
where P i j ␥ ␦ ϭ ͚ ,,
3 ͩ g i ␥ g j ␦ Ϫ3 g i ␥
j ␦ r i j
i j
i j 2 ͪ . ͑4͒
The magnetic structure of the ground state in the case of two ions in the unit cell must correspond to one of sixteen possible variants. These types of structure are illustrated in Fig. 2; They are characterized by the presence of two sub- systems of sites ͑‘‘own’’ and ‘‘other’’͒, each of which con- tains sites of the first kind ͑to which ion 1 belongs͒ and of the second kind ͑to which ion 2 belongs͒. For each of the sub- systems there are, according to Ref. 8, eight magnetic con- figurations, in which the magnetic moments are arranged col- linearly. These include a ferromagnetic structure, a Ne´el antiferromagnetic structure, and six types of layered antifer- romagnetic structures. In turn, the moments in the respective sites of these two subsystems are oriented either parallel or antiparallel, which in the final analysis gives the 16 afore- mentioned magnetic structures, which in general are of the four-sublattice type. Determination of the values of the energy for these mag- netic structures and the directions of the magnetic moments of the sublattices reduces to calculating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of third-rank matrices of the form
ϭ ͚ i Ͻ j q i j ͑k͒P i j ␥ ␦ , k ϭ1, . . . ,16, ͑5͒ where
͚ i Ͻ j denotes summation of the matrix elements over the lattice, and the factor q i j (k) ϭϮ1, the sign depending on the mutual orientation of the moments at sites i and j in each particular configuration. When the presence of two subsystems of magnetic ions is taken into account, expression ͑5͒ can be written as a sum of terms A 1k 0 and A 2k 0 , whose matrix elements are deter- mined by the magnetic dipole interaction of the ions of the given type with the RE ions of their ‘‘own’’ and the ‘‘other’’ subsystems, respectively:
ϭA 1k 0 ϮA 2k 0 , k 0 ϭ1, . . . ,8 ͑6͒ ͑the upper sign is used for parallel and the lower for antipar- allel moments of the subsystems ͒, and the ions have the fol- lowing coordinates:
1 ϭ ͕ x 1 , y 1 ,z 1 ͖
͕ 2la,mb/2,nc ͖ ,
r 2 ϭ ͕ x 2 , y 2 ,z 2 ͖
͕ ͑2lϩ1͒a,mb/2,nc ͖ ,
ϭ0,Ϯ1,Ϯ2, . . . . Since the RE ions have effective spin S ϭ1/2, the energy eigenvalues for Hamiltonian ͑3͒ are
␦ ϭ B 2 k ␦ /4, ͑8͒ where
k ␦ are the eigenvalues of the matrix A k . Evaluation of the matrix elements was done by direct summation of the matrix elements ͑6͒ over a sphere of radius 475 Å. The error in the calculation of the energy values was not over 0.1% for moderate expenditures of machine time. In the calculations we used the lattice parameters of the high-temperature phase of CsDy ͑MoO
4 ) 2 , since, judging from the results of dilato- metric studies, 11 the differences in the lattice parameters at 4.2 and 300 K are not more than 0.1%. The calculated energy values for the 16 structures stud- ied are presented in Table I. It is seen that the minimum energy values belong to the configuration 3AF-6, with an energy per ion of E 6 ϭϪ1.31263 K. There are three more configurations with energies close to E 6 , viz., 3AF-5, 8AF- 15, and 8AF-16, which can also lay claim to the role of the ground state. At the base of these configurations is a bc plane consisting of ferromagnetic chains of RE ions lying a distance c apart. The magnetic moments of the RE ions of neighboring chains in the b direction are oriented antiparal- lel. The configurations 3AF-5, 3AF-6, 8AF-15, and 8AF-16 differ from one another only in the character of the ordering of the basal planes in the a direction. The next group of configurations in terms of energy con- sists of 4AF-7, 4AF-8, 1FM-2, and 1FM-1, with energies close to E ϭϪ0.77 K. At the base of these configurations is a bc plane with ferromagnetically ordered moments of the RE ions. The remaining configurations have considerably higher energies. In calculating the energies of the ferromagnetic structure 1FM we took into account the correction due to the demag- netizing factor. Its value for a macroscopic sample of spheri- cal shape,
in accordance with the
expression ⌬E ϭ2
B 2
0 /3, is
Ϫ0.0222 K if the moments are oriented in the direction of the a axis, Ϫ0.0016 K if they are oriented in the direction of the b axis, and Ϫ0.2916 K if they are oriented in the direction of the c axis, where we have used the value n 0 ϭ4.98ϫ10 21 cm Ϫ3 for the density of Dy 3 ϩ ions in CsDy
͑MoO 4 ) 2 . Analysis of the results of the calculation show that the matrix elements A 1k 0 ␥
, which describe the interaction of a given ion with the RE ions of its own subsystem, are much greater than the matrix elements A 2k 0 ␥
, which describe the interaction of a given ion with ions of the other subsystem, since the latter lie farther away in the unit cell. For all the configurations except 1FM the maximum of the ratio A 2k 0 ␥
/A 1k 0 ␥
is not more than a few percent. Therefore the interaction of a given ion with the ions of the second subsystem can be treated as a small perturbation that does not substantially alter the initial state of the system determined by the intrasubsystem interaction. We shall make use of this circumstance in taking into account the inequiva- lence of ions 1 and 2 in the unit cell, assuming that the types of ground-state configurations remain unchanged in such a treatment, while the energies of these configurations change only slightly. As we have said, the angles of rotation of the principal axes of the effective g-factor tensors of the inequivalent ions in sites 1 and 2 illustrated in Fig. 1 are ␣ 1 ϭ10° in the ab plane and  1
␣ 2 ϭϪ10° and  2 ϭϪ5° in these same planes for the second ion. The parameter b in the unit cell under study is 3.985 Å, as before. The elements of the matrix A k were calculated in the lattice coordinate system, in which the matrix of the g tensor for the magnetic centers 1 and 2 have an analogous form, but their corresponding matrix elements and square of the g factor are given by g
Ј cos 2 ͑ ␣ ͒ϩg b Ј sin 2 ͑ ␣ ͒; 563 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Anders
et al. TABLE I. Energy eigenvalues and the resultant angles of rotation of the magnetic moments of the configurations of the ordered state of CsDy ͑MoO
4 ) 2 . 564
Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Anders
et al. g
Ј Ϫg b Ј ͒sin͑ ␣ ͒cos͑ ␣ ͒cos͑  ͒; g
Ј Ϫg b Ј ͒sin͑ ␣ ͒cos͑ ␣ ͒sin͑  ͒; ͑9͒ g
Ј sin 2 ͑ ␣ ͒cos
2 ͑  ͒ϩg b Ј cos 2 ͑ ␣ ͒cos
2 ͑  ͒ ϩg c Ј sin 2 ͑  ͒;
ϭ͑g a Ј sin 2 ͑ ␣ ͒ϩg b Ј cos 2 ͑ ␣ ͒Ϫg c Ј ͒ ϫsin͑  ͒cos͑  ͒; g 2 ϭg a Ј 2 sin 2 ͑ ␣ Ϫ ␣ ͒ϩg b Ј 2 cos 2 ͑ ␣ Ϫ ␣ ͒sin
2 ͑  Ϫ  ͒ ϩg c Ј 2 cos 2 ͑ ␣ Ϫ ␣ ͒cos
2 ͑  Ϫ  ͒; if one neglects the deviation of the plane formed by the prin- cipal axes of the g tensors g
Ј and g c Ј from the ac plane of the unit cell. Here ϭ1,2. Since the unit cell of the crystal contains two magneti- cally inequivalent RE ions, the procedure for determining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A
was applied twice. In the first case RE ion 1 was placed at the center of the sphere, and in the second case RE ion 2. This made it possible to determine the direction of the magnetic moments of the two subsystems associated with the inequivalent cen- ters 1 and 2 for all the configurations. The results of a calculation of E k in this case are also presented in Table I. It follows from these results that the energies of the ground configurations actually do change ex- tremely little from the case of two equivalent ions. The mini- mum energy, as before, belongs to the 3AF-6 configuration, and the hierarchy of configurations on the energy scale is the same as in the case when ions 1 and 2 are equivalent. It should be noted that because in the version with equivalent centers we neglected the rotation of the principal axes of the tensor of the effective g factor with respect to the orthorhombic axes of the lattice, the matrices ͑6͒ turn out to be diagonal for all types of configurations. Therefore, the orientation of the magnetic moments of the RE sites, which is determined by the eigenvector of the matrices for the cor- responding eigenvalues
␦ , coincides with the direction of the orthorhombic axes. At the same time, in the version with inequivalent cen- ters 1 and 2 matrices ͑6͒ become nondiagonal. In this case a calculation of the eigenvectors will enable us to determine the resultant angles of rotation of the magnetic moments with respect to the orthorhombic axes. Their values are given in Table I. Here is the angle between the magnetic moment of the sublattices and the bc plane, and is the angle between the projection of the magnetic moment on the bc plane and the c axis. For all the low-energy configurations these angles are small, and the deviations of the moments from the ortho- rhombic axes are slight. Since the magnetic moments of the sublattices are oriented either approximately parallel or al- most antiparallel, one can speak of a predominant direction of the moments.
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