Syndromes 161. Capgras syndrome
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Psycho syndromes
- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- 165. Bulbar syndrome (bulbar paralysis)
164. Apallic syndrome or waking coma
is a complex of neuropsychiatric disorders, manifested as a complete loss of cognitive functions with the preservation of the main autonomic functions of the brain. With it, there is a loss of functions of the cerebral cortex, while the mediobasal parts of the frontal and temporal regions are mainly affected. This syndrome can occur as a result of traumatic brain injuries, resuscitation measures (post-resuscitation encephalopathy), after viral encephalitis (meningoencephalitis). It can also develop slowly (over several months or years) in the final stage of slow infections. Miyaning asosiy avtonom funktsiyalarini saqlab qolish bilan kognitiv funktsiyalarning to'liq yo'qolishi sifatida namoyon bo'ladigan neyropsikiyatrik kasalliklar majmuasidir. U bilan miya yarim korteksining funktsiyalari yo'qoladi, frontal va temporal mintaqalarning mediobazal qismlari asosan ta'sirlanadi. Ushbu sindrom miya shikastlanishi, reanimatsiya choralari (reanimatsiyadan keyingi ensefalopatiya), virusli ensefalitdan (meningoensefalit) keyin paydo bo'lishi mumkin. Shuningdek, u sekin infektsiyalarning oxirgi bosqichida asta-sekin (bir necha oy yoki yillar davomida) rivojlanishi mumkin. 165. Bulbar syndrome (bulbar paralysis) With bulbar syndrome, dysarthria (speech disorder, due to damage to the nerves responsible for articulation) and dysphagia (swallowing disorder, due to peripheral paralysis or paresis of the muscles of the tongue, soft palate, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx) are noted. Patients usually choke on liquid food, sometimes unable to make a swallowing movement. In this regard, saliva in such patients often flows out of the corners of the mouth. With bulbar paralysis, atrophy of the muscles of the tongue occurs and the pharyngeal and palatal reflexes fall out Bulbar sindromi bilan dizartriya (nutqning buzilishi, artikulyatsiya uchun mas'ul bo'lgan nervlarning shikastlanishi tufayli) va disfagiya (yutish buzilishi, periferik falaj yoki til mushaklarining parezi, yumshoq tanglay, tomoq, epiglottis, halqum) qayd etiladi. Bemorlar odatda suyuq ovqatni bo'g'ib qo'yishadi, ba'zida yutish harakatini qila olmaydilar. Shu munosabat bilan, bunday bemorlarda tupurik ko'pincha og'iz burchaklaridan oqib chiqadi. Bulbar falaj bilan til mushaklarining atrofiyasi paydo bo'ladi va faringeal va palatal reflekslar tushadi Download 30,71 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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