Supurib ketgan.(Jimjitlik,38b) Not a penny. All were swept away

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  1. Bir tiyin ham yo’q.Hammasini rais supurib ketgan.(Jimjitlik,38b)

Not a penny.All were swept away by the chairman.
Supurib ketgan-metaphors
The main meaning of the lexeme sweep is to clean dust,garbage with a broom to pick up garbage.

  1. Yomonam shayton odam. Lyuboyini aldaydi.(Jimjitlik,30b)

Bad evil man. He deceives everyone.
The main meaning of the lexeme of devil is a sign of trickery in the main meaning the maining is transferred on the basis of an analogy.

  1. Axir bu suvlar tog’ etagidagi qanchalab o’rmon-u o’rmonchalarni sug’oradi.(Jimjitlik,31b)

After all,these waters water many forests and groves at the foot of the mountain.
Tog’ etagidagi-metaphors
The maining of the lower part in the main meaning of the skirt lexeme is copied based on the sign of similarity. From the original meaning a mountain,a hill ,the lower part of the heights;the maining of place in the lower part field grown up.

4.Ra’no Anvarga xat yozib yuboradi va gapning qolganini Fuzuliydan o’qirsiz deydi.(Mehrobdan chayon,119b)

Rana writes a letter to Anwar and says that him will read the rest of the sentence from Fuzuli.
This sentence it is used in the meaning of the book.We have a case of metonymy which is based on the relation “container for contained”. Fuzuli is a container.

  1. Salti- qovog'idan doim qor yog'ib turgan sovuq so'fini ko'rardi.(Kecha va kunduz,8b)

Salti always saw the cold snow falling from his forehead.
The character of the Sufi Razzaq, who has snow on his forehead, through cold metaphors, is always frowning.

It can be understood that when people think of him, they only think negatively.

  1. "Ikki qo'li orqasida, dam ichkariga kirib dam tashqariga chiqib dam hovliga o'tib, lablarini ari chaqqan odamday og'iz ochmasdan, indamasdan yura beradi... "["Kecha va kunduz" romani, 13]

"With his two hands behind him, sometimes he goes inside, sometimes he goes outside, sometimes he goes to the yard, he walks without opening his mouth, like a person stung by a bee...

At this point, Razzaq Sufi's poverty is being pointed out.

7.3. Bir qo'chqorning boshi ketguncha minglab qo'yning boshi kesilar emish. ( Mehrobdan chayon ,92b)

Thousands of sheep are slaughtered before the head of one ram is gone.

Irony is skillfully used in this sentence. Through this, the character shows his individual attitude to reality.

8.Dunyoda o'zimizdan qoladigan tuyog'imiz faqat shu Otabekdir. ( O'tgan kunlar,78b)

Synecdoche is used in this sentence, the whole is understood through the part. The "tuyoq" means a child.

  1. Ko'ngillarda hech gapni saqlamaydigan og'zi bo'sh odamlar bor. (Kecha va Kunduz,54b)

There are empty-mouthed people who keep nothing in their hearts.

The phrase of "og'zi bo'sh" is used in the sense of a person who cannot keep a secret. This is a type of expression.

  1. Kerak bo'lmaganda quloq va miyangni yeydi, kerak bolganda jimib qoladi. Teskari bu dunyo. (Kecha va Kunduz,81b)

When it is not necessary, it eats the ears and brain, when it is necessary, it remains silent. This is the world upside down.

This whole phrase means it does not come to help when it needed. This is expressive meaning.

310group.Mamasodiqova Feruza
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