Tense degan atama bilan ifodalanadi. Macmillian English Dictionary for Advanced Learners lug'atida zamon, ya'ni tense

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Hamdam Atajanov

back TO -…ga qaytmoq
back…home -uyga qaytmoq
bad AT sth - …da yomon
bank (ON the) of a river - daryo qirg'og'ida
be DOWN WITH illness – kasal bo’lmoq
be IN FOR sth – kutmoq (yomon xabar)
be OFF sth– yoqtirmay qolish
be OFF TO smwh - …ga ketmoq
be ON – Tvda yoki teatrda qo’yilmoq
be UP – bedor bo’lmoq
Hamdam Atajanov

because OF sth/sb - sababli
begin BY sth -…bilan boshlamoq
beginning (IN the) - boshida
behalf OF sb (ON) - …ning nomidan
believe IN sth -…ga ishonmoq
belong TO sb/sth - …ga tegishli
birthday ( receive FOR the) - tug'ilgan kuni uchun
blame… sb FOR sth - …da..ni ayblamoq
blame … sth ON sb - …da ayblamoq
blind TO sth - …ni koʻrmaydi (ayb)
blow OUT sth - oʻchirmoq
board a ship/plane (ON) - bortda
border ON sth (v) - chegaraga ega
bored WITH sth -…dan zerikkan
borrow sth FROM sb -…ni…dan qarzga olmoq
bottom (AT the…OF sth) -…ning pastida
break DOWN (ph.v) – buzilib qolmoq,
asabiylashmoq, sindirmoq, bo’lmoq
break IN – gapini bo’lmoq
break INTO (ph.v) - oʻg'irlikka tushmoq
break OFF (ph.v) – to’xtatmoq, munosabatni
tugatmoq, ajralmoq
break OUT (ph.v) - boshlanmoq (epidemiya, urush)
break OUT OF (ph.v) - qochmoq (turmadan)
break THROUGH (ph.v) – yorib o’tmoq
break TO sb (ph.v) – sirlarini aytmoq
break UP (ph.v) - munosabatni tugatmoq,
ajralishmoq, ta’tilga chiqmoq
breakfast (AT) (payt) - nonushtada
breakfast (FOR) (ovqat) - nonushtaga
breath (OUT OF) - halloslab qolgan
brilliant AT sth - …da tengsiz
bring DOWN the price - narxni tushirmoq
bring INTO contact with sb -…bilan aloqaga olib
bring UP a child (ph.v) - tarbiyalamoq
bring UP a topic (ph.v) - mavzu olib kirmoq
bump INTO sth (ph.v)- borib urilmoq
busy WITH sth - bilan band
but FOR - …boʻlmaganida
buy FROM sb/sth -...dan sotib olmoq
call IN (ph.v) - kirib oʻtmoq, yordam soʻramoq
call ON/UPON (ph.v) - taklif qilmoq
call sb BACK (ph.v) - qaytarib telefon qilmoq
call sb UP (ph.v) - telefon qilmoq
call sth OFF (ph.v) - bekor qilmoq
call…sb - telefon qilmoq
calm (sb) DOWN (ph.v) - tinchlanmoq
capable OF sth - iqtidorli, qobiliyatli
care ABOUT sth - muhim deb oʻylamoq
care FOR sth - xohlamoq, yoqtirmoq
care FOR sb/sth - g'amxoʻrlik qilmoq
care…what/where/how - …ishi boʻlmoq
carry ON WITH sth (ph.v) - davom ettirmoq
carry ON+gerund - davom ettirmoq
carry OUT (ph.v) - bajarmoq, amalga oshirmoq
case OF (IN) - holatida
cash (pay IN…) - naqd toʻlamoq
cash (pay…) -naqd toʻlamoq
catch ON (ph.v) - modaga kirmoq
catch sb UP (ph.v) - yetishib olmoq
catch UP WITH sb (ph.v) - yetishib olmoq
cause OF sth -…ning sababi
celebration OF sth -…ning nishonlanishi
centre OF (IN the) - markazda
certain OF/ABOUT sth -…ga ishongan
Chamber OF Commerce - savdo palatasi
change FOR the better - yaxshilanmoq
change INTO sth - oʻzgarmoq, aylanib qolmoq
charge OF (IN) - …ga javobgar
charge OF (ON a) - …da ayblab
charge … sb WITH sth - ...da ayblamoq
check IN a hotel/airport (ph.v) - roʻyhatdan
check OUT (ph.v) - tekshirmoq
check OUT a hotel - joʻnab ketmoq
cheer UP (ph.v) - hursand boʻlmoq
cheque FOR sum OF money - …ga chek
choice BETWEEN two things - …orasida tanlov
choice OF sth -…ning tanlovi
classes (AFTER) - darslardan keyin
Hamdam Atajanov

clean UP sth (ph.v) -tozalamoq
clear UP (ph.v) - ochilib ketmoq (osmon)
clear UP sth (ph.v) - tozalamoq
clever AT sth -…da usta, mohir
close DOWN (ph.v) - yopmoq
collide WITH sth - toʻqnashmoq
come ACROSS (ph.v) - uchratmoq
come BACK (ph.v)- qaytib kelmoq
come INTO force (ph.v) - kuchga kirmoq
come ROUND (ph.v) - oz'iga kelmoq
come UP (ph.v) - suhbat davomida yuzaga chiqmoq
come UP TO sb (ph.v) - yoniga kelmoq
come UP WITH an idea (ph.v)- g'oya bilan chiqmoq
comment ON sth - izoh bermoq
compare sth WITH sth - taqqoslamoq
compared WITH (AS) - …ga qiyoslaganda
comparison WITH (IN) - …ga qiyoslaganda
complain ABOUT sth/sb -…dan shikoyat qilmoq
complain OF a pain -oʻg'riqdan shikoyat qilmoq
compliment sb ON sth - hushomad qilmoq
composed OF sth -…dan tashkil topgan
concentrate ON sth -…ga fikrini jamlagan
conclusion (IN) - xulosa sifatida
condition (IN) - sharoitda
confess TO sth - tan olmoq
conformity WITH (IN) -…ga mos ravishda
congratulate…sb ON sth - bilan tabriklamoq
connection WITH (IN) -…ga aloqador
conscious OF sth -…dan boxabar,…dan tashvishda
consequence OF (IN) -…ning oqibatida
consist OF sth - …dan tashkil topmoq
contact...sb (v) - aloqa bog'lamoq
contact WITH sb (IN) (n) - aloqada, tanish
content WITH sb/sth - -dan koʻng’li toʻq
continuation OF sth -…ning davomi
contrary (ON the) - aksincha
control (OUT OF) - nazoratdan tashqarida
control (UNDER) - nazoratda, nazorat ostida
convicted OF sth - …da ayblangan
convince…sb OF sth -…ni…ga ishontirmoq
count ON sb/sth (ph.v) - suyanmoq
crash INTO sth - borib urmoq (mashinani)
credit card (pay BY…) - kredit karta orqali
critical OF sth - …ga tanqidiy munosabatda
cross sth OUT (ph.v) - oʻchirib tashlamoq
cross WITH sb -…dan jahli chiqqan
crossing (AT the) - chorraxada, oʻtish joyida
crossroads (AT the) - chorraxada
crowded WITH (people) -...ga toʻla
cure FOR - davo
curiosity (OUT OF) - qiziqib
cut DOWN ON sth (ph.v) - kamaytirmoq
cut INTO pieces - boʻlaklamoq
cut sth DOWN (ph.v)- kesib tashlamoq (daraxt)
cut sth OUT (ph.v) - kesib olmoq

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