Teaching methodology of synoyms for primary school pupils
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- 1. Grouping the given synoym words.
- 2. Choosing synoyms for the given word.
- 3. Filling the gaps with appropriate synoyms and copying out the text.
- 5. Doing exercises and making the didactic matherial by using the given list of synoym words.
TEACHING METHODOLOGY OF SYNOYMS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS. Lutfullayeva Diyora Rafiqjon qizi Farg’ona davlat universiteti talabasi Telefon raqami:+998911072205 diyoraibranova@gmail.com
Furthermore, this article devoted to teach synonyms to pupils in the early age. As I mentioned above, pupils in primary school starts their first attempt at school when they were first class and they continue their studying step by step until they finish school. During that period they can gather information and can get such levels like a proof of their study. Besides, in the first year of school pupils are exactly specialized in learning alphabet, writing, starting to read and other ordinary aspects. When their grades uplift, their levels change into higher ones, as well as their learning and teaching methods, too. When it comes to learning words, they become it in the first class and in the second class their teacher try to teach words them by giving some extra words like a synoym. So, pupils tend to learn all words simountaniously. In the primary school it has no any grammar rules or theories of synoyms. Therefore, pupils are not able to learn rules, however the main notion about synoyms are teached via practical exercises during the lesson. Synoym is a word with the same meaning as another word in the same language. The meanings of synoym words are similar and they differenciate each other by using of them in a true order or according to the emotional expression of the sentence and the meaning of the sentence. For instance, if we take the synoym of "big": enormous, huge, massive, gigantic, large and etc. Among all of words the word “big” is more appropriate and suitable version for conversational style and it has a wide range of meaning than others. So, this word is commonly used among society. The word massive is not initial and the people rarely use it. Or the word of gigantic, it is specific to the fiction style, and it is especially used to call places, reforbushments and buildings. Synoyms are specialized in strengthen the word's meaning and enrich the lexicology of speech. That's why using these words is useful for eveyone. If people's lexicology is full of synoyms their expressions of speech encreases. Therefore teaching synoyms is very common from the first grade. In the methodology of learning synoyms many exercises are used like these: 1. Grouping the given synoym words. In this style such kind of words in other meaning add to the list of words which are in the same word sequence. So, pupils should find the right answers among all of words. For that reason, words can be given like those: town, aim, hometown, country, intention, birthplace. 2. Choosing synoyms for the given word. In this style teacher teaches pupils the word sky when they have the lesson in the theme of subject, when they come to the theme of adjectives, they are tought the word delicious. When it comes to verbs they learn the verb adapt. And pupils choose the synoyms for these words: sky-galaxy, space; delicious-scrumbcious, tasty; adapt-acomodate, get used to. 3. Filling the gaps with appropriate synoyms and copying out the text. In this method the list of synoym words is given. So, pupils should put the words in true order and also should find the differences of words. 4. Finding the true answer. In this task the synoym words are given in brackets, pupils should choose one of them according to the meaning of the text. For example: Well begun is ( half done, 50 percent ); The proof of the pudding is in the ( eating, having a meal ); The exception proves the (rule, instruction). 5. Doing exercises and making the didactic matherial by using the given list of synoym words. In this method words in 4 columns divide into 16 parts. So, teacher ask pupils one word from these parts and pupils start to find synoyms of words from the word list. For example, teacher askes the word "beautiful" . And pupils should find the words like nice, adorable, handsome, attractive, lovely and etc. I firmly beleive that, these type of activities and exercises help pupils to learn easiely. Therefore, teachers should be demanding and experienced in order to teach pupils in an acceptable way. As I mentioned above, if pupil has the foundamental knowledge from early age, they never face up problems on studying on their next school years. Therefore, methodology is very initial part of our life, especially in our studying and learning skills. To sum up, it can be concluded that everyone should pay attention every aspects of methods ranging from synoyms to difficult grammar rules. As well as, synonyms are one of the big part of grammar which can assist to enlarge the use of words and increase the impression in our speech. And it is useful for our studying skills, and on studying it plays a main role in the improvement and effeciency of these branches. Litrature:
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