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part of the body, e.g. stomach, liver

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part of the body, e.g. stomach, liver
approaches that differ from conventional western approaches

Manba: MichailMcCarthy(2017)Vocabulary in the Use .Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is What is the definition of organ?
part of the body
one that is severe and sudden in onset
one thais severe and sudden in onset
approaches that differ from conventional western approaches that differ from conventional western approaches

Manba: Michael McCarthy(2017) Vocabulary in the Use.Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Find the word for this definition general expression for all of the services offered by hospitals, clinics, dentists, opticians
national insurance
one tha Healthcare
Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.
Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What i Find the word for this definition doctor who looks after people’s general heal
national insurance
one thas general practitioner

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is What is the definition of wi-fi?
a system for connecting electronic devices to the internet without using wires
genetic modification of plants
one thadigital photography, digital video and audio recording; digital broadcasting
design of environments so people can work efficiently and comfortably

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is What is the definition of satellite communications?
satellite navigation [SATNAV]systems; mobile phones
Genetic modification of plants
one tha digital photography, digital video and audio recording; digital broadcasting
design of environments so people can work efficiently and comfortably

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is What is the synonim of satellite communications?
artificial intelligence
Genetic ergonomics
one tha B luetooth

№ 161.
Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is What is the definition of satellite communications?
genetic smart ID card
one tha laptop

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is….has many pauses and fillers,such as’’hhh’’,’’er’’,’’mm’’,and’’ you
know’’a and so on.
genres genre
Geneti Written discourse
one Hesitation marks
Spoken discourse

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is Written discourse can be reffered to ….
Genret fast
genetic immediately
one thareal time
many times

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
...contains more uncompleted and reformulated sentences,topics can be changed,speakers may interrupt and overlap.
Written discourse
Hesitation marks
Spoken discourse

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Stories that teach alesson.The lesson at the end of a …is also called a moral or proverb.A proverb is a wise saying.
Fable, myth

№ 166.
Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is the definition of hemmed in?
surrounded by people and not able to move
lots of people busily moving around
the flat is very small; informal
too many people in a small space; informal

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is the definition of rear?
the edge of a large space
the flat is very small; informal
too many people in a small space; informal

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Find the word for definition it suggests doing something quickly and without much care.
stuff in
hemmed in

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Find the word for definition vast and complex.
hemmed in

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Which do you prefer,the red or the green scarf?I’d like the red.I’d like the red one. Find cohesion.
The red-ellpsis,one-substitution

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
If you could,I’d like you to be back here at five thirty.
verbal ellipsis
clausal substitution
Clausal ellipsis

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Is the girl beautiful? Yes,She is very charming.Find cohesion.
substitution she-anaphora,very charming-substitution
she-anaphora,very charming-substitution,girl-ellipsis
very charming-substitution,girl-ellipsis
very charming-substitution,girl-ellipsis

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Sam brought some carnations,and Ann some sweet pears.
brought-verbal ellipsis
brought-clausal ellipsis
sweet peas-clausal substitution
peas-clausal substitution

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is the definition of quiet?
without much noise or activity, or not talking much
without noise or not talking; used for people and things that are perhaps unexpectedly or surprisingly quiet
without noise (usually used as an adverb in formal or literary style)
without sound (usually used as an adverb in formal or literary style to indicate an unexpected lack of sound)

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What is the definition of slammed?
closed with a loud bang
high, irritating noise
making a rising and falling sound
knocked very loudly and repeatedly

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Find the word for definition knocked very loudly and repeatedly.
rang out
Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.
Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Find the word for definition typically used for the sound of a gunshot?
rang out

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
……..has:More pronouns,more lexical repetition,more first person references,more active verbs.
Lexical characteristics of spoken discourse
Lexical characteristics of written discourse
Grammatical characteristics of written discourse
Characteristics of written discourse

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
...has a high level of nominalization.
spoken discourse
written discourse
Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.
Qiyinlik darajasi 2
Find definition “using standard, proven technology”
Cutting age technology
Heavy technology
High technology

Manba: Michael McCarthy (2017) Vocabulary in the Use. Advanced. Cambridge Press.

Qiyinlik darajasi 2
What kind of room has no windows or doors?
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What kind of table has no legs?
Life, roof
Mushroom, bathroom
Timetable, tablecloth
Classroom, bedroom
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
What is definition of the word nagging?
criticising faults or duties not done
arguing in an irritated way usually about something petty
saying nice things because she wanted something from me; negative
teasing, fooling him

Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.

Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
What is definition of the word lisp?
difficulty in making an ‘s’ sound and making a ‘th’ sound instead
speak with abnormal pauses and repetitions
repeat sounds at the beginning of words
his words had a slow, lazy sound, difficult to understand

Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.

Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
Find the word for definition his words had a slow, lazy sound, difficult to understand.

Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.

Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
Find the word for definition speak with abnormal pauses and repetitions.
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
Very beautiful and charming
top banana
cat’s whisks
play, write
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is the forward reference?

Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.

Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is the backwards reference?
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
It rained day and night for two weeks.Thebasement flooded and everything was under water.It spoilt all our calculations.What type of references are there in the sentence?
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is the definition of the word pitch black?
intensely black, used about darkness, night
intensely black, used about hair, eyes
very bright red
strong deep red
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
What is the definition of the word crimson?
strong deep red
intensely black, used about hair, eyes
very bright red
intensely black, used about darkness, night
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is the definition of the word zipand whizz?
used about vehicles going quickly
suggests fast movement over a short distance
suggests that something is moving rapidly and is out of control
suggest small rapid steps
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is the definition of the word scamper, scurry, scuttle?
suggest small rapid steps, often used to describe the way a small animal runs
suggests fast movement over a short distance
suggests that something is moving rapidly and is out of control
used about vehicles going quickly
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is a "rapport"?
has a same position
an agreement where two people each share the same job
structure with important and less important people
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
Factual texts.
endeavor to inform, instruct, or persuade through the use of facts and information
complain and request
only inform
seek to entertain, enlighten, or elicit emotion through a creative use of language and structure
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
Types of discourse analysis.
active and passive
written and spoken
transactional and interactional
functional and phonological

Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.

Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What are the functions of discourse analysis?
transactional and interactional
written and spoken
functional and phonological
semantic and pragmatic
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -1
What is the definition of the word cause?
usually collocates with negative results and situations
more neutral, and deals with more concrete results
a lot of pleasure over the years
used about vehicles going quickly
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
What is the definition of the word produce?
statistics and figures that can prove almost anything
more neutral, and deals with more concrete results
a lot of pleasure over the years
used about vehicles going quickly
Manba:Michail McCarthy(2017)Discourse analysis for language teachers.
Cambridge Press
Qiyinlik darajasi -2
What is the definition of the wordsparked?
quickly, suddenly caused
more neutral, and deals with more concrete results
a lot of pleasure over the years
used about vehicles going quickly
№ 1.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur Chapter 2
Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
…..is an activity or game designed to welcome attendees and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting, training class, team building session
Warm up
Lead in
Ice breaker
Post stage

№ 2.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is the purpose of a warm up session?
It gets the blood flowing
It introduce the topic
It reviews what you learned last lesson
It helps us to get feel for how much the student already know

№ 3.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is function?
A function is a reason why we communicate
A function is a feature of the reading skill
A function is a component expressing context
A function is a level of formality

№ 4.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
The language we use to express a function is called …..
№ 5.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge testcourse. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter
Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Match example sentence with function. What I mean is…..

№ 6.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What subskill called “reading for specific information”?

№ 7.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Reading quickly through a text to get a general idea of what it is about called….

№ 8.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Extensive reading involves …
Reading long pieces of text
Reading fast and accurate
Reading and translating
Reading slow with proper pronunciation

№ 9.
Manba: English for academic purposes. A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge university press. R R Jordan.p-78

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Which factors have to be taken into consideration while designing EAP syllabus?
Material, needs, project
Needs , aims, means
Aim, plan, material
№ 10.
Manba: English for academic purposes . A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge university press. R R Jordan
Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Exclude unnecessary speaking strategy
Reading literature
Pragmatics, social skill activities
Using minimal responses
Recognizing strips

№ 11.
Manba: English for academic purposes . A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge university press. R R Jordan

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Prediction tasks, vocabulary work, brainstorming can be used in…..
Post-listening phase
Pre-listening phase
Preliminary phase
While-listening phase

№ 12.
Manba: English for specific purpose, resource book for teachers. Oxford University press. Keith Harding. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What type of skill is listening?
Productive skill
Reproductive skill
Receptive skill
Critical skill

№ 13.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 3rd Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Texts from real life sources are…..
Book texts
Course materials
Authentic materials
TV materials

№ 14.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is interaction?
Two way communication that involves using language and body language
One way monologue to provide information
To interrupt others speech by disturbing
To listen partner’s discussion
№ 15.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2st Chapter
Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Interactive strategies are:
Eye contact, facial expression, asking questions
Gestures, mimics, nodding
Confirming, approving, conclude
Answering, replying, evaluating

№ 16.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2nd Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What stages are there in the listening lessons?
Pre- listening
Pre-while and post listening

№ 17.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What are the functions of speaking?
A means of communication/a means of teaching/practical aim of teaching
A means of communication/a means of teaching/a means of learning
A means of teaching/practical aim of teaching
A means of teaching/a means of learning

№ 18.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Comprehensive, critical, appreciative, therapeutic are types of which skill?

№ 19.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Accuracy and fluency belongs to which skill?

№ 20.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2nd Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Choose a micro-skill which is not necessary for reading and listening
Construction of the logical constituent
Identification of the language meanings in the texts
Comprehension of the main points of the information
Recognition of the language units

№ 21.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2nd Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Which sub-skill is not appropriate for reading and listening
Rewriting the text
Specific ,detailed understanding of information
Guessing and predicting
Identifying the topic

№ 22.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2snd Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Listening for specific detail is….
Listen for specific information
Collaborative work
To learn new vocabulary
Independent thinking

№ 23.
Manba: English for specific purpose, resource book for teachers. Oxford University press. Keith Harding. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is post-activity?
What is done after an activity, next logical step
What is done before an activity to prepare learners for skill work
What learners do when while they are doing an activity
Prepare learners for an activity by introducing new language

№ 24.
Manba: English for specific purpose, resource book for teachers. Oxford University press. Keith Harding. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is while –activity?
What learners do while they are doing an activity
What is done after an activity
What is done before an activity to prepare learners for skill work
Prepare learners for an activity by introducing new language

№ 25.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 1st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is intensive reading?
Reading carefully for detailed understanding
Retelling a text for a teacher to check learners understanding of the text
Reading a text quickly to get the main idea
Reading text quickly to find specific information

№ 26.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Which type of reading requires to read chapter of a book rapidly in order to find out information about a particular date?
Jigsaw reading
Intensive reading

№ 27.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is scanning technique for reading activity?
Reading a text quickly to find specific information
Reading a text quickly to get the main idea
Making guesses about the meaning of words
Reading carefully for detailed understanding

№ 28.
Manba: Material Evaluation and design for language teaching. Edinburgh textbooks in applied linguistics. Ian McGrath. Chapter 6

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is peer observation?
When colleague comes in to watch your lesson
When you will be observed online
When your friend gives you a feedback
When you will give a report about your lesson

№ 29.
Manba: Material Evaluation and design for language teaching. Edinburgh textbooks in applied linguistics. Ian McGrath. Chapter 6

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What can offer classroom observation tasks?
Particular materials to help make observation a learning tool by which teacher can develop
It guides the thinking and design of tasks that can reflect in teaching effectiveness
Offers help to facilitate and guide learning by identifying priorities
It accommodates in learning style of teachers

№ 30.
Manba: Material Evaluation and design for language teaching. Edinburgh textbooks in applied linguistics. Ian McGrath. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What can be a source of information to develop effective teaching and learning?
Teachers feedback
Language classroom
Quantitative data
Discussion activity

№ 31.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -39

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What type of test is multiple –choice?
It offers more optional answers and is obviously very easy to mark
It may be used to test aspects of language such as vocabulary grammar ,listening
It is more easily administered in writing then in speech, marking is simple.
It does not test writing or speech involves very little reading

№ 32.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -39

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The testing type CLOZE ….
Tests intensive reading spelling and some extent knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
It tests ability of testee to transform grammatical structures
It tests same sort of thing as transformation but reflects more thoroughly knowledge of the target items
It tests general writing abilities.

№ 33.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -39

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is transformation test?
It tests ability of testee to transform grammatical structures not same as testing grammar
It tests same sort of thing as transformation but reflects more thoroughly knowledge of the target items
It may be used to test aspects of language such as vocabulary grammar ,listening
It does not test writing or speech involves very little reading

№ 34.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -39

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Monologue tests….
Overall knowledge of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
It involves paraphrasing the entire meaning of a sentence rather than transforming a particular item
It can be adapted to target specific language items like omitting all the verbs
It may supply some information for testees passive knowledge of pronunciation

№ 35.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -43

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
The stages of designing tests
Maintaining/approving/ implementing

№ 36.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -92

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What type of activity is goal oriented and requires a group or pair to achieve result?
Topic based
Task based
Case study

№ 37.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -123

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Topic based activity is…
Discussion which can be done as a formal debate, where a motion is proposed and opposed by prepared speakers.
This increases the sheer amount of learner talk going on in a limited period of time
Classroom activity that develop learners ability to express themselves through speech
It presents a selection of discussion activities suitable for various levels

№ 38.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -42

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
A group of activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as away of generating ideas
Warm up
Multiple choice

№ 39.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova.

B Brewerton.Chapter 3
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Kinesthetic learners learn….
By auditory style prefer to use hearing
By thinking in pictures rather than words
By carrying out physical activities
By participating and acting

№ 40.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which activity type can be wholly scripted or wholly improvised?
Matching activity
Dialogues and role plays
Question and answer
Communicating strategy

№ 41.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which type of activity designed to encourage learners to practice communication such as paraphrasing, borrowing or inventing words.
Picture stories
Communication strategies
Puzzle and problems
Discussion and decisions

№ 42.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which type of activity require learners to make guesses, use their imagination and test their power of logical reasoning.
Communication strategies
Discussion and decisions
Puzzle and problems
Picture stories

№ 43.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages.K.Alimova.B Brewerton

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
1. Which teaching sequence involves setting up a situation, eliciting or modelling some language that fits the situation, having students practice the new language in a controlled way and then encouraging students to use the new language in a freer way either for their own purposes and meanings or in differing, artificially constructed contexts?
(TPR) Total Physical Response
(TBL) Task-based learning
(PPP) Presentation, Practice, Production
Topic based learning
№ 44.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova.B Brewerton. Chapter 2
Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which process of the PPP includes this situation? After the visitor left, the students played the tape, noted down and discussed the content and the phrases that particularly conveyed the speaker’s enthusiasm.

№ 45.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova. B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What helps to develop independent study, and pushes towards learner autonomy skills as well as encouraging students to become used to working outside of the school hours? And that is very important for both exam preparation and also for getting used the demands professional career in the future
pair work
group work
pair work

№ 46.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages.K.Alimova.B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Most published course materials include a workbook or practice book, mainly including consolidation exercises, short reading texts and an answer key.
This description belongs to…
real-world tasks
preparation tasks
extensive tasks
workbook-based tasks

№ 47.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which are the two of most important qualities that every teacher must possess in the classroom
flexibility and adaptability
punctuality and flexibility
flexibility and realization
success and dedication

№ 48.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Two important reasons why flexible teaching will benefit the teacher and the students are…….
maintaining control and working to abilities of the classroom
pushing the boundaries and providing loose structure
becoming disruptive and making sense of education
letting discussions and follow the rules

№ 49.
Manba: Task based language teaching Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
When working with mixed ability groups, you have a problem in terms of TASKS, for example, weaker students find the tasks for homework from the course book difficult and often come without doing homework. Find possible solution.

Create easier and more challenging versions of the same homework task

Adapt some kinds of other materials
Try to get to know your learners, their language level and interests by making surveys or questionnaires
Weak students need encouragement and support from the teacher, so motivate them.

№ 50.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What can be the most appropriate as well as main reasons for homework?
It reinforces and helps learners to retain information taught in the classroom as well as increasing their general understanding of the language.
It may be used to shift to shift repetitive, mechanical, time-consuming tasks out of the classroom
It can involve parents in the learning process.
It also encourages learners to acquire resources such as dictionaries and grammar reference books.

№ 51.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What functions as a contact between the teacher and students when it comes to enroll in the course?

№ 52.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which of the following is not included as a component of syllabus?
Homework practices
|Grading system
Research papers
Attendency policy

№ 53.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur p -148

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Match the lesson summary with the correct lesson aim: Learners look at a town map and discuss the best route from the station to a hotel and they listen to a conversation on cassette and compare their route with the one on the cassette.
To practice listening for detail
To revise and practice modal auxiliary verbs
To raise the awareness of how to join sentences and paragraphs
To give learners oral fluency practice

№ 54.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Match the lesson summary with the correct lesson aim: learners match words with pictures and build up word maps, which they compare and develop. Then they work together to produce entries for a class dictionary.
To revise and consolidate vocabulary
To practice writing for a communicative purposes
To practice listening for detail
To give learners oral fluency practice

№ 55.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Introduce the topic or tasks, doing the task, planning the reporting back, reporting back, teacher input, language analysis, reviews and practice. These are the sequences of….
(ESA) Engage study activity
(TBL)Task based learning
(TPR) Total physical response
(PPP) Presentation, practice, production

№ 56.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How many types of aims are there in the lesson plan?
Main aims, subsidiary aims and personal aims
Private aims, lesson aims and main aims
Student aims ,teacher aims and main aims
Lesson aims, learner aim, study aim

№ 57.
Manba: Testing for language teachers, Cambridge University press. Arthur Hughes Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is the purpose of Diagnostic tests?
To identify student’s strength and weaknesses
To provide information for student appropriate to their abilities
To make student to obtain a score that places him in the top
It requires the candidate quick reaction to the given test

№ 58.
Manba: Testing for language teachers, Cambridge University press. Arthur Hughes Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What are test techniques?
They are means of eliciting behavior from candidates which will tell us about their language abilities.
Students’ scores and combining scores to maximize its predictive power.
Styles and topics of texts ,written or spoken found in teaching material
Typical criteria against which tests are judged

№ 59.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which criteria doesn’t belong for evaluating lesson effectiveness
The learners enjoyed the lesson
The lesson lacks of necessary material
The learners were attentive all the time
The language was used communicatively throughout

№ 60.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. Chapter 5

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is feedback?
Giving information to learners about their learning.
Asking their opinions about the tasks
Evaluating their knowledge by testing
Explaining the purpose of the given activity

№ 61.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. Chapter 5

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is peer feedback?
When teacher gives feedback to the student
When learners attend one another’s lesson
When learners give feedback to one another
When student gives feedback to the teacher

№ 62.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova. B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is an approach?
It is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language learning
It is overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach
It is wide variety of activities, exercises or tasks used in the language classrooms for realizing lesson objectives.
It is language teaching methodology

№ 63.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K.Alimova.B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is a method?
It is overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach
It is language teaching methodology
It is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language learning
It is wide variety of activities, exercises or tasks used in the language classrooms for realizing lesson objectives.

№ 64.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova. B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is a technique?
It is wide variety of activities, exercises or tasks used in the language classrooms for realizing lesson objectives.
It is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language learning
It is language teaching methodology
It is overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach

№ 65.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages.K.Alimova.B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is TPR ?
Total physical response ,built around the coordination of speech and action
Teaching pupil to read, to implement reading styles in teaching pupils
Tutorial practical research, establishing research materials in the lesson
Training based procedure, combining teaching methods and approaches

№ 66.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K.Alimova.B Brewerton Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
CLT aims to….
Development of listening competences
Development of authentic materials
Development of communicative competence
Development of reading competences

№ 67.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova. B Brewerton. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In teaching grammar for communication which type of approach explains how language works to produce meaning
Prescriptive rules
Descriptive rules
Teaching through texts
Spoken grammar

№ 68.
Manba: Becoming a teacher. Uzbekistan State University of world languages. K Alimova. B Brewerton. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is prescriptive rule in teaching grammar for communication?
Defines what language is appropriate
Taking deductive approach to teach grammar
Holistic approach to teach grammar
Natural part of language learning and error correction

№ 69.
Manba: Task based language teaching. Cambridge language teaching library. David Nunan. P 75 chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which activity type can be wholly scripted or wholly improvised?
Question and answer
Matching activity
Dialogues and role plays
Communicating strategy

№ 70.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur. Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What type of test is multiple –choice?
It offers more optional answers and is obviously very easy to mark
It may be used to test aspects of language such as vocabulary grammar ,listening
It is more easily administered in writing then in speech, marking is simple.
It does not test writing or speech involves very little reading

№ 71.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses. Designing sequences of work for the language classroom. Cambridge handbooks. Tessa Woodward. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
A teacher uses talk to support vocabulary development by:
Establishing a role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc
It opens a broad way to write a better composition
Encouraging learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words
all answers are right

№ 72.
Manba: English for specific purposes, books for teachers. Oxford University Press. Keith Harding. Chapter 2/2.4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete at reading work.
Warm up
jig-saw activity

№ 73.
Manba: Being a teacher. Trainers course book.Tashkent 2016. Saida Ergasheva, Byrne Brewerton. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Authentic materials…..
Texts from books
Texts from unreal life sources
Texts from real life sources
Materials from TV

№ 74.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses. Designing sequences of work for the language classroom. Cambridge handbooks.Tessa Woodward.Chapter 6

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Authentic materials can involve the……………………
students to real language as it is used in real life situations by native speakers
the reader may read a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born.
it helps learners see the connections between parts of a written text

№ 75.
Manba: English for specific purposes, books for teachers. Oxford University Press. Keith Harding. Chapter 4/4.2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
An activity which involves re-ordering a mixed up text to find its correct order; it helps learners see the connections between parts of a written text.
jigsaw reading
Intensive reading

№ 76.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
PPP stands for …
Presentation, Practice, Pupil
Presentation, Practice, Production
Principles, Presentations, Practice

№ 77.
Manba: Materials development in English teaching. Second edition. Cambridge University press. Brian Tomlinson Part C/19

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is a microteaching?
a mini-lesson that participants teach to each other in order to practice what they have learned
a kind of teaching where teacher teaches a less than 15 minutes
a mini-lesson where all participants observe trainer’s lesson
the same as macro teaching
№ 78.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur Chapter 3
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is CLT?
community language teaching
complex language teaching
communicative language teaching
communication language teaching

№ 79.
Manba: English for specific purposes, books for teachers. Oxford University Press. Keith Harding. Chapter 2/2.4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is while-activity?
what learners do while they are doing an activity
what is done after an activity, usually the next logical step
what is done before an activity to prepare learners for skills work
preparing learners for an activity by introducing new language or a topic
№ 80.
Manba: Materials development in English teaching. Second edition. Cambridge University press. Brian Tomlinson Part E/15
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is the recent and latest approach of teaching English?
Audio lingual approach
Constructive approach
Structural approach
Communicative approach

№ 81.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 2st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is post-activity?
what is done after an activity, usually the next logical step
what is done before an activity to prepare learners for skills work
what learners do while they are doing an activity
preparing learners for an activity by introducing new language or a topic

№ 82.
Manba: English for specific purposes, books for teachers. Oxford University Press. Keith Harding. Chapter 2/2.1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What types of skills do you know?
Productive skills
Receptive skills
Productive and Receptive skills
Critical skills

№ 83.
Manba: Materials development in English teaching. Second edition. Cambridge University press. Brian Tomlinson Part D/12

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
To teach a foreign language effectively the teacher needs … and ……
Teaching aids and teaching material

№ 84.
Manba: Being a teacher. Trainers course book. Tashkent 2016. Saida Ergasheva, Byrne Brewerton. Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Language learning principles are generally sorted into three sub-groupings:
didactic, psychological and cultural
teaching, learning and mastering
cognitive, affective and linguistic
general, particular and special

№ 85.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses. Designing sequences of work for the language classroom. Cambridge handbooks.Tessa Woodward.Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What are the stages of the lesson?
Starting, while, post
Pre, While, post
Warm up, pre, while and post
Homework, pre, while, pre, post

№ 86.
Manba: Being a teacher. Trainers course book. Tashkent 2016. Saida Ergasheva, Byrne Brewerton. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Language skills……………….
there are 4 principal language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. The skills also involve grammar and vocabulary
a word which is included in the meaning of another word
a sentence which is included in the meaning of another sentence
a letter which is included in the meaning of another letter

№ 87.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur. Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is lesson objectives?
Objectives are statements of what is to be achieved in a course or lesson.
They are detailed descriptions of exactly what a learner is expected to be able to do at the end of a period of learning.
This might be a single lesson, a chapter of a book, a term’s work, etc. Aims, on the other hand, are long-term goals, described in very general terms.
All answers are correct.

№ 88.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses. Designing sequences of work for the language classroom. Cambridge handbooks. Tessa Woodward. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
The foreign language …… is the main document which lays down the aims and the content of FLT in schools.

№ 89.
Manba: Materials development in English teaching. Second edition. Cambridge University press. Brian Tomlinson Part D/13

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is Role play?
Classroom activities in which students take the roles of different participants in a situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation.
Classroom activities
Discussing and debating
Not correct answer

№ 90.
Manba: English for specific purposes, books for teachers. Oxford University Press. Keith Harding. Chapter 1/1.9

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is active vocabulary?
Active vocabulary is used in speaking and writing for expressing own thoughts
Active vocabulary is used in reading and writing for expressing own thoughts
Active vocabulary is used in listening and speaking for expressing own thoughts
Active vocabulary is used listening for expressing own thoughts
№ 91.
Manba: Being a teacher. Trainers course book. Tashkent 2016. Saida Ergasheva, Byrne Brewerton. Chapter 3
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is realia?
Things from real life which are used for learning(e.g. classroom furniture, pictures, household objects).
listening and reading. Learners are required to introduce the language by listening and reading.
Reading quickly to find a main idea of a text
a communicative activity in which learners talk to each other in different character rules
№ 92.
Manba: Being a teacher. Trainers course book. Tashkent 2016. Saida Ergasheva, Byrne Brewerton. Chapter 3
Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is portfolio?
A collection of work, materials that a learner or course participant collects and puts together in a file, usually for assessment.
Collected materials for teaching.
Case for note books
Students’ brief case.

№ 93.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses. Designing sequences of work for the language classroom. Cambridge handbooks. Tessa Woodward. Chapter 6

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is information gap activity?
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t. This gives a real purpose to a communication activity.
Both partners know all information
They discuss and finalize the topic
All answers are correct.

№ 94.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses. Designing sequences of work for the language classroom. Cambridge handbooks. Tessa Woodward. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
…….. the teacher will find all the instructions concerning the knowledge he must impart to his pupils, the habits and skills he must develop.
In the syllabus
In the document
In the books
In the program

№ 95.
Manba: A course in language teaching, practice and theory. Cambridge teacher training and development. Penny Ur. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What is peer correction?
Correction of a learner’s mistakes by fellow learners.
Teacher corrects students’ mistakes.
During the lesson teacher corrects mistakes
Not correct answer.

№ 96.
Manba: Materials development in English teaching. Second edition. Cambridge University press. Brian Tomlinson Part E/17

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What are non-communicative tests?
Role play and letter writing
Dictation and cloze tests
Problem solving and oral interview
Dictation and essay writing

№ 97.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 3st Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
What learning styles do you know?
Auditoria, tactile and kinaesthetic
Auditoria, learning and visual
Visual, auditory, tactile and kinaesthetic
Psychological and physical

№ 98.
Manba: The TKT-teaching knowledge test course. Mary Spratt. Alan Pulverness. Melenie Williams. 3d Chapter

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
Audio-lingual methods are considered to be ….method

№ 99.
Manba: English for academic purposes. A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge university press. R R Jordan Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
“schools. The description of a classroom. To be on duty. At home. A room. My house. My family. A town and a village”- what are they?
Topics for speaking and reading

№ 100.
Manba: English for academic purposes. A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge university press. R. R. Jordan

Qiyinlik darajasi – 3
The syllabus includes:……. . Here the teacher will find the aims of FLT in schools.
Explanatory note

№ 101.
1. Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny. Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Listening as an interactive process: ……
Improving speaking proficiency
Introducing real life aspects of listening
Providing successful oral fluency practice
Providing with listening activities

№ 102.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny. Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is the integrated-skill approach
Improving listening, speaking, reading, writing during the lesson
Improving vocabulary, pronunciation, syntax during the lesson
Improving only listening and speaking during the lesson
Using discrete and segregated skills

№ 103.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Reasons for Integrating the Four Main Language Skills?
This Integration will reflect the interrelationship among language, culture, and society.
Teaching students productive skills
Teaching students receptive skills
Teaching authentic materials from real life exercises

№ 104.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny. chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Receptive skills are….
Speaking and reading
Listening and reading
Writing and speaking
Listening and writing

№ 105.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur, chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Productive skills are…
Speaking and reading
Speaking and writing
Speaking and reading
Writing and speaking

№ 106.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What skills do we use in communicative language teaching?
Speaking and listening
Speaking and writing
Four language skills
Listening and reading

№ 107.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward, chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Theme categories for elementary level: …..
Food, sports, colors, animals, places to go
Names of countries, languages, things found in the kitchen, in the bedroom
Special clothes for special jobs, adjectives of size, texture, shape
Proteins, types of industry, types of government, special tools

№ 108.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward, chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Learning contracts is…..
Written agreements between learners and teachers about what a learner will try to learn and how this will be measured
Students are thinking as well as what they can produce and understand
Written explanations by students, student drawings
Students to come up with their own significant categories

№ 109.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Tracer study ….
Finding out what happens to students after they leave your class as give you information about which parts of your course were most or least helpful
Leave a few days for students to think about their contracts
Teacher checking students’ interest
Checking how students are getting on with your teaching style.

№ 110.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. Chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Listening comprehension is dependent on …
Both a top-down and bottom-up processing
Top-down processing of input
A bottom-up processing of input
A high-level of speaking proficiency

№ 111.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Among the goals of pre-listening is…..
to create expectations about the content of the listening text.
to provide a list of new vocabulary and expressions found in the text.
to give students an outline of the main ideas in the text.
to create an English atmosphere

№ 112.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. chapter 3.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Intensive listening activities aim to…
transcribe the text for post-listening
learn the meaning of new vocabulary.
develop bottom-up processing skills..
learning by translating in mother tongue

№ 113.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is active listening?
Understanding the meaning while listening
Finding new vocabulary according to listening task
Listening but not paying attention to the meaning
Listening to songs and find new vocabulary

№ 114.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. Chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
How many stages are there in listening skill?

№ 115.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. Chapter 4.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
In Post listening stage students…
This stage comprises all the exercises which are done after listening
The teacher giving background information.
Here, teachers’ obligation is only to guide students
Consideration of how the whole- listening activity will be done

№ 116.
Manba: A course in language teaching. Penny Ur. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Be mentally prepared to listen, evaluate the speech not the speaker, fight distractions by closing off sound sources are…
Tips for effective listening
Tips for effective writing
Tips for effective speaking
Tips for effective reading

№ 117.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 1.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
Grammatical patterns in teaching is…
This is so that students whose language has a different normal word order can express their thoughts clearly in English
Sentences are short, easy to write up on the board
Creating discussion activities
Teaching grammar for speaking

№ 118.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is study skill?
Can be taught or learnt by both students and teachers
Having ability to teach of teachers
Learning within a language teaching
Having ability to understand the topic of students

№ 119.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 1.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is PPP?
Postponed practice
Presentation, practice, production
Practice for presenting presentation
Pre, post presentation

№ 120.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What should be considered while preparing your students for discussion activities?
Name, level, major
Culture, age, interest
Interest, age, mother tongue
Appearance, character, clothes

№ 121.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
How to group students in discussion activities?
According to their level
According to their age
According to their favorite topic
According to their culture

№ 122.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 4.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
For shy students which activity helps a lot … .
Role playing
Mind mapping

№ 123.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
How periphery learning works in language teaching?
Using the four skills in a target language is basically how you get more fluent in them
Using listening activities
Using the mother tongue in the class
Learning the language by video games

№ 124.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 3.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
In pre- stage for receptive skill
Students are prepared for reading or listening by getting them interested in a topic
Students do the listening or reading and work on the allotted tasks
Here there is evaluation of the work done during the in-stage tasks
Practice of the language encountered in the text.

№ 125.
Manba: Planning lessons and courses- Woodward. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is TBL in teaching a language?
Task based listening
Task based learning
Topic based learning
Teaching based language

№ 126.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 1

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is CLT?
Communicative language teaching
Common language teaching
Common learning technique
Communicative learning technique

№ 127.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is EFL?
English as a foreign language
English for learners
England foreign learners
English for first language

№ 128.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is ESL?
England student learners
English for student language
English as a second language
Easy learning style

№ 129.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is TTT?
Talking technique time
Teaching technique time
Teacher talking time
Teacher teaches time

№ 130.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 1
What is STT?
Student teacher time
Second teacher talking
Student talking time
Student technique teaching

№ 131.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What happens in Learners talking to learners?
Each student participates in separate discussion group
Students learn from their teacher
Teacher teach them in separate way
Teacher learn from students

№ 132.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What are the characteristics of successful speaking activity?
Learners talk a lot, motivation is high, language is an acceptable level
Teacher talk a lot, explained only by teacher
Learners listen each other, talk with teacher
Teacher talk a lot, learners talk with their teacher

№ 133.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In pre- writing students…
Learners are asked to come up with ideas and plan what they write
Learners can compose the first draft of their texts
Learners have the opportunity to look back at their texts
After writing several drafts, it is time to check

№ 134.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is the process writing?
Process Writing is an approach to teaching writing
Process Writing is an approach to teaching activities
Process Writing is an approach to teaching speaking
Process Writing is an approach to teaching reading

№ 135.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Organizing, planning, selecting ideas happen in…
Pre-writing stage
While writing stage
Post writing stage
Revising stage

№ 136.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In editing writing stage students…?
Students select the ideas
Students correct the spelling
Students organize writing
Students come up with their ideas

№ 137.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is time constraints in writing?
Time for selecting plans
Time for concentrating for ideas
To give students time to go through the stages
Time for only editing

№ 138.
Manba: Course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2

What are steps in writing an essay?
Pre-writing, drafting, planning, organizing, revising, editing, final draft
Organizing, drafting, pre-writing, planning, revising, editing
Drafting, pre-writing, planning, organizing, editing, final draft
Pre-writing, planning editing, final draft

№ 139.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 3.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Before you actually begin writing your essay, you will need to do the following things:
Choosing a topic

№ 140.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 3.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
… a rough plan for your essay and can help make the process of writing much easier.

№ 141.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press Penny Ur. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Don’t focus on ….. as you write your rough draft. You can check this later in the writing process.
Meaning and content
Introduction and conclusion
Grammar and vocabulary
Spelling and grammar

№ 142.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press Penny Ur. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Which style is used to write formal writings?
Times new Roman

№ 143.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press Penny Ur. Chapter3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Publishing in writing is to…?
Encourage students to publish their works in a variety of ways
Help students writing their essays
Teach students how to publish
Students publish their essays

№ 144.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is my message? Is my message clear? Did I try hard to make it interesting? Did I have enough information? Writing based on…
Word choice
Sentence fluency

№ 145.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
How does my paper begin? Did I tell things in order? Does everything link to my message? How does my paper end? Writing based on…
Word choice
Sentence fluency

№ 146.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Have I used some words that I really love? Can my reader tell what my words mean? Have I used any NEW words? Did I try not to repeat words too many times? Writing based on…
Word choice
Sentence fluency

№ 147.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Do I really like this paper? Does this writing sound like me? How do I want my readers to feel? My favorite part is ____ .Writing based on…
Sentence fluency

№ 148.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Did I use sentences? Do my sentences begin in different ways? Did I use some long and some short sentences? Writing based on…
Sentence fluency

№ 149.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Did I leave spaces between words? Did I use a title? Did I use periods or question marks? Writing based on…
Sentence fluency

№ 150.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 3.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is “Writer’s Workshop”?
Organizational structure for allowing the writing process
Shop where you find writers’ books
Shop where you learn writing
Writing process to publish your writings

№ 151.
Manba: How languages are learned? Patsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada. Chapter 5.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
In attentive listening you…
Listen and understand the meaning
Find phrases while listening
Will be attentive after listening
Find new vocabulary

№ 152.
Manba: Harmer, J. (1998). How to teach English. Longman. Chapter 2.

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is feedback?
Information people receive about their performance
Written essay to improve writing skill
Ideas about your study
Written letter to your speaking

№ 153.
Manba: Harmer, J.(1998). How to teach English. Longman. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is the feeling about your feedback?
Consider how you respond to feedback
Talking with the person who give feedback
Discussing about your feedback
Giving feedback to student’s writing

№ 154.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press Penny Ur

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is the teaching technique reading KWL?
What I know – What I want to know – What I learned
Knowing world languages
Know writing and listening
Key words for learning reading

№ 155.
Manba: Classroom observation tasks. Wainryb.R. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Who is trainee teacher?
Observe trainees
Observe teachers
Observe teachers and students
Observe students

№ 156.
Manba: Classroom observation tasks. Wainryb. R.Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is the observation task?
Focusing activity to work on observing progress
Find the aim of observing
Find activity to give students
Teacher’s task to observe students

№ 157.
Manba: Classroom observation tasks. Wainryb.R. Chapter 4

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Classroom language is…
Language used by teacher and students in the class
Language used by teachers in the class
Language used by students in the class
Language which is students are learning in a group

№ 158.
Manba: Task based learning. Nunan D. Chapter 6

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is TBLT?
Teacher based learning technique
Task based language teaching
Technique based language teaching
Task based learning technique

№ 159.
Manba: A course language teaching. Cambridge university press. Penny Ur. Chapter 3

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
What is DRTA in reading skill?
Directed reading teaching activity
Directed reading thinking activity
Direct reading teacher activity
Direct right teaching technique

№ 160.
Manba: Classroom observation tasks. Wainryb.R. Chapter 2

Qiyinlik darajasi – 2
Sit down! This sentence belong to … in classroom language
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