Search the Chrome Web Store for the Google Translate extension for Chrome. Use the extension to provide a German version of the text within the email
Use Gmail to send a message around the school to search for a student who can help translate the email to German
| Janob Yarmut talabaning yaxshilangan muvaffaqiyati bilan tabriklash uchun talabaning ota-onasi bilan bog'lanishi kerak. Biroq, ularning birinchi tili nemis va ular ingliz tilini to'liq bilishmaydi. O'z-o'zidan samarali elektron pochta yaratish uchun u qila oladigan eng tezkor harakat nima?
Elektron pochta orqali yordam berish uchun nemis tiliga tarjima xizmatlarini taklif qiladigan mahalliy odamni topish uchun Google Qidiruvidan foydalaning
Kimdir uni nemis tiliga tarjima qilishga yordam berishi mumkinligini bilish uchun xabar matnini Google+ ga joylashtiring
Chrome internet-do'konida Chrome uchun Google Tarjimon kengaytmasini qidiring. Elektron pochta ichidagi matnning nemischa versiyasini taqdim etish uchun kengaytmadan foydalaning
Elektron pochtani nemis tiliga tarjima qilishga yordam beradigan talabani izlash uchun maktab bo‘ylab xabar yuborish uchun Gmail’dan foydalaning
| Mr. Kapoor struggles to find inspiration from his peers. What is one benefit of establishing a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?
By subscribing to a Personal Learning Network, he would get paid access to educational material and advanced digital teaching tools.
By forming a Private Learning Network, he would get access to an exclusive website that allows for cloud-based resource sharing and messaging between local educators.
By joining a Professional Learners’ Network, he would get access to teacher training courses, and join regular seminars conducted by teacher training specialists
By establishing a Personal Learning Network, he would develop links with other local and non-local educators to share ideas and best practices, and to call upon for teaching advice.
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