Task for seminar 5 I. Find out the Russian or Uzbek equivalents of the given metaphors in the following sentences
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t n sem 5
- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- No amount of eating your cake
TASK FOR SEMINAR 5 I. Find out the Russian or Uzbek equivalents of the given metaphors in the following sentences. 1. The tool business is one of the most competitive industries in America - dog eat dog down to the puppies. Go'shtini g'ajir edi 2. The Tory card-castle of illusions of the British Empire's glorious future lay in ruins. Barbod bo'ldi 3. The owners of the coal mines knew which side their bread was buttered on. Qayerdan foyda kelishini bilar edi. 4. I always knew you to be a rolling stone that gathered no moss, but I never thought you would have taken away what little moss there was for my children to lie upon. Suvdan quruq chiqadigan buqalamun. 5. No amount of eating your cake and wanting to have it could take the place of common honesty. O'zi ham yemaslik birovga ham bermaslik 6. Jolyon stood a moment without speaking. Between this devil and this deep sea - the pain of a dreadful disclosure and the grief of losing his wife for two months - he secretly hoped for the devil, yet if she wished for the deep sea he must put up with it. Iblis yo'lidan yurish va shaytonga hay berish 7. The racists in South Africa began to feel the waves of Africa liberation lapping round their ankles. Eshigi bo'sagasida turganini 8. Father Brown seemed to take it quite naturally and even casually, that he should be called in to consider the queer conduct of one of his flock, whether she was to be regarded as a black sheep or as a lost lamb. Qadrsiz oila a'zosimi yoki yo'lini yoqotgan banda 9. Mel, airport general manager — lean, rangy and a powerhouse of disciplined energy —was standing by the Snow Control Desk, high in the control power. Quvvatga to'lib toshgan II. Underline similes and translate the whole sentences into Uzbek or Russian. 1. There was a mile of clear road ahead, straight as a die. 2. He came into her room half an hour before the bridal dinner, and found her lying on her bed as lovely as the June night in her flowered dress — and as drunk as a monkey. 3. It had begun to rain. Umbrellas sprouted like mushrooms to right and left. 4. Here and there, among the more familiar things, plants of cactus stood up like the listening ears of strange animals. 5. All day since reading that letter there'd been a queer taste in my mouth, like copper, like blood. 6. He makes most people with so-called principles look like empty tin cans. 7. Luckily the night was mild. He won't have caught pneumonia. Besides, he's as strong as an ox. 8. The sanitation won't bear looking at. In a dry summer the kids die like flies with infantile cholera. 9. All were packed, despite the elongation of the vehicle, like herrings in a tin. 10. Mary would be all right now, right as rain. 1. Oldinda to'g'ridan-to'g'ri o'lim kabi muqarrar bir milya yo'l bor edi. 2.1 u kelin ziyofatidan yarim soat oldin uning xonasiga kirib keldi va uni to'shagida iyun oqshomidagi kabi gulli ko'ylakda va maymunga o'xshab mast holda yotgan holda topdi. 3. Yomg'ir yog'a boshladi. Soyabonlar o'ng va chapda qo'ziqorin kabi o'sib chiqdi. 4. U yer bu yerda, tanish bo'lgan narsalar qatorida, kaktus o'simliklari g'alati hayvonlarning dikkayib atrofni tinglayotgan quloqlariga o'xshab turardi. 5. Ushbu xatni o'qigandan beri butun kun og'zimda mis kabi qonga o'xshab taxir ta'm paydo bo'ldi. 6. U printsiplari deb nomlangan narsalar bilar odamlarning ko'pini bo'sh tunuka qutilarga o'xshashga majburiy qiladi. 7. Baxtimizga tun iliq edi. U pnevmoniyani yuqtirmaydi. Bundan tashqari, u ho'kizday kuchli. 8. Sanitariya sharoitlariga qarab bo'lmaydi. Quruq yozda go'dak bolalar vabo bilan qirilib kelgan pashshadek o'lishadi. 9. Barchasi, transport vositasi yetib kelishi cho'zilganiga qaramay, xuddi tunuka idishdagi seld kabi joylab qo'yilgan. 10. Meri otday sog'lom bo'lgan bo'lardi. Download 11.47 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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