Students can discuss assignments in a collaborative environment
Students can choose to have assignment results sent direct to their phone as a text message
Students can view each other’s assignments if they need ideas
If students are sick from school they can cancel pending assignments from home using the Cancel button
Students can see at glance when assignments are due
Assignments and resources are kept organized in one place
Internetga ulangan dunyo bilan tanish bo'lgan talabalar Google Classroom bilan darhol o'zlarini uyda his qilishadi. Ular o'z topshiriqlarini onlayn rejimda o'tkazishdan qanday foyda olishadi?
Talabalar hamkorlik muhitida topshiriqlarni muhokama qilishlari mumkin
Talabalar topshiriq natijalarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri telefonlariga matnli xabar sifatida yuborishni tanlashlari mumkin
Agar g'oyalar kerak bo'lsa, talabalar bir-birlarining topshiriqlarini ko'rishlari mumkin
Talabalar maktabdan kasal bo'lsalar, Bekor qilish tugmasi yordamida uydan kutilayotgan topshiriqlarni bekor qilishlari mumkin
Talabalar topshiriqlar qachon kelishini bir qarashda ko'rishlari mumkin
Topshiriqlar va resurslar bir joyda tartibga solinadi
Mr. Bentley finds it easy to use Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides in his classroom as they are very similar to other programs he’s used in the past. He overhears his colleague Ms. Bernard talk about using Google Forms as well, but isn’t sure how it’s relevant in a school environment. Which of the following are relevant uses for Google Forms in education? |